Fearless In The Eyes Of A Bea...

By wwepurplevixen

169K 4.1K 1.1K

Brock Lesnar is the Beast Incarnate who hasn't been with anyone since his divorce three years ago and doesn't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Q&A about Fearless Beasts!♥

Chapter 32

2.8K 74 35
By wwepurplevixen

"I was planning on coming down with them yesterday but Rick decided to take them out and came back later than expected I'm sorry"

I heard her voice as I stood waiting in the lounge as I had just come down.

"Its okay I only got back yesterday.."

He shrugged as they stood at the booth of her car as she handed him two backpacks.

It was a good thing she didn't come yesterday as I doubt we would have heard her knocking...

"Oh I thought you were only on Raw?"

"I was but.."

He was cut off as she had opened the back door of her car and the two boys came hopping out.

"Daddy!" He chuckled and lift them up into his arms they were about five or six years old and he lift them with ease.

I also saw the smile I didn't really see that often, it was clear his sons were his happiness...

"But?" She looked at him as she closed the door.

"There was a delay uhm.."

He set them down before they entered and turned to Rena and whispered so they couldn't hear which meant I couldn't either I guess he was telling her about me.

She then bent down to the boys and spoke to them briefly and I could feel my anxiety getting out of control.

If they didn't like me, then Brock could possibly leave me and then where would I be?

"Nicole?" I heard him call out as he opened the front door as the open door blocked his view of me.

I walked as he closed the door and there they stood.

His family..

Perfect family and I suddenly didn't know what to do.

I saw him frowning briefly as he most likely noticed my hesitation.

With him I could be a confident fucking bitch and he was the beast but here she stood and I didn't know what to say besides smile at the boys who stood between them.

I should have given Brianna a call to ask her what I should do but then again she would have most likely given me an earful about how this was to soon..

I guess it was but something told me Brock liked rushing everything and I didn't mind I guess..

He sighed and I soon saw him moving over to me, "Rena this is Nicole and well Nicole ,Rena"

She extended her hand with a smile, "Nice to meet you"

And I shook it.

"And well these are my boys Turk and Duke, meet my friend Nicole.." I knew he couldn't very well tell them who I really was so I didn't mind.

"Hi..." I smiled and they just stared at him as they clung to their mom's sides and I glanced at Brock.

"They're just shy I'm sorry.. they get their personality from their father" she rolled her eyes and I heard Brock whisper something under his breath and I laughed a bit.

She seemed nice..

"Say hello to the nice lady" they didn't say anything but one who I think was Duke smiled and the other laughed as they waved.

"You have the girl champion?" One stepped forward folding his arms looking a bit serious now.

Thank goodness they spoke and I nodded.

"Can I see it ?" He smiled and I saw he was missing a tooth which made him look even more adorable.

They were your perfect All American Kids with blonde hair , blue eyes and I glanced at Rena and sighed internally.

On paper they were picture perfect while I just had your usual brown eyes and black hair, well now a bit of blonde and brown since I had begun changing it up to look more different from my sister...

" er.. Turk has a sort of obsession with WWE titles" Brock smirked and I shook the thoughts away as they were divorced for a reason.

"Oh sorry I don't little guy, my sister has it.." I made a pout as I bent down to his level.

"Maybe next time?" he asked with a hopeful tone and I smiled and nodded.

I was just glad he wanted a next time while I first had to get through the first time...

"Daddy, can you play outside with us?" I heard Duke , the one who had simply been smiling.

"Sure!" they immediately ran off in the direction of the kitchen which had the back door leading to the back.

He turned to me and kissed my forehead, I felt a bit better about my insecurities as he did , "You can come with.."

"I wont bite Brock" she laughed and he rolled his eyes but only I could see.

"Its fine go spend time with your sons..." I whispered and he nodded and walked out.

"Er you want some coffee?" I smiled trying to hide my heart pounding in my chest, at least one of the trio like me.

Well liked my champion but yeah

"Sure " I immediately walked into the kitchen with her following and I knew it was going to be a long afternoon.

"So do you live here?" I heard her as I turned with the two cups and joined her at the table.

"No..." I should have known the new girlfriend grill would be coming.

"So you guys aren't that serious then?" she raised her eyebrow, she didn't sound bitchy at all as I guess she just really wanted to know.

"Uhm well we haven't spoken about that but yes we are serious. We're just a bit early in our relationship for that right now.."

She nodded and I glanced out at the window as Brock threw a football in the distance and they ran.

"How sure are you that this isn't something that you both are trying out though, I was a diva as well and I know how things are backstage and on the road?"

I sighed as she didn't know the shit Brock and I went through so we could establish a relationship.

"With all due respect Rena my relationship with Brock has got nothing to do with you but yes things get crazy on the road. You know Brock is never really on the road though but that's where you and him met, you were married to him for almost ten years and now have two kids with him so I don't exactly get what you are trying to imply about me and him..All that tells me is that I have a long future with Brock"

I shrugged, I didn't mean to snap slightly but I couldn't get rid of the annoyance growing in me and combined with my insecurities hanging in the air as well made Fearless Nikki stand up and show herself.

John's ex-wife I had never met before so I never had to deal with it , but not only was Rena Brock's beautiful ex-wife but the mother of his sons and I didn't want her to not like me but I couldn't not defend my relationship to her either.

She sighed, "I'm sorry look I'm not trying to sound like a bitch but since we divorced Brock hasn't had anyone so I haven't had to deal with anyone.. My kids are young and well yes they are shy now but Brock makes sure that he sees them every week and if you two are together that means the same for you and I just have to make sure whether I bring my kids around a solid girlfriend or just someone his with because its been three years and his sick of being alone so.."

I bit my tongue this time as I had to remember again she was a mother looking out for her children not intentionally trying to pick apart my relationship with Brock.

"He likes being alone and that could come up again when he'll get fed up with someone constantly around and then he ends things with you while my kids are attached to you and then what?"

I could feel my heart sinking at the thought of Brock getting sick of me.

"You should know your ex-husband better than I do to know that he wouldn't be so careless, Brock wants me and I want him"

"But do you want his kids?" she asked as she was now looking directly at me.

"Rena I am not looking to replace you but I know that they will be in my life. I am not some twenty year old sleaze coming in here that his just fu..sleeping with.
I am a grown woman and I'm feeling like you don't have the respect for me that I have for you"

"You might be a 'grown woman' but you have yet to have the responsibilities of being a mother. I don't live under a rock I know who you are and what you have accomplished. I have respect for you, you wouldn't be longest reigning champion if you didn't earn it but a champion doesn't mean you can handle Brock and a life with kids . I have been with him through all his hardships and he still left me and what is your biggest problem going to be? Deciding how big your closet is going to be when you move in here?"

She wavered to upstairs , and I could feel myself gripping the cup even tighter trying not to say anything I would end up regretting...

"You don't know anything about me Rena.. you might think you do but you don't"

"That may be true and you may hate me for everything I have said but that's the thing about being a mother that you'll maybe learn one day Nicole when it comes to your kids you'll do anything for them and I just have to make sure that you know what you will be getting yourself into...
Brock decided to end our marriage when my boys were just two. And while he has always been an amazing father and we have a great friendship, I'm just trying to show you that if he could leave me with two young kids whats to say he wont leave you once he realizes you don't suit him?"

I shook my head.

"Just get to your grand point you are trying to make with all of this please..."

I understood that she was being a concerned mother but she was making me feel like nothing and making me doubt if Brock really was serious or if he was going through some mid-life crisis thing.

"You are a beautiful woman Nicole, I get why Brock fell for you. I don't want you to think that I am being harsh because I want him back , that's not the case."

She raised her hand and I glanced at the ring, "I have been married for more than a year now happily, all I want is to make sure that my kids will not get attached to a flavour of the month."

"I understand that but like I said before, Brock and I have a long future certainly more than five years and..."

I heard the back door close cutting me off from saying a whole lot of things which would probably have made her hate me and saw Brock.

"Why are you questioning her on our relationship?"

He asked slowly as he stared blankly at her, I realized he most likely only heard the last part.

"Because I am thinking of our kids.." she sighed.

He chuckled but I saw him glance back into the yard before moving in and I saw the boys were playing, "Do you honestly fucking think I am that irresponsible to bring someone around my kids who I think won't be in my life a year from now? You are fucking married to Rick and I have been nothing but respectful."

"Brock calm down we were just talking , we don't need you getting all hyped about it.. I said things, she said things.. we are talking . If you heard any screams and saw us in here fighting then you should be concerned" she shrugged and sipped on her coffee.

And I bit my lip trying not to smile as I saw Brock's jaw clenching as he didn't know exactly what to say.

"Brock.." I raised my eyebrow at him while I enjoyed watching her shut him up I didn't like it as well, as only I was allowed to disarm him.

"Well then if you have questions about shit come to me, don't put her on the spot. You don't need to know her or.."

"Brock .. " she began but he cut her off this time.

"No Rena listen, I am the one who is going to be in a relationship with her. Not you, I am a good fucking father you know that . Yeah you were just talking which I don't care about as there was a reason I left you guys alone.
I know my girlfriend can defend herself but what I do care about is that I haven't been with anyone since our divorce so the fact that you would make her think I had a woman every month..."

He shook his head, "I am telling you now Rena ..Nicole is my girlfriend and you will respect that she is in my life."

She turned to me and sighed, "I do respect that and I am sorry Nicole. My motherly instincts .."

"Its okay forget it.." I smiled a bit even though she hadn't realised how her caring for her kids had made my growing insecurities that started when she walked in worse.

"I need some air " I smiled at her .

Brock gripped my arm and I sighed and gave him a quick kiss, " I'm Fearless remember?"

I whispered into his lips so only he could hear which caused him to smile and kiss me again.

I then walked past Brock out onto the patio and sat at the table watching as his sons ran around, they stopped when they saw me.

"Aunty can you..." Turk was beginning to shout.

"Uhm call me Coco" I smiled.

"Coco , can you throw the ball my arms are getting tired and Duke doesn't want to throw" he pouted and I smiled.

"Sure.." I laughed and ran down the steps.


"Rena I really don't understand why you would do that.."

I sighed as Nicole's lips had calmed me down as I stood against the cupboard.

I had mentioned Nicole to her when she answered that phone call so its not like I just sprung her on her.

As I had told her then Nicole was my girlfriend.

"Brock, I just wanted to see how she felt about you and the fact that she will have to be a part of their lives... I may have gotten a bit aggressive and I'm sorry but if she can't handle it then..."

"She can handle it Rena..you know she can " she sighed.

" Well yeah I admit she can but I meant it though, I hope this isn't a phase cause if it is you shouldn't have let me bring them while she was here"

" Its not" I shrugged and I could feel myself smirking..

"Like she said we'll be together for more than five years"

She rolled her eyes, " I give her three with your moods" she smiled.

"We'll see" I walked over to the window and saw her playing with them.

I knew they would like her, she was a bit like Rena. I guess that's why they butt heads.

However unlike Rena she could handle me and I am pretty sure if I hadn't walked in things would have gotten ugly as she had that look in her eyes...

Apart of me was glad I did as the last thing we needed was more trouble just after I made her mine.

If she didn't mind the Beast, I'm sure she would get over Rena's little bitchiness.

"Well maybe four..." I heard Rena and rolled my eyes as I headed out with her following behind.


Meant for this to be up yesterday but I hated how it was but I hope you guys liked how it turned out.

So please feedback :)

Did you like the way Nikki handled herself in their talking??

Do you get where Rena was coming from??

Did you like a short Brock POV?

Hope you like Brock's good relationship with Rena ;)

Next update will be continuing this :)

I am trying to keep my A/N shorter as I know you guys just want to enjoy the reading lol buuuut





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