Covington Prep

Por rebeccahbr9

127K 4.4K 289

Cal or Callie, is just starting a new school. No big deal, she knows most everyone and she is popular before... Más

Um... hi?
Trouble and confusion
Kaleidoscope eyes
New Favorite Class: Gym
Girl pushups - yeah right
Carson's included...
A sweet ride and a true gentleman
He's gotta go
Sweet, sweet revenge
He's my friend, right?
Martial Arts? Sure
Let's play some football!
Do I want him to?
How convenient...
Bus rides
Friend zone?
The lake and half of hearts
Dip, kiss and dash
A door in the face
Friend-zoned again
He's gone
Closer than you think
Card games and fake dates
"ship" and "otp"
Guy magnet
Little girls and autographs?
T? or D?
It's ruined
and... send
A text back?
Different is good
sometimes... clichés are good
Sort of first date
Maybe someday...
(Side note)
Fro yo dates
Just friends?
The Last Chapter

Waaaayyy too oblivious

9.9K 189 24
Por rebeccahbr9

 My day didn't start out exactly as  I had planned. I had it all mapped out. I would enter the school 

building, cool and collected, grab my schedule, meet my friends and get through the first day. HA. 

Now, I can't be mad, it was actually a pretty good day BUT I discovered two new problems. 

Sorry, let me start over. My name's Calypso. Ridiculous right? Well, you can blame my mom (big 

Greek mythology fan). She decided to name me after some stranded girl on an island who falls for 

guys she can't have. Gee, thanks mom. My friends have a variety of nicknames for me from, Cal to 

Lypso, Typso to Callie. Don't ask. Anyway, the day started off fine, the usual 

barely eating breakfast as my brothers fought and burped and farted. A normal Monday. I was 

used to it of course, and usually joined in, (living with three brothers is definitely interesting) but 

today, I wasn't in the mood. I was going to a new school with new teachers and new academics. At 

least I knew most everyone there. I had it easy compared to most. The school was near

my house and I already knew half of the students. I was going to be a junior at 

Covington Prep, the only prepatory school in Kentucky where you didn't have to wear a uniform. 

Even though I'm not 

really the epitome of a girly girl, I decided with going nice/casual to make a good first impression. 

I threw on dark wash jeans (shorts aren't allowed), a slouchy white tee with a pocket, my cross 

necklace and a big Aztec 

looking cardigan. I had gotten the whole outfit off of some designer website my mom had showed 

me, so I figured it was safe. I pulled on socks and combat boots. The socks kinda stuck out 

at the top, which I liked. I threw my chocolate colored hair into a messy braid, which I had perfected, 

and snagged some pearls into my ears. I grabbed my bag and heard a honk. "Bye dad! Margaret's 

already here!" I shouted towards the kitchen. "Bye boo! Have a good first day!" He yelled back. I 

smiled and ran outside. I jumped into Margaret's jeep and put on my seatbelt. "Well hey,

looking gorgeous as usual," she huffed. I laughed and turned on some country music and we 

cruised down to Covington. 

"I am so excited that you're coming!" She squealed and added, "and 

apparently so are the boys, ooh la la." I laughed and just rolled my eyes. "I'm serious Cal! You're 

already popular and you haven't even started school yet!" She pouted and said "I guess I should 

be jealous, it took me forever to become known!" She wasn't bragging. My whole friend group, 

including Margaret, was well known and liked (a.k.a. Popular). I was lucky to have friends that 

weren't snobby or mean, and came from a background similar to mine; wealthy family but having 

to work for what you want. Anyway, we got to school 15 minutes early and I grabbed my schedule 


Margaret went to get the rest of our friend group. When my friends saw me, they practically dog 

piled me, while yelling happily like kids until the secretary told them to knock it off. I stifled a 

laugh and we 

decided to go to our lockers. I looked at my friends and realized just how lucky I was. My friends 

were the best. There's Maria, the smart and pretty one. Hallie, the shy and (cutely) awkward. 

Margaret, my other weird half and Laura, the petite bossy one. I grinned at them all and we 

compared schedules. Well actually, they snatched mine and shoved it next to theirs. I  watched as

they groaned if we didn't have a class together or clap their hands if we did. I looked 

up and almost did a cliché double take. Oh my gosh, I thought, there is no way that's him. Get it 

together Cal or you'll lose it weirdo. I nudged Margaret. "Um, Marge, am I hallucinating or is 

that Josh?" Her grin told me what I needed to know. "We wanted to surprise you!" She 

exclaimed excitedly. Alright, I practically started hyperventilating. 

Okay, back it up. I should explain. Josh was my old middle school crush. We went to the same 

camp in middle school and the same church but he's a year older. When he left, he had sandy 

blonde wavy hair, a great tan and was 

amazing at soccer. He moved to Florida when I was going into ninth grade. Now, he's back and 

dang, looking better than ever. His hair had gotten lighter from the sun and his tan darker. His 

muscles were well defined and he was taller and leaner. I realized I was staring and tore my eyes 

away. My friends were trying not to laugh at me. I shoved Maria, who was closest to me and rolled 

my eyes. "Whatever guys, lets get to class." Maria, Hallie and I walked towards AP English. When 

we sat down, I looked up to see a guy staring at me from directly across from me. He tore his eyes 

away and I swore, he turned red. "Did you guys see that?" I asked my friends. "that guy was 

staring at me. Do I have toothpaste on my face?" My friends face palmed and laughed. 

Hallie shook her head, "no dummy, he probably likes you. Didn't you see all those guys staring at 

you in the hallway?" I shook my head. They looked at each other and sighed. "Oh dear, you are 

waaay too oblivious" Maria said. I frowned as the bell rang. 

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