Give Me Mercy [Book 1]

By ChatDies

29.7K 763 202

Mercy Fortuna had all but given up after her mother and twin brother abandoned her with her abusive father. A... More

Mercy Fortuna #1
Seto Kaiba #1.5
Mercy Fortuna #2
Seto Kaiba #2.5
Mercy Fortuna #3
Seto Kaiba #3.5
Mercy Fortuna #4
Seto Kaiba #4.5
Mercy Fortuna #5
Seto Kaiba #5.5
Mercy Fortuna #6
Seto Kaiba #6.5
Mercy Fortuna #7
Seto Kaiba/Mercy Fortuna #8
Seto Kaiba / Mercy Fortuna #8.5 (The End)

Mercy Fortuna #7.5

1.3K 34 16
By ChatDies

[[Sorry To Say: There MAY not be ANY MORE Seto POVs... because I seem to be having a really hard time writing as him >.<... sorry! Super short teaser like, chapter but you should be happy I even posted this.. I wasn't going to xD Tell me what YOU want to happen next.. more drama/pain for poor Mercy or Kaiba riding in on a white horse...?]]

Chapter Six:

*Mercy Fortuna’s POV*

I ignored the man who ‘raised’ me as best as I could, though I could feel his gaze practically burning a hole into the back of my head.

“Nick?” I questioned hesitantly, “Can we go somewhere else, please?”

He looked at me funny for a moment before turning his gaze in the same direction I was looking.

“Your father?” I nodded when he turned back and he grabbed my hand, pulling me in the direction of the store that we’d last seen Mr. Kaiba in. Once we arrived at the phone store, it took us all of two seconds to realize that he was no longer there, then we left to go check the stores that were closest. I’m sure we could’ve simply called him, but I preferred to search, it kept my mind off of why we were looking for him in the first place.

I repeatedly checked over my shoulder to make sure that my father wasn’t following me, and when I finally realized he wasn’t, I concentrated all my focus on finding Seto Kaiba. After several minutes, though I didn’t find Mr. Kaiba, I literally, ran into Joey Wheeler.

“Oomph!” I grunted as my backside hit the linoleum flooring. Nick helped me up before turning to Joey. He was clearly in ‘bodyguard’ mode. His glare would frighten little children, not to mention how much it frightened me, and his glare wasn’t even directed my way!

“Sorry Mercy. I shoulda been watchin’ where I was goin’.” His Brooklyn accent rang out, and his eyes showed his sincerity. Though I didn’t need to see that, I had no doubt that Joey wouldn’t ever purposely hurt me.

“It’s fi-“, I began my sentence, but before I could finish it, a females voice called out Joey’s name. The girl in question soon came out of the store beside up and wrapped her arms around his waist. The girl was probably about a year younger than myself, with long, glossy brown hair and gorgeous eyes. All in all, she was the epitome of beauty.

“Sorry Mercy. This is my sister, Serenity. Serenity, this is the girl I was tellin’ you about, Mercy Fortuna.”

“Nice to meet you,” Serenity smiled towards me, looking for all the world as if meeting me made her the happiest she’d ever been. “Joey’s been talking about you a lot recently!”

I shot a look towards Joey and smiled.

“Well I’m sure Mercy would love to stay and talk, but we’re looking for someone at the moment, so we don’t have the time.”

I’d completely forgotten that we were supposed to be looking for Mr. Kaiba so that we could leave the mall. “That’s right! I’m sorry Joey I’ve got to go. It was nice meeting you, Serenity!”

“Who’re you lookin’ for?”

“Mr. Kaiba, have you seen him?”

“Yes, we saw him, right Joey? He was just on the other side of the mall.”

“Thanks! C’mon Nick. Bye guys!”

I began running, despite the slight pain I still had in my leg towards where Serenity directed me. For several minutes, I simply dodged people while running my fastest and it wasn’t until I finally stopped that I realized something rather important.

Nick was nowhere in sight. Sighing, I mentally face-palmed myself for not checking to see if he could keep up before deciding that we'd meet up eventually and kept going to find Kaiba.


“Mercy, it's time to go home now. No more playing with your friends, all right?” My body froze as Father's voice hit my ears. He sounded so nice, too nice in fact, but I knew it was because we were surrounded by people. I still hadn't managed to find Kaiba nor Nick, but now it didn't seem to matter.

He had found me...

“Yes sir,” I mumbled as he grabbed my upper arm tightly and practically dragged me out.

My eyes caught hold of Joey's sister and she quickly got her brother's attention. They both looked over at me as Father dragged me out of the mall, and I hoped that they would find Kaiba.

Maybe he could save me like he always seemed to do.

I didn't bother struggling as I was forced out of the mall, though maybe I should have. Perhaps someone would have had the guts to stand up to my father, though it was highly unlikely.

I was shoved into the passenger seat of my father's truck and Father went around, jumping into the drivers side.

“I'm so very disappointed in you, Mercy. I thought that you'd come back home after just a few days, didn't you miss your daddy?” I gagged at the overly sweet voice, and fought not to break down in tears.

Please Kaiba...

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