Salty Rants

By a-dora-ble

19.2K 2.9K 2.9K

I like to complain, a lot. So much, in fact, that if I got a euro for every time I ranted about something, I'... More

ANOTHER 'About me' section?
Public Transport, or should I say, Preventable Torture?
Followed, Unfollowed, Follo-Fuck off.
The Newly Discovered Virus: Read Requesters
Scooby Dooby Doggy Doo Doo
"...And Now, For The Weather."
Pumping Iron
Old People On Buses
"You Suck, Stop Writ-" *slap*
Xs and Ys (How Crazy Are You?)
Uhm, Can You Not? (No Table Manners)
Uhm, Can You Not? (On The Streets)
Uhm, Can You Not? (Hi skool)
Uhm, Can You Not? (Fly like a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner)
Uhm, Can You Not? (FAQ by Wattpad Noobs)
Uhm, Can You Not? (Beach Bitches)
Uhm, Can You Not? (Popping That Popcorn)
"He Only Does It Because He Loves You."
Raped by 1D
Do mei gramur sukk?
Parties and Stray Panties
The Devil's Waterfall
Pasta, Pizza, and...Homophobia
Brother-Husband + Sister-Wife Stories
RIP #Harambe
The Reali-tea of Feminism
Wattpad Trolls
Being A MultiLingual Puta
Body Positivity Sunday
How to be Unsuccessful on WP (#1 Covers)
How To Be Unsuccessful on WP (#2 Titles)
How To Be Unsuccessful On WP (#3 Blurbs)
How to Be Unsuccessful on WP (#4 Formatting)
Diversity in Wattpad/Published Books
Breastfeeding in Public
Milestone Chappie: 5k!
Milestone Chappie: Q&A #1
Slut Shaming
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better
Interrupters and Smokers
Shady Wattpad Competitions
Rude Reviewees
Omg dis is amazinggggggg!!!!!!!
Last Night
Slow Internet
Read 4 Read
Appreciation Chapter
Vote for Thyself
Heterosexual Pride Day
I Never Judge Anyone!!!!!!
A Letter To Writer's Block
Racial Preferences
I'm a tree and I'm gonna throw shade
Freedom of Speech!!!!!!
On Being MIA + Bad Teachers
Showing Vs. Telling
Milestone Chappie: 15k!

Sharing is Caring: Pass the Salt Around! (Part one)

334 42 21
By a-dora-ble

Now it's your turn to share some salty stories!

Although Can I Have Some Salt For My Fries? is but a drooling infant, I thought it would be interesting to add in a section where I can showcase your rants. These rants are either posted in the comments section for the chapters or have been PM'ed to me (I prefer PMs, because if people can read them in the comments, it's pointless for them to read it here too). I will organise them under headings—the authors can be anonymous or not. Just specify whether you want me to add your name in or not.

I will be updating this chapter frequently (If people send me rants to post!!! *looks accusingly at y'all*), so make sure you check these out often!

Public Transport, or should I say, Preventable Torture?


Followed, Unfollowed, Follo—Fuck Off. 


The Newly Discovered Virus: Read Requesters.

Just recently I had someone ask me to read their book. They posted on my profile that they thought I should check out their book. Now, I'm into science fiction and action and fantasy and things like that. Not badly written teen fiction. It was a terribly written story (I could tell just looking at the cover and summary) and it was about the bad boy and the nerd or some crap like that. I think books like that are dumb and I can't stand reading them. If other people want to, go ahead. But I don't like them. So obviously this person didn't notice, or just didn't care, that I hate books like that.

The thing that pissed me off the most was when they added at the end 'feel free to vote and comment.' Like, oh thank you. I'm so glad you're allowing me to vote on your book, you wonderful author. I'm so glad you told me to read your book (didn't even really ask) and then told me I could vote for it. Thanks, means a lot. (Obvious sarcasm)

I've gotten a read request before like the one you talked about who does the PM message. I checked her book out and it looked interesting, but I never got to reading it. I think I might've even deleted it from my library. Well, the author decided to then post a comment I don't know thanking a few of her readers and added my name. She said something along the lines of 'I don't know if you're just silent readers, or what but thank you.' Well, people then were telling her how great a writer she was. Her book might be great, but I had completely forgotten it due to the fact that she just PMd me a link. 

by @Phase57

Getting private messages for reading a story is fine by me, I mean I can ignore right? And sometimes, I do find interesting stories. However, what really annoys me when I get PMs in relation to every chapter that this author posts. Like -

"Read Chapter Blah - vote/comment!"


Now, if you are my friend or if I have been telling you how much I love your work/characters - it is fine. However, if I have never read your work or don't plan to. You can't keep sending me PMs. That's just annoying and I will be forced to mute you, which I don't like doing....

So yeah, that's my rant. This has been annoying me for some time now. So thanks for letting me vent. XD 

by OmaimaAkbar 

Episode 1: 

This one time a person sent me a request saying 'Can you check out my book.....? I am sure you would love it. ' I wanted to tell her that there was a difference between being self assured and over confident but then I read her blurb and realized that it was useless. I politely declined, telling her that I had exams(which was true) but she sent me a request AGAIN two days later. Oh the horror.

So the 2nd time she asked me, it was 2 days before my biochem exam and I was freaking out. When my phone pinged, I thought it was my wattpad bestie wishing me luck or my to be doctor friend giving me tips. What was it? This girl asking me to read her book. 

And when I was rude, she said sorry 4 effing times, making me feel like the villain. So I thought I should help her out and pointed out the mistakes in her blurb. Her response, okay thanks, bye! And then she unfollowed me.

I was beyond pissed but I concentrated on my exam.

Then I find out she did take my advice. I was opening my book in the what's hot list and her's opened. Yes it was there and yrs, it was right next to mine. F*ck you wattpad.

(A/N: She thought it was all over. But it wasn't. Here's what happened next.)

After that my friend was telling me that her other book sounds nice and since it was my friend's opinion, I opened up the blurb. Guess what, it was copied from a watty award winning and featured book.

I freaked out when I read the blurb but I didn't want to inform the author right away. I read the whole thing and it was the aame. She had just made it more childish and even the MCs names were similar. I told the author and a bunch of us reported her. She took down the book but she had the audacity to deny everything. 

After that? She posted a msg saying the book wilk be back with a different plot. I was like... How? How can you be so freaking shameless??

Episode 2:

So the other person lives up to her user name.(Devil something) This girl is one of the most immature people I have ever met and she's just an year younger than me.

She asked me to read her book and I was in a particularly mellow mood that day. I had a fight with a friend and when she asked I was like okay, I need something to take my mind off of it anyway. BIG MISTAKE. 

In the very first chapter, she talks about blonde Indian kids. They don't effing exist. Indians aren't blonde damn it. 

I thought I would leave a critique and I opened the comments section. She'd commented on her own book 'How do I get more reads?' idk what I was thinking, I answered it. Telling her the little tricks I had duscovered and that taking part in contests could help her get noticed as an author. I literally wrote a 500 word comment for her.

She replied with 'All that is fine, but how do I get more reads?' 

Thinking that she was lacking in brain cells, I wrote another comment, this time in simpler language.

This time she was like, 'okay.' I was like hush, thank god. 

After a few days, I found out that she had asked all of my followers to read her book. This, after I told her that she should rather concentrate on writing better as messaging random strangers won't get her genuine readers. I was pissed. Then when she asked me to read her book again a couple of days later, I ignored her for a couple of days but then I told her I couldn't. But at the same time, I was SUPER active on wattpad those days. I had made new friends and we were literally chatting in the comment thread of a guy's book.

She was like, 'you are so rude ugh,' and unfollowed me.

I was like, 'I am rude? Oh my god. Grow up.'

This isn't as crazy as the first one but this was the first person I had encountered on wattpad who wanted me to reach out through my phone and strangle her.

by Snigdha_Sk

Hi, I thought I'd just like to pass the salt around a bit. ;) I usually don't get annoyed, but this was infuriating given that I had just updated my profile description quite recently to avoid this very problem. Behold: The newly discovered virus: read requesters.

I'd recently gotten a review request via PM, so me being the easily guilt-tripped person that I was, I accepted. Just this once, I told myself. However, I made certain to update my profile description that very day specifying that I was not accepting requests of any kind whatsoever - including read and follow requests, among others, particular through PM.

Well, what do you know?

Two days later, someone posts on my message board asking me to read their book, apologizing if they were being annoying. Yes, well, of course you are being annoying - did you not read my profile? If you're on a writing/reading website, the least you could do is to read.

It is a tragic misfortune indeed that the vital importance of being a diligent reader is unappreciated in a website that is dedicated to books. 


Scooby Dooby Doggy Doo Doo.


"And Now, For The Weather." 


Pumping Iron


Old People On Buses


"You Suck, Stop Writ-" *slap*

I always get frustrated at parents that don't encourage their kids to find what they have a passion for in life and make it into their job. I'm friends with someone on the internet where her parents' only focus is for her to get a stable job in something that she doesn't really care for, and her passion is writing and dancing.

Like I do understand where the parents are coming from- they want their kid to be safe and well taken care of. And any mom and dad that has a caring fiber in their being wouldn't want to see their child resort to something horrible to get money to pay for food that's on the table. But it still bugs me to no end when parents don't want their kids to explore a certain job just purely for financhial reasons. Because if you're going to have a job, you might as well enjoy it, right? And it is the kids that's going to be living their lives with that career.

I just want to tell anyone that's dealing with a similar situation is to not fully discredit what you're parents are saying, but don't be afraid to run after your passions and talents either and try your darndest to make some money off of what you love. :D


Xs And Ys (How Crazy Are You?)

Okay. So, I was dating this girl, I'm not naming any names, so let's call her "Alice". We had been dating for 1 year and 4 months (Oct. 2014-February 2016), but then... I couldn't tell she wasn't interested in me anymore. And then she broke my fucking heart by telling me she didn't love me anymore... 3 days before our 17th month as a couple. I nearly quit Wattpad because of it. And now that I think of it again, I've been an emotional wreck. She really fucking broke my heart and smashed it. I really hate her. I know I have to get over her, and I've been trying to get over her. 

by Anonymous 


(It's story time, bitches) 

Deep breath. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.


"–with freeloaders."

Yes. Freeloaders. Especially the ones that scoff and—let me start from the beginning.

A nice normal day at a lovely high school. I have a lab day. If you don't know that it's basically in science where you have two periods in science (Fun!). The teacher brings in his papers and clears his throat. "We're going to be partnering up today–"

No. No. No. No. Stop. NOOOOO!

I frantically looked around for a partner. What surrounds me are strangers. I scream internally as the teacher continues,"You could either willfully pick your own partner or work with the person next to you. Though I'll think working with the person next to you is a better idea. Who doesn't like it?"

Amongst the chatter, there is a raspy "Not me," next to me. I cringe. Yes. That was the beginning.

"Oh! She said no."

"Oh, girl!"

And all the bullsh** of a pity party gets thrown at the girl sitting right next to me. Oh boy. *cracks knuckles*

"You may start."

Bam. I steal a glance to my groaning and grumbling partner who stares down at– oh. The Geometry homework that was due today.


I write my name and do my work.

"Aren't you going to help her? It's a difficult task." The teacher walks up to said girl and IGNORES the homework she was supposed to do.

(Her name will be censored for obvious purposes. Even I'm that nice.)

Silence. 'Kkay. I'm losing my mind over here and you're over here like, "I AM DYING HELP ME GOD WHY."

What the f*** are you on? Your period? And you're doing geometry homework.


Fifty-five minutes later. Yup. Of working alone. ALONE.

"Teacher, I don't think she's going to work with me."

Mind you this is during a break period and said freeloader isn't present.

"Asdfghjkl." Basically, incomprehensible nonsense that doesn't answer my statement. I repel the urge to ask him again. 

The break is over, and after fifteen more minutes of struggling, I hand in my paper and—the NERVE! That fucking freeloader gets up too! At that point, I'm about to be like, "Sit the f*** down and do your fucking work you asshole."

But I'm silent. I'm nice. I'm not mean. Nope. Nope. I'm about that scream again—inhale. Exhale.

Good thing I'm the only one who put my name on the paper. Though I was almost tempted to ask for her name and then cross it out. This freeloader doesn't do her shit. She walks around complaining and dragging her feet getting pity and shit.

"Oh poor xyz!"

-hugs in sympathy-

Oh man. I can't wait for the damn period to end. 

by Anonymous

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