Follow Your Arrow |Daryl ° Di...

By ReedusBxtch

241K 7.3K 4.4K

Keri is on her own, for the second time since the beginning of the end. She's finally starting to learn that... More

1- Running
2 - Quiet and Company
3 - Not so much
4.) Forward March
6.) Jack Daniels
7.) A Drunk Mans Words
8.) Secure
9.) Protected
10.) Homecoming
11.) Pushed Away
12.) A different light
13.)Rally up the troops
14.) Secrets
15.) Jealous, Much?
16.) Afraid
17.) Forget it
18.) Walshed Up
19.) Teaser
20.) Reckoning
21.) Out of the woods
22.) Until one is.
23.) What The Hell Is Going On?
25.) I put them down
27.) Return
28.) Spin
29.) Baby Steps
30.) Baby Fever
31.) You could use a hand
32.) Other things
33.)Nothing lasts forever
34.| Kicking ass and taking names
35.) Shallow graves
36.) Gone
37.) Images
38.| Forever?
39.) I cried
40.) Sisters
41.|New Girl
42.) Somewhere to go
43.)He just wasnt you
46.) I am insane
47.) Humbled
48.) Impossible
49.) Who's the Daddy?
50.) Meet my baby (PT 1)
50.) Meeting my baby PT2
51.) Let her go

5.) Alone

7.5K 199 51
By ReedusBxtch

I could feel the sweat dripping off my face as the dark bag clung to it.

My hat was gone, which pissed me off to say the least. I'm not even sure where I am at this point, all I know is it is hot, I am tied up and I can't see a thing.

Unfortunately for me I will never get out because I am sure they won't waste time and ammunition they don't have to come after me, I guess I'll be the new Merle Dixon.

A rough arm grabs me and pulls me to my feet and I am escorted up a flight of stairs or two, tripping every once in a while, but never actually falling.

I feel the breeze on my skin, which means I am outside.

"Let 'er go!" I hear from nearby.

OK, so Daryl is here. Suddenly the bag is ripped off and I'm staring off the ledge of a roof, at Rick, Daryl,Glenn, and Tdog.

"I have one of yours, you have one of mine, even trade" Rick rested his hand over his gun.

"I don't see how that's an even trade, she could cone in handy around here" The bald guy smirked at the men in front of him.

I shuddered.

"You shut your mouth!" Glenn raced forward, ready to take this much larger guy on.

"Watch it Glenn, we will get her back." Rick stopped him by taking hold on his arm.

"You okay?" Daryl yelled in my direction, shielding his eyes from the glaring sun with his hand. How do I answer that, if he means had they done anything to hurt me yet, they hadn't.

I simply nodded swallowing hard.

"Better stay that way, got it?" Rick warned as Daryl stepped forward to back him up.

"Touch a hair on the girls head, I cut his foot off and bring it to ya in a bag" he said speaking about the boy from the alley that was in Tdogs grip.

Moments later I was being drug back inside where I was untied and taken to a room full of old people.

What the hell?

I was filled in on what the place is and why they needed weapons. It was kind of sweet actually, these big, burly men spent their time protecting these elderly people.

I sat with a little old man and played checkers for a while, before my game was interrupted.

"Oh my God," Glenn ran to me wrapping his arms around me, "we thought you where being ripped apart by dogs"

I laughed at his comment, hugging him tightly, before hugging Rick and Tdog as well.

Daryl didn't look like the hugging type and I let that one be.

"Thank you all!" I cheered, shocked that they had even come back for me.

I didn't think I was important to anyone but Glenn.


Rick helped the guys out with some guns and ammo, which, pissed off everyone, in general. Our van had been stolen, most likely by a very vengeful Merle, and running was our only viable option, so that's exactly what we did, we got mad, then we got madder and we ran.


Screams pierced the thick humid air surrounding our little camp and I found my feet gaining speed for the first time since we left Atlanta.

Biters where scattered around, a few of our own had become their meals. Andrea lay over a dying Amy, Carol and Sophia close by an already devoured Ed. My eyes scanned for any sign of Carl, but found none.

Shane was steadily popping off rounds into the brains of the invaders and I rushed in to help.

"Where's Carl?" I panted, sticking my knife through the skull of a female corpse.

"RV" Shane answered, firing his gun once more.

Before I could reply my breath was knocked from my body as cold dead hands tore at my clothing trying to rip my flesh from my bones.

I was face down and struggling to turn over as all the weight of the biter came down hard on my back, thudding my head once more to the ground.

I felt the weight removed from me all at once and sighed in relief when I was able to breathe again.

I rolled onto my back to kick myself up, but found a hand in front of my face instead.

I took it and was lifted in a split second to my feet, to thank my hero.

"Thanks" I breathed.

A nod was all I got in return, which was exactly what I had expected from Daryl Dixon.

I quickly returned my attention to the camp, which was now biter free, all that could be heard where soft cries as people held on to what was left of loved ones.

Finally my eyes landed on Glenn and he breathed out a long sigh of relief, running his hands through his hair.

I still didn't see Carl or Lori, Dale was trying to comfort Andrea, Shane was speaking to Rick near the road, Glenn was now beside me, holding my hand in his own, Tdog was heading over to Rick and Shane, and of course Daryl stood alone.

I released Glenn's hand smiling at him softly, before pointing him over to the other men and following him as he walked toward them. When he reached them I didn't stop with him, however, I continued walking until I reached the loner.

He had no one here to be grateful he was still alive at the end of every day, nobody he could be grateful for in return. It was sad, even if he did look like he didn't care.

"Hey" I said, leaning up against the blue pickup next to him.

"Hey" He replied, not bothering to look at me.

He didn't seem like he wanted to talk, but when did he actually want to talk.

"I'm glad you where there earlier, I was sure I was a goner" I was careful with my words, knowing he needed to hear that I was glad he was around. That anyone was.

"Right place, right time" he shrugged.

"Right, I guess. Well thank you, anyway" I barely heard myself say before I walked back to where Glenn was with everyone else. I had said my peace, he could take it or leave it.

Lori and Carl had joined them and everyone was trying to come up with a plan. I felt like Daryl needed to be a part of this, he was part of this group too.

Spinning around to face the truck, I saw that Daryl had gone, probably to burry himself in his tent and forget that us people existed.

I turned back to the group before me,

"Shane" I spoke warily, unsure of how to ask the question I was about to ask.

"Yeah, Keri?" Shane's voice came out equally as soft.

"Wherever we go, could we possibly stop by my family home? I need," I gulped, "something to remember them by."

"In a heartbeat if-" his hand rested on my shoulder, "if we knew it was safe" he finished, running his hand down my arm causing me to shudder. I backed away from him slowly nodding.

My head went spinning to Mark holding me down,

"We don't know if its safe out there, follow us you'll be safe"

I continued backing away until I fell with a loud thump. Glenn rushed to my side, but I had already scrambled to my feet and ran, it took me a moment to realize I had run toward Daryl tent, what was I planning on doing, sitting outside it and hoping he could protect me from here?

I scoffed out loud at my idea and turned to walk back and apologize for being strange when a voice came from behind me.

"Let's take a walk"


An: So a little more action here, wonder what Shane wants? How bout Glenn, guys. He's soo stinkin' cute and he has a crushyyy on Keriiii.


Show the loveee.


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