Where The Wild Things Hide

By hungarycosplayer12

123 3 10

They come from everywhere. The land, sky, and water. Their mission was to wipe us out, but they changed their... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

58 1 10
By hungarycosplayer12

They come from everywhere. The land, sky, and water. Their mission was to wipe us out, but they changed their minds. To live in harmony is what they said, but actions speak louder than words. They hated us and we hated them...
But what if it could change?
What if we could mend?
Don't worry sweet child lay down in your bed. Pray to God and heaven forbid...
Dirt sprays in my face as my mother's words repeat over and over again in my head. I throw a punch as I pop back into reality, gaining control and pinning my opponent down. A soft grunt escapes my lips as sweat trickles down my forehead showing exhaustion and struggle. Throwing one last punch I stand up as a signal that I was finished, and dust off the unwanted dirt from my jeans. Coming out like little clouds that have no place to go or be. I straighten my back and crack my knuckles at the same time before running a shaky hand though my now untied messy brown hair.
"Come on Luca, you can't lay there all day. I'll drag you if I have too." I cross my arms across my chest, and look down at the messy ombré brown haired boy who is now decorated in dirt. Extending a hand I pull him up, causing dust to spill in the air off of his now unclean clothes.
"Actually I could but I'm not too fond of you getting the idea to drag me." Luca stands with a smirk dancing across his lips. "No offense."
He looks over at me with a glint of humor in his violet eyes as they study my emotions. I furrow my brows and stick my tongue out earning me a soft laugh from him.
"So did I stun you with my amazing out of this world strength?" I pretend like I'm flexing my arm muscle to show my strength.
"Woah there, don't strain yourself Lils!" He lets out a laugh as I punch his arm. "Ouch! I think I'm hurt from your super strength."
"Just answer my question ya dork!" I fake pout.
"Alright, alright. Yes you were pretty good but you'll still be Bellator breakfast."
"Well at least I'll be the most important meal of the day," I flip my hair in a sassy way, "I only go down in fame." We both laugh at our weirdness as I quickly tie my hair up in a semi acceptable ponytail. When I finish I see Luca staring, more like frowning, at the endless edge of the prairie field. As I turn around to look he starts to speak up in a serious tone.
"We need to go now Lilly, unless you actually want to test that theory of yours." His voice is filled with seriousness mixed with irritation.
I squint my eyes and can just barely make out a few Bellators heading our way. Not just any Bellator, but a whole pack of Silverstris Bellators. They aren't the most friendliest of the alien like species and definitely don't care for us humans. Ever since they came to our planet we never saw eye to eye with each other, but not all of them were against us. The Familiaris Bellators were a group that protected and liked us humans. Both were the same in looks; two sets of eyes, horse/dog like anatomy, long ears and the ability to switch between human and animal form. They both have unique powers that depend on their coats like Luca, he can control fire and lightning. The differences between the two was Silverstris were stronger and sharper than Familiaris, and they had different views on everything. This made the world divided and feared by most of the people living life.
Snapping me out of my thoughts is the tug of my shirt, making me turn around to see Luca laying down in his Bellator form. His radiant golden coat reflects in the sun along with the simple marks of red lightening bolt symbols that stretch across his body. Luca snorts at me in desperation for me to get on his back as the pack urges closer. I swing my leg over as I straddle his back, and twisting my hands in his short thick ombré mane that goes from black to brown. With a jolt I feel his muscles move beneath me and tense as he starts to run the other direction. The few braids that I put in his hair make noise as the dark blue beads make contact. He occasionally glances back, making sure that we aren't being followed.
His eyes aren't promising as I see them filled with fear and rage.
I leaned forward and look back as I see an angry Silverstris male follow us, gaining speed and shortening the distance. His sky blue coat has a white strip that goes along his side with green faintly outlining it. His short mohawk like mane goes from black to dark lavender and barely moves at the speed he is going. My breathe hitches as my frightened olive green eyes make contact with his wild chocolate brown orbs. Just as his head is next to me he stops as if our eye contact put a spell on him, still looking at me as we run off. Then, he shakes his head and confusion crosses his face as he turns around to leave, but not before he gives me one final glance.
I look forward and see that we are nearing the village. It's entrance is marked by two intertwined oak trees that form an arch, and just hanging below it is a sign that says "Norwich." Thats where we live if you haven't guessed already. It's a little old town surrounded by mountains and many different forests. It just a mile off of the Iragorn Bay. Small shops and houses sit along the streets that give off a warm welcome to anyone who visits. Many nice people and few Familiaris live together in the small community too, making it have a nice and peaceful atmosphere.
I feel Luca start to slow down as we enter through the archway. He slows to a walk and a few people look at us and give us friendly waves. As we get to the center of town Luca stops next to the grand fountain, and kneels so I can easily get off his back. I slide off and feel the cobblestone underneath my boots as I stand up. Luca stands up as well and I turn around giving a smile and hugging him around his neck.
"Thanks Lu." He looks down at me as I pull away, and he nuzzles my neck and face as a way of saying welcome. I scratch his nose in return and laugh at how cute he looks.
Sometimes I don't consider Luca an animal since he was always a human when we grew up together. Mom found him one day and decided that he would join our family since Bellators were still being hunted at the time. He caused trouble a few occasions when he was going through his discovery of his powers after setting a lamp on fire, and a few couple small things. But over all he was apart of the family and Mom loved him just as much as she loved me. She trusted me with Luca and told him to protect me when she started getting ill. After a few years later she died from stomach cancer. There was nothing the doctors could do to help.
I jump as someone taps my shoulder, and I turn around to see my amazingly awesome best friend Jane and her Familiaris, Zale. Jane and Zale were new here 2 years ago and I've been friends with the crazy blonde and ocean blue eyed girl since. We are around the same age accept she's 19 years old, just two years older than me. Her Familiaris has white and gold with a few red lightning bolts on his back and legs. He has spiked green and dark blue hair that needs to be tamed, but he won't let me touch it, along with his nose ring. He stands on three legs and one has a stump on it from a fight that he never wants to talk about. Over all their just as crazy as me and Luca.
Zale stands tall as Luca tries to size him up. They both give looks that could kill after an incident in training we had last month. Zale accidentally cut the whole side of my arm during training since he has wind and lightening powers, and let's just say that Luca did not appreciate that. Honestly, I think Luca needs to back off of the protective side and loosen up a bit, but that's just my opinion.
"Hey Lily!" She beams at me with her toothy grin and takes me into a bear hug.
"Hey Jane... Can't... Breathe...." A painful smile appears on my face as I struggle to breathe.
"Oops! Sorry!" She lets go of me immediately and my lungs cry with joy.
"So how are you? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages." Jane steps back to give me some space and she starts to pet Zale's neck.
"Well I'm doing good except for the fact that me and Luca almost got killed by a pack of Silerstris," I cross my arms and lean against Luca's shoulder after he sits down.
"I was wondering why you had come back so early." She takes a glance at the entrance then back at me. "We had just gotten done with some exploring and trading when we saw you guys come in. Something must be bothering them in the mountains. It's unlike them to come close to the village unless they're planning a raid on the town." We both fall silent for a few seconds, Luca looks at me and heaves a sigh.
"Well whatever it is they're slowly getting on my nerves. They constantly interfere with our training and I might just loose it." I heave a sigh as well.
"Maybe old Tack can do something about it." As soon as she says that I felt Luca tense up as he moves uncomfortably behind me.
Old Tack is the leader or so called "mayor" of the town and Luca doesn't like him very much. He's such a snob and always puts a business "mask" on whenever he wants to be nice or serious. It's really weird how the old man thinks at times. Anyways, one time when me and Luca were little Luca set his precious apple tree on fire. It was a gnarled old tree and was gonna die anyways that year. In all honesty Luca didn't have control of his powers and the tree kind of deserved it's ashy death. After that Old Tack hasn't taken too kindly to Luca and treats him horribly every time they meet.
"We probably shouldn't right now but I'll run it past him later." I kindly put down the suggestion and I feel Luca start to relax.
"Okay well I'll see you tonight then!" She beams.
"Tonight? For what?" I give her a confused look.
"The festival tonight, silly! You're wearing a dress, remember? " she wiggles her eyebrow, "You promised you would do it."
My face drops in realization, "Oh ya....I remember now..."
"Luca!" Jane yells at him making him jump suddenly with wide frightened eyes."Make sure she wears a dress!"
Luca nods his head quickly as she points at him threatening like. I face palm and Zale sweat drops as we all stare at Jane. She finally cracks a smile which makes Luca flinch and I laugh at him.
"So it's settled them! I will see you later!" She quickly hugs me before running up to Zale and hopping on his back. "Bye!" She waves and they run off.
"See ya!" I wave back and then turn to Luca. "I guess we're getting ready for a festival then." I give him a smile as we head off towards home to get ready for a festival I will ever forget.

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