Unbreakable Passion (Hollywoo...

Por LoveTheWayYouSmile12

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A Hollywood Heights fan fiction that's starts where season 1 left off. Eddie Duran and Loren Tate are closer... Más

Chapter 1- Our Happy New Beginning
Chapter 2- Preparing for the Concert
Chapter 3- The Red Carpet
Chapter 4- Backstage Trouble
Chapter 5- She's back! >:S
Chapter 6- Interrupted Surprise
Chapter 7- Planning
Chapter 8- Alone at Last!
Chapter 9- Big Apple, Big Date
Chapter 11- Discussing the First Time
Chapter 12- The Start of a Lazy Day
Chapter 13- Statue of Liberty
Chapter 14- 354 Stairs
Chapter 15- A Lazy, Sexy Night
Chapter 16- Goodbye New York!
Chapter 17- Back to LA
Chapter 18- Loren?!!!!
Chapter 19- Loren Wakes Up
Chapter 20- Forever & Always
Chapter 21- Telling Melissa
Chapter 22- Pampered by a Sexy Rockstar (dirty)
Chapter 23- Back to the Beach Bungalow
Chapter 24- Crime
Chapter 25- Figuring Things Out
Short cliff hanger
Chapter 26- Eddie...Don't Leave Me...
Chapter 27- Where Are You?!!!!
Chapter 28- Please Be Okay...
Chapter 29- I'll Love You No Mater What
Chapter 30- Stitches
Chapter 31- WHAT?!
Chapter 32- Forgive Me?
Chapter 33- Kiss Me Slowly
Chapter 34- Going Home
Chapter 35- A Good Morning
Chapter 36- A Day Out
Chapter 37- Falling Into You
Chapter 38- Tell Me
Chapter 39- Exciting News
Chapter 40- Forgot to Mention...
Chapter 41- It's Never Goodbye
Chapter 42- Happy Birthday Loren!
Chapter 43- Paris
Chapter 44- Secret Closet
Chapter 45- Night in Paris
Chapter 46- (Time Jump) Weddings
Chapter 47- Will You Marry Me?
Chapter 48- Unbreakable Passion

Chapter 10- Eddie's Surprise (dirty)

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Por LoveTheWayYouSmile12

(This chapter will be very dirty and detailed so if you don't like to read that stuff, sorry...)


Loren quietly and slowly shut the bedroom door and walked over to the couch in the living room and sat down. She decided that she should call Melissa to see how she's doing and she's probably dying to find out why aren't Loren and Eddie back home? So Loren picks up her phone, and dials Melissa's phone number. It started ringing and then Melissa picked up.

*on the phone*

Melissa: Hey Lo! Where the hell are you?!!!! You're mom won't tell me why you aren't back and told me not to disturb you unless you call me! Thank God you did! I was dying! *she flips out not letting Loren get a word in*

Loren: Mel! Stop! Calm down! Now, do you want to know where I am or not?


Loren: I can see that! Now, this morning, I woke up to see Eddie sleeping next to me... *cut off by Melissa's hyperness (that's not a word but let's make it one!) again.*

Melissa: LOREN TATE! Did you do it???!!!!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME IMMEDIATELY?! WAS IT AWESOME? DID YOU LOVE IT? I guess, you would love it because it's Eddie Duran!!!!

Loren: Melissa Sanders! Calm the heck down!

Melissa: I'm calm.... go ahead.

Loren: okay, now no more explosions. So this morning I woke up to see Eddie sleeping next to me. No we did not do it. I looked over his shoulder to see if my mom was there because she would probably have a conniption that he's in my bed. And my mom wasn't there. So I became curious and then he woke up from me moving. I asked him where my mom was and he told me that her and his dad left last night back to LA leaving us in NYC alone. It was all Kelly and Jake's idea to leave him and me alone to have vacation/ alone time together.

Loren pauses in the middle of her sentence to hear Melissa on the other end whimpering.


Melissa: Yes... sorry! It's so darn cute!

Loren: It's very cute! And today we spent 5 hours walking and kissing in Central Park!

Melissa: That's so romantic! Where are you now?

Loren: Back at the hotel. He needed to take a nap before we go to dinner at the Hard Rock Café.

Melissa: I always wanted to go there! Have fun!

Loren: Thanks. I will! Also, I've been thinking, I might want to have sex with Eddie.... *she says in strange voice*

Melissa: No way! When?!!! What changed your mind?

Loren: Just I've been thinking, we've been together for a while now, I know he loves me, and now is the perfect time. We're alone in New York City together, alone. Plus, we've been through a lot together and I just really want to. But I want to make it special. I don't know how though. Any suggestions?

Melissa: Well first of all, I agree with everything you said. You guys have been through... A LOT. And here's what you can do, you can go to a lingerie store if you can find one, get something really sexy and put it on when you come home from the dinner date. But hint around. He'll be so surprised!

Loren: I know right? I'm kind of nervous. By the way, that's a good idea. I seen a lingerie store called, "Sexy Sex" on our way back to the hotel about 20 minutes ago.

Melissa: Well what are you still doing talking to me?! GO GO GO! Get over there, buy it and get back quickly before Eddie wakes up!

Loren: You're right! Thanks girl! Bye. I'll call you tomorrow morning!

Melissa: Bye! Good luck!

Loren hangs up the phone, calls the front desk and tells them to get the car ready. She puts on her jean jacket and then heads down to the lobby. She walks out of the lobby to the front and then sees the mustang. The chauffeur gives Loren the keys and then Loren gets in the drivers side. She doesn't know how to drive the powerful thing so she goes slow. She arrives at the store and pulls along the street and parks. As she walks in the door to the lingerie store, Loren gets a little shaken by some of the things she sees. (I'm not even going to say!) She tries to ignore it and head straight back to the lingerie. She looks through about 5 different options she likes and picks out the best one. A pink and black outfit. (shown on the right.) She purchases it and heads back to the hotel. She hands the chauffeur the keys to the mustang and he stores it back to it's private parking space behind the hotel for guests only. Loren walks arrives on her and Eddie's room floor. She gets her key card out of her purse and inserts it into the slot and then the door unlocks. She walk in and shuts the door behind her. She turns around with her shopping bag with no words on it... thank God, and sees Eddie standing in the living room, dressed, freshened up and ready to go to dinner.

Eddie: Where have you been? Your alarm was supposed to wake me up!

Loren: I laid there awake for at least 15 minutes and you were zonked out by 3 minutes of just lying there.

Eddie: I was pretty tired.

Loren: Yea, so I just went out and went shopping for a bit. I couldn't help myself!

Eddie: Where'd you shop?

Loren: I seriously don't even know what it's called but I got a.... a... um....

Eddie: Outfit?

Loren: Yea sure! Let's go with that! *she says under her breath* You ready?! *tries to change the subject quickly before anymore questions.*

Eddie: Ready if you are. *walks over and kisses Loren on the cheek.*

Loren: Just let me put away my bag. I'll be right back. *she quickly open her and Eddie's bedroom door walks around the bed closest to the bathroom and sets the lingerie bag on the floor behind the sink. Somewhat hidden so the matter can remain a secret.*

Loren walks back out of the bathroom, then out the bedroom door and shuts it behind her, grabs her purse and joins Eddie's side. Then Eddie and Loren walk down the hallway, ride down the elevator, and to their rental car. Loren and Eddie arrive at the Hard Rock Café and Eddie parks the car in the parking lot. Eddie rushes out of his side of the car and runs over to Loren's side of the car and opens the door for her and reaches out his hand to help her out of the vehicle.

Loren: What a gentleman! *she giggles and then pecks him on the cheek.*

Loren and Eddie link arms and walk into the restaurant. Eddie speaks to the clerk at the host's desk.

Eddie: Reservation for 2, Duran.

Host: Right this way. *pauses to turn around and ask another question.* Would you like the private roof top seating?

Eddie: Oh, ye, that would be great! Thank you sir!

Eddie and Loren follow the host around the corner to a somewhat hidden elevator. The elevator doors open almost immediately after the host presses the button. They enter the elevator and a awkward silence follows them all the way up to the roof of the building. When the door opens, Loren and Eddie's eyes widen in shock. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. The atmosphere of the entire roof was a priceless romantic site. Strings of dimmed white lights dangled over their heads, mini marble fountains placed in each corner of the roof, a private little kitchen for the cooks and waitresses so they don't have to keep going up and down the elevator the whole time and right in the middle of it all, a small little bistro table surrounded by rose petals all over the brick flooring.

Host: Will this be a fine destination for you to dine Mr. Duran?

Eddie: This is perfect! What about you Lo? You like it up here?

Loren: It's amazing! So romantic.

The host leads them over to the table, puts the silver ware, napkins, and menus down. Then walks over to the small mp3 system and turns on romantic music, then rejoins Eddie and Loren at their table to tell them that their waitress will be up shortly. Eddie pulls out the chair from the table for Loren to sit, once she sits, he helps push her in. Then walks over to his side of the table and sits down.

Eddie: Isn't this great?

Loren: It's amazing! I can't believe they have this private section up here.

Eddie: Now that I think about it. I think that my parents told me about this place when I was little. They used to come up here once a year for their anniversary.

Loren: awww! That's so sweet! And now we're up here too! *she says smiling*

Eddie: And you're the only one I would ever want to share this moment with. *then they both leaned over the table to meet half way and kiss.*

The waitress finally arrives at the table.

Waitress: Good evening to the two of you, first of all, big fan of both you!

Loren and Eddie: Thank you *they say in sync*

Waitress: So what can I get you two to drink to start off this romantic evening?! *she says with a friendly smile*

Eddie: I'll have a beer.

Waitress: And for you Miss. Tate?

Loren: I'll have a iced tea with a lemon.

Waitress: Okay, I'll be back with that.

Loren and Eddie continue talking until the waitress comes back with their drinks and then they continue talking after that. The waitress eventually comes back, Loren and Eddie order there food. Then they hear a romantic song come on the radio. It's called "Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion. Eddie gets up from the table and walk over to Loren.

Eddie: *holds out his hand* Can I have this dance.*he says with a smile*

Loren: You may. *she grabs his hand and they start slow dancing together.

Eddie and Loren continue dancing together. Then Loren rests her head on Eddie's shoulder and shortly after that, Eddie's head lays on top of hers as they continue to dance with the sunset and the lit up roof. It was truly the most romantic scene a couple can ever be in they both thought.

Loren: *whispers in Eddie's ear* I love you

She whispers with her arms around his neck and his hands on her hips.

Eddie: I love you too.

Eddie and Loren keep dancing all the way through the song. When the song's over they kiss and then sit back down at the same exact time the waitress comes out of the mini kitchen with their orders. They eat and then head back to the hotel. At this point Loren starts to get butterflies in her stomach as she sits in the car with Eddie on their way back to the hotel because of what she's about to do. They arrive in front of the hotel, give the car and keys to the chauffer as always, head through the lobby, up the elevator, and down the hallway and open their hotel room door. Eddie takes off his jacket and sets it down on the couch as Loren sits down on the couch.

Eddie: I'm gonna go to take a shower in my other bathroom, it has all my shampoo and other stuff in it.

Loren: okay. I'll be sitting here.

Loren had so many things running wild through her head. She watched at Eddie walk away to his, "old room" and he shuts the door behind him and walk into the bathroom. Loren listens for that door to shut and when she hears it, she gets up from the couch, and quickly goes into her bathroom and puts on the lingere outfit. To keep the surprise a surprise, she puts her blue robe on top with her name on the back of it in fancy white lettering. She then makes the bed, lights a few candle in her room where all is about to take place and shuts the door behind her and walks back over to the couch to wait for Eddie. After about 2 more minutes of sitting in silence and dimming lights, waiting for Eddie, he came out of his room with his long, comfy pants and a grey MK t-shirt on.

Eddie: Why are the lights dimmed?

Loren: You'll find out soon.

Eddie: *walks over to the couch and sits down next to Loren* What?

Loren and Eddie then sit next to each other on the couch and gaze into each other's eyes until Loren leans in for a passionate kiss. After kissing for about 5 minutes, Eddie pulls away.

Eddie: Lo... What's this all about?

Loren: Our big date isn't over yet. I'm not satisfied yet, I don't think you are either...

Loren leans over and kisses him again. Eddie pulls away, again.

Eddie: I'm glad you recognized..... *he pauses* ...I'm not. *he says smiling and then kisses Loren.*

Eddie and Loren then start making out passionately, slowly and then soon after that, passionately and aggressively. Eddie picks Loren up and continues to aggressively make out with her. He carries her to their bedroom and he lays her down on the bed. Then as he makes his way on top of her to continue to passionately kiss her, she grabs his shirt and pulls it off and throws it to the other side of the room. Eddie becomes confused on what is her intentions tonight? Is she ready?

Eddie: What are you doing now?

Loren: I'm ready.... *she whispers and smiles*

Eddie gives her a shocked face and then stands up as a result of her pushing him up so she can stand up. Loren then takes off her robe slowly, then stands in front of Eddie sitting on the foot of the bed completely showing him her in her new lingere. Eddie's mouth drops.

Eddie: Woah... *he becomes speechless* that's gorgeous.... um, so... you're ready? *he says with hesitation and shock in his voice.*

Loren: Yea, I never been more ready. *she then slowly walking sexy like to Eddie and she falls onto Eddie's muscular chest and starts making out with him.*

Eddie kisses Loren's neck and basically all over.

Loren: Start already! *she yells as she's being teased by Eddie's amazing kisses and affection.*

Eddie: *breathing heavily* Are you sure you want to do this?

Loren: I'm positive Eddie! Do you really think I would be laying on top of you with sexy lingere on, kissing you if I didn't?!!!!

Eddie: Good point.

Eddie then continues to kiss Loren's neck and then tries to start taking off her lingere top. He has trouble so Loren helps him. He successfully takes it off her and now Loren is topless with just black panties on. Loren never could've dreamed how much she wanted him right then. She then slides off Eddie's pants and feels his friend. And then realizes, this is the moment she always dreamed of. Lying there with Eddie Duran, shirtless, and now pantless. But then Loren remembers... she doesn't even know what to do next. She feels so stupid but she has to ask.

Loren: *pulls away from Eddie by lifting her head.* Um.... this is really weird and stupid, but I don't know what to do next.... and I don't know when I'm crossing my boundaries.... so um.... *she feels like a total idiot for asking that but knows Eddie will understand.*

Eddie: I'll take it from here.... *he says with a sexy smile*

Eddie then picks Loren up, and moves her and himself up the bed. Then he takes off his underwear and whispers in Loren's ear.

Eddie: You can start.... *trying not to actually come right out and say what he wants.*

Loren: okay... *she slowly moves her hands and lips down his pecks, then abs, then arrives at his sweet spot.*

Eddie then starts moaning when Loren you know.... when he moans for the first time, it startles Loren.

Loren: WHAT!???

Eddie: KEEP GOING! IT FEELS GOOD... *he says not necessarily shouting at Loren just saying out of breath.*

Loren does it a little longer and then Eddie tells her that's enough.

Eddie: Now your turn! *he says smiling.*

Eddie then grabs Loren off the floor sitting in a crouching position and then puts her where he way sitting and tells her to lay down. Loren lays down but holds her head and shoulders up by propping her elbows up so she can watch what Eddie is doing. Eddie then spreads Loren's legs and bites her black lingere panties and slowly pulls them off her. Loren smiles and gives him a sexy look on her face. When he pulls them completely off, he throws them accross the room and Loren giggles. Eddie leans down with his face in front of her sweet spot.

Eddie: Are you ready? *He asks her and gives her a dirty/ sexy smile.*

Loren: Do it! You already teased me enough!

Then Eddie gives Loren a nod and then starts by making out with her area, and listens to her moans of pleasure she never experieced before. Then Eddie starts inserting his fingers in her area, and then stops.

Eddie: Are you ready for the next part?

Loren: Yes! *she moans and yells.*

Eddie then fully inserts his fingers and moves them in all ways to make a girl happy. Loren freaks out in pleasure yelling at him for more. Eventually she just yells what she really wants.

Loren: EDDIE! C...C.... COME IN ME! *she screams in pleasure, excitement, and a little nervousness.*

Eddie: Are you sure you're ready?!

Loren: Eddie! COME ON! I NEED YOU NOW!

Eddie stops with his fingers in her and then stands up, picks Loren up and tells her to get on her hands and knees on the bed. She obeys and does it.

Eddie: Are you ready?

Loren: I think so... just go slow.

Eddie respects Loren's request and gets behind her and he stands at the edge of the bed while Loren is on her hands and knees at the edge of the bed in front of him waiting for the moment she's always have been waiting for. Eddie then slowly inserts his perfect sized dick in her tight little area. Loren is startled when Eddie even barely has it in her.

Loren: WOAH!

Eddie: *pulls out of Loren* WHAT?! WHAT'S WRONG?!

Loren: That's bigger then I expected.

Eddie: Do you want to stop?! Because I'm fine with that! We'll do whatever you ant!

Loren: *turns her head around to look behind her to look at him startled at her response.* No! I definetly don't want to stop here. Eddie, I just was startled because I've never been this happy.

Eddie: *leans forward and puts his hand on her cheek and she puts her arm backwards around his neck to pull him closer for a kiss.* Well it's about to get better! *he says with a lot of lust in his voice.*

Eddie resumes what he was about to do and puts his amazing friend all the way into Loren. Then he stops right there.

Eddie: How does that feel?

Loren: Really weird, but I like it.

Eddie: Does it hurt?

Loren: No. Just really tight.

Eddie: But you're okay with it right?

Loren: Eddie..... just do it and stop worrying about me!

Eddie nods his head and slowly moves in and out of Loren. Loren moans at first out of a little pain and then after a couple more small thrusts, it turns into pleasure and she wants more!

Loren: FASTER! *she moans and yells out of the start of pleasure.*

Eddie doesn't ask any more questions, he just obeys her request. He moves a little faster and faster every second. Eddie then starts to moan as well. He then has to stop to take a break because his legs are starting to give in. Eddie comes to a stop and pulls out. Loren collapses and lays there limp and laughs of how much she's enjoying this.

Eddie: *sits on the bed next to her limp, naked body.* What are you laughing about? *He says out of breath.*

Loren: I'm really, really enjoying this!

Eddie: Good! That's great so... you enjoyed your first experience?

Loren: OH NO ROCKSTAR! You're not done yet! At least I know I'm not!

Eddie: You're saying you want more?!

Loren: Well yea! It's okay, I can see you're tired. So how about you just lay back and relax and I'll see what I can do..... *she says biting her lip and smiling dirty.*

Eddie: Well okay then! Can't argure with that!

Eddie then lays down and put his head on the pillows at the top of the bed and lays on his back giving Loren the full view of his sexy, muscular, and desirable body. Loren continues to bite her lip then crawls over to Eddie and sits in between his spread legs.

Loren: Now.... where to start.... *she looks at him giving her the biggest smile of smiles.*

Eddie: Dam!

Loren: What?

Eddie: You are so sexy!

Loren: How about you tell me that when I'm done doing what I always wanted to do to you.... *she says, still biting her lip smiling with lust in her eyes.*

Loren then walks her hands up towards his chest and first kisses Eddie, then kisses his chest, and then his abs, then licks his dick once.

Eddie: Loren! You need to do this now before I freak out!

Loren: I'm getting there sexy rockstar.... just wait for it.

Loren then brings her whole body forward and sits down completely on his amazing cock. Then leans forward, starts making out with Eddie. But as she does that, she starts pleasing herself and also him as he moans while kissing Loren. After about 10 minutes of doing this is a couple different ways, Loren is finally satistfied and plops down next to Eddie and looks at him smiling at her.

Eddie: You.... *kisses her forhead* are.... *kisses her cheek.* amazing..... *and ends by kissing and her neck.*


So what did you think? Too dirty? Sorry if it was.... I'm messed up.... LOL PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT! :)

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