Wishing on forever...

By HoranAteMyHeart

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Logan Mitchel is your stereo-typical, handsome, rich, arrogant, 17 year old. When he gets paired with Finley... More

Wishing on forever...
"Later Jack Ass"
"You can't pull something you don't have Mitchel..."

'He always puts on a big-man front'

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By HoranAteMyHeart

Chapter Two


Finley’s POV

I walked down the hallway with a little spring in my step as I made my way to Music. Not gonna lie, I love Music class, well, I used to love Music class. I did until I got paired with the popular, obnoxious, arrogant jerk Logan Mitchell. My feet start to slob lazily against the floor as I reminded myself of the project and who I’d be sharing it with. I turned down a few corridors, passing along some bulletin boards on my way, all advertising the same things. ‘Sign up for student president’, ‘Are you the next cheer leader?’,  ‘Put your mind to the test at mathletes club’. The same old posters bored me. Being a Senior meant that I had been at the same school for quite a long time. And the schools committee hadn’t even bothered to change the posters. You could see the white paper turning cream in its old age.

As I approached room 217, I could hear someone strumming a guitar. I was about to turned the door knob, but when I looked through the little window in the door, I saw Logan sat on a stool, playing the wooden instrument and singing quietly along.

“Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face, You told me how proud you were, but I walked away, If only I knew what I know today..”

His voice dripped from every single word he sang, and he had a wonderful voice too.

“I would hold you in my arms, I would take the pain away, Thank you for all you've done, forgive all your mistakes, There's nothing I wouldn't do to hear your voice again, Sometimes I wanna call you but I know you won't be there…”

I knew that no-one had seen this side of him before, he wouldn’t show this much emotion in public.

“Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you, For everything I just couldn't do, And I've hurt myself by hurting you…”

He always puts on a big-man front, I almost felt privileged to be seeing him open up like this.

“Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit, Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss, And it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this…”

‘What’s the matter with him?’ I wondered. I could tell he was hiding something, from everyone, something that was killing him inside.

Would you tell me I was wrong? Would you help me understand?, Are you looking down upon me? Are you proud of who I am?, There's nothing I wouldn't do to have just one more chance, To look into your eyes and see you looking back, Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you

For everything I just couldn't do, And I've hurt myself, oh…”

He put down his guitar, trying to hold back tears that were vigorously threatening to spill from his eyes. He rested his elbows on his knee’s and cupped his face in his hands. I knew that he was determined not to let whatever that was hurting, get to him.

Once he had composed himself I finally twisted the handle and entered the room.

“Hi!!” I said, pretending to not have seen anything that had happened.

“Uh, hey!!” He replied.

‘I know the guy can be a self-centred, know-it-all idiot sometimes…’ I thought, but I knew that if I let him know what I had just witnessed then he would feel even worse, not even he deserves that.

We played a few instruments and tried a few songs before we settled on ‘Tied Together With A Smile’ by Taylor Swift. I knew he would like my suggestion because it kind of held the same meaningful lyrics as ‘Hurt’, the song he sang when he, lets say, eavesdropped on him.

“What made you, pick Tied Together With A Smile?” He asked.

‘Oh dear, now I’m going to have to tell him I know’ I thought.

“Well, I kinda maybe-“

“Oh come on Finley, spit it out!!”

“I-heard-you-singing-earlier-before-I-came-in-when-you-were-singing-and-you-got-super-duper-emotional-im-sorry-please-don’t-hurt-me!!” I blurted out really quickly.

He just stared at me, lifeless, not even blinking before he spoke.

“Oh..” He muttered lowing his head to the floor.

“Oh? Is that all?”

“Well, what do you want me to say?”

I waited a while before responding, trying to think of what to reply, as well as wanting to word it correctly.

“Who were you singing about?” I asked.

“No-one, I was just singi-“

“Don’t play stupid with me!!” I moved my chair to sit closer to him “I could see it in your eyes, you don’t have to tell me, but I just want you to know that you have someone to talk to…”

He looked up at me with wet eyes.

“I thought you didn’t like me?”

Again I paused a bit before answering.

“I don’t like the person you are when your surrounded by the people who worship at your feet, I’ll see you later!!”

“Wait! Finley!”

I turned around slowly to see Logan standing up from his chair and standing only a few inches away from me.

“Give me your phone?” He ordered.

“What, No! Why?”

“Just do it!!” He smiled.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and handed it to the 6ft football player. He gave it back and made me unlock the password.

Okay, so I’m normally not a push over but when someone as scary and powerful as him is standing over you ordering you around, you’d do anything to save your life!!

He took it from me again and I leant forward a little so I could see what he was up to. He went to my address book and clicked ‘Add Contact’, he typed in his number and name, and then texted his own number so he now had my number.

“Jeez, I’m so naïve!!” I whispered to myself.


(A/N) Thanks for reading :3

I hope your enjoying this so far if you are reading haha, who's knows, i might actually get some reads :D

If you havent guessed by the cover this story is gonna be sad *Que the tears* But stay please 

Rihanna: I want you to stayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!


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