By jollyreaderjennell

2.1K 246 301

What's a Bully? This is someone who makes trouble by hurting someone physically or emotionally. Bullying... More


STOP! You're Hurting Her

1.1K 175 269
By jollyreaderjennell

She walks down the hall,

And you take this chance to hurt her.

You walk in front her and "Accidentally" made her books fall,

And to be honest you didn't care at all.

She goes home and cries.

She feels as if she'll be better if she died

STOP! You're Hurting Her!

You call her fat, and tell her she is big.

You don't even care, you call her a pig.

She wants to be accepted but,

Because of her weight she feels rejected.

She goes home and didn't eat dinner,

Because it is her wish to become thinner

STOP! You're Hurting Her!

You make fun of her because of her color

You call her a slave, because she's black

You call her red skin, because she's Indian

But yet you fail to see what you've lack

You've become an abuser.

Who hurt her with words, like calling her a loser.

STOP! You're Hurting Her!

She might not be as rich as you.

But she doesn't deserve to be treated like the bottom of your shoe.

She has a family which needs money.

But you laugh and think it's funny.

You call her fool and cheap,

And this makes her weep

STOP! You're Hurting Her!

You're breaking her self-confidence.

Do you even have a conscience?

She's dying emotionally because of you.

She doesn't feel like living anymore.

She's about to give up on life.

There's no reason to survive.

Stop hurting her before it's too late.

Before that hurt turns in to self-hate.

Self-hate leading to cutting.

Cutting leads to Suicidal thoughts.

Suicidal thoughts may lead to death.

You make her go home and cry herself to sleep,

Because she thinks no one likes her.

You make her get sick.

Because you think it's a crime to be fat.

You make her feel less than human,

Because she doesn't share your color.

You make her hate her lifestyle,

Because you seem to think that rich is best

But why be rich if you're only gonna act like a bitch.

Let her be!

Stop making her cry!

Stop making her feel fat!

Stop making her hate her color!

Stop making her feel cheap!

STOP! just stop!

You're Hurting Her!

STOP! You're Hurting Her!


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