Help Needed

By RidiculousnessCookie

78 2 0

Girls aren't the only ones who get depressed. Girls aren't the only ones who are abused... More

Help Needed
Chapter 1

Chapter 2

23 1 0
By RidiculousnessCookie

Liams POV:

I ran out of school. I just wasn't in the mood. I was feeling particularly sad today anyways. I didn't want to slip up and tell, and with someone begging me to do so, I wouldn't be able to keep up the lies. So I had to walk out.

Mrs. Greenleaf stomped behind me again, and grabbed my wrist to make me stop. I immediately pulled back, in a not so gentle way. I didn't mean to pull away that hard, its just an immediate reaction now. She seemed surprised at how fast and forceful I was to get away from her grip.

"Liam... If I ask you something will you tell me the truth?" she asked, in a nice tone. To be honest, ive never heard her speak that way to me. Ever. "Uhh.. Sure?" I answered more as a question. "Does someone.. You know.. At home, beat you?" she slowly asked.


Nobody, and I mean, nobody, has EVER been able to guess my actual situation. I really thought nobody ever really would. WHAT DO I SAY?! IVE NEVER PLANNED THIS ON HAPPENING. IM PANICKING. FUCK THIS.

I turn back around, and start to walk out of school again. I could say nothing. I wouldn't be able to lie to that question, and I most certainly cant say yes, even though its true.

I turn around, and her jaw is to the floor. She's stiff, and wide eyed. She knows the answer is yes.

I walk around town all day until school is over. I sigh as I walk back home, knowing there is a beating in store, even though I haven't done anything wrong.


I silently closed the front door. Hoping he wont hear me. I look up, and all of the sudden, he has my neck. My father is pushing me against the wall, choking me. "Good job," he starts. "I got a call from the school today asking if I beat you" his grip around my neck gets tighter. Air. I need air.

He lets go, and shoved me to the ground. You have no idea how great it was to actually breathe again. "YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST GO TELLIN ANYONE YOU WANT ABOUT WHAT GOES ON AROUND HERE?!" my father hollers as loud as he possibly can, and kicks my stomach as hard as he can.

His foot kept colliding with my stomach, over and over again. All I could do is wish that he would stop soon. He stepped back and accidentally stepped on my wrist. I winced in pain. I guess that gave him an idea, because he started to kick my wrist and stomp on it.

He finally finished with that. I hope that's all for tonight. But of course not, he turned around and did the same thing he did to my wrist, to my ankle. Please, please can I die? I beg you, just kill me now.

He stepped close to my face and knelt down. A couple face punches and some insults and he was actually done. I lay there. About to pass out. Feeling the aching pain, all over my body.


In the morning, I woke up, to another day. I sat up, against the wall. I lifted my shirt up to see the new and improved bruise on my stomach, from last night. It was getting really bad. I put my shirt back down, sighing, and trying to get up.

So. Much. Pain. I couldn't stand on the ankle my dad had stomped on last night, so I had to limp. I also couldn't move my wrist. What a fun today this will be. To be honest, beside the fact that last night I got the shit beaten out of me, I feel sick.

I took a really quick shower before my dad woke up. I looked in the mirror and winced at the awful sight. Man, I really just wish I didn't have to go to school. But I wish I could stay home without getting beat. Just fuck this. I hate my life and everything about it. I want to die, I mean my dad says all the time that im nothing more than a waste of space. He said my mother would be ashamed of what ive become today. That im not a good son, and that's why he beats me everyday.

I grab some clothes, but always wear my gray sweatshirt over my shirt anyways. I start walking to school, and realizing im late AGAIN. Mrs. Greenleaf is going to kill me.

I saw in the classroom. Before im even halfway in the classroom, I hear Mrs. Greenleaf say, "wait outside the room". f u c k.

I walked back out the door, and she was right behind me.

"Liam... What happened?!" she asked me. How the hell did she notice. There was hardly any damage to my face and the rest is covered up. Oh wait, its because ive been limping. Damn.

"Take a guess," I shot at her, but didn't break her mood. She's been so nice to me all day, just like the end of yesterday. I sat in a chair. She slowly came closer to me.

She reached her hand out, and gently touched my bad wrist. I winced and pulled back. "Please.. Let me see. I'll hardly touch it". She touched my wrist again and rolled up my sleeve. Lets just say, my wrist is kinda bruised... Badly. She scanned it over.

"You don't get in fights, do you Liam?" she asked. I didn't answer. I was close to just crying my eyes out, but I cant do that here.

"I'll be back," she said as she walked off. I looked at my wrist again. I sighed. It looked really bad.

A girl walked down the hallway, and stopped to look at me. "Hey, what happened?" she asked. "Nothing". She sat down next to me. "Wait, you're Liam. The 'bully', as everyone says at least. I don't see you hurting anyone. All I see is you with injuries, and rumors spreading around."

I nodded my head. "You seem so nice. How could anyone every think of you in such awful ways?" she asked. "So, what happened to your wrist? If you don't want to tell me here, you can come to my house after school and tell me," she smiled. I nodded. "Alright, after school," I agreed.


Not much else happened at school. As soon as the bell rang, I waited outside for the girl, I believe her name is Kayla.

I found her and we started walking. "Aw, why are you limping?" she asked. "I'll tell you later," I answered. Within like 5 minutes we were at her house. We sat on her couch, as I sighed. "Well, you gonna tell me?" she asked.

I nodded. I'm actually going to do this. Holy. Motherfucking. Shit.

"M-my father," I answer.

At first she is confused, but after a minute, she knows what im talking about. "Can I see what he's done to you?" she asked. I nodded. I pulled my shirt up, to show her the enormous bruise on my shirt.

"oh... my... god, that's terrible"

At this point, I was bawling my eyes out. She rubbed my back slowly, comforting me, and gently hugged me, trying not to hurt me in any way.

"You're the first person ive actually ever told, unless you count Mrs. Greenleaf figuring it out herself as the first person"

She comforted me more, until I realized how late it was, and had to go back home before dad killed me. "I have to go," I sighed, and got up.

She looked a little sad to see me go, but I had to. I walked home, expecting to get beaten, but my dad was asleep on the couch. I was saved.


At school, I was actually on time. It actually shocked me. Im still wickedd sore, and practically everywhere hurts. Here we go again, Mrs. Greenleaf's class. You know what, I don't even care anymore if I tell her.

I walked in, and as usual, she asked me to wait outside the classroom. I sat in one of the chairs in the hallway.

She came out of the classroom. "Liam," she started as she walked over to me. She sat in the chair next to me. "I need an actual answer. Yes or no, do your parents beat you?"

I nodded. I used my sleeves to cover up my eyes, because I could tell I was crying. I was shaking. She hugged me.

"Its only my dad. My mom is dead. Every night when I get home from school, for no reason at all, he just starts to beat me. He doesn't stop. He always reminds me of how awful of a son I am, or how my mom would be so ashamed of what ive become.. People at school, they made all those rumors up about me getting into fights. I have never hurt anyone, and I don't plan to. Nobody would ever think of what my life really is," I explained while sobbing.

She gently and slowly pulled away from her hug to me. She gently got ahold of my good wrist and unrolled the sleeve. She saw all my cuts. After being called the worst son in the world, or hearing how stupid I am, I felt I needed that pain to take away from the emotional.

"Please, don't do that to yourself. You don't deserve it. People love you."

"No, no they don't. The only friend I have, is a girl I met yesterday. People have always hated me because they thought I was a bully. They wouldn't even look at me. All my teachers hated me, including you. I felt alone. You know how it feels? To be completely alone? No. You don't. Nobody would look at me, talk to me. Then all my teachers hated me anyways. Just to go home to get beaten by my father every single night. That, is pure torture."



~ Caitlynn

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