Ugly Cheerleader? Or Beautifu...

By StrongApril

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Ugly Cheerleader? Or Beautiful Mind

87 0 0
By StrongApril

Chapter 1

            In a small town located at the Colorado portion of four corners is where most of my story begins. I’m in my sophomore year of school and tenth year of all star cheerleading. I also cheer for my school as the varsity co-captain. I’m also dating the hottest guy at our school. Well, in my opinion at least. He is the head jock and best football player at our school and I’ve known him since I moved to Colorado. I get to see him whenever I want except Christmas break when I go to Texas. I hate those trips. I sit looking out the window as my sister and brother fight over the stupidest things! With my 6-year-old sister, Zoe, screaming to get her way and my 10-year-old brother, Zach, complaining that Zoe is trying to take his stuff. Typical annoying siblings and I have to deal with it all the way to Texas.

            Before the actual story maybe I should say a few more things. Around this time I am 16 and also the prettiest girl in my school. I’m a blond with bright blue eyes and one of the shortest girls on both my cheer teams. I also speak German, French, and Russian fluently. And another thing is I’m pure German. I’m pretty sure every girl at my school is jealous of me and every guy is jealous of Anson. Well now that you know the background of this story we can begin. Oh! My name is Clair Bush, and no, I am not related to George W. Bush!

            I sat in the car on the way to Texas playing my DS, listening to my IPod, reading, and playing on my computer. Well, actually I was mainly staring out the window watching the trees and cars. We traveled the same way until we crossed the border and started following my grandpa. When the sun fell and the moon rose we were about an hour away from our destination. We were following pretty close to my grandpa when a car flew out in front of him. He slammed on his breaks turned to a drift and we crashed into him without any time to react.

            I sat breathing hard for a few minutes. I looked at my brother and sister with blood covering them and their eyes closed obviously knocked out. I looked up at my parents also knocked out and covered with blood. I started to panic. I grabbed my phone dialing 911. I stumbled out the car door as the phone rang. 

“911 emergency response what’s the emergency?”I heard on the phone.

“I-I don’t know what ha-happened!” I cried out into the phone.

“Calm down! What’s your name?”The voice said trying to calm me down.

“m-my name is Clair Bush,” I stuttered.

“Ok, Clair, I’ll send some cars down to you,” she said hanging up.

            I dropped my phone and ran to my grandpa’s car. “Grandpa! Grandpa! Are you okay?” I screamed trying to wake him up. He wouldn’t speak or even move. I sat at his side shaking him with tears rolling down my cheeks. After what felt like hours I heard sirens. They got closer and closer. Louder and louder.

            The ambulance finally stopped next to are cars. I sat there watching through my tears as they slowly pulled my siblings, parents, and grandfather out of the car. I saw my phone start to ring and slowly crawled to it. Picking it up I saw Anson’s picture pop up. I answered through sobs and mixed thoughts saying, “Help me! Please! I don’t want to go! I need you!” before he could answer a nurse grabbed me and dragged me to the ambulance. I dropped my phone in the process of moving. I was layed down on a stretcher in the ambulance and blacked out

            When I finally woke up I was laying in a white room with tubes attached to me everywhere.

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