To Wash Away a Sin

By infinity500

38.8K 917 457

Harry Potter/Percy Jackson Crossover Draco/Persephone Jackson Fem! Percy Summary: Draco and Perci go to the B... More

Chapter 1: Persephone Jackson
Chapter 2: Draco Malfoy
Chapter 3: The Black Lake
Chapter 4: Detention - Part 1
Chapter 5: Detention - Part 2
Chapter 6: All Hollow's Eve - Part I
Chapter 8: All Hallows Eve - Part III
Chapter 9: All Hallows Eve - Part IV
Chapter 10: All Hallows Eve - Part V
Chapter 11: All Hallows Eve - Conclude

Chapter 7: All Hallows Eve - Part II

2.5K 74 37
By infinity500

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, yada yada yada

Chapter 7: All Hallows Eve - Part II

The next day was Halloween and Hogwarts seemed hellbent on not letting her forget it. Students fluttered about with gossip, conferring on what they were going to wear, making plans.

Gossipping about who's going with who.

Ugh. Why did she come here, again? It was probably dumb to have thought a magical high school would be any different from regular high school. Teens would be teens, with or without magic.

Pale arms wrapped around her shoulders and a weight fell on her back, legs clamping around her torso. 

Her mind went into overload and she would have flipped the offender off her back had she not recognized the light teasing tone that filtered through her blank mind.

"Why the long face, Seph?"

It was just Fred, the annoying bugger he was.

She forced her body to relax, hands coming down to hold his thighs in order to stop him from slipping off.

George popped up next to her, the Weasley Smirk™ plastered on his freckled face. 

"Aww. Freddy, I think our little Sephy is sad she doesn't have a date!"

'Sephy' rolled her eyes and started toward her next class, Fred still just chilling on her back, resting his chin on the crown of her head. 

"As if. And it's not like your sorry ass got a date either."

George flushed pink and Fred snickered at his twin's misfortune. He turned on his twin getting a ride to his next class with a glare. 

"Shut up. You don't have one either!"

Perci could feel Fred smirking, if the pressure his chin was exerting on her skull was anything to go by. 

"I didn't try," he said with a shrug.

A smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Yeah, I think that was for the best. Who knows how many girls you would have traumatized."

The shocked sound Fred made was enough to make a smirk stretch across her face as she fist bumped with George. 

"Do you need something for the scorch, mate?"

"Shut up! Et tu Perce. I thought we were ganging up on Georgie!"

"Oh you're not George?"

A squawk of indignation had George bursting into laughter.

"Oh that's it!" And the twin she was carrying then proceeded to ruffle her hair, ruining the waterfall braid she had actually put effort into this morning.

"Hey!" George was of no help since he was doubled over in laughter, hugging his stomach. 

Fine then. If they were playing dirty then so would she and proceeded to unceremoniously drop the grinning Weasley on his ass.

"Oww! Perrrccciii!" Fred's whining fell on deaf ears as she just kept walking, throwing a wave and an innocent smile before turning the corner.

– Ψ –

George Weasley sat down next his twin, fighting to calm down from the hilarity that just ensued, knowing they were already late as it was. There was no need to rush.

He saw his brother looking at the corner their friend had just turned with longing and smirked, clapping a hand on his shoulder.

"You're so fucked, mate."

A sigh, "Yep."

He huffed a laugh, pulling himself up with the help of his twin's shoulder, lending out a hand and helping Fred up once he found his feet. 

They started their way to class in an easy silence. 

"You should just tell her you know," George stated randomly.

The other Weasley sighed like they've had this conversation one too many times (which they had). 

"There are so many reasons not to and you know it, starting with her girlfriend."

They didn't know the whole story, just the basics. That Perci had a girlfriend back in the states that she had to leave behind in order to attend Hogwarts. They knew that they had broken up but that still didn't mean much. Perci was still obviously hung up on her ex and there was still the question if she was even interested in dating, more specifically dating guys. Perci probably wouldn't mind if they asked but George knew that his twin feared Perci would expect them to judge her or treat her differently (which they wouldn't but that conversation could go downhill all too quickly). 

So they were at an impasse. Well, Fred was. George couldn't care less. He just wanted his twin to stop mopping and do something about it already!

"Ex," George pointed out feebly.

"That's the point."

"Well if she says no, then she says no! Simple as that. It won't be the end of the world." 

Fred sighed, defeated. "Your right..."


Eyes identical to his looked at him in puzzlement. 

"So what?"

"So, are you gonna ask her to the dance?"

Fred's freckled face exploded in red. 


"What? Why not?"


"You just agreed with me! You're not going to get a better chance than this."


"So you'll do it?"



Fred raised an eyebrow at his outburst. He grinned back. 

"Guess Perci's been rubbing off on me."

"Uh huh."

"What now?"

"Nothing," his twin said with a sly smile.

"What you twat!"

"Just thinking that maybe I'm not the only one with a little crush on an American." 

"What other...?" It dawned on him, the youtube videos of her friends Perci's been showing them whenever they could get away with it. The severe looking Puerto Rican girl who was so cute when she laughed and just stunning in everything else.

He turned to give his twin a piece of his mind only to find air and laughter coming from down the hall.

He grinned and ran after him.

– Ψ –

Hey! Still kind of short but a lot longer than the previous chapter. Sorry about that guys. I was gonna make this longer but this just seemed like a nice happy moment to end on for once (crazy right?) so yeah.

No angst yet. Gonna set up the story some more first so you guys get some bitter sweet moments because I can't write fluff to save my life. :/

Also new chapter for Silver Linings next weekend! Hopefully. It's one of my longest chapters to date and is killing me. It just doesn't want to end! 😩

So yeah. Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Comments and votes are always appreciated!

Live fast, burn bright

- Infinity

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