Never Untouched

By AwakeWithTheMoon

172K 3.1K 987

"Don't call me anything but Jade!" I scowled. "And what happens if I don't?" He took a step forward making me... More

Twenty One


3.9K 89 52
By AwakeWithTheMoon

I was almost ready for the party, I just wasn't sure about my outfit. I wanted to be free tonight; try something new. Let people see a side they haven't seen of me. So I pushed aside the second thoughts of my outfit and put my shoes on. I checked my hair and make up, making sure everything looked okay. Then I heard the doorbell.

I opened my door to Max standing there with his dog in his arms ready to knock on my door. "What?" I asked

"Whoa" He said looking at me.

"What?" I asked again trying to ignore his stares.

"Your boyfriend and some other guy is here for you" He said.

"Okay thanks" I said slipping past him and closing my door.

I ran down stairs. "Hey?" My dad said.

"Yeah?" I said turning at the last second of opening the door.

"What kind of party is this? Why are you dressed like that?" He asked

"Don't worry dad I won't do anything stupid" I said and left out the door.

"What are you wearing?" Seth asked

"Why does everyone suddenly care about what I'm wearing?" I said.

"You've never worn anything like that before and I'm definitely not letting other people see you like that" He took his coat off and tried wrapping me in it.

"What's wrong with high waisted shorts and a crop top? Really? I thought it was the style? Or am I behind on that too?" I said

"It's the style babe but I'm not letting some guys try to grab up on you. You're mine. No one Else's. I'm the only one that can see this side of you" He said.

I twisted out of his wrap putting my hands on my hips and scowled at him. "I belong to no one! I can wear whatever the hell I want! Whenever the hell I want! Wherever the hell I want! You and my dad can go suck it cause I'm wearing it! Stop being a boy and grow up, show off your lady like any man would! Now let's get going I'm letting my hair down tonight" I said walking to Bradley's truck.

"Damn that was hot" I heard Bradley say. "Ow!" He said soon after, I assumed Seth hit him for that.

"Well let's go! no time to waste." Brad said getting in the truck as well. Seth got in after and we headed for the party.

"One night Jade, that's all I'm giving you. I don't want you running around reckless thinking you can show your body off to people cause you've gained some kind of confidence" Seth said.

I leaned up front and looked at him with a death glare. "Stop being my fucking dad Seth! I have no confidence if you must know! Be a fucking boyfriend and at least tell your girlfriend she looks nice! You're a fucking asshole. It's nice that you think you can control my life all of a sudden. Most likely no one will notice me anyways, so lucky you Seth, after tonight I'm going back to my ugly ass self tomorrow! Love you too, dipshit!"

I sat back and now that I wasn't in a good mood any more I just wanted to go home. But the longer the ride the more I thought, and so finally when we got there I just wanted to drink and prove to everyone that I can be a badass bitch.

I got out the car and headed for the house alone. "Where are you going!?" Seth yelled at me.

"To party!" I yelled back.

"Dude just let her go, you pissed her off." Bradley said.

I got to the side walk right in front of the house. I fixed my curled hair and fixed my clothes and made sure my converse were tied and I checked on my phone camera to make sure my make up was still okay. I felt like an idiot checking so much but I was nervous. I've never done this kind of thing before. I started for the house and made sure I swung my hips to show the guys what they can't have and the girls what they don't have.

I seen most people stare, I even heard a girl ask who I was and the person she asked didn't know. I walked right into that house full of sweaty drunk people and found the kitchen. First thing I did is get a beer and take a drink. I looked at all the people drinking, dancing, making out.

A few beers later and a couple shots and I was dancing against sweaty bodies of people I've never seen before. At first I was dancing with girls but when the girl in front of me left I found out the person behind me was a guy. So me being drunk, I pushed my body to his and twirled my hips against his. I moved my body against his. But the fun was gone when I was pulled away.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Seth scowled in my face.

I laughed and tried dancing with him "danccccing duuhhhh" I slurred

He put my arms to my sides and pulled me from the "dance" floor to another room where people were playing beer games. "With some random dude? Jade you're drunk! You need to pace yourself! Do you hear me!?" He said

"WHOS GOING NEXT!?" The guy asked.

"ME!?" I ran over to the people doing keg stands. The people lifted me up by my feet while I attached my lips to a tube and sucked the beer down. People counted as i drink. I don't remember how long I went I just remember being let down and being dizzy then going to the beer pong table.

"C-can I pppplay?" I said

"Sure sweet thing" One of the guys said looking me up and down.

"Yay!" I jumped and stood in front of a set of cups. I took the ball and bounced it into a cup.

"Sweet! My f-first try!" I cheered.

"Beginners luck baby doll" He said

"I'm not a baby! And I'm definitely not a doll!" I said after that I declared myself to win and I did, I beat his ass!

"Rematch!" He called

"No, play with someone else! You're boring!" I said and people "Ooooo" around him.

I walked away and found another room full of people but they were all making out and nearly having sex. I stumbled and fell into some one.

"Oops sorry" I giggled.

"No problem, but you need to chill a little bit" He said.

"Nah I'm good, I don't do drugs." I said waving him away. I almost fell again and he caught me.

"Why don't you stay here for a bit let things stop spinning" He said.

"Okay" I agreed and leaned against the wall.

He pressed his body against mine and started rubbing his hand on my hips. My head spun and I let him do whatever. He kissed my neck and bit my ear. I didn't care, I was too drunk to care or to even process who was actually touching me, Well until my eyes open to Seth and some girl across the room. I pushed the guy away from me and he ended up falling.

"Hey what's your problem!?" He said.

I stomped over to the two making out and I pulled her off him by her hair.

"Who do you think you are kissing on my man like that!?" I said to her. She was trying to get loose from my grip on her hair.

"You're hurting me! Let go!" She said.

"No bitch! It's supposed to hurt!" I took her head and slammed it on the table then threw her to the floor.


She laid there in shock, I was gonna grab her again but I was pulled back "Jade that's enough stop!" Seth said to me. He carried me out the room and through another room and another and then up the stairs.

"Put me down I can walk!" I growled.

"No" He said. He carried me to a room and closed the door and locked it.

"How dare you kiss another girl!" I poked him in the chest.

"She kissed me" He said.

"Liar! I watched you two make out! If she kissed you, you would have done something about it!" I said

"She kissed me I swear I was trying to get her off me" He said.

"I'm drunk not stupid Seth!" I tried leaving the room then remember it was locked. I tried unlocking it but I couldn't get it. Everything was moving too fast. I was tossed on the bed and a Seth crawled on top of me.

"Ooo I like this game!" I said biting my lip.

"Wait no I'm mad at you! Get off!" I said.

"You're so damn cute and so sexy" He said chuckling at me.

"La la la la la I'm not listening I can't hear youuuuu" I plugged my ears.

He pulled my hands from my ears laughing "Jade" He called me.

"Yesss?" I slurred but crossed my arms like I didn't have a drunk problem.

"Let me fuck you in this bed" He whispered into my ear.

My eyes snapped open but then relaxed, I sat up so I was closer to his face. "I like that idea" I whispered and opened my mouth and took his bottom lip between my teeth and tugged.

I moaned and giggled in excitement and he laid me down and took my lips in for a full kiss. It got heated quickly. Messy kisses and clothes flying everywhere. In no time we were leaving Hickeys and scratching. He took no time to thrust into me. It was rough but I didn't mind.  He pumped into me so fast and hard I could feel myself throbbing. I knew I would feel this tomorrow. But the pleasure feeling I felt right now, I didn't want it to stop and so I moaned for more. He went harder, faster, deeper. I was screaming at this point not controlling myself cause I was highly intoxicated. I could hear him groan.

"Wanna taste it!" I said.

"Yeah?" He said

"Yes!" I said.

"I'm gonna-" He said

I bit my lip and let the pleasure take my body to a full on organism. I vibrated in pleasure and Seth pulled out to finished and released in my mouth. Once he did I sucked the rest that didn't make it out. He growled in pleasure. I wasn't even thinking straight to comprehend what I just did.

But after that I passed out for the night... or so I thought.


I opened my eyes and closed them at the sight of white light. My head instantly got a sharp pain. My stomach dropped I ran to the bathroom and puke up the contents of last night. Once I was finished I realized I was naked.

I looked In the room and seen Seth laying on the bed. Phew okay. But who's room? I picked up my clothes and got dressed. I walked to the other side of the bed to wake Seth but then I screamed at the sight of what was on the other side of the bed.

Both boys jumped up asking what is going on, holding their heads in pain. "Why are you in here!? And why are you naked!?" I asked Bradley.

"Um..." He looked at himself and pulled over a piece of clothing to cover himself.

"I don't know" He said honestly confused.

"Why are we the only ones naked!? What happened!?" Seth freaked out.

"I was naked too but I got dressed. But why were we all naked? In someone's bedroom?" I asked looking around.

"I don't know let us get dressed and well figure it out" Seth said.

"Uhmm..." Bradley said looking at his phone. There was noises coming from it but it's faint from the volume being down low.

"What?" Me and Seth both asked.

"I think I know what happened" Bradley said still looking at his phone.

Seth took it and looked at the screen. "What is-" Seth stopped and gasp. He started clicking stuff.

"How the hell do you delete it!?" He nearly screamed.

"Here" Bradley said taking the phone back. Seth watched over his shoulder to make sure he deleted it.

"What was it?" I asked

"Best if you don't know, okay baby girl?" Seth said.

"Why? I wanna know. I don't like when people keep secrets from me." I said.

"This is for your own good, okay?" He said.

"Something happened last night and I'm gonna find out!!" I yelled and left the room slamming the door.

I walked down the hall and dirty clothes were in the halls and a couple cups. Going down stairs was a bigger mess. People passed out, food, cups, plates, wrappers, everywhere. Sticky stuff stuck to the walls and spills on the floor. I felt bad for the owner of this house or the person that lives here.

I walked out side and found the same thing, except someone's car was in the yard and it was fucked. I walked down the sidewalk to the street and remembered I wasn't walking distance from my house and I definitely couldn't just take the truck cause I didn't have the keys.

"You're such a drama queen" Seth said coming up behind me.

"No I don't like drama, drama queens are people that find their way into drama every time someone they know is in some kind of drama. Me, I'm just dramatic and that's only because of you. I need to keep my standards high cause I need to always remember I have a better head and heart than you." I said

"Ugh how can you talk so much with a hangover?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Where is Bradley? I'm ready to go home" I said

"We are gonna take a bus... Unfortunately" He said.

"What? We can walk or something?" I said

"Oh no, no walking" He said.

"Why can't Bradley take us home?" I asked

"Because... now let's go before we miss the bus." He said.

"I don't wanna take some stupid bus!" I said.

"We have to!" He said

"Why!?" I said raising my voice. I woke someone up that was laying in the yard.

"I don't want you and Bradley around each other no more!" He said in the same tone.

"Why!? What happened last ni-... Did... Did we? Or... EW we didn't all? Nooo!" I said I turned around then turned back to Seth. Seth was looking at the ground and rubbing his mouth. Now I know it's true. I stood there in shock for a moment. What have I done?

"Never will I ever get drunk again" I said

"You say that now" He said shaking his head.

"I can't believe I had fucking a three way with my boyfriend and his best friend!... Let's go home, I need to go home, which way is the damn bus stop?" I said

Seth pointed the way and we started walking. While we waited me and Seth went through our phones making sure we didn't do anything stupid while we were drunk. Luckily our phones were clean. "You don't think Bradley would have send the video to anyone do you?" I asked

Seth looked at me and in his eyes I knew what he was thinking "I didn't even bother to check" He said aloud.

"Fuuuuuuck. Not that my reputation is any good but it's just extra weight put on. And to think I was starting to get the town on my side. You know maybe I'll sell the bakery and move out of town. Wait no I'll have someone run it and then I can ask dad for a loan and move somewhere and I'll just tell dad I'll send him money for the loan" I said

"I'm sure he didn't send it to anyone Jade, just calm down" He said

Right when he said that my phone buzzed and it was a text from Carter.

Carter: Heyyy, um.. Why did I just get this video of you, Seth, and some guy having sex?

Carter: *Carter sent a video*

"I'm fucked!" I said and started to pace. I felt like crying.

"Why who was it?" Seth asked worried.

"It's was Carter! And he seen the damn video! Someone sent it to him!" I said

"Who?" Seth asked.

"I don't fucking know. But I know Carter doesn't just talk to everyone so it's gotten out! Seth I'm screwed! What if my dad sees!? He will kill me! He will send me off somewhere or lock me in a room! Seth my life is ruined!" I said ready to cry.

He jumped up and pulled me in a hug. "Shhhhh" He rubbed my back till I calmed down. I felt sick, not hungover sick but broken sick. I just wanted to sleep my life away. "I'll figure this out okay" Seth said.


"No don't worry about it. I'll call some people figure something out. Okay" He said.

"Okay" I sighed and a tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly whipped it away.

The bus showed up and Seth handed them money and we sat down. "Here lay down on my lap and nap while i figure stuff out" He said.

"You sure? I can help" I said.

"I'm sure, just rest while I do this." He said.

"Okay, here's my phone if you need numbers you don't have" I said handing him my phone.

"IPhone, girl buy me one" He joked.

"Dad got it for me for my birthday last year for a surprise. Not much use when you have no social life on or off line" I said.

"Well then we can switch" He joked

"Hell no it's good for music and pictures!" I said

He laughed and I laid down.


I was shook awake by the bus driver. "Hey you two gotta get off" She said.

I sat up and we were at a bus station. "Seth!" I shook him awake.

"We gotta get off we are at the station" I said

He got up and we apologized and we exited off the bus and bought tickets for the next one. "So did you figure things out?" I asked once we were seated.

"Yeah. I can't promise what the people that seen it already will do but I promise no one else will see it. And I called your dad to let him know you were okay and that you were coming to my house for the night. Well I said you wanted to stay another night and he was okay with it." He said

"Oh okay" I replied

"Maybe I'll ask someone to work at the bakery so I can disappear for a couple days before seeing anyone again. I would die if I lost respect from my customers, I don't want the bakery to get a bad reputation because of me." I said

"None of this is your fault. If anything it's mine, I should have been protecting you, Not getting drunk. But if that's what you wanna do then that Sounds okay to me. I wouldn't want anyone to disrespect you in front of everyone there, especially in front of the old lady that's like your fairy godmother." He said

I laughed at his fairy god mother thing and got up. "I have to use the bathroom I'll be back" I said

"Okay hurry, we don't wanna miss the bus." He said

"I will" I rolled my eyes and walked off. Yeah definitely always dramatic.

Till next time! Xx

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