Young Forever


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Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1- J.M.W & C.D.I

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"OMJW can you believe that she thinks she's more obsessed with Jordan than I am" said Alex. Alex is super obsessed with Jordan Mark Witzigreutery a guy that's in a one man band called The Ready Set. She thinks that one day their gonna get married. "Like how can she be she can't even get his middle name right, she clearly isn't more obsessed" replied her best friend Brison. Brison is also obsessed just not with Jordan. She is in love with Christofer Drew Ingle who is also in a one man band called NeverShoutNever and is best friends with Jordan Witzigreuter. Both Alex and Brison are 20 years old and are attending college not sure what college but at least they made it that far. "Hey look she's coming over here" Alex said sounding kinda worried about what was going to happen next. "Rhiannon's mad scary like it's just the way that she looks its creepy" Brison said now laughing. Rhiannon, she was the girl who thought she was Chris's and Jordan's biggest fan. But she really wasn't she couldn't ever get their names right. "Hey did you guys hear that NeverShoutNever and The Ready Set are in New York like less than 30 minutes away from here" the creepy so-called fan girl announced. "Well obviously their our 2 favorite bands, we know if they are going to play in California" Alex replied now annoyed. "And by the way we have been knowing about this for the last 2 weeks and you just found out about it today, WOW I think your kinda late" Brison added amused by the whole situation.

"Well they are my favorite bands too I've been in love with them for a long time"

"Not long enough to know when they have shows in the state you live in"

"That doesn't really mean anything"

"I love how you think that your super obsessed with The Ready Set and NeverShoutNever and think you know everything about them but truth is that you really know nothing"

"I know a lot more about them more than you will ever know"

" I bet you don't even like Jordan for who he really is, you just like him because he's good looking and in band"

That's when suddenly the chaos started to begin and Rhiannon started to tackle Alex. Rhiannon wasn't that good at fighting explains why she was losing. And then that's when it happened. Christofer Drew Ingle and Jordan Mark Witzigreuter just popped out of nowhere and started asking for directions. By now Alex and Rhiannon stopped fighting because Rhiannon realized she wasn't going to win so she just backed away.

"Umm Hi do you know where I can find the nearest Starbucks" Jordan asked.

"Ahh yeah it's right around the corner and down the street" Brison replied not realizing who it was.

"Like OMG your JORDAN WITZIGREUTER the guy from THE READY SET" Alex said super excited.

"Yeah I am and it's nice to see that you're a fan and this is my friend Chris Drew Ingle from NeverShoutNever but you probably know that already"

"Ha yeah I already knew that well I'm Alex and this is my friend Brison"

"And what about me I'm Rhiannon like your biggest fan in the world" Rhiannon said thinking it actually mattered.

"I think we should get outta here Jordan she looks a bit creepy" Chris hesitated.

"Maybe me and Alex can walk you there like just to make sure you there safely" said Brison hoping the answer was yes.

"Yeah sure thanks" Chris said smiling.

Rhiannon got mad cause she wasn't invited so she just walked away back to her dorm. And then Alex and Brison went to Starbucks with Chris and Jordan. "So do you guys actually like Starbucks or just wanted to make sure that creepy fan girl wouldn't come after us"? asked Jordan. " Haha we love Starbucks and we wanted to make you guys were ok" said Alex."Thanks" Jordan said smiling and now walking into Starbucks. They all ordered a cup a coffee and sat down and talked for about an hour.

"So you girls have tickets to our show tomorrow night" Chris asked.

"Ahh no we kinda misplaced ours" Brison answered with a big smile on her face.

"It's ok since you guys saved our lives we'll give you free tickets and backstage passes" Jordan said laughing.

"Thank you so much how can we ever repay you guys" Alex replied

"That's an easy question you can hang out with us on Friday we can all go out for dinner and a movie"

"We would love that"

"Well Friday at 8, see you girls then for now we have to go"

"Bye Guys" Alex and Brison said at the same time smiling at the young men.

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