Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)

Bởi itshelbs

124K 3.3K 1K

What if one day you meet a special someone, but then come to find out that she's your new Algebra 2 teacher? Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 12

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Bởi itshelbs

*Lauren's House*

Camila's POV

Again, the GPS had to be used; this time in order to find Lauren's house. Since we had been dating for three weeks now, she decided on taking me there. This meant a lot; it meant that she was taking our relationship more serious now.

As much as I felt comfortable at her friend's apartment, I wanted to get to know her home. Wanted to see where she slept, the decor of her home, everything!

According to Lauren, she was waiting outside of her house already. That alone made me step on the gas, of course it was safely, but I didn't care. I just wanted to see her. Today in class, there was barely any time for us to get close. Lunch, it was spent with my friends. I couldn't hang around in class during all of my breaks; people would start suspecting something.

In class, I was still pretending to be having trouble. Of course she knew I was pretending. She asked me to actually turn in my work and take the tests seriously, that way my grade wasn't being affected. She didn't want to be the cause of my failure.

When I arrived to the address, Lauren was indeed waiting outside. She smiled while directing me to bring my car through the gates. As I did, I looked outside. The black enclosed gates must have been at least twenty feet high.

Her residence seemed really private.

I drove in and stopped behind Lauren's car. When I got out of my car, Lauren was closing the heavy looking gates. My eyes wandered, getting a good look of the place. Well the patio was huge, the house perimeter was surrounded by the same gate that I drove through. There was no way that anyone could ever spy or try and break in.

How could she afford this? Not trying to be mean or anything, but I don't think a teacher's salary could afford this. This house was not just any ordinary house.

Lauren extended her hand out, wanting to hold mine. Hand in hand, we walked into her house. I was amazed when we walked in. The interior was beautiful, spacious, and really neat. Black leather couches and a huge flat screen tv. Okay, how in the world did she afford it?

"How were you able to afford all of this?" I was blown away. "How much does the school pay you?" I joked.

"Not enough for this," she chuckled. "My grandmother left me money when she passed away," she explained.

Ohh, that makes more sense.

"Oh, I'm sorry about your Grandma," I squeezed her hand. It wasn't my intention to bring up the subject, if I would have known, I wouldn't have asked.

"It's okay. It's been a few years now," she brushed it off. Changing the subject, she directed me to the kitchen. "I had just finished cooking before I went outside to wait for you," she informed. The aroma went through my nose, mmm, it smelled delicious.

"Yummy, chicken," my mouth became watery.

Releasing my hand to walk to a cabinet, she said, "It's called apple thyme chicken."

Wait, the pieces in there, were also apples? What the hell. Apple with grilled chicken? That was strange, it probably tasted funny too. It just didn't look right, although it did look good. Maybe I just needed to give it a try. Lauren knew what she was doing... right? No, apple with chicken didn't make sense to me.

"Lauren. Apples don't go with chicken."

She gave me an Oh really? Look.

"They do if the chicken is grilled," she replied matter of factly.

My hand went up in surrender, "Okay, well you're the expert." Lauren served the dishes. Once she was done, I grabbed my plate and we walked to the table.

"Your mom knows that you're not having dinner at home right?"

"Yup. I told her that I was having dinner at Shawn's." I answered.

Lauren grabbed two wine glasses and poured some white wine in both.

"Go easy on it," she warned while handing me my glass. My eyes squinted, giving her an 'are you serious' look.' "It's just for dinner," She retorted playfully.

I laughed lightly.

Now it was time to try the dish. Just in case the apples tasted weird, I began cutting pieces of chicken. That was safe, at least I wouldn't have a problem swallowing it. Taking my first bite of the chicken, my eyes closed as I savored the piece of meat. So juicy. God. I had never loved chicken so much.

"This is delicious," I commented.

"And you were worried," she teased.

"I'm worried about the apple chunks, which I still haven't tried," I clarified making Lauren roll her eyes.

"Well try it," she poked her fork into an apple chunk. "Open," she tried feeding me it. Being hesitant, I opened my mouth. The fragile and soft apple dispersed into little pieces. She was right though, it was really tasty, very delicate.

"I must apologize, because you were right... this is delicious," I had to recognize it.

Lauren grinned. Poking her fork through a piece of apple and then chicken, she fed it to me at the same time. She fed herself while I finished chewing the bite she fed to me. A smile was forming on her face when she was chewing. It was so cute. 

"You see, you can't reject something without trying it first," she stated.

"Ah, well if I remember correctly, you were rejecting me without giving me a chance first." I reminded being a smartass.

Lauren grinned mischievously, "Here, eat up." She then shoved chicken into my mouth with her fingers. I tried to bite them because of the rude gesture. "Hey." she said and pointed sternly at me. "I told you, I was only trying to protect you."

"I know. And I adore you for that," I pinched her cheek, and took a sip from my wine. "At least we're together now," I smiled feeling butterflies in my stomach.

Seriously, I couldn't have asked for more at the moment. The feeling was somewhat surreal. Literally. I was here with Lauren, at her home, having dinner with her. To me, she wasn't the Algebra teacher, she was just my girlfriend. All of this was wonderful. I admit, being in class with her was still something to get used to, but it wasn't a huge problem. It was just strange in a humorous way, how I had to respect as an older authority figure during school, with other people in general.

"Exactly," she nodded. "I'm glad that I decided to give it a try," she was thinking back on it. "I mean, how could I not? If you're willing to wait until a new movie comes on Netflix to watch it together, then why not?" she joked, getting a laugh out of me.

Ah true. In order to watch a new movie together, we would have to wait for it to come on Netflix, although by then it won't be new anymore. Oh well, I didn't mind having to wait. Either way, if I really wanted to go to the movies, I could always go with friends. Kind of sad how Lauren and I wouldn't ever be able to go to the movies as a couple though. Or anywhere in general. That's what we had to sacrifice though, and it was definitely worth it. 

"Of course," I continued eating.

"When we're finished, what would you like to do?" she asked before taking a sip of wine. "T.V.? PS4?" That one made my eyebrows arch, "I like to play it," she stated. I shook my head in amusement. "Okay well... what about swimming?" she suggested. Hmm, swimming... Of course a house like this has a swimming pool.


"Great. We'll wait a half an hour from now." she settled. "Can't wait to see you in a bikini," she smirked.

I couldn't wait to see her in hers. That motivated me to eat faster. The apples were first to go. I then ate the chicken, and chugged the wine, causing Lauren give me a questionable look with a hint of amusement.

"I can't wait either," I clarified.

She just smirked at me.


Now that we had changed, we were at the poolside. This backyard was beautiful, the pool's water was a really pretty blue. I couldn't put my finger on it, but there was something really intriguing about the pool. Lauren walked up behind me, wrapping her arms securely around my stomach.

"What are you thinking baby?" her chin rested on my shoulder.

Baby. She just called me baby.

"Baby?" I asked calmly. But my mind was going insane.

"Yes. Baby. Now tell me what you're thinking about?"

"It's beautiful. Your backyard is amazing," I complimented.

"It's nothing compared to you," she kissed my cheek. Then kissed my neck. My shoulders shrugged since it was tickling me. I giggled softly. The sun was shining on us. "It's really hot out here," she commented. I nodded, completely agreeing with her. One of her hands slid down my arm, caressing it; and she kissed my neck again. "Would you like to get wet?" she whispered in my ear seductively. Chills went down my spine.

"W-what?" at the very moment, Lauren released me from her hold and pushed me. Trying to keep my balance, my arms flailed in the air, but it was useless. There wasn't enough ground to keep my footing, and I inevitably fell into the pool, getting wet.

Swimming up to the surface, I could hear Lauren's loud and husky laugh. Her hands rested on her stomach while she bent over, still laughing. That was rude! It scared the shit out of me. That was just mean. Though it wasn't nice of her, I couldn't maintain an upset expression. Seeing her enjoying this so much made me grin. It was nice to see her laugh like that.

"Sorry, I just... had to do it," she said with baited breath, trying to stop her laughter.

"How old are you?" I retorted while stretching my hand, so that she could help me out. "Help me out." I demanded. Lauren held my hand and pulled me, just then, I pulled  her towards me and the water. Losing all her balance, she fell in. I laughed my ass off while I waited for her to surface, and scold me. I soon felt a tug on my leg. Lauren gripped my knee, trying to pull me under. "Lauren!" I squealed before I was submerged under water.

Being fully underneath the water, I saw her tightly holding my leg. Trying to get out of her grip, I kicked her off and tried swimming back to the top. Unfortunately, Lauren was stronger that I was. She grabbed onto my waist, still keeping me submerged in the water. I grinned underwater, just like she did. As fun as the struggle was, I needed to breathe.

I was losing my breath, and fast too. It was impossible to talk under water, so I brought my hands together, pleading to be let go of. Lauren shook her head, not understanding that I seriously needed to breathe. I was going to drown! This was it. How the hell was I supposed to make her understand? And how was she still okay with being underwater?

Another idea came to mind. Demonstrating how I was feeling, I put my hands around my neck, to show suffocation. In desperate need of air.

Lauren made an 'oh fuck' expression. She quickly pushed my body up to the surface. Lauren swam to my side while we both gasped for air. I could feel her treading the water, just like I was.

"I'm sorry," she swam closer to me. I laughed through gasps. "In my defense, I had to do it since you pulled me in."

I shook my head in disbelief, "You pushed me first though!" I splashed water in her face, making her close her eyes and look in the opposite direction. As I kept splashing her, her hands went up in an attempt to block the water from hitting her gorgeous face. "Oh come on, it's just water." I teased.

"Oh okay, then you wouldn't mind having some water splashed on you too, would you?" With that being said, she splashed water on me. While wiping the water off my face, I was not expecting another splash. Especially not one with so much force. Water splashed all over my face again, that one hurt a little. I yelped, "It's just water right?" she teased. When the water washed off my face, I saw Lauren preparing the next splash. Both of her hands pressed together while she started surfing the water from the back, making it go around.

As an instinct, my hands covered my face; luckily the water didn't hit my face.

Dropping my hands, I laughed, "You missed." I got cocky. To my surprise, she had prepared the next splash, and that one hit me. Hard.

"You were saying?" she laughed in victory. The water had made drift away from me, so she swam her way back to me. My legs were starting to get tired from the kicking.

"I'm getting out, my legs are hurting." I swam to the concrete.

"Wait," she swam to me. I had reached the edge of the pool, and was holding on so I wouldn't have to kick. "Don't get out yet," she pouted and held the edge for support. Her free hand went under the water and rested on my hip.

"Let's get out and enjoy the sun," I was about push myself up and out, but Lauren held me, keeping me from getting out.

"In a bit, let's just stay in the water," she insisted. Giving me the best puppy eyes, she got closer to me. Aww, I couldn't say no to her. She was inches from my face, her head lowered, and her lips kissed my neck. Having her like this made me excited. My legs automatically made their way around her waist. "Camila, do you really care about me?" she asked while trailing kisses down my jaw.

Of course I did. What kind of question was that? Was she just trying to make conversation, or was she being serious? I didn't know, but I did know that I was going to answer her. With all seriousness.

"Laur, you know I do. You mean so much to me already. Even though I've only known you for a little over a month, I care about you so much." I laughed lightly. Her hands folded beneath my ass, while my legs remained locked around her waist.

"Good, because you're the only thing that matters to me," she pecked my lips.

"I was hoping you would say that," I smiled. "Now can we get out Miss Jauregui?" I asked for permission, as if we were in class.  

Her head shook in disbelief, but with a hint of amusement. "Yes," she mimicked. We both pushed ourselves out of the water. Lauren walked over to the chair and grabbed our towels, and walked over to me. She then wrapped the warm towel around my body.

"Why thank you Lolo." I said in a cute voice.

"Aww, why are you so cute?" she cooed as she pinched my cheek and then kissed it. "Hey, what's up with your friend Shawn?" she randomly asked.

"Why?" my forehead creased. I thought it was strange that she was asking about him. Shawn would've fainted if he heard this.

"Well, he's come into my class a few times and approached me as if he wanted to say something, but nothing ever comes out. He just stutters and looks all shaky." she explained. Oh my god, that was definitely something Shawn would do. I wanted to burst out in laughter.

"Well, he thinks you're hot," I answered. "He's a good guy though," I added, not wanting Lauren to think he was a freak. Although, his behavior when he was around her, wasn't helping his case. "If you haven't noticed, he always checks you out when he sees you in the halls," I informed.

"I have noticed actually," she replied, as she dried herself off. "At first I thought it was kind of funny because he's your friend," she added. "Is it weird for you?"she asked while drying her hair.

"Not at all, he just has an innocent little crush on you," I shrugged. I hugged the towel closer to my body.

"Awe, take it off," she gave me her puppy eyes.

"No, I'm wet," I chuckled.

"How wet?" she smirked. Oh wow, this girl. She didn't want us to sleep together because according to her, she wanted to wait until I turned eighteen. Why was she acting like this then? Didn't she know that it was making it difficult to resist her?

"Laur," I said in a whiny voice. "If you really want us to wait, then please don't make it harder than it already is." I warned her. Having said that now, I couldn't be held responsible for any of my other actions. It wouldn't be my fault if she kept provoking me.

"Ugh, I know, but sometimes I feel like it won't last." she stepped closer to me.

"So what are you saying? That you want to go to the next level?" I played with a strand of her wet hair.

Her head tilted back, "No," she groaned. "No matter how hard it is, I'll still wait," wow, she had will power. Maybe she could wait, but I honestly wanted to go all the way with her already. Making out with her was not enough for me anymore; especially when it became too heated, and she was being playful.

"Fine," I wasn't happy about it.

What made me happy was that she wanted to wait until I was eighteen, meaning that she believed we would still be together. She really believed in us. It made me smile to think about all of this; hopefully it could actually work.

"Why are you smiling now?" Lauren's forehead creased in confusion, yet a smile was appearing on her face.

"Well in your plans, we're going to be together when I turn eighteen," I slipped my arms around her neck.

"I sure hope so," now that she had me close, she pulled the towel off of me. "Let's go inside," with that said, she kissed me. She was nibbling on my lower lip while directing me inside the house. This was leading to a makeout session. God damn, having to control my urges was going to be pure torture.

A/N: Hopefully this suffices your needs for today. Vote, comment, and share the story with friends if you want! Thank you babes for reading.

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