unsaid things ⇝ dan howell [b...

By RachieRocks

347K 11.2K 9.6K

IN THE PROCESS OF EDITING [Book One] "i never thought it would be you who saved me." More

I'm Sorry
Meeting Everyone
Getting Ready And Dinner
You & I
Going Home
Kissing Casualty
Back To Square One
Going Out
Thinking Back
Just Doesn't Feel Right
24 Days
Christmas Tree
Underneath the Mistletoe?
It's Christmas!
Dinner (23)
A Wish Come True (25)
Filling Out A Form (26)
Starting A New (27)
It's like a fairytale (28)
Take a Chance (29)
Plans For A Future (30)
Drama Llamas (31)
Meeting the Parents (32)
Movie Night (33)
Love You (34)
The Trail (35)
I Will Always Love You (36)
Suspicions (37)
Pregnant (38)
Not So Perfect (39)
It's Better Off This Way (40)
Boy or Girl? (41)
A Good Talk (42)
Leather is Better? (43)
Funeral (44)
Muse (45)
Even More Arguments (46)
Shock, Horror. (47)
Over Again (48)
Waking Up (49)
Finally Getting Somewhere (50)
Emotional Moments (51)
Mistake. Big Big Mistake. (52)
Confused! (53)
Deciding on a name (54)
~Finale~ (55)

In The Very Beginning...

28.4K 435 1.3K
By RachieRocks

Dan's POV

"And that is the story of my physco french teacher. See you later guys!" I waved at the camera and gave a half smile. Hi, my name is Dan Howell. A British Youtuber who makes videos for other people to watch, and laugh at how awful my life is. I live in Manchester, with my partner in crime, Phil Lester. He also makes YouTube videos and so we have a lot in common. 

I turned off the video camera and logged onto my iMac, preparing to edit my new video. First off all, I went on Youtube, to see what people were saying about my videos. I smiled at some of the nice comments my Danosaurs were sending me, and chose to ignore the hateful comments. At some point in life, you're going to get hate, no matter who you are.

Hi Dan, I'm Scarlett and I'm having a problem. I'm not sure if you can help, but if you could please try. It would mean a lot, thanks.

I read this comment over and over again. I very rarely got asked for advice, so this was new. And why would this girl come to me?

Hello Scarlett, what's up? Send me a private message and I would quite happily see if I can help :)

I replied to her comment and smiled. Her user name was simply her name, Scarlett Evans. And on her icon, there was a girl. I clicked on her name and it directed me straight to her channel. It looked like she hadn't posted any videos, and her channel was only there to like and comment on things. Her picture was a woman, who looked in her late teen years. She had long brown hair, and hazel eyes. She looked beautiful.

Scarlett's POV

"Scar, can you pass me the salt.?" My younger sister, Hayley asked me as I cut up my chicken. I nodded and handed her the salt as she sprinkled it over her plate of food. See, there is nothing better than a Sunday Roast what my mum makes, I swear it's the reason I live. Before I could begin to eat, my mobile phone (AN: cell phone if you are American) began to vibrate. I sighed and put down my fork with a chunk of chicken down and unlocked it. 

"Scarlett, put your phone away at the table. It's rude." My father said, giving me the look of complete death. I quickly checked my messages.

Danisnotonfire replied to your comment.

I almost choked on the air, which if I did, well it would have been pretty inconvenient. "Oh my god. Dan replied to my comment on one of his videos!" I screeched, the room was filled with silence.

"Really?" Madeline, my other younger sister asked. I nodded, in complete shock.

"Who's Dan? You better not be talking to those men on the internet again." My mum stated, shaking her head.

"No mum! Barrack Obama retweeted my tweet on twitter. We didn't actually talk!" I told my mum, recalling back to the time when I had tweeted about the elections in America. I had proof, the president retweeted my tweet on Twitter, meaning of my life. But this time, my idol, Dan Howell had actually replied to my comment. "Excuse me." I said, before wandering off into my bedroom. I clicked on the link to what Dan had replied with.

Hello Scarlett, what's up? Send me a private message and I would quite happily see if I can help :)

Oh my god. My life. I had some friend drama going on at school, one day they had all turned on me, I don't know why. This was about two weeks ago, and I had only commented last night. I grinned, wow, Dan actually wanted to have a conversation with me. I felt special, for once! I loaded up my laptop, preparing to reply to him. What should I say? 

Hello Dan, thanks for agreeing to talk to me. Basically, I've had this problem at school, with my so called friends. I don't know what I've done! To be honest, I have never really had many friends. See, it seems all my university friends have ditched me! I've always felt like the third wheel, and now I am completely alone. 

I had clicked send and made my way back into the dining room to give Dan the chance to reply. I had ate my lunch and drinked my apple juice. I may or may not have an obsession with apples. It sounds healthy, but I am the most unhealthiest person ever. After I had finished I made my way back into my bedroom. It seemed like Dan had already replied. I had contained my excitement for a moment so I could get ready for bed. I quickly hopped into the shower, brushed my teeth, got dried and put on my pajamas. 

Hm, nice and cosy. "MADDIE!" I yelled, not moving my position of where I was. Sitting crossed legged, on my bed. Madeline stumbled into my bedroom. "Can I have a cup of tea?". Madeline sighed and laughed quietly. She nodded and walked out the room. "Thank you!" Madeline was the best and making cups of tea, despite her age of seven years old. 

Madeline is the youngest of our clan. Then there is Hayley, who is ten. Then there is me, who is exactly four minutes younger than my brother, Elliot. I checked what Dan had said.

Hey Scarlet! Don't worry, life is too short to let others bring you down, okay? Chin up. I didn't have a best friend for the first eighteen years of my life, and then I met Phil! Things will get better for you, I promise. Ignore those guys from university. They're not worth it if they are being horrible to you.

I smiled. Oh my god, he was so nice. I typed back. Thank you Dan! I never thought you'd reply to my comment, and already you are making me feel much better. I have to go back to Uni tomorrow because it's Monday. Ugh :/

He replied very quickly. Remember, don't worry. Talk to me when you come back home, okay? Tell me how your day went.

I smiled and thanked Dan one last time.

I will :) I replied.

I sipped the remains of my tea and fell asleep, happily. I was talking to Daniel James Howell.


Dan's POV

"Dan, come here a minute." My flatmate, Phil called from the other room.

"Just a minute!" I stretched out my arms and yawned. I looked at the clock on the left from me. It read 12.00. It was around lunch time so, I decided the crawl out of my bed. I rubbed the sleep out of my and checked my phone.

Dan, school is terrible - I hate it! They're all calling me names, I can't handle it much longer.

Scarlet had sent me another inbox. Scarlet was a girl, a fan, who I hadn't ever met before, but all last night we were talking to each other -  and it turns out we have a lot in common! She likes Muse, and MCR just like me; and on top of that she has a youtube account. One problem, not including the fact I don't know this girl, she self harms because she is bullied. 

It kills me to know that fans self harm. I used to do it - until I met Phil - and now most of my scars have faded. I decided to reply back to her, worried. Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it? I will always be here for you!

Scarlet's POV

School has been terrible - I hate it! I felt like crying, I cant believe I used to be friends with Kaylen and Sofia! They are complete jerks. I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I pushed my tray of food away, refusing to eat. I'm stupid, like they all say. I'm worthless. No one cares about me. "I have no one!" I shouted, causing the people in cafe to turn around and look at me.

Nice one, Scarlet.

My phone began to beep repeatedly, and I checked my messages. It was Dan! Aw, he really must care. I typed back really fast - not caring if there were any spelling errors.

Thanks Dan, but I don't think I can take it anymore! :(

Dan's reply came almost immediately; I could imagine him just sitting, waiting for me to reply.

What do you mean? -Dan.

I mean I should just go and end my life... :'( -Scarlet.

Don't, please! I don't know you but I know you're perfect, and unique. I am so proud of you for making it this far, okay? -Dan.

I don't need you sympathy D: -Scarlet.

Please - don't do it. For me? -Dan.

I sighed, It's not that easy... -Scarlett.

Look, go over to your mirror. See that? That's you. And you're beautiful. -Dan

I smirked to myself. You're a whole new level of charmer, Dan. -Scarlett.

Thank you Scar, it's not as easy as it looks... <3 -Dan.

Scar? Is that a new nickname? -Scarlett.

Maybe :D -Dan.

****2 Days Later*****

I ran up to my bedroom; my face in my hands, hiding my tears. I collapsed on my bed crying as quietly as I could possibly - but I was convinced that I was still loud. My tears were soaking up the pillow. I took the blade from underneath my pillow and pressed it against my chest. No, I wouldn't do this. I promised Dan.

The blade stroked against my arms, and then I pressed it into my wrists. I winced in pain; as crimson red blood flooded out. Tears fell down my cheeks once again, but this time I didn't cry. I curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

Dan's POV

It had been three days since I last spoke to Scarlet, and I was really getting worried. I couldn't help but be convinced that she had commit suicide. I gulped; No - Scarlet wouldn't do that to me. She promised, right?

Scarlet's POV

I was quite aware I had been isolated in my bedroom for three days. I told my parents I was sick, and they believed me, so I didn't have to go back to school. I knew at some point I had to tell my parents that I was depressed, that I cut. But I don't have the guts - they would be so disappointed in me. I would always hide my scars, I had many sweaters and cardigans to do the job.

I rubbed my eyes, glancing at my wrists. They were healing - slowly but surely. I had been ignoring Dan for the last few days; I didn't wan't to talk to anyone. And it became clear to me, Dan was only doing this for the publicity! Why would he care if I self harmed or even killed myself? 

The thoughts dawned on me. I drew out my phone and began to type a new message to Dan - absent mindedly.


His reply came quickly, 

What do you mean? Why haven't you been replying to my messages?! I have been so worried.-Dan.

Worried? Yeah, of course you have...


Scarlet's POV

Scarlet, you are amazing! Please answer me! - Dan.

I sniffed. I had been tricked. I'm always tricked - god I'm so stupid. I laughed at myself. "You're an idiot." Oh that's just great, Scarlet, now you're talking to yourself. I huffed and took a strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear. I really am so stupid though. How could I have not seen it! I must have been to happy, to excited to notice that he was doing it for the attention.

I took the blade and began to cut once,

I murmured, "Ugly."

I cut again and murmured. "Worthless."

And again, "Fat."

My wrists were eventually dripping with blood, obscured in deep, dark red cuts. I cursed and winced in pain. "You think you are hilarious for doing this to me, don't you Dan?"

Dan's POV

"Dan, come out of your room," Phil called "You can't just sit and wait for her. You don't even know her."

He was right, of course. Phil was always right. I sighed and gave in, before leaving my bedroom. My eyes widened as I saw Phil, his hands in his pockets and smiling at himself in the mirror. He looked stunning. I ran my fingers through my hair and approached him. "Well, eh, Phil. Where are you going?"

"On a date." He replied plainly.

"You didn't tell me!" I exclaimed, raising my eyebrows.

"I don't see how it concerns you." Phil replied.

"Well what's the lucky girls name?" I asked him.

"Summer. Summer Jones." He answered me proudly."We are going to get a coffee."

"Amazing first date." I replied sarcastically.

"They don't call me AmazingPhil for nothing!" He grinned, not getting my sarcasm. I decided to shake it off and walked back into my room as I heard the front door slam shut. I hadn't had a date since Taylor. I shuddered at the memories of my ex.

I was so in love with Taylor; I thought she was perfect. Obviously, I wasn't good enough for her, and so she cheated on me. With Jack Harries! Can you believe that? Someone needs to show him the bro code! I had been heart broken ever since.

My phone began to beep and reluctantly I answered it. Oh - it was just Peej.

Hey Dan, you wanna hang sometime? -PJ.

I thought for a moment before typing back.

-Sure, I am free all weekend!

Great. Fancy coming round on Saturday? -PJ

-Yeah, see you then :D

Phil's POV

I stood outside of Starbucks; tapping my feet impatiently. I couldn't wait to see Summer again! We went to university together but since I left we hadn't saw each other. That was until the other week, when my old class met up. She just happened to be there and I asked her out. It was so great to see her again.

"Phil?" Someone asked, tapping my shoulder. I spun my heel around to reveal a beautiful looking girl. She had long, dark purple hair and hazel eyes. I smiled.

"Summer! I'm so glad you came - I was getting worried you wouldn't show up!" I laughed and her cheeks turned a light pink.

"Are you kidding? I've missed you so much!" Summer smiled and pulled me into a hug which felt like it lasted for ever, but I didn't mind one bit. 

"Do you want to go and find some seats?" I asked her.

"Well it's a beautiful day, why don't we sit outside?" Summer suggested and I nodded.

"Good idea. What would you like?" 

"Double frappacino." She said and I nodded again before wandering off back in Starbucks.

Summer's POV

Phil walked back outside, holding what looked like two double frappacinos. I took mine off him and began to drink it quickly. "Someone's thirsty." He giggled, raising his eyebrow. I pulled the straw away. 

"Oh yeah. A girl needs her caffeine." I smirked and began to drink. "What's new?"

"I don't know if you knew, but I'm a Youtuber now!" 

"Really?" I asked surprised. "I never knew. So are you like a vlogger or-"

"Yeah, I am. I do vlogs, and comedy sketches with my friend Dan."

"Dan Maxwell? From uni?" I asked. Referring to an old friend of mine.

"No, Dan Howell."

"I've heard that name before!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, danisnotonfire?"

"Oh my god! Yes! I thought I seen you in one of his videos!"

"Haha, yeah. That was probably me." Phil smiled. "Tell me a bit more about you."

"Well," I started. "I live with my friend, Taylor! Believe it or not, she's dated a few Youtubers."

Phil's smile turned to a frown and he gulped. "Taylor Tomlinson?" He asked and I nodded. How did he know Taylor? Did he date her. "Dan used to go out with her." 

"Oh right." I said, kind of relieved. There was an awkward silence.

"So um, do you have a job?" Phil asked, breaking the silence.

"Well, I sing. It's kind of a passion. One day I hope to become a singer, famous, I mean." I admitted.

"Hey, that's awesome! Sing a note!" Phil grinned, I looked around at all the people crowded. Starbucks was sure busy today.

"No, not here. Maybe another time."

"Do you want to come back to my place for a bit, you can meet Dan!" Phil suggested and I nodded.

"Yeah, that'd be great!" 

Phil and I took a taxi back to his place, and he paid the cabbie. We walked up what seemed like thousands of steps before reaching a door. The walls were dark brown and in the corridor was a cream coloured carpet. He led me into the living room. I took a seat and looked around. It was all very crowded. With interesting things, like colourful wall art and vibrant but vintage furniture. 

"Dan?" Phil asked, knocking on a door.

"What." A voice mumbled from the other side.

"We have a guest." Phil said and the door swung open. A man sauntered out the room, with his shoulders hunched up. He had chocolatey brown hair, swept to one side and looked a few years younger than Phil.

"Hi, I'm Dan." He murmured shaking my hand.

"I'm Summer, nice to meet you." 

He nodded and took a seat. Phil sat next to him. "By the way, Phil, Peej text me asking if we wanted to hang out with him on the weekend. I told him Saturday. Is that okay?"

Before Phil could reply my eyes opened widely. "Peej... as in PJ? As in KickThePJ?!" I said, trying to control my inner fangirlness.

"Yeah." Dan replied.

"I'm sure you can tag along." Phil smiled.

"WHAT?" Dan and I said together, but in different expressions.

"I mean, yeah sure, that'd be great." Dan corrected before walking back in his room. Well that was rude.

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