Along came Kirstin

By Ptxbabe678

12.3K 406 60

Avi Kaplan... A rich, smart guy who lives a simple easy life. When Kirstin Maldonado, a... Not so normal... G... More

Not so normal day
First night
No longer blind
Sick days
I don't know
Scott and Kirstin
Dont touch me
Horrible days to a happy ending
*One shot*

I can help

947 34 7
By Ptxbabe678

*third person POV*
Kirstie and Avi sat in the driveway of Kirstie's house.
"Are you coming in?"
"I wanted to, is that ok?"
"...I guess so."
Kirstie got out of the car and walked towards the door. Avi followed and they stopped just before walking in.
"What's wrong?"
"Please don't make fun of my house..."
"I won't, I'm sure it's fine."
Kirstie opened the door and they both walked in. Her living room was very small and only had a couch and small broken tv. Her floor was stained everywhere and the paint was peeling. It wasn't trashed but it wasn't in good condition at all. Avi looked around and Kirstie disappeared into another room. Avi followed into what was her "bedroom."
"You don't have any blankets?"
"No, I needed to use them to cover the windows."
The only thing in her bedroom was a mattress with a thin sheet covering it and a small pillow, and an old dresser with some clothes in it.
"Kirstie... Would you like to stay with me for a while?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I want you to come live with me for a while."
"Yes, of course."
"I don't know..."
"Please, I won't mind at all, in fact, I'd love if you stayed with me, I get so lonely in my house."
"Ok... But let me get my stuff first."
Kirstie grabbed a small duffle bag and stuffed her few pieces of clothing into it. She also grabbed her pillow and a small stuffed animal that was laying on her bed.
They walked out, Kirstie grabbing her $500 on the way, and headed for Avi's house. As they pulled up in the driveway, Kirstie's eyes got very big.
"That's your house?"
"Yup, I live alone in this place."
"Wow, I've never seen something so nice before."
"Well, we'll be sharing it for a while."
They got out of the car and walked in through the large front doors of Avi's house. Kirstie wasn't sure what to do. She stood awkwardly hugging her stuffed dog while Avi set her bag and pillow down.
"Welcome to your temporary home."
Kirstie didn't say anything. Her eyes were still very big and Avi grabbed her hand to show her around.
"...this can be your room if you want."
He led her to a room a few doors down from his. It was much larger than her whole house together and had a huge king size bed all made up. Kirstie nodded and smiled really big at Avi.
"Can I.. Go to sleep?"
"Of course, do you want me to bring you your bag?"
"Yes please."
Avi left to grab her bag and she climbed into the large bed. When Avi came back he found her asleep hugging her dog tightly and buried in the blankets. He quietly set her stuff down and went to go make dinner.
A few hours later, Kirstie woke up to a nice smell. She wondered to the kitchen and saw Avi eating some Mac and cheese.
"Good afternoon sleepy head. I made you some Mac and cheese."
He stood up to make her a bowl and handed it to her. She took it and starting eating.
"Do you get to eat everyday?"
"Yeah, whenever I'm hungry, I make some food to eat."
"I only ate on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays."
"Only once a day?"
"Wow... Well expect to eat here every single day, and not just once a day, but at least three times."
"Oh my... That sounds wonderful."
Avi looked at his watch and saw that is was still early in the afternoon.
"Hey Kirstie, when you're done eating, would you like to go to the park?"
"What's a park?"
"It's where you play and walk around and just have fun."
"Yeah, ok."
They finished eating and headed for the park. When they got there Kirstie wasn't sure what to do.
"What's wrong Kirstie?"
"What am I supposed to do?"
"Just, go climb around, have fun."
Kirstie walked toward the big park and walked up the steps. She turned back to Avi who was sitting on a bench and he gave her the thumbs up. She turned back around and kept walking. When she got to the top of the steps she just sat down. After a few seconds a kid walked up to her.
"Hey lady, what are you doing up here?"
"I'm trying to have fun."
"Adults aren't supposed to be up here, you're stupid."
"What does that mean?"
"You're a weird lady!"
The kid ran off and left Kirstie dumbfounded. She's been called weird before but never stupid. She shrugged it off and saw Avi walking in her direction.
"Kirstie, why don't you go down the slide, I'll catch you at the end."
"What's a slide?"
"It's right here."
Avi pointed to the slide from the bottom and Kirstie walked to the start. She went down and Avi caught her at the end. She was giggling like a child.
"Was that fun?"
"Wanna do it again?"
Kirstie nodded and stood up to run back to the steps. But on her way she tripped and basically face planted. Avi ran over to her and kneeled down next to her. She had tears running down her face and her palms and knees where bleeding.
"Are you ok?"
Kirstie shook her head no and started to cry harder. Avi picked her up bridal style and walked her to the bench he was sitting on. He left to get some bandaids out of his car and asked a lady if he could borrow some baby wipes. He came back and kneeled back down in front of Kirstie.
"Ok, I'm just going to clean your cuts and put some bandaids on."
She nodded and Avi began. When she was all bandaged up her tears were gone but she had a sad look.
"Avi... What does stupid mean?"
"It means you don't have common sense and you're not very smart... Why?"
Kirstie's tears started up again and Avi sat next to her.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"A little boy called me stupid earlier..."
"Aww, Kirstie, you're not stupid, you're just curious."
"What does that mean?"
"It means you want to know things. And that's not a bad thing."
"Why don't we go back home, it's getting late anyway."
Avi helped her walk to the car and they headed home. He knew this girl was a responsibility for him now. But he didn't mind one bit.

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