Imperfectly Perfect [Nouis]

By lilacdreams-

352K 13.8K 2.5K

[COMPLETED] ❝Imperfection is beauty.❞ When he makes a ritual to buy his morning coffee from the town's quaint... More

Disclaimer + description
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Nine

13.1K 642 118
By lilacdreams-


It had now been a week since I had made the stupid move to kiss Louis. I shouldn't have kissed him, he must be so confused. Or, he might even be angry with me, 'cos he hasn't dropped by the coffee shop even once in the past week. And that's worrying me.

I know I'm lying to myself when I say that I hadn't enjoyed kissing Louis, even if it was brief. But damn it, I'm still playing that kiss over and over again in my head, and blushing every time.

"Mate, you alright?" Zayn nudged me.

"Huh?" I looked up from wiping the counter, and met Zayn's concerned eyes.

"You've been zoning out for the past few days, and that is so unlike you. Is it about Louis, 'cos I haven't seen him around lately." Wow, he's observant.

I sighed. "I kissed him, Zayn."

Zayn dropped the cups he was stacking in shock. "I'm sorry, what?" he gasped.

I ran a hand through my hair. "Yeah, mate. I just, I went for it and kissed him. And I know I must have confused him and freaked him out and now he doesn't want to see me 'cos he hasn't dropped by-"

"Then you go talk to him. Simple," Zayn shrugged.

"I don't know if he even wants to-"

"Just try, yeah?" Zayn urged. "That's what I do, try to talk with Harry. Even if he doesn't want to," Zayn chuckled.

Zayn's kinda right. I need to talk to Louis, to clear things up between us. I don't want us to be awkward. I don't want to ruin the friendship we have. Louis told me that I'm his only friend that he trusts, and that means a lot. I know about his family and about what he his, for God sake! I don't think he tells everyone that! So, a friendship like that, shouldn't be let go.

And I should be the one to say sorry. I was the one who kissed him without any warning, and I was the one who left without any explanation. Well, because honestly, I was freaked out by my feelings for Louis. I still am. I'd known him for less than a week when I'd kissed him, how can I have feelings for him so early?

And I might've even given Louis the wrong impression, by walking out like that. God, I need to fix this.


After my classes, I resolutely walked toward the Old Bridge, where I found Louis on most afternoons. When I reached the bridge, I slowly walked over it, the old wood creaking underneath my converses. I looked around, hoping to spot a beanie clad, feather haired boy, but I had no such luck.

I sighed and walked down the bridge, changing courses and walking down the path to Louis' apartment complex. But there, I got to know from the lady at the reception that Louis had went out hours ago.

What should I do now? Wait outside Louis' apartment? I don't even have his phone number!

Wait... there's one more place that Louis possibly can be at. It's worth a shot.

I bounded out of the complex building and after about fifteen minutes of walking, I reached the familiar fishing docks. I inhaled the smell of fish and fresh water, walking inside and greeting Sam.

"Sam, have you seen Louis? The guy that came with me before?"

Sam raised a bushy eyebrow at me. "Eh, think I might've seen him. Don't remember." I sighed and thanked him nonetheless, asking for a boat.

I drove the motorboat to the island when the treehouse was, where I'd taken Louis when I'd shown him around for the first time. I killed the motor and hopped out on land, slowly walking through the thick trees 'til I spotted the familiar trunk of the tree house.

Reaching the tree, I firmly placed my foot on the first step and climbed up. As soon as I was all the way up, I saw Louis sitting at the edge of the three walled treehouse, his back to me, legs dangling over the edge. I hoisted myself up, the wood creaking due to my movements. Louis turned around and saw me, then biting his lip, he turned back.

I padded over and quietly sat down beside him.

"Louis," I started. Louis didn't respond, just glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

"Look," I sighed. "I get it. You're mad at me. And I'm really sorry for confusing you like that. I-"

"I'm not mad at you," Louis cut me off. "I thought you wanted space, so I gave it to you," he shrugged, absent-mindedly tugging at his beanie.

"I- I guess I did. I'm sorry for kissing you like that. I was just so overwhelmed by my feelings for you, and confused and... I just needed to sort my head out."

"Why are you apologizing for kissing me if you have feelings for me?" Louis asked with a frown, cocking his head to the side adorably.

"I, I didn't want to freak you out," I admitted.

Louis' eyes widened. "Why? Is it wrong to kiss boys then?"

I chuckled at his innocence. "Some people think it is, but many people think it isn't. You should be allowed to kiss anyone you want to."

Louis nodded. "I agree with the 'many people'."

"Me too."

"So, do you have feelings for me then? That's why you kissed me?" Louis asked yet again.

"Yeah," I confirmed, blushing.

Louis smirked at me. "I guess then that's a good thing."

My heart started beating a tad faster, and I gulped. "Oh, why is that?"

Louis scooted closer. "'Cos I've feelings for you too."

"Y-you do?" I stuttered, surprised, and I couldn't help but smile widely.

"Yep. But I was afraid of telling you, 'cos I thought that boys were only supposed to have those kind of feelings with girls. I may be educated, but nobody told me about these things," he rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry," I cupped his cheek. "You teach me Chemistry, and I'll teach you this stuff."

Louis gulped. "D-deal."

"Lesson one," I started, leaning closer and brushing our noses together. "It's perfectly okay to kiss boys, and especially ones you have feelings for."

"Really?" Louis whispered.


"Okay then." And then Louis was kissing me this time, and I swear I felt electric sparks go through my body, even more than last time. I wonder if Louis felt them too.

I felt him wrap his arm around my neck, and he tilted his head, deepening the kiss. His lips felt so good on mine, not to sound cheesy, but it just felt like we were meant to be like this, like I was meant to kiss him.

I know Louis feels the same, he told me so. And the way he's kissing me, leaves no room for doubt. And I possibly couldn't be happier.

I've never found a person who I can call mine. Sure, I've dated a few times, but none my relationships lasted more than a few months.

But Louis is just so funny and adorable and innocent and sexy and perfect and I hope that he doesn't hurt me. 'Cos I sure as hell won't ever hurt him.

And I hope he's the one for me.


Everything's cleared up! Awh! <3

**Next update after 30 votes, 8 comments and 90 reads. :)**

Preview of the next chapter: Niall helps Louis get a job. :D

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