Laughing salad lady fanfiction

By thechaomaster

66 4 6


Laughing salad lady fanfiction

66 4 6
By thechaomaster

shes just so happy to be eating

 this is her last meal before she gets sent off into space into the sun for science.

 she has brought so much salad

 she loves the salad and the salad loves her

they get into a stable relationship

but oh no

 the lady has to go to space

"please salad... i need to do this"

 "why!? you are my one true love!"

 "i need to do this... for science"

 "i will always love you" the salad whispered as it wrapped his arms around his wife

"i know dear... i know... AND IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiIIIIIIII WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOOOOOUUUUUU"  the lady screamed into the sky with tears in her eyes

she kept flying into space

looking at her salad

 her one and only salad


(based on a skype chat)

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