
By kenztherat

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you are the words left unsaid on my dry lips the whisper of something i wanted but could not have More

star-crossed lovers
i want to
im not going anywhere.
angry tidal waves
dont open your lips.
a world i do not want.
i loved you so much.
fairy of the night
empty air.
blackout poetry.
chaotic mind.
there is no in between.
please forgive me..
he says.
"do it."
thinking alike.
the sky is falling.
i cant escape this iron hold grip you have on me.
i miss the calming rhythm of your heartbeat.
what are you thinking?
i should've listened.
i cant keep doing this.
dont walk with him, please.
i knew this would happen.
you're a light please dont let yourself burn out
fairytales cant be your reality.
dont confuse your drunken adventures together for love
fantasies were always my favorite genre
please dont hit your breaks
i dont understand how it does this
im so glad you laughed
lipstick on your collar and guilt in your eyes
whispered thoughts to the forest inhabitants
whispered thoughts answered
clogged throats and teary eyes
pools and stolen kisses
i wish youd just tell him
morbid etches on a blank canvas
how am i supposed to do this
secrets of the wind
youre the only one who heard me
you were standing in the parking lot hands in your coat pockets
attraction stronger than a magnet held to metal
why didn't you stop me
i need you to let me go so i can do the same
im at a crossroads
youre so bright and i lost all of my sunglasses
not everything is in our control
late night coffee and cold air
dim lights and loud noise
confused hearts and cold tea
a red haired goddess
theyre just as careless
cotton candy clouds and sugar rain
warm blankets and cold hearts
golden fields and bloody ground
pretty girls and coffee shops
buzzing bees and dew
we are the same person through and through
accept it and move on, its part of life
sped up heartbeats and classical music
im terrified of bees but they're not
beautiful gardens and terrible storms
i am so sorry
enormous demons that need to be let out of the cage.
broken light bulbs and bloody hands
glass hearts and squished bugs
clear blue skies and stormy hearts
best friends and secrets
red eyes and blotchy cheeks
panic attacks and bathroom floors
questions and answers
boys will be boys
staring at hurricanes
just stop thinking
please let go of my fragile lungs
we will never be compatible
you felt like a breath of fresh air
make yourself a new home
blue eyes meant to kill that have lost their light
high walls and bloody monsters
anger and motel rooms
dark hair and spinal cords
blinding lights and beautiful hearts
train stations and little girls
im slipping someone help me.
late night regrets and tears
bed sheets and breakfast
sad drunks and burdens
skateboards and sleep
underwater nightmares and sweet mermaids
bursting hearts and happy eyes
short-lived joy and rainy souls
shooting stars and heartbreakers
selfishness and alcohol laced with feelings
emergencies and smokey throats
poisoned veins and copper bullets
dirty clubs and curvy red dresses
finding words in skin
hangovers and hide & seek
bloody throats and heavy rocks
looming monsters and petty humans
train tracks and alcohol bottles
broken chargers and read texts
pure souls and dirty hands
tea party with the stars and teary champagne
best friends and reading class
plastic beauty and princesses
alcohol and unsent messages
shattered hearts and green tea
human zombies and consuming jealousy
hairbrushes and noisy spiders
beautiful voices and a hungry stomach
rusty guitars and empty bedrooms
kitchen counters and the smell of a new house
whining dogs and cursed love
bubble baths and ashy hearts
lost hopes and stolen hearts
tired feet and hungry eyes
advice and carved hearts
tainted people and destructive relationships
uncomfortable beds and petty rhymes
street corners and roaring thunder
stitches and kisses bring misses
dirty fingernails and bubbly stomachs
pulsing headaches and loud music
fluffy clouds and bloody birds
arguments and panic attacks
wet eyes and creaky springs
road trips and books
inadequate lyrics and short girls
hushed love and gnawing guilt
rambling and halos in the morning
gently fingertips and soft lips
i love you's and spinning hearts
cheesy love and romantic poetry
the red queen and mad hatter
sweet tea and dog hair
broken bed posts and bent bones
breadcrumbs on a poisoned path and attractive demons
late nights and tired eyes
burning liquor and greasy hair
voluminous gold curls and chipped finger nails
twists and turns and things that burn
warm chests and strong arms
clenched thighs and tear stained apples
aching stomachs and lost appetites
lace curtains and relapses
scratchy throats and bumpy roads
hot air and soft hoodies
salty crackers and chatty clams
summer and bare skin that screams
sharp lights and over thinking
darkness and tingly fingers
shadows and messy sheets
falling asleep and flat stomachs
silly questions and silly answers
violent games and rug burn
betrayal and green pastures
throaty laughs and the smell of cologne
cough drops and red skin
red cheeks and the inevitability of sadness
dangerous smiles and lidded eyes
heart monitors and aching heels
raspberry ice cream and alarms
tattoos and sneaking out
anger and beer bottles
storms and sunshine
foggy lakes and clear skies
clumsy girls and misplaced memory
controlling sisters and puffy eyes
scratchy voices and summer nights
california and camping trips
late night cravings and sandy desserts
bitter medicine and arched brows
bad vibes and false friendship
tan pictures and flower crowns
wet cats and water slides
house maids and little brothers
crop tops and skinny jeans
promises and mistakes
blue eyes and used tissues
tall boys and tight hugs
losing friends and choosing sides
aching heads and putrid breath
summer breeze and chirping birds
school hallways and color dances
sunburn and water slides

puppets and revenge

60 8 2
By kenztherat

puppet on a string
that's all i am to you, isn't it?
a wooden doll so you can be the
master ventriloquist
and force me to say what you want to hear
with those slender fingers as they tug the strings attached to my flesh

each pull followed
by your harsh commands
rips bits of my fragile soul
with the invisible strings
attached to my spine

but just remember,
dolls come back for revenge when the
sun falls from the sky.

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