My Twilight! (ON HOLD)

By RileyBrooks

735K 14.7K 4.7K

An incident changes Bella Swan's life forever, forcing her to uproot her life in sunny Phoenix and move away... More

Chapter 2!
Chapter 4!
Chapter 5!
Chapter 6!
Chapter 7!
Chapter 8!
Chapter 9!
Chapter 10!
Chapter 11!
Chapter 12!
Chapter 13!
Chapter 14!
Chapter 15!
Chapter 16!
Chapter 17!
Chapter 18!
Chapter 19!
Chapter 20!
Chapter 21!
Chapter 22!
Chapter 23!
Chapter 24!
Chapter 25!
Chapter 26!
Chapter 27~

Chapter 3!

35.7K 700 152
By RileyBrooks

My Twilight!

Chapter 3-


I had gotten home at seven pm on Saturday. After leaving Edward's house I couldn't go home so I parked my car at the house and went hunting instead. When Edward had tried to touch me on the cheek, I freaked out and ran off. I regretted it badly when I saw the look on his face as I ran off. I was starting to sort of like him which was scary for me, I hadn't liked anyone since... NO!

I smelt a mountain lion nearby and stalked up to it quietly. I pounced on it when I was close enough and sank my teeth into its jugular. I drained the body of its blood and shook it aside angrily. I was still hungry but I was going to have to put it off. Charlie would be home within the next hour. I started sprinting back but came across Edwards scent on the way. I followed it curiously, using my powers to turn my scent back to human, make my heart beat and my eyes turn blue. I walked into a meadow slowly and quietly and found Edward sitting in the middle with his eyes closed. I walked backwards a couple steps and was about to run off silently when Edward called out.


I turned around and saw he was now looking at me, "Hey, sorry for disturbing you. I didn't know that anyone else came here," I lied.

"You come here often?" He asked, surprised.

"Y-yeah," I lied again, "It is my place to escape from Charlie and the rest of the world. I found it when I visited Charlie when I was younger. You?" I asked dispassionately though I was really interested.

"I have been coming here ever since I moved to Forks," Edward replied laughing loudly.

"Uh... well, I will just be going now," I said hesitantly, backing up a few steps.

"Can't you sit here with me for a while? We can talk about our Biology project if you want," Edward said nicely.

"Um... okay. Just let me ring my dad," I mumbled while getting my IPhone out. I wasn't on the phone for long. I just had to tell Charlie that I was with a friend and would be back soon. He seemed happy that I 'WAS FITTING IN'. Yeah right.

I sat down in a group of daisies twelve feet from Edward and started picking daisies and making a long daisy chain. Soon there were no more daisies within my reach. I didn't hear Edward get up but suddenly he was sitting right in front of me. I looked up and he held a daisy out to me by the stem. I reached out shyly and grabbed it. I tugged on it gently, not wanting to break it but he didn't let it go. I looked back at him again, frustrated. He smiled at me stunningly.

"Please may I have the flower?" I asked nicely.

"Um... I might have to think about it a little bit," He pretended to ponder my question for a bit before holding the flower out to me, "Here you are," He laughed as I swiped at the flower warily in case he didn't let go again.

I finished my daisy chain and he took it from my hands, looking at it from all angles. He then proceeded to put it on my head gently. I shivered and he grinned.

"Th-thank you," I said lightly giggling, "But I think this will look better on you," I said putting it on Edward's head. I got my phone out and took a picture of him, 'Here, give me your phone number and I will send this to you."

He pulled his phone out and handed it to me. I got into his contacts page and found his number. I added it into my phone and added set up a new contact, putting my number into his phone. I gave him his phone back and he slid it into his back pocket. I sent the picture and a second later I heard Edward's phone ringing. He pulled it out and looked at it before laughing slightly. I knew he had gotten the picture.

"Like it?" I asked grinning. He looked up and grinned back at me.

"I love it," he said sarcastically.

Suddenly I noticed the time. It was 7 pm, "I am sorry but I have to go," I said, getting up and backing away slowly. The last thing I saw was him smiling at me and then the black of the forest surrounded me.


Edward P.O.V-


I saw Bella back up into the forest until she disappeared from view. Smiling, I ran home. I walked into the house and saw everyone sitting in the lounge room. Emmett grinned at me when I walked in.

"You saw Bella again just then didn't you? You went to her house to see her. I knew it," Emmett said laughing.

"No actually, I was in my meadow when Bella just walked up. It turns out that she goes to the meadow too. All we did was talk," I said in a rush, trying to explain.

Suddenly Emmett grabbed my phone. He sniffed it suspiciously before opening it. It must have had Bella's scent on it pretty strongly since she was holding it. He looked at the phone page and cracked up laughing, "nice daisy chain headband Eddy!" he said chuckling loudly.

"Okay so maybe Bella made a daisy chain and gave it to me but nothing else happened. After that she left," I said grabbing my phone back from Emmett and glaring at him.

"Ooh! Lover boy has a girlfriend!" Emmett started yelling out. I jumped on him and tackled him to the ground.

"Shut up!" I growled at him, "Or I won't pretend to like her for your little ideas!' I snarled angrily before storming up to my room and slamming the door. So I guess I may have over-reacted a bit but I didn't like people teasing me. I text Bella, it said, 'Hey, do you want me to drive you to school on Monday? If not, I will see you at school. I had a good day today, Edward.' I sighed and shut the phone before throwing it onto my couch. I put some music on loud and lay down. I shut my eyes and tried to focus on nothing. It didn't work, never did. My vampire mind just had too much room for thinking about everything and everyone. My phone dinged and I picked it up and opened it in less then a second. It was a text from Bella. It read, 'Hey... thanks for the offer. Yes, I would like it if you could take me to school. See you Monday, Bella.' I smiled and text her back, 'See you Monday Bella.' I changed my clothes and headed downstairs to play the piano. Emmett was watching television but walked out when I came down the stairs. I guess he got a bit angry from earlier, I would have to apologize later. Rosalie glared at me.

"Why are you choosing that... whatever she is, over your own family Edward? You hardly know her yet you are arguing with Emmett over her. I can not believe you," she hissed at me. I ignored her and sat down at the table. Ignoring Rosalie was always the better option.


Bella P.O.V-


I was waiting in the kitchen finishing washing the dishes from Charlie's breakfast when Edward rocked up. I heard his car and the door slam as he came to knock on the door. "You can come straight in!" I yelled out to him. A minute later he was in the kitchen behind me. I spun around quickly and saw him leaning against the table grinning.

"Okay lets go," I said, grabbing my jacket and leading the way out of the house. I locked the door and walked over to his car. Hopping in, I watched Edward walk across to his side of the car. We drove in silence. He was such a fast driver, like me, that we got to school in record time so I wasn't stuck in the car with him for long. As we got out I saw Rosalie glaring at Edward and me. I walked over to join Edward on his side of the car, "Why is Rosalie glaring at us?" I asked him quietly.

He looked over at Rosalie before replying, "Last night we just had a little fight," He said.

"Well why is she glaring at me? I didn't do anything did I?" I asked worried that I had already made one of the new vampires angry.

"Um... Are you sure she is glaring at you?" he asked sidestepping the mine-field smartly.

"Never mind," I said walking off quietly. I didn't need to be physic to know that someone was following me. I turned around and came face to face with Edward.

"Go away," I told him turning around again and walking off.

"Stop," He said instead, grabbing my arm.

"What" I asked, looking at my arm pointedly until he got it and let me go.

"I was wondering if you wanted to sit and eat lunch with me?" He asked me smiling.

"Um... okay then. Sure," I said, saying goodbye and walking off.


I was sitting in Spanish when I felt someone staring at me. I looked behind myself at Alice and found her looking at me. She smiled slightly and I smiled in return before turning away. Later in the lesson the teacher explained a task for us to do in partners. I saw Jasmine walk towards me but Alice bet her to me.

"Hey Bella, do you want to be my partner?" she asked enthusiastically, "I want to get to know Edwards new girlfriend."

"I am not Edwards girlfriend," I said tightly.

"Oh," Alice said, her face dropping.

"I would love to be your partner though," I said smiling at her kindly.

"Okay," Alice replied, jumping up and down excitedly before pulling her seat over to my table. We worked on our task in silence. We finished just as the bell went. I packed my stuff away and walked out the door with Alice. I saw Edward waiting for me and I waved as I walked up to him.

"How are you?" I asked him quietly as we walked with Alice to the cafeteria.

"Good, class was boring though. You?" He asked grinning at me.

We got in line and Edward stepped up and filled a tray with food. We walked over to a table and sat down. I only replied once we were seated at the table. I picked up a piece of pizza and bit into it eagerly. Yuck. Food is so disgusting. I wish I didn't have to pretend to like it... I thought as I chewed painfully and swallowed.

"I am good too, though I cant wait until the day is over," I said while watching him watch me eat with a weird expression on his face, "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked self-consciously tucking a bit of hair behind my ear.

"So what are you doing this weekend?" he asked me nicely and ignoring my previous question.

"I am going down to La Push with Mike, Jasmine, Jessica, Angela and a couple of other people that are in our year," I said before an idea struck me, "Hey! Do you want to come?" I asked as Emmett, Alice, Rosalie and Jasper sat down at our table.

"Where are you and Edward going?" Emmett asked interestedly.

"I am not going anywhere. Bella however, is going down to La Push with some friends. She just wanted to know if I wanted to come," Edward answered in explanation.

I saw everyone tense up as he told them, "So you aren't going to come?" I asked him.

"Sorry, but no, I am not going to go," He replied.

"Oh okay," I said sadly. I saw Emmett grin at Edward and raise his eyebrows. Edward just elbowed him.

"Uh... Hey Bella, can I sit with you?" Mike asked and I looked up at him.

"Uh..." I looked over at Edward and he nodded, "Yeah, of course you can Mike," I told him.

"Oh good. I wanted to see if you were still in for this weekend?" He asked over-enthusiastically.

"Of course I am," I replied, looking up as Jessica, Jasmine and Angela walked over and sat with us, arguing over whose shoes looked the most fashionable. I saw the Cullens shocked faces as they sat down. I take it not many humans had sat with them and acted like it was nothing, "Uh... Jas, Jess, Angie! Stop arguing," I told them firmly. They looked at me and stopped. They looked around at the Cullens and then looked back at Mike and I.

"Hi," I said to them, smiling at their shocked faces.

"Oh, hi Bella," I got a chorus of replies from them before they continued on with their conversation, this time without the loud arguing. We sat and talked until the bell went. I got up, said goodbye to everyone and headed to my next class.

 I walked into Biology and sat down. Mike came up and said hi before walking over to his desk, Jas said hi a couple of seconds later too. I heard the other chair move and knew Edward had come into class. I looked up at him and smiled then looked back down and started doodling on my book. The teacher came in then with a projector slide. I sighed, today was going to be another boring day. Finally class ended and I got up with a sigh and headed to Gym with Mike and Angela. We were doing Badminton in Gym and I won 2 out of 3 games. I walked out of Gym and remembered that Edward had driven me to school so I was probably going to be walking home tonight. I walked out past the car park but suddenly someone grabbed me by my hoodie.

"What the hell!" I shouted, "let go of me," I turned around and saw Edward with a half amused-half angry expression on his face.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked, ignoring my questions.

"I am walking home," I said confused.

"No you are not. I am taking you home," He informed me.

"Fine," I huffed angrily, walking off towards his car.

We jumped in and he drove me home in silence. We reached my house and I went to get out but he grabbed my hand while reaching up and touching my face with his other hand. I flinched back and he sighed, letting go of me.

"Night Bella. I will see you next week," he said.

I knew why he wasn't going to be coming to school for the rest of the week as it was going to be sunny but I played dumb. "Why?" I asked.

"I am going on a camping trip with my family," he replied.

"Oh. Well I am not going to be at school either. I am flying back home to visit my mum and Phil for the week," I lied, truthfully I would be telling Charlie I was going to school then head out into the forest and head home as soon as he left. He wouldn't question me leaving my car at home because it's going to be a nice week and school is within easy walking distance.

"Well I will see you next week then Bella," he said as I got out of the car and walked to my door. By the time I had reached the front door he was gone.


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