" Plus Size Isn't Pretty"

By stephanie9167

231K 6.2K 272

Nikki Miller is use to being with he own group of friends but since senior year started she's caught someon... More

" Plus Size Isn't Pretty"
Author's note!!!
Did that really just happen?
Is this a joke?
tell me whatcha think?
Long Doesn't describe this day.
I should be happy right?
Don't mess it up
You Buttface!
Family dinner no biggie.
Game Day.
much more.
first game of the season
old friend.
Something with bling.
Cheap or a Whore?
Couldn't have been happier.
Clueless,College and Critters.
Someone is in the house.
more secure.
mini vacation.
to be honest.
Family dinner part 4
Forever and Ever Babe.
big news.
Angel williams?
Thank You.
she's not pregnant. Right?
coffee shops and graduation
Daniels and movies
Moving In and other news
the news.


5.1K 133 3
By stephanie9167

*October 11th*

Today is the homecoming game, i can't believe that it is already october these last couple of weeks flew by.

Dylan did ask Monica to the dance it was very cute he asked the teacher if he could make a special slide for the notes they were gonna take that day, and when the slide came up everyone read " homecoming with Dylan?" he was hiding in the closet so when he came out he had  huge bouqet of flowers it was way more than  12 think of like 24.

And suprisingly Robby asked Jordan and she said yes. And the rest of the guys all found dates so we had our homecoming group.

Since it was friday that meant school pride was everywhere me, monica and jordan were in the girls bathroom talking.

"So do you guys have your dresses?" i asked 


"got mine yesterday!"  monica said

"I'm so excited to see them!"  Jordan said  we don't show eachother our dresses until the day,but we make sure that it's not the same one or clsoe to it .

"I know i hope you guys like mine." i said

"You had help from blakes sister i'm sure it's gonna be beautiful." Monica said

"Yeah, they are known for having great taste." jordan stated

"Who do you think Lisa is going with, none of the guys are going with her. is she even going?" Jordan asked

"I  heard shes's going with the Qb from ashville so that shoudl be exciting." Monica said

"I hope she doesn't do anything stupid." i piped in

"She won't what would there be to do?"

"I don't know  Monica, but  i am going with  the boy she had been trying to get with since freshman year." 

"Nikki she won't do anything and if she does we will be right here for you." jordan said comforting

"I know i'm just worried but i'll get over it, i can't wait for tonight though!" i said changing the subject so i didn't bore them with my insecurities

"Oh me too dylan  better play good! it's our homecoming game." monica said while we just laughed they (Dylan and Monica ) were dating  and they are the cutest.

By the end of the day my worries have been piling up, what if my dress somehow doesn't fit, or what if the twins ripped it, or maybe lisa will have the same dress or what if blake leaves me at the dance for lisa these things have taken my mind over.

walking to my car i saw a handsom young man standing next to it and somehow i forgot about everyhing.

"Hello Beautiful." he said hugging me and giving me a kiss but i didn't want it to end

"What's wrong?" he asked 

"Nothing just thinking, a little worried but it whatever." i said smiling and kissing him again

"Nikki you have nothing to worry about , you are gonna look beautiful tomorrow no matter what, you could where a potato sack and i would see you know differently."

"This is why i love you and kissing you." i said resting my head on his chest

we talked for about five more mintues then he got hauled over to football practice and i drove home,


"So as we finish up this fourth qauter Roseville in the lead by 24 points leaving Ashvilel behind with a score of 31, having 3  mins left."  the annoncer says

The boys were on a rool tonight with the fumbles,defense and offense to say it was incredible would be an understatement.

"COME ON BLAKE!  YOU GOT THIS BABE!" i yelled which earned me some cheers and whisltes


making my way over to the field i see a very sweaty blake.

"Good job babe!" i said giving him a kiss

"Thank you angel."  he said lifting me up  in a hug witha smirk on his face

"Did you hear me cheering!?" i asked feeling like a kid

"Yes babe you were gre-"  we were cut of by a teamate from the other team

"Ay Williams, nice job of getting that touchdown to bad that's all you did, you had your team doing all the work." this kid said

are you kidding me blake and the boys did a great job blake was doing most of the work.

"Oh yeah Coleman? maybe you didn't notice me doing my job the first,second,third, and obviously fourth qauter, you should put some more hours into practice instead of lisa." Blake said back to him pulling me close but we started to walk away

"Is that what this is about? Lisa!" the guy  starts laughing while taking off his helmet

"No i'm just saying  maybe if you weren't fucking lisa so much, your team would of actually had a chance."   blake stated

"Come on blake lets go." i said rubbing his arm

"Yeah listen to your little girlfriend." this guy coleman said

"Blake come on." i said more demanding, finally getting a response from him we started to leave

"Hey sweetheart call me when ever blake get's boring, i'm sure i have an idea of what we can do." he said

"Shut up already holy shit." i said to him

"Oh your fiesty huh? , close  that mouth of yours before i close with somethig of mine."

This time when i reached for blake he was already gone, i turned around to see blake  on top of the guy punching  him i saw blood on his knuckles. I ran over  there trying to pull blake off of this guy but he was so big.

"Blake get off him! "


"Blake stop!."  i am yelling

"Dylan!  Jake! someone help!!" i yell and see them running over pulling blake off the guy

"Come on Blake get off of coleman." Dylan said and hoisted blake up

Jake was rubbbing my shoulder in a comforting way, while we watched Dylan talk to blake then i see blake turn towards me, i was too scared to look at him so i put my head down.

"Angel i'm so sorry." he says

i just nodded

"Nikki look at me." he says sweetly then i feel his hands lift my head  up

i just see sorrow and him concerned, i dive in to him even if he was sweaty that was something scary to see, the angry side of blake is something i don't like.

"I'm sorry babe." he said rubbing circles on my back

 "you scared me." i said still holding on to him

"I know and i'm sorry, i don't want anyone talking to you that way ever and when he did i lost it." he said

" Can we go home?"  i asked.

Once we pulled up to my house i turned to him and gave him a big kiss.

"I love you.'

"I love you too angel."

" i would ask you too come up but i don't want you to see my dress so i will see you tomorrow don't forget  pictures at my house five thirty okay? and  yours sisters are getting the tie and corage." i said

"Okay love." he said getting out, he opened my door and pulled me out  into a hug.


It was Homecoming, the day had finally come.  i had 4 hours to get ready hair make up everything the girls were coming over so we could get ready together.  we put our dresses in different rooms so none of us saw them.

"Okay so i'll take my makeup desk and you guys can fight over the bathroom." i said turnig on my curling iron.

2 hours later i had my hair done, i had curled it all added some extensions and made it a half up  half down look i left my bangs down and i curled them so they flipped showing my hair better.

Starting my makeup i did a smokey eye, gold starting it out and flaring into black added a couple lashes to make mine look big, finishing my face make up i get up to look at it bettter.
 prefection was all i saw.

I went to my closet and pulled my dress out of the bag i looked it over once more, i loved this dress it  was a long black fitted laced mid-sleeved dress, that  i added a diamond belt ( like the ones on those dress shows they use) i slipped it on alonge with my shoes they weren't heel even though height wouldn't matter  blake was tall like saqautch.

"Girls are you ready to come out!?" i asked talking about hair and makeup and dresses after hearing their yes's they opend the doors and we took eachothers looks in all that came out were squeels

Jordan put her black hair in a updo leaving a few curled peices her makeup was  simple making her blue eyes pop though, he dress was a dark navy blue sweetheart lined gem incrusted long chiffon dress she looked beautiful.

Monica had her honey brown hair in a lop and twist sort of design with a cat eye to flare out her make up again simple but her dress made up for it,  being black on the top with a leave like design filled with gem and studs holding one strap to it the bottom was aqua bluee and ciffon  she looked georgous

"You guys we look so pretty!" Monica said almost crying

"I know lets go down stairs to take some early pictures sound good?" i said trying checking my makeup.

 once we left my room we were blinded by my parents and there camaras we took stair pictures, pose pictures, funny pictures, and my favorite family pictures of course mainly with Aj and the twins then the rest of the parents showed up including Blakes  then blake showed up. he took my breath away.

He was in a perfectly fitted tux, black tie and black shoes holding our flowers making his way up to me all he wore was a smile, not just a a smile but a full blown smile  one with all of his teeth showing  and as he strode up to me i saw a flash from the side.

"Mom you don't need to take a photo of him walking up to me!" i said feeling embarresed which caused everybody to laugh

"I know sweetheart, but you two are so darn cute." she said on the brink of tears

"Dad come on help me." i pleaded

 Before i could say anything else i felt  blakes soft hands pulling my face to his greeting me with a kiss. which of course only caused more camera flashes.

"Hi ." he wispered against my lips

"Hi." i croaked back only cuasing him to smile

"You look beautiful angel." he said  having our noses touch  



 "MOM!" i said ruining our moment

"I'm sorry!" she said

"so i got the flowers" he said pulling them out, seeing them made me smile it was a black fabric with some black beads and feathers covered in neon flowers and in the middle of the flowers were diamonds. 

"Blake the one i picked out didn't have diamonds." i said confused

"I know i added them, i wanted them to look as beautiful as you." he said blushing earning him a kiss or five

while putting our flowers on eachother my parents took pictures, as well as Monica and Dylans, Jordan and Robby  along with the other guys.

WIth the last group picture we started to get into our cars adn headed to the dance, so far so good lets hope the rest of the night is.

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