The Academy

By GabHale

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Kayleigh went to Beaumont Academy to start over, not to solve a cold-case murder. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Sixteen

1.4K 99 2
By GabHale

         When Tatum showed up at the Beaumont Ball in a tux with a red tie and his dark hair slicked back, uncovering his forehead, I knew that this night would be one to remember. This would be my first —and last— Beaumont Ball, and I knew I couldn't have prayed for a better date.

It was the day before Christmas break would begin, and all the girls had spent the majority of the day getting ready for the Beaumont Ball. We didn't have classes today, but we weren't technically on break yet.

Lindsay had spent hours on her hair. She was the type of person who usually wore her hair naturally, but during events, it had to look perfect. Carlisle, on the other hand, didn't do anything to her straight, thin hair and spent most of her time applying makeup, layer by layer, and somehow it didn't look cakey.

Marisol was beside me, nervously telling me about how Warren didn't want to come, but she practically begged him to. She was worried he wasn't going to show and she'd be dateless when they announced the students in their last year of secondary school and their dates. It was a Beaumont Ball tradition to honor those students and for all of them to be recognized for the effort they'd put in while at Beaumont Academy. It seemed like this should've been closer to graduation, but it was entirely separate.

The Beaumont Ball was hosted at this large, elegant plaza hotel called the Carousel. Ever since I had arrived, I had watched the door like a hawk, waiting for Tatum to enter. And when he finally did, all the heat in my body rose to my face and I felt like I could pass out. He looked that amazing.

"Wow," he said when approached Marisol and I. He took my hand and kissed it. "You look amazing, Kayleigh."

"So do you," I said. His red tie matched my red dress perfectly.

Behind me were Lindsay and Ian, him wearing a pastel pink tie to match Lindsay's dress. Foster was with Aspen, Chance was with Carlisle (pulling bobby pins out of her hair, one by one, to mess it up, but with her nonetheless), but there was no sign of Warren.

"I knew it," Marisol mumbled, smoothing her dress down at her sides. "I knew he wouldn't show up."

"He'll show up," I cooed, placing a hand on her shoulder. More than anything, I hoped that I was right. "And if he doesn't, he's a jerk."

Marisol nodded, shot me a sad smile, and left us to converse with some other girls who also weren't accompanied by a guy.

"Hey!" Ivy squeaked beside me, throwing her longer-with-extensions white hair over her shoulder dramatically. Her arm was draped around a tall, tan, and handsome guy with stubble and dark hair. It was the guy from The Cellar.

"Oh my gosh, Ivy!" Carlisle exclaimed with a laugh. Ivy told Arlo to go get her some punch, and he disappeared while we began to talk about him. "You weren't kidding when you said he was going to be your Beaumont Ball date."

"Of course not. I slipped him my number as we were leaving and he called me. He thinks I'm really cute," she said, fluttering her eyelashes. She took a look at the whole group, minus Marisol who was still with the group of dateless girls, and her eyes landed on Tatum and I, hand in hand. "Ouch! You guys are smoking! Definitely the hottest couple here!"

Tatum raised his eyebrows, slightly glancing over to me, and laughed. Of course, Ivy had to make everything awkward.

Arlo reappeared, a small cup of blue punch in hand. "Here you go, Princess." He had a Mexican accent, which I hadn't noticed at The Cellar.

"Thanks," she replied, taking the cup. "Well, we should go mingle with some others. See you guys in a bit!"
 Everyone said their see-you-laters, and Tatum turned to me. "So, tell me, are you a fan of dancing?"
 I wanted to tell him that I wasn't. I couldn't dance to save my life, honestly. But I knew that Tatum was a pretty good dancer from Aspen, so I said, "Somewhat."

"Rememberat Celia Howell's party when you made me dance with you and Marisol? Well, now,I'm going to make you slow dance with me. Come on." He clenched my hand and ledme onto the dance floor, where some slow tango music was playing. I didn't knowwhere and when to step, and he laughed at me, but I didn't feel like I wasmaking a total fool of myself. I could be myself with Tatum, and that's whatmattered.    

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