A Songbook In The Making//S.M...

By easiermalum

756 43 9

Shawn and Lucy have been best friends since age 3. As they grew up, they discovered themselves and each other... More

1. Strings
2. Stitches
3. Kid in Love
4. Life Of The Party
5. Life Of The Party (2)
6. Strings (2)
8. Stitches (2)
9. Life of the Party (3)
10. Show You
11: Life of the Party (4)
12. I Don't Even Know Your Name
13. I Don't Even Know Your Name (2)
14. Kid In Love (2)
15. I Don't Even Know Your Name (3)
16. Something Big
17. Never Be Alone
19.I Know What You Did Last Summer (Pt. 1)
20. I Know What You Did Last Summer (Pt. 2)
21. Stitches (3)
22. Air

7. One of Those Nights

36 3 0
By easiermalum

"Fear not, yeah, welcome to the jungle
Think fast, move quick, don't stumble
We can't do this alone"

"You promise you won't leave me tonight, right?" Lucy asked, as they stood before the doors of Pine Ridge Junior High.

"Of, course Lu." Shawn smiled. Lucy gave him a look, and he sighed and jokingly rolled his eyes.

"Promise." He said, holding out his pinkie. Lucy beamed at him and linked their pinkies.

Shawn and Lucy linked arms, and marched up to the double doors. They swung open the doors together, and took in the scene. There were lines at each classroom and office door, and booths for extracurriculars in the gym, and lobby.

"Woah." Shawn and Lucy said in unison.

"Shawn, come on." Lucy dragged him over to a booth by the main hallway.

"Hi!" The teacher greeted.

"Hello." Lucy replied, looking at the pamphlets and poster boards.

Meanwhile, Shawn stood behind her, bored, until, he saw his good friend, Sebastian Olzanski.

"Seb!" He waved, and then Sebastian gestured for him to go over to him.

"Lu, I'll be right back." He mumbled. She didn't say anything, but he just assumed she heard him.

"So you're interested in music?" The teacher asked, awkwardly, pointing to the Music Education sign at the top of the booth.

"Well, no. Actually, my best friend is. He's joining this year, he just doesn't know it yet. But he just has to, he always singing, he loves it, and don't even get me started on his voice. Gives. Me. Chills."

"Oh, really? What's his name?"

"Um, Shawn. Actually you can-" she whipped around, only to find...no one.

"Not meet him. Excuse me for a second." And she took off, calling his name, until she collided with a hard surface, falling to the floor with a thud.

"Hey, watch where you're going! This is a new skirt!" Yelled a female voice.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry!" Lucy said, quickly. Lucy looked over to a girl with a black printed tee, and a white skirt, with black flats.

"I'm really sorry." Lucy says, helping the girl up. "I'm also really, really, really clumsy, obviously." Lucy explained, and the girl laughed.

"Yeah, sorry about the attitude. Defense mechanism. Also, I take my fashion very seriously. Speaking of, I love your style." The girl said.

Lucy looked down to her blue long-sleeve shirt, and Beatles jeans, with her converse.

"Umm... Thank you...?"

"I'm Riley, by the way."

"Oh, I'm Lucy."


Lucy and Riley continued to walk around and talk for an hour. Of course they had differences, as in Lucy's interest of the dramatic and musical arts, while Riley was more of the real-world drama, and fashion and design. But, though they had many differences, they found they had many things in common, also, like books and movies. They were both huge book nerds, though Lucy was more open about it, and was by far more of a fangirl than Riley.

They both liked music, though their tastes were completely different. Lucy liked more rock, alternative music, such as Breaking Benjamin along with singer-songwriter type of music, while Riley liked more of pop, mainstream type of music, such as Ariana Grande. They also liked learning new things, though Lucy's strong-suit was math, while Riley's was science.

They were walking along the music and arts department, and talking about one of their favorite book series. The one and only, Percy Jackson.

"Oh, when Annabeth fell off the cliff, while fighting Dr. Thorne!"

"Oh my god, it broke my heart." Riley sighed, sadly.

"Right? And then Thalia blamed Percy." Lucy said. "Oh my god." Lucy said angrily, as she spotted a certain brunette, looking around, and talking with Sebastian.

"I know, right?" Riley said, oblivious to where Lucy was actually looking.

"Excuse me, Riley." Lucy said, as she walked toward the 2 boys. Riley shrugged and followed her anyway.

"Shawn!" Lucy yelled, slapping him on the arm. Shawn turned around, with relieved look on his face.

"Oh my god, Lucy." Shawn exclaimed, wrapping his arms around her in a hug.

"No!" Lucy said, pushing him off, angrily. "Don't 'Oh my God, Lucy' me, Shawn." she said, kicking him.

"How. Could. You. Leave. Me. You. Big. Jerk!" Lucy scolded, hitting him on the arm, on the beat of each word. Shawn winces on every hit to the arm, until she finally finished, and he snatched her arms.

"What are you talking about?" Shawn asked. "You left me."

"No, I was looking at the music program for you, and when I turned around, you were gone."

"No, I saw Seb, and he wanted me to go over there for-"

"Oh, so it's your fault." Lucy said, pointing over to Sebastian.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, there. You need to calm yourself."

"No, I said  'Lu, I'll be right back', and when I came back to the booth, you were gone. And then I went to find you."

"Well, you didn't do a very good job."

"Sorry, ok, Lu? I'm really, really sorry." Shawn pouted.

"Ok I guess I forgive you." Lucy gave in, knowing she's never been able to stay mad at Shawn for long.

"Umm..." Riley said behind her, very confused.

"Oh, right. Um, Shawn, Seb, this is Riley Hodges. Riley, this is my best friend Shawn Mendes, and our friend, Sebastian Olzanski."

"I'm sorry, Sebastian what?"

"Yeah, I get that a lot." Seb laughed.

"Anyway, guys, I met Riley when I was looking for you." She said, poking Shawn angrily in the chest.

"Ow." Shawn said.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Riley." Seb said.

"You too. And nice to meet you, Shawn." Riley said, smiling.

A/N Well this is short. But I updated on time. I started doing song recommendations, off of the playlist I made for the book on Spotify. If you have Spotify, you can find the playlist under the book title, but yeah.

So, up until now, it's been like random, but very important moments in their life, but starting next chapter it's going to be in present time in freshman year, and some shit's about to go down.

DISCLAIMER: And before I forget, I obviously do not own Percy Jackson, all rights go to Rick Riordan. I also don't own the bands or artists I mentioned in this chapter.


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