Where The Wild Things Hide

By hungarycosplayer12

123 3 10

They come from everywhere. The land, sky, and water. Their mission was to wipe us out, but they changed their... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

25 1 0
By hungarycosplayer12

(A/N- References for character looks. Hope you like this chapter!)


The warmth from the sun peeks through the thickly leaved trees. Its soft glow touching my bare skin as I stir out of sleep. The sun rises ever so slowly, sending a warm sensation through my entire body. My eyes open a little as they try to adjust to the rays that now shine brighter than before, and I let out a soft groan. The chorus of birds chirp away in a joined song, each battling for their voices to be heard. I prop myself up on one elbow, and a strand of hair falls loosely from my now messy bedhead.

I look around my surroundings as memories from last night flood through my head, making me tense ever so slightly. I feel a big mass of heat behind me as I turn around and see Luca sleeping with a pained expression resting on his features. His bandage on his shoulder alerting me for a newer piece of cloth. I rub my eyes and look over to the tree just a few feet away to see Theo with the same expression on his face as well. I shake my head as I remember all the events from last night. The screams repeat over and over in my head. Looking down at my now dirt covered dress I panic, thinking of Jane and Zale. They had also been at the festival, but I never saw them after we had split in the crowd. I run a hand through my hair in frustration and decide to stand up. My legs feel numb from the grassy bed that I rested on all last night. Note to self, just because the grass looks soft doesn't mean its comfortable underneath.

I slowly walk over to the unpacked emergency bag and fetch some clothes out of the side pocket. A pair of brown leather pants and a navy blue long sleeve shirt. Along with it, a pair of dark brown hunting boots, a belt and a hair tie to tie my hair in a braid. All were comfortable clothes that mom helped my pick out, so they would be suitable for outdoor situations. Unfortunately, it just had to happen now.

I stand up quickly and quietly so I don't disturb the two sleeping boys, who I assumed would have each others throats when I get back. It just means I have to make a quick trip to the pond and back, what joy. I felt like I was watching two bombs that would go off at any moment, and with every movement I would be on edge. Shrugging my shoulders I walk towards the sound of water.

I jogged through the bushes towards the unmarked path, that only from experience, I had remembered.  Going through a few small oak trees I came upon the pool of blue glistening liquid that sparkled at each wisp of wind. Memories as child flood around the place like a movie playing. Luca jumping off the rocks and splashing mom in the process. Her forest green eyes would sparkle every time there was a little splash. I would sit at the edge, occasionally kicking water at Luc, and in return he would soak me in a huge wave of water. Now everything was different. This was the only time I would come near water in these dense forests. After I had had a swimming accident and almost drowned when I was little, I have had a slight fear of water. It's silly, but still it was traumatizing for a small girl like me. I stripped of my clothes as I made sure no one was watching, and slipped into the refreshing water that spread goosebumps along my body. Since the town was destroyed there was no way of using the shower at home which meant no warm water. I shook my disoriented hair as the tangles let go of the grip on one another. It felt refreshing to feel the water run down, almost as if it was cleansing every pore on my body. The reoccurring events and screams swam through my head all at once and I dunked my head under the water quickly, before the fear had a reason to rush through me.

After I had come to the conclusion I was clean from the dirt and blood from last night I silently stepped out of the pool, and slipped into the comfortable clothes. Letting my wet hair stay down I ran my hand through it to tame it back as it dried. Droplets flew everywhere as they silently let go of the ends of my curly hair. I had started to walk back after picking up the dress, and I folded it neatly. Jane would be so mad after I return this to her.
I pushed away some branches as the view of camp spreads out in front of me. To my surprise only one of the two were up and I let out a sigh of relief. Luca had switched back to his human form and was busy trying to wake hisself up.

"Morning Lils. Sleep well?" Luca stands up and walks over to me, still half asleep.

"I don't know, you tell me. I don't believe grass and hard dirt really make a great bed." I reach up and fix his unruly hair as he looks down at me.

"Mmm, true," A small warm smile appears on his face as he blinks his eyes open.

"How about you get dressed real quick so I can fix that shoulder of yours?" I raise an eyebrow as he slowly makes his way to the bag.

"Do we have too?" He complains like a child who just got told to clean his room.

"Well unless you want a nasty infection and your arm falls off that's fine with me. You and Zale could be amputee partners and-" I stop mid sentence as he gives me a glare which I return with a smirk.

"No way will I be like that guy." he fires back and I laugh at him. "Speaking of guys, what are we gonna do with him? He isn't safe." He nods his head towards the sleeping figure under the tree.

Turning back around I realize Theo is still in his clothes from last night and he needs a new pair, badly. I kneel down and search through the bag as I pull out an olive green V-neck shirt with a pair of gray and black camo pants.

"He'll stay with us for awhile. He isn't that bad." I lock eyes with Luc.

"Are you crazy?! He's a Silverstris, you know those things that almost killed us last night?" He gives me a 'are you stupid?' face and I glare at him.

"Mom would've helped and you know it! She always told us not to judge a book by its cover. Plus, he's nice, if you are willing to talk to him."

"There is no way he is good Lils! You don't know them like I do.... They're part of my kind and I know how they can be. They'll turn their backs on you just like that." He snaps his fingers for emphasis.

"Well you don't know him like I do!" I retorted back.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize that just by dancing with some stranger that you automatically know everything about them. Why do you think we train Lilly? It's not just for fun, you said you wanted to be prepared in case one attacked us. I don't want you to get hurt by one of them. You're too important and mom would rise out of her grave and kill me." He stands up, his short breathes showing that he is getting heated up about this.

I point a finger at him, "Don't you dare try to bring mom into this. Just because she trusted you to protect me doesn't mean you have to hate everyone that I socialize with. Like Zale, when he accidentally hurt me. Luca you need to back off sometimes! You protect way too much when it isn't needed. If I need you to protect me I will let you know, or if there is actual trouble." I run a hand through my hair in frustration.

"Lils, your the only one I have left. If you're gone I won't be able to live my life." His voice gets softer, as if it was hard for him to speak the words."I-"

I stomp over to him and wrap my arms around him, "Shut up Luc. Don't press the conversation any further..." My anger slowly eases away like a receding wave on a beach. "I'm sorry."

He wraps his good arm around me, burying his face in my hair. Hot tears fall against my shoulder as I gently stroke his soft hair. It wasn't his fault that he was scared and nervous about all that had happened. We had just lost part of our home and all of that was too much for both of us. He was true on some of his arguments, but I couldn't just leave Theo behind to be left to die.

After a little while Luca loosens his grip on me, and I step back wiping away the remaining tears on his cheeks.

"I know we just lost our home and we're both clueless. We'll be fine though Luc, I promise. Now go wash up, you smell like blood." I give him one last hug before he takes his leave for the pond. I watch his tall figure glide through the trees before I turn to face the resting Theo.

Slowly I make my way over to him, I wasn't sure how he would react since his kind weren't fond of us. I mentally slap myself as I realize that I told him Silverstris weren't bad, and that I was just being hypocritical just now. It didn't hurt to take precautions though, since he did sort of pass out and I'm not sure if he remembers anything before that. I gently shook his good shoulder and quickly pulled my arm back just in case he got startled. My blood raced through my veins as I tried again, and this time he woke up with a start making me let out a small shriek.  He lurched forward as he pinned me to the ground, a look of fear and anger mixed on his features. When he realized who I was a look of shock takes over his face, and he quickly releases me as he averts his eyes from mine.

"Damn it!" he clutches his ripped shirt as his wounds are still fresh with pain.

"Theo, I need to replace your bandages." I offer him the pair of clothes in my hand. "Take this, your clothes are ruined. Luca just went to wash off his wound, maybe go and do the same? It might help with the infection."

He looks down and realizes the bandages all across him as he looks up at me. He pauses for a moment, his eyes filled with confusion and amazement. I give him a smile as I move the clothes closer to him and he reaches out for them hesitantly. He snatches the clothes quickly without a word, and I stand up as I watch him take the same path Luca went.
I let out a sigh as I stand up from my crouching position. I didn't want to think about how things were going to start from here. One minute we were safe in the small little town then the next we were running for our lives, and left with almost nothing. I rest my head in my hands, the realization of everything hits me all at once. I tense up when I feel a hand on my shoulder, looking up to see Luca with a worried expression on his face.
"It's going to be fine Lils." He gives me a warm smile and I smile back at him.
"Thanks Luc. I'm just overwhelmed about all that has happened.... We lost our home and we don't even know if Jane or Zale are still alive." I let out a stressful sigh before straightening up and taking Luca by the arm. "While we're stressing and waiting for Theo I'm going to dress your wound."

"Wait, you let him go on his own?" He freezes as I set him on the small boulder while grabbing the med kit.

"What? Do expect me to hold his hand and help him wash himself? He's a big boy unlike you, now sit still and be quiet."


"Shush!" I flick him on the forehead.


I unwrap his bandages, dried blood speckles his broad and slightly swollen shoulder. I click my tongue as I get to work on it, disinfecting before adding new gauze and medical tape.

"There, all done. Now go take some pain killers. For some reason they're not in the med kit, check in the right pocket of the bag." He tugs his shirt back over his shoulder, wincing a bit.

"My turn?" A low and soft but deep voice speaks up behind me, making me jump and turn around.

"Ya, sorry I didn't see you there. Here sit down right here." I pat the top of the boulder and he sits down softly.

"Well I wasn't exactly in your field of vision so I wouldn't be surprised." He responds as he strips off the now clean shirt. "Shit!"

"Well don't be in a hurry there. You kind of just got mauled last night." I say sarcastically as I peel off his rusty colored bandages.

"Thanks for reminding me, didn't realize that." Sarcasm drips from his lips.

"Hey jackass! Be respectful, she's helping you not die here even though I told her not to help you." Luca stands next to us with a glare.

"Whatever you pet." he turns his head the other way.

"What did you say, you outcast?!" Anger leaks all over his voice.

"I sai-"

"Alright you two! Enough!  I get it, you don't like each other and you have different views, but please would you stop acting like a bunch of girls on their period? I've had enough chaos in one day." I glare at both of them. "You!" I point at Luca, " Go sit over by that tree. And you," I drop my hand and make eye contact with those alluring brown eyes, "wether you like it or not, I'm helping you. Just because your a Silverstris doesn't mean we aren't all allowed to gain respect from one another. Titles shouldn't matter here so learn to get used to it."
They both stare at me in disbelief then at each other then back at me. I let out a sigh of frustration as I finish the wounds on Theo's chest. Since he has a quicker healing process, his wounds on his shoulder were cleared up and gone.

"What a great way to start the morning..." I mutter.



"That's it! I'm leaving you two to have bonding time while I search for resources in town. Be back in a few." With that I walk off saluting them and wishing them the best of luck.

"Wait! Lils you could get hurt!" Luca stands up and runs after me.

"There is a greater danger going there than staying here. It's still not completely safe..." I turn to look at Theo.

"What do you mean? Is there more Silverstris?" I looked at him confused.

"No. We didn't attack the village, we were protecting it... That thing is still out there." His eyes meet mine and I see fear in them.

"You mean there is something else out there that isn't Silverstris?" My voice shakes.

"Why do you think we kept running away from the mountains? Something has been targeting every village and it's even bigger than us.. It has- nevermind, let's just go. I can't leave you and the "pet" to get killed out there, especially you. I can tell you will find a way to get there no matter what, even if it's dangerous." He stands up and walks over to me, standing close to my side like he did in the bustling crowd during the festival. "It's better to be prepared so you might want to shift..." He looks down at me before making eye contact with Luca then he starts to shift.

"Wait! Doesn't that hurt your injuries?" I reach out to him and he flinches, then he shakes his head.

"They always shift no matter what. It's just how they are, plus he is right.... We're more alert and less vulnerable in that form." Luca nudges me before he shifts as well.

I feel so small standing in between the two giants that stand tall beside me. They both do a small competition of sizing each other up, and the space gets smaller. I put a hand on each of their shoulders and push them away a bit.

"Guys, I cannot breathe!" As soon as they realize me struggling they jump back a bit, and I intake lots of air. Luca nudges my shoulder and sniffs me making me laugh at how ticklish his breath is. He always knows how to mess with me to put a smile on my face. Then, Luca is pinning his ears back as Theo goes to check if I'm alright which earns him a flick on his nose. "Be nice Luc. He isn't going to bite me." I cross my arms across my chest and give him a scowl. These two will be the death of me, I swear. "Come on, we're wasting time." I start to jog off ahead of them but the soft thud of each step they take ends up beside me.
I look at the town that lays before us as we reach the now burnt entrance. Some buildings stand while others barely lean on one single pole or wood frame. The smell of burnt wood and flesh fill my nose, almost making me gag. It was so awful, to know that some people didn't make it out alive. This happy and cheerful place I called home was now barely recognizable. The once bustling shops and talk filled streets lay dead as a blanket of silence drapes itself upon the shambles. Some debris nearby falls over and I jump, making me bump into Luca's chest. Our home was now a place I feared and had lost in an unknown chaos.
We walk through the streets filled with obstacles and now torn decorations. The adrenaline rushes through my veins as I leap over chunks of cement buildings so I can reach my final destination, home. After a solid 10 minutes of trekking through the wasteland streets I finally reach the tiny white house that sends a flutter through my stomach. It's front exterior looks as if it was barely touched. Turning around I see Luca and Theo not too far behind, so I begin to enter the small building. A rush of relief floods over me as I take in the sight of undamaged interior. The pictures are in place and so is the furniture, almost making me believe nothing happened. I smiled as I walked through the house, finding supplies and also reminiscing.
The last place I go to is mother's room, a very simple and small space. Medicines, clothes, and other storage items were held in there after her death. She always collected trinkets like Jane and Zale, but she always had a bigger meaning behind them. As my hand glides across the collection of exotic trinkets my fingers stop at a small necklace. It's chain glints with silver, and attached to the end is a clear crystal sphere ball, that sends shivers down my spine. A nagging at my brain tells me to take it so I hesitantly retrieve it from its resting place. When I make contact with it the color changes to a crimson red, almost making me drop it. The eerie feeling from the color makes me uneasy, and I step back to look around me. Taking a moment I collect myself and realize that all this is very suspicious. The town was destroyed but somehow my house is still standing untouched. Luca and Theo haven't come in to check on me, and it was easy to come out and find what I needed. Too easy.. I hear shuffling across the hall and quickly gather my stuff quietly, realizing now that something isn't right.
Quietly I look down the hall to see nothing there and like a fox I slip out and hurry to the front door. But before I make it to the handle I hear a low growl behind me, and all the hairs on my neck stand up. My body becomes frozen as my head slowly turns around to face whatever had made that noise. Standing before me were two completely solid black figures, almost like humans, but with animalistic characteristics. Their eyes shifted from red to gold and everything about them sent off warning signs in my head to run. Without thinking, a scream escapes my lips as they charge towards me, and I throw my hands up in defense. Then all of a sudden the sound of cracking wood and ripping is heard behind me as I fall to the ground covering my head. Shrieks and squeals of pain erupt through the air and I wait till it gets quiet. It goes on for awhile, the grunts and occasional squeaks as the thumps of the fighting pulse through the floor boards each time. Then, all goes quiet in the house.
Making me jump, I feel hot breathes on my neck and I slowly look up. I'm met with calming brown eyes, Theo's. Out of fear and emotions, I quickly latch on to his neck without thinking and he tenses up.  Slowly he relaxes and I close my eyes, trying to calm my racing heart.

"Thank you Theo.." I quietly say and back up, letting go of the embrace.

He looks the other way avoiding eye contact before stepping next to my side. I don't know what just happened, but I have a feeling it was apart of that thing Theo was talking about just earlier. Looking infront of me, the two figures were no where to be seen. Almost as if they had vanished into thin air. Whatever they were, must have had a connection to the necklace, because the sphere's color went back to crystal clear. Without another glance I shove the necklace out of sight into my pants pocket. Not wanting anymore trouble this morning.

"Is Luca okay?" I turn to Theo for a response and he bobs his head up and down.

As if on cue, I hear footsteps running up to me and turn around too see Luca running directly at me. I almost brace myself as if he wouldn't stop, but thankfully he does stop just a couple feet before me. He shifts faster than I have ever seen him do and he walks up to me. His violet eyes shine with worry and panic as he searches for any injuries. Calming him down I put both hands on both sides of his face and gently rub my thumb across. He ignores it and quickly pulls me into a giant bear hug. I gently wrap my arms around his waist.

"I'm okay now Luc, Theo got here just in time." I reassure him.

"I know, it's just I had to make sure you were fine myself." He tightens his embrace on me.

I relax but then, I tense up again as I see a black shape come our way. Quickly trying to separate from Luca I yell at him to move, but he moves to late. As soon as the figure closes in on him another figure, a human, pops out of nowhere and tackles it to the ground. I stand there wide eyed as I see a blade pierce through its supposed heart and watch it disappear into thin air. Luca turns around and unlike me he goes rock still. Theo follows our gaze not sure of what is happening and I let out a surprised gasp.
Standing there was an old man, around his fifties with silver gray hair and a trimmed beard. His suit stained with blood as his charcoal black eyes make eye contact with mine. The scene almost made him seem to fit perfectly in a crime scene. He wipes off the black liquid onto his worn out suit before flashing a smile.

"My, if it isn't you two stirring trouble again. You even added a new recruit." His smile shines with coldness and malice as he scans us, before they fall back to me. "It's nice to see you again Lily."

"It's nice, to see you as well... Old Tack..."

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