By _unicorn_writer_

178K 5.8K 212

There is always a fine line for a thought process before making the ultimate decision. But what if it becomes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6


5.9K 355 16
By _unicorn_writer_


The college auditorium hummed with excitement as everyone gathered for the highly anticipated competition. Each finalist band had its allocated space behind the stage to fine-tune their performances for the grand finale. Backstage tension was tangible, especially for Trip Wire and Fab 5, both convinced of their superiority, yet aware that only one could clinch the coveted title.

Intense stares and exchanged glares between Trip Wire and Fab 5 heightened the charged atmosphere. Nandini's gaze bore into Manik with lingering anger, the recent office encounter fresh in her mind. Simultaneously, Manik remained focused on fulfilling the promise he made to his father - to prove himself as a winner, his father's true son.

Mr. Raghav, the head organizer, held the participants' attention as he addressed them backstage. "So students, I am not here to merely encourage you; I want the best. The gang that can captivate minds with their music. So, all the best. Friends Forever, you're up first. I need you on stage in 5 minutes." With that, he exited, leaving Friends Forever to take the stage. Now, only Trip Wire and Fab 5 remained behind the stage, a brief respite before the fierce competition unfolded.

Mukti couldn't resist taunting, "So, Manik, I hope you've secured the venue."
Alya added, "Venue for what?"
Dhruv chimed in, "Our victory - we all know the result already. Right, Manik?"
Manik reassured them, "Guys, don't stress about that. Everything is planned. We just need to do one last thing - invite our beloved losing team."

While Trip Wire listened, Navya and Aryaman attempted to restrain them, advising against creating a scene. However, Nandini couldn't resist responding with equal force.
"Ohhh, then get there fast because we know the cards haven't been printed yet. Gives you the perfect opportunity to fix your mistake and plan a success party for us. Until then, we'll grab our winning trophy, right, guys?"
Soha joined in, "Correct, babes. And please, be a good host; we don't expect our party to be as dull as your performance."
Abhimanyu teased, "And we have a good joker too. We'll be laughing all night. Right, Cabir?"
Navya wanted to warn Abhimanyu, but Manik intervened, "Don't you dare." Abhimanyu continued, "What? We all know I am just stating the truth."
Before Abhimanyu could say more, Friends Forever walked backstage, chanting confidently, "WE WILL WIN."
Manik asserted, "We've got to get to the stage, guys, and that will decide who will host the party and for whom."

Nandini retorted, "We'll watch." With that, Fab 5 took the stage, greeted by a resounding cheer from the crowd. As Manik turned towards Nandini with a smirk, the stage was set for their musical showdown.

(Playlist - Nadaan Parinde from Rockstar )

The dimmed lights in the packed auditorium heightened the anticipation as the crowd buzzed with excitement. A hush fell over the audience as the curtain slowly rose, revealing the silhouette of the five members of Fab 5, each poised with their respective instruments. The atmosphere crackled with energy as Manik, Alya, Dhruv, Mukti, and Cabir exchanged determined glances, ready to unleash a musical storm.

The opening chords echoed through the venue, sending a shiver down the spines of the audience. The mesmerizing blend of Cabir's rhythmic drumming, Dhruv's pulsating bass, and Mukti's soul-stirring guitar created a captivating canvas of sound. Alya, with her electric keyboard, added layers of emotion, while Manik's commanding voice sliced through the air, carrying the weight of every lyric. The lights synchronized with the dynamic beats, casting dramatic shadows across the stage. The lyrics, a raw expression of love, pain, and resilience, resonated with the audience, drawing them into the emotional journey woven by Fab 5. The intensity in Manik's eyes reflected the passion and conviction behind every word, captivating the audience and making them feel every nuance of the performance.

As the chorus hit, a surge of energy radiated from the stage, and the crowd responded in kind. The auditorium transformed into a sea of swaying bodies, caught in the powerful currents of Fab 5's music. Alya's fingers danced across the keyboard, infusing the composition with intricate melodies, while Mukti's guitar riffs added a fiery edge to the performance. Cabir's drumming reached a thunderous crescendo, building the anticipation for the grand finale. The lights intensified, casting a spotlight on each member as they poured their hearts into the closing notes. Manik's voice soared, leaving an indelible mark on the audience.

The final chord resonated, echoing in the silence that followed. The room erupted into thunderous applause and cheers, the intensity of Fab 5's performance lingering in the air like an electrifying charge. The band members, drenched in sweat, exchanged triumphant smiles, their collective energy still reverberating through the venue.
The intense music performance had left an indelible mark on the audience, etching Fab 5's name into the annals of unforgettable musical experiences.

Fab 5 strolled off the stage, their smiles reflecting the satisfaction of a performance well-delivered, while Trip Wire confidently advanced toward the awaiting platform.
Mukti couldn't resist a parting jab, "Guys, best of luck, huh? Give your worst."
Soha chimed in, "Don't worry, you don't need to stress. We'll do better than the worst you've ever seen."
Alya joined the banter, "Mukti, let them try their luck; otherwise, they might complain that we didn't give them a fair chance."
Nandini added a teasing touch, "Aww, baby, relax. I won't let you get hurt. Just a reality check, that's all."

As Trip Wire ascended the stage, Nandini stole a glance back at Manik. However, Aryaman intervened, subtly intertwining his fingers with hers, guiding her forward onto the stage. The spotlight embraced them as they stepped into the limelight, ready to showcase their musical prowess.

(Playlist - Dhunki from Mere Brother Ki Dulhan )

The stage was set, bathed in a kaleidoscope of vibrant lights, as the crowd buzzed with anticipation. Trip Wire, the enigmatic band known for their electrifying performances, prepared to ignite the atmosphere with their rendition of a popular pop song. As the first notes echoed through the venue, the audience leaned in, eager for the sonic journey about to unfold.

Nandini, the lead vocalist, took center stage with a magnetic presence. Dressed in a stylish ensemble, her eyes sparkled with determination. The intro chords resonated through the venue, setting the rhythm for the performance. Navya, Abhimanyu, Aryaman, and Soha, each armed with their respective instruments, surrounded Nandini like a harmonious force ready to explode.

The pop song's catchy melody began, and Nandini's voice blended seamlessly with the music. Her vocals carried the essence of the song's emotion, delivering each lyric with precision and passion. Navya's bass thumped in tandem with Abhimanyu's drumbeats, creating a pulsating rhythm that reverberated through the audience.
As the chorus approached, the tempo soared, and the crowd couldn't resist joining in. Nandini's energy was infectious, and the band's synergy was palpable. Aryaman's skillful guitar riffs weaved through the air, adding an extra layer of excitement to the performance. Soha's keyboard melodies danced around the arrangement, enhancing the song's pop essence.

In the bridge, Nandini's voice took on a soulful tone, showcasing her vocal range and emotional depth. The entire band reached a crescendo, building anticipation for the song's climax. The lights swirled, and the audience was immersed in a sensory spectacle, captivated by Trip Wire's dynamic performance.
As they approached the final chorus, the band unleashed a burst of energy, leaving an indelible mark on the minds of the audience. Confetti rained down, enhancing the celebratory atmosphere. Nandini, breathless but exhilarated, exchanged triumphant smiles with her band mates. The crowd erupted into thunderous applause, acknowledging Trip Wire's prowess in delivering a pop spectacle that transcended the boundaries of the stage.

The music faded, leaving the audience in a state of euphoria, and Trip Wire gracefully bowed, expressing gratitude for the electrifying connection they had forged with the crowd. The pop song had come to life in their hands, leaving an indelible memory in the hearts of those who witnessed the sonic magic of Trip Wire.

Trip Wire was about to make their way to the backstage when Mr Raghav's authoritative voice halted them in their tracks.
Raghav sir declared, "Let's cut this short, students. It's time for the results to be declared. I would like to request the other two groups to walk upon the stage."

Following his instructions, the sequence unfolded: Fab 5, then Trip Wire, and finally Friends Forever. Raghav sir ascended the stage with the other two judges, holding the results in his hands. Tension gripped all the groups, and within each gang, members tightly clasped hands, awaiting the verdict.
"Without any further speech, I would like to straight away give the results," announced Raghav. "The winning team is..."
Cheers erupted from the crowd, split between Fab 5 and Trip Wire. Mukti gathered everyone in front, anticipating the announcement. However, the revelation stunned them.
"The winner is Trip Wire. Congratulations, Trip Wire, for winning this competition," declared Raghav, acknowledging the deserving team. "For others, you did well, but as I said, the best may win. Trip Wire, I leave you all here. See you all tomorrow, students."
"Thank you, sir," acknowledged Trip Wire, still processing the unexpected victory. As teachers and students departed, only Fab 5 and Trip Wire remained in the auditorium. Fab 5 wore expressions of anger, while Trip Wire reveled in their victory, celebrating with hugs and jubilation.

An irate Fab 5 silently left, a brewing storm beneath the surface as Abhimanyu and Soha intercepted them with taunts.
"Nandini I hope the venue is booked now?" Abhimanyu teased.
Soha added, "We don't have to worry about that, we have our beloved losing team to host our success party. Right, Fab 5?"
Nandini countered, "Ahan, Alya, how was the reality check, sweetheart?"
Mukti intervened, "You..."
Manik stepped in, "Stop it, guys. Ignore them. Let's just leave from here."
Dhruv agreed, "Yeah, sure. But not before showing them their actual places."
Aryaman chimed in, "Fine. Then com eon in and fight."

Navya pleaded, "Guys, stop it, please. Today, we have a happy day. Nanz, let's go back home. We need to share this news with Uncle."
Nandini agreed, "Yes, we don't have much time to waste. Dad must be so happy after hearing this news."
The reality of the situation hit Manik hard, and he stormed out of the auditorium. He had a significant conversation awaiting him - answering his dad about the competition results, and he knew today wouldn't be an easy day.


Trip Wire entered the house, their joyous chatter echoing with the resonance of their victory. As we stepped inside, we found my dad seated on the sofa, engrossed in watching TV.
"Dad, what are you doing here? What about office and your meetings?" I questioned, intrigued by his unexpected presence at home.
He looked at us, a warm smile on his face, "There is nothing more important to me than my kids."
Abhimanyu couldn't contain his excitement, "Dad, you won't believe, how happy we are today."I
"I know my son, because I know my kids always win. So, this calls for a celebration," he declared with pride.
Soha chimed in, "We'll surely do, uncle. After all, we are the winners."
Aryaman added, "Yes uncle, I have even booked the place."
"Cancel it," my dad interjected.
"Why, uncle? Any problem?" Navya inquired.
My dad explained, "I knoow your selected place must be goof, but my kids have won, so this particular celebration is on me."
"Dad," I protested.
"Yess, my doll, anything for you. Moreover, I had to organize a party for my business deal too, so how's the idea?" he proposed.
"I mean it's not bad since I get a double win out of this." I teased.
"So it's done, you've worked so hard for everything, it's my turn now to do something for you" my dad decided.
"Yes, dad, You work on the decor or other related things to this party. We'll decide our side of the guest list, right guys?" I suggested, looking at everyone with a mischievous smile.


As I stepped into my house, it wasn't fear that gripped me, but a burning desire to prove to my father that i was more than capable. However, destiny seemed determined to add complexities to my life. As I ascended the stairs, a voice interrupted his thoughts.
"So how does losing feels? Twice." my father's voice resonated.
"Dad, I know this doesn't look good" as i began, attempting to explain, "Excuses and excuses. That's what you do the best. So, you did not answer my question. How was your loss?" my father interjected.
"Dad, please? I'll explain everything to you," at this point my reply was more of a beg.
"Explain what? I got this invite. Come on read it Manik, no wait, I'll read it for you," he insisted not even masking his sarcasm.
Manik read aloud, "So, hereby we invite Malhotra family to the celebration party of Trip Wire, as well as Singhania's for their victory."
"I hope you've decided your clothes? Might a joker outfit be perfect for the occasion for you" he prodded further.
"Dad, I am sorry. I tried my best, but Trip Wire was probably a bit better than us," I confessed, even though it broke my heart but I wasn't one to suck up my defeat.

"This is your problem, Manik. You just be happy with the things you get. You don't have that hunger of a proud winner, but who am I even explaining this to. Now, go and get ready fast. We'll be going to the party," my father directed.
"Dad, but..." I began to protest but for no use.
"I know you have no interest of going there, but I have to. It's important for our company, and I don't want people to be thinking of me as a coward, who ran away after a few defeats." he explained.
"Okay, dad," I acquiesced as I made my way to my room with heavy steps and stood in front of a large photograph featuring a young boy with his mother beside him.
"I am sorry, Mom. I know I have disappointed the both of you today, but weren't you the one who once told me how we only get what is written in our destiny? I guess, it just wasn't my win. Maybe there are better things for me out there, you must know the best. Tell me mom. Am I ever going to get any happiness in my life because if I do. I swear mom. I promise I will prove it to Dad that I am his son," I vowed.


Manik leaned against the bathroom wall, the sound of water droplets hitting the shower floor acting as a rhythmic backdrop to the events swirling in his mind. The messages from Fab 5 replayed in his head, and he couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that not all his friends were on board for the night.
"Guys I have to go and I hope you all will be present there as well as a united front, as Fab 5" he remembered requesting his team mates only to get negative replies from them.
"I don't think I can handle anymore of those taunts and disrespect." Dhruv had dismissed his request without second thoughts followed my Mukti and Alya who supported him.
The group went completely silent. Manik sighed and kept his phone on the table before strolling into the bathroom and stepping inside the shower. All of the day's events flashed in front of him.

The celebration had begun at the Singhania mansion, so Mr Singhania was busy welcoming his guests, while Abhimanyu was talking with some of his other friends, including Soha. Navya preferred to talk to some of her high school friends, while Aryaman was preoccupied staring at the stairs, waiting for Nandini to arrive.Manik and his father strolled into the party, and all of the females were enthralled by the handsome hunk in front of them, gazing him with lust, while the boys were envious of Manik's attractiveness. Nandini's father approached Mr Malhotra to greet them, but the latter feigned a grin at him before walking to some of his clients, leaving Manik alone.

Manik proceeded ahead when he felt a nice, relaxing breeze on his face and looked up to see where it came from. As Nandini went down the steps in her gorgeous and elegant outfit, every guy's heart skipped a beat, and they all looked at her as if they had seen sunshine after a long, dark night. Manik looked away taking a position at the bar but his thoughts were momentarily interrupted by the memory of Nandini descending the stairs, a vision of grace and elegance. He couldn't deny the effect she had on everyone in the room, and a faint smile touched his lips at the sight of her, a welcome distraction from the uncertainties lingering in his mind.

Manik closed his eyes for a moment, allowing the cool water to cascade down his throat, attempting to wash away the tension. He couldn't help but wonder about the dynamics within Fab 5. Mukti's indifference, Alya's refusal, and Dhruv's hesitation were like shadows casting doubt on the unity they once shared. As he drank to himself, he couldn't escape the gnawing feeling that tonight held more than just the usual revelry. The party seemed to be a battleground for more than just celebrations.
Manik glanced at himself in the shiny marble of the bar slab, determination reflecting in his eyes. He wouldn't let Fab 5 crumble under the weight of uncertainties. It was more than a group; it was a pact, a promise to stand together through thick and thin.

The vibrant energy of the party buzzed in the air, accompanied by the subtle hum of anticipation. The moment she reached the bottom of the stairs, her friends enveloped her in a tight group hug, a collective celebration of their togetherness.
Amidst the joyous reunion, Abhimanyu's mischievous eyes darted towards the solitary figure of Manik, who stood a little way off, his gaze focused on the festivities. Sensing an opportunity for some good-natured teasing, Abhimanyu approached him with a sly grin.
" Manik, hey bro, what's up?" he asked with a certain cheer that wasn't very friendly.
Manik turned to face Abhimanyu, his expression composed, though hints of a deeper contemplation lingered in his eyes.
" Hey, I'm all fine." the man replied with a smirk on his face.
Soha, ever the lively spirit, couldn't resist poking fun at the seemingly absent Fab 5, " Where's your lovely group? Ask them not to be shy please."
Navya, curious about the whereabouts of the rest of Fab 5, joined the banter, "Manik, where are the others?"
Manik, instead of offering a direct response, chose to deflect the attention, glancing towards Navya with a playful twinkle in his eyes, " Navya they are just-"
Nandini, always perceptive, interjected with a knowing smile, aware of the unspoken dynamics within the group, " Don't tell me they were scared to face us after that big, publicly humiliating loss."
Abhimanyu, seizing the opportunity to add his own twist to the conversation, couldn't resist a playful jab, "Did they bail out on you?" he said with a smirk on his face.
Manik's response was a composed chuckle, a mix of amusement and reassurance, "Nandini, Fab 5 has never ran away from anything, and we never bail out on our friends either." as he pointed out towards his group of friends walking to them.

The rhythmic beats of the music filled the room as the Fab 5 gathered together, a symphony of laughter and camaraderie echoing in the air. Alya, the last to join the group, offered an apologetic smile.
Alya spoke up apologetically, "Sorry for being late, sweetheart. Actually, I was confused on what dress to wear tonight."
Soha, known for her straightforwardness, chimed in with a teasing remark, " Umm, didn't make much of a difference for you.".
Mukti, the unabashed voice of the group, added her own touch of humor, "Aww, Soha darling. Isn't the party supposed to be yours? We're just making sure you guys don't feel undermined here right? "
Abhimanyu, always ready with a quip, couldn't resist commenting on the aftermath of their recent challenges, "I must say you guys do have a big tall ego mixed with over confidence,"
Navya, trying to steer the conversation in a different direction, brought up a light-hearted topic, " I think we all need some drinks."

But Nandini, appreciative of their presence, expressed her gratitude, "Seriously, guys, thanks a lot for coming. I'm glad you all took up my invite in such good sportman ship."
" Don't worry Nandini, wouldn't have let your invite go to waste." Manik replied with a smile, slipping up her masked persona for a second.
Aryaman's interruption broke the banter, drawing everyone's attention, "Okay, guys, enough of your world wars now. Kindly excuse us; we are a little busy right now. Nandini, we have other guests to attend."
Nandini nodded in agreement.

As the other group left, Fab 5 found themselves alone once again. Manik turned to face his friends, a sense of unity and camaraderie lingering in the air.I
"I am not a coward." Mukti grabbed the drink from his hands, chugging it down in a single go.
Dhruv added assertively, "I don't leave my friends behind. Alya's dress took time."

Laughter erupted, the echoes of their camaraderie bouncing off the walls. In that moment, surrounded by friendship and laughter, Fab 5 found solace in each other's company, ready to face whatever the night had in store. The banter continued, the friends exchanging light-hearted remarks in the midst of the lively party. Little did they know that the night held more than just laughter and celebration; it was a canvas painted with the colors of camaraderie, friendship, and unforeseen twists that would unfold as the night progressed.

The party continued to pulse with energy, and Manik felt a sense of pride watching his friends embrace the celebration. Aryaman's announcement on stage drew his attention, and Manik couldn't help but appreciate the gesture. It was a testament to the strength and resilience of Nandini and Fab 5.

The night held promises and uncertainties, but as Manik immersed himself in the lively atmosphere, he vowed to keep Fab 5 intact, no matter the challenges they faced.The echoes of Aryaman's words lingered in his mind, a reminder that some battles were worth fighting, especially when the bonds of friendship were at stake.
Aryaman took the centre stage this time as smiled at the beaming crowd, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you're all having a good time at the party. I would like to make a statement in front of you all today."

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