Baby Hedgehogs

By Shanics10

9.8K 275 40

Sonic,shadow and silver just stomping around the green hills just as in one most rarest thing sonic saw,TV bo... More

the search
lost and founded
Cage In an House
Baby sit
Room For Four?
2 on 2
just have know these things
knux and shadow

long time no see

780 16 0
By Shanics10

^as three hedgehogs sonic,shadow and silver were walking around green hill^
Sonic:gosh i haven't seen this place in forever!
Shadow:well You live in mobius for so long.
Silver:*glancing around the place*
Sonic:oh that were i first fought robotnik *point over to an direction*
Shadow:oh swell . *rolls eyes*
^as sonic was showing around the place and blabbering about the certain thing He's done around green hill ^
Shadow: covering ear from past five minutes that sonic been blabbering*
Sonic:*sees monitor and gasp* oh my stars, guys look!
Shadow and silver: glance at monitor*what is it?
Sonic:man, i use crush these thing all time. There pretty neat. they give ya' rings or maybe extra speed.what if this one got some in it?!
Silver:wait sonic! If these thing been inspired or not even created anymore. what you think its not suspicious .
Sonic:nah, cant be.
Shadow:silver does have an point sonic, might be an trap from eggman . and something bad happens..
Sonic:oh come on guy what make you think that NOW, hes going use these?
Silver:i dunno maybe he saw us or even heard us planing going here.
Sonic:oh silver dont worry ya lil' head,count 3, 1...2..
Shadow and silver: SONIC NO!
Sonic: 3!
^sonic crushes the monitor by his foot and bright flash came from the box ^

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