Beaching It [BOYxBOY]

By Mouki21

547K 15.3K 2.3K

Sye Vettori enters his summer vacation on the high hopes of spending the holidays at the beach looking for a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 2

27.4K 804 145
By Mouki21

Ha ha hah! New chapter new chapter!

Welcome to another episode of MONSTER MASH- oh wait, wrong show! Ops, so anyway, here's another chapter into the life of Sye Vettori...

Enjoy Viewers!

Sye's P.O.V

“Knock knock,” mum said as she poked her head into my room, “All packed?”

“Yeah, all packed,” I sighed as I zipped up my suitcase and dragged it to my door where my other two suitcases were. Mum grabbed my elbow and pulled me to her, hugging me too tightly.

“Oh my baby, I'm going to miss you so much,” mum cooed. I patted her back awkwardly.

“Yeah mum, I'll miss you too. But, I can't breathe,” I coughed. Mum only squeezed me tighter.

“Alright, time to go,” my step dad said as he entered the room with Meg in his arms. She had tears running down her cheeks. I awed at her and and wiggled out of mum's grip and took Meg from dad and hugged her.

“CC going,” Meg sobbed.

“Not for long,” I chuckled and gave my 3 year old sister a raspberry. She giggled and then squealed as mum took her back and my step dad took two of my suitcases to the car while I grabbed my other one.


After a long crying goodbye from mum and Meg, then a four and a half hour trip later, and my step dad Geoff pulled into the gates of Camp Honeysuckle. Camp Honeysuckle, what kind of name is that? I bet it's some religious bogus camp where we have to sing songs about how much god loves us. Yuck! I didn't even get to look at the pamphlet before I left. I probably should have done that. Mind you, my parents cared about me right? They wouldn't send me somewhere I'd hate right? Oh no, knowing Geoff it's probably a military camp. Oh wait, a military camp probably wouldn't be called Camp Honeysuckle, it would probably be called Camp Grind Your Bones To Make My Bread or something equally terrifying.

We pulled up into the car park... okay, so far so good. It looked pretty safe. Nice clean car park, lots of nice richie poo cars, lots of rich looking parents and their kids all getting out with fancy looking suitcases. This is good. Oh wait, don't tell me I have to spend the summer with snobs? NOOOOOOOOO! Oh well, better than nothing I guess. Better than the military. Geoff pulled up and I got out. He helped me with my bags to the side in a heap where everyone seemed to be dumping their own bags and then we said an awkward goodbye. My real dad had died when I was four in a workplace fire.

When I was seven mum met Geoff and when I was nine they got married. When I was thirteen they had Meg and that's that. But Geoff and I, well, it's not that we didn't get along or anything, it's just that we didn't talk much, we didn't bond or do father and son type things. Which I was fine with really. I still had a male figure in my life and he was actually a pretty good guy, he made mum happy at least. That's all that mattered. I mean, cough, I'm a sexy macho man with no feelings!

“See you Sye, I'll be back at the end of camp to pick you up alright? Sorry about sort of pawning you off like this. It's just, well...” Geoff tried to explain as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking at his feet.

“It's okay,” I said to him, even though it wasn't really.

“Cheers, well see you,” Geoff smiled and hugged me.

“Bye,” I said and he left. I looked around, the same family goodbye thing was going on all over so I tried to look for someone cool to cling to so I wouldn't be a loner. There was a guy standing by himself against a tree, his hands in his pockets and headphones in his ears. He looked pretty cool in a navy T, grey skinny jeans and volleys. I wondered over to him.

“Hey,” I said cool and casual. He pulled out his headphones and smiled at me as he packed them away into his pocket. Hmm, I was taller than him, this was good.

“Hey. You new?” the guy chuckled. Gee, was it that obvious? I nodded. “Ah well, you'll soon fit in fine. I'm George Jones.” I shook his hand.

“Sye Vettori,” I said.

“Sye? What a weird name,” George chuckled. I raised an eyebrow at him and he stopped mid laugh and began to choke. “I mean, it's cool,” he coughed and I smiled. He seemed in a daze as his eyes glazed over once they landed on my smile. I was used to that kind of reaction, guy or girl. George licked his lower lip and then snapped out of it.

“You single?” George asked me, wiggling his eyebrow.

“Sorry man, I'm straight,” I chuckled, crossing my arms over my chest.

“That's too bad,” George laughed.

“Can I get all of your attention please? Thank you,” called a guy from the front. Everyone turned to see one of the male camp leaders standing at the front of the large group trying to get people's attention.

Hey... I know that guy, he's- OMG THAT'S TRISTAN BUCKLEY! My jaw dropped as I stared at him in his black skinny jeans and purple Camp Honeysuckle leader's T-shirt with a yellow beehive on the back with Camp Honeysuckle written around it.

“I know, dreamy right?” George chuckled, elbowing me in the rib suggestively. “I've been trying for three years now, ever since I first started coming here, to get him to go out with me. But he won't,” George sighed solemnly, like Tristan was the love that got away.

“No idiot, I know him. He's a senior at my school,” I hissed back. George coughed, I hoped that wasn't going to be a habit of his.

“No way, you get to bask in his awesome for six hours, five days a week? That's so not fair,” George whined. I noted a few girl's giggling over him beside me.

“So welcome everyone to another summer here at Camp Honeysuckle. We've got a great holiday planned. So if the campers could kindly move into the assembly area and the parents, could you please say your goodbyes, we can get everything moving smoothly and on time,” Tristan said strongly, like a real leader. Then he went off around the administration cabin with his fancy clipboard. I need to get me a fancy clipboard, so I can whack him over the head and then run off with his.

“Dreamy isn't he?” George sighed. I rolled my eyes.

“If you say so,” I said and headed through the people to follow Tristan, George close behind. It turned out the assemble area was like an outdoor theatre with stands built into the ground and the stage down in a hole. Behind the stage was the lake. Other people filed over and took seats further to the front than us. Tristan was chatting to some middle aged man at the front to the side of the raised block like stage. When everyone was seated the older guy got on the stage with a microphone and began telling everyone the camp rules blah blah blah. There were quite a few people here. Maybe around 100? And they were all different ages. In fact, the majority of them were around my age group.
After the assembly we were dismissed to unpack our stuff. Only I didn't know where I was supposed to be staying.

“The guys all stay in a huge room with lots of bunks and a big multi bathroom at the end. You should bunk with me,” George was saying excitedly as he leaped about across the grass over to a big building apart from the main. From the sky I imagined their to be three big rectangles in a triangle shape. One of the boys sleeping quarters, one was the girls rooms, and the other was the lobby and all the activity stuff. The tip of the triangle pointed to the assembly concert thing and the lake, while the base lined the car park. The lake was so big you can hardly see the other side and it even had a big jetty too. There was a tennis court, a basketball court, mini golf, go carts, flying fox, rock climbing and giant life size chess board. In the middle of the three big buildings was a big BBQ area with picnic tables. It was actually pretty cool. I was getting more and more impressed.

“Sure,” I chuckled at George, who's just tripped over his own feet and fallen onto his butt. I put out my hand to him and he took it.

“Ops,” he grinned and wiped his jeans clean of dirt and sand. I rolled my eyes and walked through the double doors into the boys sector.

Whoa! I was ambushed with a ton of boys running around this huge room making a mess. It was full of bunks and trunks and pillows and footballs flying about the place. Okay, so not a ton of footballs. But I could see at least four.

“MY BED MY BED MY FUCKING BED YOU ASSHOLE!” George screamed as he ran past me, his arms above his head, over to a bunk and literally kicked some poor guy's butt off the bottom bunk. The guy fell face first onto the floor and George sat on the bunk, his legs crossed under him, grinning and beckoned me over. This boy was pure evil. Which meant he was cool to roll with me. I climbed onto the top bunk and laid back. Ah, not too shabby.

“Newbie!” a guy near me shouted, pointing at me.

“NEWBIE!” another shouted, joining in.

“NEWBIE! NEWBIE! NEWBIE!” the boys all chorused, stamping their feet and punching their bunks in time to the shouting. I leant over the side of my bed to see George chilled out on his bed, hands behind his head, grinning.

“You're in for a treat,” he winked. A... treat? In boy terms or girl terms? I looked over at the anarchy in the bedroom (wink) and decided it was the boy term. I leaped off the bed and tried to leg it. No such luck. Some big tough guy hooked his elbow through mine and pulled me back. Then someone else lifted my legs and hoisted me into the air.

“No, wait, HELP!” I cried out, struggling. The boys just continued to chorus until they carried me from the quarters, down the small hill, and to the end of the jetty. I'd caught glimpses on the way of George's head bobbing in the crowd of men, a Cheshire grin plastered on his gob.

“George mate, give me a hand will you,” I called to George as the jetty end loomed beside me. The two tall guys holding me were grinning and I realised they were twins, ginger hair, green eyes, light freckles on the noses.

“You know him?” someone young asked George. I saw George shake his head, smirking. The twins shared a look.

“On three,” one chuckled.

“One...” said the other.

“Two...” nodded the first.

“THREE!” George shouted and then I was falling through the air.
Might I say that that extremely girlie squeal only escaped my lips because the water was practically sub zero degrees under freezing and I was only wearing a shirt and shorts, so shut up!

When I surfaced I shook my head, letting my hair flail out before brushing it back off my forehead as I trod water and took a deep breath. Everyone was laughing and snickering at their very 'smart' move. Okay, so...

Camp 1, Sye 0... that will soon change. I will have my revenge.

“Oi grommet,” I called up to George. He shuffled forward innocently so he was looking over the edge of the jetty at me.

“Yes soaking sap?” George batted his eyelids at me.

“Give us a hand you traitor,” I growled at him, holding my hand up. He seemed delighted that I wasn't mad at him and took my hand. But before he could pull, I did, and he came toppling down into the water with me. I was satisfied that his squeal was as equally as girlie as mine.

“Bastard,” George grinned at me, flicking his own wet hair out of his eyes.

“Oi, what's going on here?” a voice called. Everyone turned to see Tristan striding down the slope to the jetty. His eyes fell on George and me and he frowned.

“Just some innocent fun,” the young boy from before piped up.

“Oh really? How many times have I told you boys not to throw the newbie into the lake...” Tristan growled as he got to the end of the jetty, all the boys parted for him like he was a god or something. “Without me,” he grinned and shoved both the twins in the arms, sending them into the lake too. Tristan laughed and then turned on the others and out his hands on his hips.

“Well?” he chuckled. Seeing him like this reminded me of Peter Pan. Was he the leader of the rebel boys? Someone they all followed? What a turn from high school. He was taking my role.

“Bazillion!” the young boy cried and canon balled into the lake beside me. George and I swam further out out of the way as the others closely followed, all stepping around Tristan. Now he was reminding me of Moses parting the sea. Gosh, who was this guy? Reminding me of heroes like this. I could see why George liked him. Not that I did, because I didn't, because I'm not gay, but if I was, then I would, because he's an attractive heroic looking guy, not that I care, because I don't, I'm not gay, oh wait, I already said that, never mind. Anyway...

“Hey, get your goo goo eyes off my man,” George growled and splashed water at me. I rubbed it from my eyes and glared at him.

“I wasn't goo goo eyeing anyone,” I spat at him. He rolled his eyes.

“Sure you weren't. So anyway, it's pretty cold in here. Want to get out before our balls shrink?” George cackled and started swimming to the jetty ladder. I smirked and followed after him. This guy was crazy. As I climbed the ladder I watched George reach the top and slink over to Tristan, who was laughing at the twins wrestling and trying to float at the same time.

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