The QueenKa | 𝙱𝚃𝚂 [ 𝒆𝒅𝒊...

By _leighXXIV

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"Are you sure that's your move, my King?" he rolls his eyes at your tone before moving his piece forward. Si... More

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C H 1 0 P T E R
C H 1 1 P T E R
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C H 1 3 P T E R

C H 1 4 P T E R

1.8K 66 13
By _leighXXIV


#14: 𝘘𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯



The next day came rather slower than you expected.

It was already past eight in the morning as you left the house, not bothering to check if your brother is awake or if he ate already. Closing the gates behind you, you walk your way to the station leisurely.

You and Yoongi still aren't on good terms, at least not yet talking to each other. You realized that you spent a few hours outside yesterday as you got home nearly at dinner time and noticed the back yard door and gate closed. The house filled with nothing but silence as you entered which made you think that he must be in their house with his friends.

Looking down at the pavement as you walk, you were suddenly reminded by the sudden 'reunion' you had the previous day. After saying his name he seemed to recognize you as well, blinking his eyes still in confusion yet his lips slightly formed an excited smile.

You remembered finding the two of you seated in front of each other in some cafe. You weren't really sure what was the shop's name as you let Jihoon lead you while you were busy thinking about the times you were together.

The atmosphere was awkward at first as if you didn't know each other since you were still wearing diapers. Building the courage you didn't notice to take absence in the first place, you initiated the conversation by asking how is he.

There started your conversation and reminiscing your childhood memories. Him even asking once about your brother. You stayed silent for a while, saying that he's fine and currently doing his own kinds of stuff that he tends to do when he felt like it.

He suddenly asked if you remember a specific time where the four of you were playing by the grasses of your old house. You and your bother along with two young boys were childhood friends, Lee Jihoon being one of them. You chuckle at his question, answering him a 'of course I do, that was memorable the most'.

It was the time where the four of you were playing outside, just like any other day until the little version of Jihoon came up with a clever idea. The four of you have your own most valuable possession, you with your skateboard, your brother with his piano, Jihoon with his guitar while the other boy was a journal. Jihoon remembered his father saying that he accidentally bought a pack of sticker papers instead of the plain ones, so he gave Jihoon the permission to use it to whatever he wants. He suggested them to create their own logo.

It wasn't really a logo, to be honest. It was more of a thing that reminds the four of you, a reminder of your friendship.

You smiled when the two of you talked about it, saying "That's why I pulled it off of my old skateboard and put it on my new one, as you can see from earlier." as you gesture the board laying beside your feet. "It's the only memory I have of the four of us together, I don't want to lose it as well."

Slightly smiling to yourself, you put your hands in your skirt's pocket as you now bring your head up, paying attention to your surroundings.

Turning at the end of the alley, you sigh as you caught glimpse of the station from afar. Still taking your time walking, you suddenly felt something weird.

As if someone's following you.

Slightly raising an eyebrow, you decided to turn your heel and walk inside a convenience store instead. After walking to the second aisle, you didn't hear the door open after you so you slightly peek out. There a male stands outside with both hands stuffed in his pocket, slightly looking from left to right as if he's looking for someone.


Furrowing your eyebrows, you grab a random drink and paid for it before walking out, acting as if you didn't know he was there. His action showed that he didn't want you to notice his presence either, as he suddenly turns his back on you as you push the door open.

Walking leisurely to the station once again, it wasn't that long until you hear another pair of feet walking quite away from you. Stopping at the end of the waiting shed in front of the screen where ads are shown, you stare at his reflection as if you're just looking at the announcement shown there. He stops a few steps away from you, taking his eyes away from you before bringing it back again. You turn to look at the front, making him take a small step back. Maybe in hopes that you wouldn't notice him. It did kind of failed as you can still see him from your peripheral vision. He was pursing his lips, as if he wants to say something.

"Do you want to say something?" You suddenly speak still facing the front. You notice how he slightly flinched, slowly looking at his sides.

"You. I'm talking to you." You sigh.

You hear him release a nervous chuckle, "Uh, me? Oh, didn't notice you there."

'Well, isn't it a sight to hear the school's kingka being nervous.' You roll your eyes.

You turn your head and look at him in the eyes. "Were you following me?"

He slightly widens his eyes, "Following you? Why would I?"

You continue staring at him, not bothering to answer his question to your question which makes him cough.

"I mean, I wasn't really following you. I did saw you walking earlier and since we're taking the same way, why not go together?" He suggests with a shrug, now facing the road.

You did the same thing, facing the front as you say. "You didn't have to act as if you were hiding from me. Or was it your intention in the first place?"

He purses his lips again. "Oh, you noticed that as well..."

You turn to look at him again, crossing your arms. "Don't tell me you were planning on 'going together' with me without me even knowing?" You accuse with a serious face, trying to scare him.

"What? No! I swear that wasn--"

You tsk-ed. "Never knew you're a stalker Park Jimin-shi. That's concerning." Shaking your head, you sigh in feign disappointment.

"I just want to talk to you."

His sudden straightforward answer made you silent. Staring hard at the other side of the road before releasing a sigh. "Well, we are talking now."

"Can I ask you a question then?"

You look at him, about to answer back when he immediately cuts you off. "No wait, erase that. I know that's already a question I don't need you mocking me about that right now." He says making you chuckle.

"I was about to say that you can ask me but it depends on the question if I'll answer, but you do have a point. Wouldn't miss any chances of mocking people don't I." You shrug with a quite amused grin.

"You should smile more."

His sudden opinion made your grin turn into a frown, looking at the full bus that just pulled up in front of the two of you. Even though people start leaving the bus, the two of you made no move on entering the vehicle. After a few minutes, the bus drives away making you sigh. "Are you gonna ask something or what?"

It was silent for a little while more as if he's debating with himself if he really should ask you what he wants. Then he sighs. "Why don't you... wanna be friends with us..."

You notice the way his voice seemed to lower its volume as he ended his question like he's not so sure about it either.

You silently hum, low enough for him not to hear. You already know where this conversation is going and you're not really looking forward with it.

"I just don't feel like it."

"Feel like what?"

"Befriending people."

"So... It's not us?" You can hear a faint relief in his tone.

You turn to look at him this time, staring at him for a while before saying, "I don't know. You tell me. Is it you guys or not...?" You slightly smirk.

He releases a sigh just as you face the front again, looking at the road for a while for any bus in sight. "Is it something personal, perhaps?"

That's where you stilled.

A few memories suddenly flash before your eyes in a blur, the truth that you thought have been buried down below your past.

"I guess it's a secret then." He added, making you snap out of it.

Blinking your eyes once, your face turns stoic as you sternly answer. "It's not a secret. Just not your business."

Tension started filling the atmosphere between the two of you. You were almost sure that if anyone else completely observes the two of you, you know that they'll be able to notice the awkward silence going on. You let your eyes wander at the other side of the road. Looking from those running kids to the vendors that gave their consumers the things that they want. It all seemed simple, the scene in front of you.

But you know that it's not.

"Why don't you like befriending people?" Ah, here you go again with the same question.

"Because I know people wouldn't want to be friends with someone like me as well." Just as you answer, a familiar faint sound of an emergency suddenly was heard from away and you watch until the ambulance stops on the other side. The door opens from the inside, people in white clothes moving frantically while a group of rescue men holds a stretcher in their grasp. "Why wouldn't anyone want to be friends with you?" He asks.

Bits of memories slowly flashes before your eyes for the second time as he asked that question. From the news of two missing boys that's been all around the country to the past you thought you've forgotten for a long time. Well, it seems that you thought wrong.

You caught glimpse of the side view of the unconscious person laying on the stretcher before you turn your attention back to the male. "Because they don't know who I am. You don't know who I am. You don't know how bad it is to be even standing here beside me. I won't tell you why. Just know that I warned you."

There, you were replied with silence. You mentally sigh. 'Where is the god damn bus.'

"What are you talking about...? I get that you're a queenka and all that. But like, seriously? Are you playing games with me right now?" He scoffs, completely taking your answer as a joke.

You numbly chuckle, "I wish I was." You mumble.

Fortunately, the bus arrives already so you didn't waste any more time and climbed in already. A few minutes passed with the doors still opened, you saw the male entering as well just before the doors closed.

'I told him just a bit of a hint yet I still can't help but to feel anxious.' You close your eyes as you thought to yourself.

'What you said wasn't that big of a deal, Yungji. He won't suspect anything. Maybe confusion, but not to the point that he'll want to know who you are. He doesn't need to know that. They don't need to know that.'


The bus slowly stops and the doors started opening. A bunch of students walks out of the ride along with the girl who's lost in her own thoughts and the male that lowly observes her from behind. His face seems blank like he just doesn't care with the people around him, yet his mind keeps going on circles.

'Is something wrong with her?'

'What does she mean by that?'

'Is she not good with people or something...?'

'I know people are scared of her because she's the queenka but...'

'Who are you really, Min Yungji?'

He stops his steps, not even bothering to follow the girl yet his eyes don't leave her be. How can the female be so unbothered by her surroundings yet keeps so many secrets about the world? Why was she so stiff when he asked her about herself? He followed her to take it as a chance to talk to her personally about the things that have been bugging him, yet it looked like talking to her doesn't help that much. If ever, he's much more perplexed than before.

He's confused and he doesn't like it. 

2.1𝖐 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘

𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕⟱

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