The Last Dreamer

By FireDreamerWater

204 14 8

My nmae is Clover Bell Johnson. I am exactly 16 years old today. I am small and have brown hair with splashes... More

The Last Dreamer
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

26 2 1
By FireDreamerWater

At first I just see a bright light, and then I sit up. It’s him. The kid. He must’ve used the drug. “Where am I?” my voice echos across the white room.

Then I woman comes in, maybe in her mid-twenties, and smiles at me. “It’s okay sweetie, my name is Liz Bradston, and your at the Protection base for Certain people.” She said.

“Why am I here, Liz?” I asked as I looked around the white room.

“Well…that ones more difficult. How about you follow me” she smiles.

Liz leads me down a long hallway which leads to a room with a long conference table down the middle. There are 12, no 13 seats. Two are empty. Perry, or Peter or Malcolm sits among them. “This is Bree Starks, Anna Burke, Emma Green, Brittany Maroon and Hayley Harris.” On the other side of the table there were guys. “And this is Josh, Luke, Chris, Jarred,(The kid!) Peter, and Zak. Everyone, this is Clover Bell Johnson.” She smiled. Then they all said in unison “Hi Clover.” Jared smiled and winked at me.  "Hey" I said. What a stupid thing to say! Then everyine just started talking at once. So, I sat and tried to listen. Uhhh! I'm out of here. I thought. I got up and stormed out of the room. Someone follows me. Once I'm in the hall I turn to face who ever it is. "Jared..." I say.

"Listen Clover, we've got alot to talk about." he says. I nod. Jared smiles. "And I know your dying to ask me, what am I." he said.  We start walking down the long hallway.

"I already know what you are." I said.

"You do?" he asked nervously.

"Isn't it obvious? I mean, you followed me for how long?" I said.

"What makes it so obvious?" he said.

"The fact that you have that stuff in your watch, normal people don't have that unless their...secret agents." For some reason I whispered the last two words. 

Suddenly chuckling was coming from his direction. I turned to face him. "Hey! Why are you laughing." I said.

He smiled. " because your nowhere near the real thing." he said. "Although, if you had heard what Brittany guessed, you'd be pretty proud of yourself."he chuckled. 

"What did she guess?" i said.

"Well, I myself wasn't there. Jacob trained her, but she guessed that we were all aliens." he laughed.

"Then what are you really?" I asked.

After a long pause he finally said: "Day dreamers." 

"That doesn't make any sense. All you do is sit and imagine?" I asked confused.

" No. no sorry. I have to explain. YOu see, it started as dreaming of being invisible. Then Liz found me and took me here, and now I can be invisible whenever I want." he explained without a single pause.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Invisible? You can be invisible? Can I be invisible?" I asked.

"I don't know if you can be invisible yet. And yes, I can be invisible. Also I can make anything I touch invisible too." he said causully.

"What if I said, I don't believe you." I said. 

"Then I'd show you this" he smiled, and right before my eyes his clothes and all vansihed into thin air.

"Okay! Okay!I believe you!" i said laughing.

he reapeared right infront of me. "So, what can I do?" i asked.....

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