The Autobiography of OddOneOut

By OddOneOut

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The title tells it all. :) More

The Autobiography of OddOneOut
Likes and dislikes
Languages and Vacations
Cliché!: Behind the pages
My dreams
ANOTHER RANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 facts about me
FoRbidden RomANce (Teacher/student)
How to get your story on the "What's Hot" list


71 2 2
By OddOneOut

Hey, I've come to rant about a few things. If you hate rants then get out of here; otherwise keep reading.

First thing I'm ranting about: Cliche stories. I know that a few people do this, and it's good because that tells people what those people are looking for. I hate it when a girl is checking out a really hot guy and she's all like, "Oh my god, those abs are sooooo smexy, I just want that chest against me and I want to lay with him... NO! What am I thinking!? I can't be checking him out!!"

Okay, they say it's hormones but when you think about his rock hard chest against yours and you want to sleep with him... then that's called a really messed up mind. Second, I hate it when this girl has a boyfriend but is in love with another man and she's all like, "Oh, I'm not cheating on my boyfriend, I would never!" And then she kisses another man.

First off, if you're kissing another man, then that's cheating on them, and second if you really loved the other guy, you would break up with your boyfriend. That's what I'd do at least; if I fell in love with another person and I already have a girlfriend, then I would tell her that I don't think it's going to work out without keeping that big secret from her and the relationship ending badly and ruining my life or hers.

I hate when people make their stories either too fast or too draggy. Like for a fast story, everything happens in like a second and then it's over, and for a draggy story the author write in really unnessisary things that are about a few chapters long, and I just get bored of those stories. There are a few stories out there that are either fast or draggy so if you have a story that goes by really fast, you may want to put in a few more stuff like have a character go to McDonalds or something. And if you have a really draggy story then you may want to cut out some parts you think isn't nessisary.

That's pretty much all I have to say about Cliche stories, now here's the second thing I'm going to rant about.

If you're a Shane Dawson, Smosh, Ray William Johnson or any other youtuber with a lot of subscribers with merchandise fan, then you may want to go click on a different story if you're sensitive about people talking trash about people you like, but otherwise keep reading.

Okay, so a lot of people have a lot of racial/homosexual jokes in their videos. They may have been funny at first, but now they're just plain annoying and offensive. Here;s an example of what I'm talking about:

Asian girl: Hey, where do you want to go today?

Ghetto girl: I know where you want to go, you want to go to chinatown so you can hang out wit yo squinty eyed m@+h3rf***ers and go DING DA DA DING DA DA DONG! You know what i'm sayin' girl?


Boy: Hey, you like my haircut?

Girl: I think you look like f** that wants to a**f*** Adam Lambert until his ball**** bang together like two n*****s gettin' it on hardcore gay style! HAHAHAHAHA!  

There are a lot of people out there that are ashamed of who or what they are and kill themselves, and these people aren't helping them at all. I mean seriously, if these guys are going to be so cruel and cold hearted, they might as well do something different for once. Seriously, come up with something original for once!

Here's the other thing, this mostly goes out to Smosh and Shane Dawson. I hate it when they make an event way more sexual than it really is. For example:


Man: Uh...

(Robber shoots man with gun repeatedly like he is j**king off)

Oh, and I also hate when a random gun pops up from out of nowhere. I mean, where do they get these guns from? From their butts? I hope not, because that'd be messed up. It's like this:


Johnny (the very annoying little brother): WAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWA!!!

(sister takes out gun and shoots him)

And a lot of people don't know how to handle guns either. And how do these people that kill someone not get caught, and do they even have a licence? It's illegal to handle a gun if you're not licenced. Did you know there's this thing called common sense? So this just promotes the number of criminals we're going to have in the future. And there's already enough violence in the world so we don't need youtube celebrities influencing teenagers to become serial killers, and they make seem like a big joke when guns and murdering is a very serious topic. Okay?

Okay guys this is it for today so I'll see you later! :)

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