Our Story With Arlie And Noah

By sexylikenarry

130 6 0

India Daisy Ashman a normal twenty two year old. Niall James Horan a international superstar. Five years ago... More



10 1 0
By sexylikenarry

"INDIA!" Niall shouted. "What?" I moaned. "We need to get up!" He said. "Niall what the hell are you playing at? its 1:18 in the morning!" I yelled. "India, we need to go" he said. "Go where?" I asked. "It's Arlie, we need to go now!" He said. "What's wrong?" I asked quickly getting out of bed and throwing on a pair of jogging bottoms, a white t-shirt and my 'Queen' hoodie. "They don't think she's going to make it through the rest of the night" he said beginning to cry. My world stopped. My daughter. She was perfectly fine the other day.

I ran into the hospital room to find my daughter lying lifeless on the hospital with doctors all around her. "I take it you got our message" a doctor said. "Yeah, surely there's something you can do?" Niall asked wiping his tears. "We might have to restart her heart again" he said. "Please just tell us she's going to be alright" I begged. "There is a high chance that she won't be alright I'm afraid Mrs Horan" he said. I stood there staring at the wall silently crying. "You are more than welcome to stay here tonight" he said. "Thank you" Niall said sitting down. "We are doing everything we can to help you're daughter" he said. "I know and we appreciate it" Niall said. "Press the red button if you need anything" he said leaving the room.

"I'm sure she'll be fine" Niall said hugging me. "Ni, you heard him, they don't think she's going to make it" I cried. "We just have to be here for her" he said holding her hand. Her perfect curly hair was spread out over the crisp white pillow. "She doesn't deserve this" I said wiping my tears. "I know" he said. "Do you know if Noah's okay?" I asked. "I think Fizzy is liking him" he laughed. "Why?" I asked. "Look at her twitter" he said. I unlocked my phone and went into her account.

@FizTommo: Missing mummy&daddy, Love this little one❤️ get better soon Princess Arlie💗

"I miss him" I said. "I know but we need to focus on Arlie right now" he said. "Have you seen everyone's tweets on Twitter?" He asked. "No" I said. "Have a look" he said. "I'm going to put a twit longer on later so people know what's going on" he said.

@LottieTomlinson: Get well soon Arlie! Lots of love uncle Tommy and auntie Lottie😘😘

@PhoebeTommo: Noah's first sleepover✌🏼️ #GetWellSoonArlie

@TommyNapolitano: Can't believe my little princess was rushed to hospital, thinking of you princess Arlie😘


@DaisyTomlinson: Get better soon princess Arlie😍

@JayDeakin: Hope Arlie gets better soon! We'll come and visit her when she gets better🙈

@MauraHoran: Please pray for Arlie😔

@RooPayne: #GetWellSoonArlie

"When are you going to do the twit longer?" I asked. "I'll do it in the morning" he said. "She's so innocent and cute, she doesn't deserve this" I said. "I know" he said. We sat in silence listening to Arlie's regular heart beat. "I'm just going to call Lottie" Niall said getting up. "Don't be long" I said. "Oh Arlie" I sighed stroking her pale cheek. "Please get better princess" I whispered. "You need to get better" I said.

"We're going to have to ask you to step outside" a doctor said. "MY DAUGHTER!" I screamed. "India" Niall sighed through his tears trying to pull me away. "Niall!" I cried into his arms. "India, come on" he said. "NO NIALL!" I sobbed. "We really have to ask you to leave" a doctor said holding the door open. "NIALL!" I sobbed. "I know, I know" he said wiping his own tears, I'm probably not making this any better for him. "HARRY!" I sobbed as I ran into Harry's arms. "It will be okay" he said rubbing my back. "Where are the others?" Niall asked sitting on a chair. "At home with Noah" Harry said.

"Come here gorgeous" Niall said hugging me. "Niall, I just want her to be okay" I sobbed. "So do I" he said. "Our only daughter" I cried. "It's alright" he said stroking my hair. "It isn't alright though!" I sobbed. I sobbed silently into his chest. I just wanted my family all together again, like we was a few days ago. I haven't seen Noah since yesterday morning, I haven't seen my newborn son in a day. I miss him. I miss Arlie. "Mr and Mrs Horan?" A nurse called. "Yeah" Niall said. "Can you follow me please" she said. "Harry, come with us" Niall said. She lead us into a room where we all sat down

"Is Arlie okay?" I asked. "We've had to resuscitate her five times in the last hour which obviously isn't good, we've put her into ICU on a life support still, she's still in an induced coma and we'll probably take her out of that later today and get her off the life support to see if she can breathe on her own" she said. "You had to resuscitate her five times?" Harry asked. "Yeah" she said. "Will she be alright?" I sobbed. "Well now she's in ICU we'll be able to attend to her needs more so hopefully she should be okay" she said. "Can we see her?" I asked. "I'll go and ask for you" she said. "Okay thank you" I smiled.

"She's okay" I breathed hugging Niall. "There's still a risk though" he said. "I know" I said. "I might write that twit longer" he said pulling away from the hug. "What are you going to write?" I asked. "I'm just goi to say what's happened and what's going on" I said. "Tell me when you've done it" I said. "The nurses said to wait at least another hour before seeing her" the nurse said coming into the waiting room. "Okay thank you" Harry said.

"I've done the twit longer" Niall said. "Have you uploaded it?" I asked. "Yeah have a look" he said. I unlocked my phone and looked at his post.

@NiallOfficial: So everyone's been wondering what's going on in our life's right now, well I can tell you. The past 24 hours have been very touch and go with Arlie so we apologise for not being on social media. Yesterday morning when Jay, Lottie, Tommy, Félicité, Phoebe, Daisy, Doris and Ernest were round visiting Noah, Arlie fell seriously ill, we phoned the doctors and they sent an ambulance. Arlie was rushed to hospital with Lottie and Tommy while Noah stayed with Jay. When we got to the hospital Tommy told us that the doctors think she had heart failure and her heart wasn't pumping enough blood round her body, as parents that's something you never ever want to hear. They told us they were putting her on a life support and restarting her heart, which is very scary to hear. They put her into an induced coma for the rest of the day so her body could recover. When we went to see her, she was so pale and fragile. We went home yesterday evening on our own, without our two beautiful children and it felt odd without them. At one in the morning we got a phone call saying that Arlie might not make it through the night, again it's something no parent wants to hear. We went to the hospital to see her and we sat with her for a while before her heart started playing up again, we were told to go out the room which was very frustrating not knowing what's happening. Being the man I had to stay strong for India, which is hard when your daughter could possibly be dead but Harry was with us both. An hour later we got called into a room and we got told that in the last hour Arlie had to be resuscitated five times and she had been put in ICU. Please keep praying and thinking of our family as we keep praying for our daughter. Having a newborn baby isn't easy and it isn't any easier when you're in hospital. We will keep you all updated on Arlie but please keep praying that she gets better soon and can come home soon. -Niall, India, Arlie&Noah❤️

"Aww baby" Niall said wiping my tears. "I'm sorry I just want everything to be normal" I said hugging me. "So do I" he said rubbing my back. "We can probably go and see Arlie soon" Harry said. "I hope so" I said holding onto Niall's hand. I had been holding onto his hand almost all day. "Liam's on his way" Harry said. "And Louis?" I asked. "He doesn't feel well" he said. "I'm going to go ask a nurse if we can see her" Niall said letting go of my hand.

"Right so she is awake but she will be very tired and she might be a bit confused about what's going on" the nurse said leading us into a room. "Are we all aloud to go in?" Harry asked. "Well you're not meant to but as you're all family you can just this once" she said opening the door for us. "Hello princess" Niall said sitting next to her. Her eyes were closed and her hair was spread out on the pillow, she looked like she had been hit by a bus, she looked so tired. "Daddy?" She asked with her eyes closed still. Hearing her voice was music to my ears.

"Daddy" she sobbed. "It's okay baby daddy's here" Niall said holding onto her hand. "How are you feeling gorgeous?" I asked. "Mummy" she sobbed. "It's okay" I said. "Mummy I want to go home" she cried. "I know you do baby but you have to stay in hospital for a little bit" I said. "I don't want this" she sobbed pointing at the IV in her hand. "I know but you have to have it to make you better" I said wiping her tears. "Uncle Harry" she sobbed. "It's okay princess" he said.

"I'm so happy you're feeling better baby" I smiled. "Mummy I want to go home" she said sadly. "I know, we have to stay here for a little bit but it's okay because everyday we're going to visit you and Uncle Tommy and Auntie Lottie can come too and maybe even Auntie Fizzy" I said. "I want auntie Fizzy" she whined. "Shall daddy go and phone her?" Niall asked. She nodded and fiddled with her hair. "Uncle Harry why aren't you looking after my brother?" She asked sweetly. "He's with Auntie Lottie and Uncle Tommy" I said.

"I want Hunter" Arlie whined. "Baby, you know you're not aloud to see her at the moment" I sighed. Hunter is one of my best friends daughter, well she was my best friend but not anymore. Me and her mum, Pippa, met when we went to beauty school and we were best friends, then we both feel pregnant at the same time but Pippa was having twins, for me it was my dream to have children but not so much for Pippa. She went along and had Hunter and Isabella but then she started to abuse them when they were only babies, someone reported her to the police and they both got taken away into a orphanage. When Hunter was two she got adopted but her adoptive parents are quite mean and strict, I've always been there for Hunter no matter what and I always go and see her, I'm like her mum. But just recently her parents won't let us see Hunter for some reason and they've taken her to Spain to get away from us. We always take Hunter on tour and her parents have been fine with it but now they won't let us see her for some reason. But I haven't seen Isabella in years, I don't even know if she is alive I didn't get told where she went but I'm not giving up looking for her.

"How is she?" Fizzy asked walking in. "She's not too bad" I said looking over at my sleeping little four year old. "Who bought you here?" I asked. "I got a bus" she said. "I could of got Niall to get you" I said. "No it's fine don't worry" she said. "Is Noah with Lottie?" I asked. "Yeah" she said sitting down. "Where's Niall?" She asked. "I told him to go home with Harry, he needs to sleep he hasn't been to sleep in ages" I said.

"What's up?" I asked Fizzy. "Nothing" she mumbled. "Fizzy, what's up?" I asked. "Just tired" she mumbled. "Is Noah keeping you up?" I asked. "No Noah's fine, it's just school" she said. "What about it?" I asked. "Homework" she said. "If you want you can stay round ours tonight and I can help and then Noah, Doris and Ernie can't interfere" I said. "Normally I would say no, but I can't, I'm just so tired of everyone screaming and shouting and I just need my own space" she sighed. "Have you got your stuff with you?" I asked. "Yeah it's on my laptop" she said. "Okay well you can stay as long as you want" I said. "Thank you" she said.

"Right baby, mummy and Auntie Fizzy need to go now" I said kissing Arlie. "No mummy" she sobbed. "Listen baby, the nurses are really nice here and I promise I'll come back in the morning" I said. "And I'll come back too" Fizzy added. "Promise?" She asked. "I promise baby girl" I said placing a kiss in her forehead. "We'll see you later princess" Fizzy said hugging her.

"Just make yourself at home, I'll pop the kettle on" I said walking into the kitchen. There was beer bottles everywhere. "Niall?" I called. "Hang on a second Fizzy" I said walking upstairs, Fizzy followed. "Niall what are you doing?" I asked snatching the beer bottle away from him. "India just let me drink" he sighed. "Niall our daughter is fighting for her life in hospital and your just drinking away your problems?" I asked. "Just leave me alone!" He slurred. "Niall we've talked about this before" I said. "We have two children now Niall and they need us more than anything, yes you can have a drink but not when our daughter is in hospital!" I said.

"I need to clear my head" he said walking out. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Just leave me alone will you!" He shouted. I let him go and placed my head in my hands. "Come on Fiz, we're going to your mums" I said picking up my keys. "Why?" She asked putting her hoodie on. "I'm going to get Noah then we're going to Harrys" I said. "Are we staying at Harrys?" She asked. "I don't know yet" I said opening the door.

"Haz have you seen Niall?" I asked. "No I took him home and he went to bed then I came home" he said. "Okay don't worry" I said sitting down. "Why what's up?" He asked. "I came home with Fiz and he had been drinking" I said. "Not again" he sighed. "Anyways how's Arlie?" He asked. "She's alright" I said. "Why are you here Fizzy?" He asked. "Came to do homework because home is so noisy and Ernie and Doris always want to play and I have so much to do" she said. "Can we stay round here tonight?" I asked. "Yeah sure" he said playing with Noah. "Can you try calling Niall because he isn't answering my calls" I said. "Yeah sure" he said.

"He isn't answering" Harry said. "Just leave him then, he's probably at a pub or something" I said whilst I admired Noah. "I understand he's going through a hard time right now but drinking won't make it any better" I sighed. "Why don't you go upstairs and sleep, I'll help Fizzy with homework and look after Noah" he said. "Thank you Haz, wake me if Niall turns up" I said walking up the stairs.

I couldn't get to sleep, the love of my life is somewhere out there getting drunk while our daughter is in hospital, it's not right. I know understand he's going through a hard time but so am I. I just want things to be normal again. I sat in bed just scrolling though my Twitter seeing if Niall had posted anything and of course he hadn't. Ik just want him to come home so I can hold him in my arms.

"India?" Harry asked. I rolled over to see him. "Niall's here" he said. "Okay I'm just coming down" I said. I quickly got up and fixed my hair. I walked downstairs terrified of how drunk Niall could be. Fizzy was in the sofa rocking Noah looking quite scared and Niall was sitting next to her. "Niall!" I said hugging him. "Leave me alone!" He shouted. I pulled away beginning to cry. "Niall please" I begged. "I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE!" He screamed making Noah cry. "Niall, please just come back home with me" I said wiping my tears. "I CANT!" He shouted. "Niall, we have a newborn baby in the house!" I said. "I DONT CARE!" He shouted. "Niall this is not like you" I said. "DO I CARE? NO! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, ALL OF YOU! I DONT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF YOU!" He screamed. "Niall we have a daughter in hospital" I reminded him. "I DONT CARE!" He shouted. "Our daughter Niall, our only daughter" I said. "I DONT CARE, YOU GO SEE HER BECAUSE I DONT GIVE A MONKEY!" He screamed slamming the door behind him.

I put my head in my hands and started to cry, Fizzy put her arm around me for comfort. "He's drunk India, he didn't mean it" she said. "I know" I sobbed. "I'll go after him" Harry said quickly running out the door. Fizzy and I were left in Harry's house not knowing what to do. "I'm sure he'll be back in the morning" she said. "Anyway, let's go to bed" she said picking up Noah. "Are you sleeping with me?" I asked. "Yeah okay" she said. I took a quick photo of Noah and uploaded it on Twitter.

@BeautyQueen: Sleeping next to this babe😍

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