Jelsa: Our Frozen Love

By thedarklingqueen

20K 458 60

(UNDER EDITING! AVOID READING!) As the eldest princess of Arendelle, heir to the throne, and obtaining specia... More

1: Growing Up
2: Let it Go
3: Sudden Surprises
4: Fear
5: Attack
6: Awake
7: Whiteout
8: The Truth
9: Believe
10: Chill Out
11: The Wedding
12: The Honeymoon
13: Ready
14: Confrontation
15: Don't Panic
17: Stress

16: Now Panic

856 16 2
By thedarklingqueen

Warning: kidnapping and chains. This is going to be dark. I also don't own the pic above.

I felt the strange black substance wrap around me and tighten each time I struggled to escape. It covered my arms, legs, and the white hospital gown I had put on earlier. I tried to scream, but the sand snaked over my mouth and muffled any noise I made. It lifted me up and began to carry me. I struggled against the substance once more and tried to see where it was taking me until it covered my eyes completely. 

There was an entire layer of it around me, and potentially more of it that I couldn't see, that was moving me to somewhere unknown. I was scared. Absolutely frightened. I didn't know where on Earth I was until the substance suddenly dropped me. Gravity pulled me down harshly as if I was falling into a deep hole. I fell as fast as lightning and couldn't tell when it would end. That's when my head hit something hard.

* * *

I awoke from the horrid nightmare with a jolt, only to be pulled back by chains. I was still on a bed, in the same outfit consisting of a baggy med bay gown and nothing else - but in a different room. It was unbelievably dark hard to see through the dimmest possible lighting. I looked at my wrists and found that they were hand-cuffed away from each other and attached to the sides of the bed. My powers weren't strong enough to freeze them off either.

"Jack?!" I called out worriedly. My voice echoed through the dark walls until I heard the response of that familiar devilish laugh.

"Ah, I can see you've awoken," the voice echoed around me. It was Pitch. I wasn't able to see him, but it sounded and felt as if his words were coming out of the shadows all around me. "It took you long enough. I do apologize for my nightmare sand being so slow while it brought you here, though. It must have bored you," he remarked sarcastically.

"I thought it was just a dream," I replied.

"It was and it wasn't. It was happening in real life, yet you still envisioned in your mind what was going on. Thought you'd enjoy being emotionally present for the ride as well," he sneered.

"Where am I?"

"Somewhere far away where your lover won't simply find you. He won't come looking for you anytime soon either."

"And why's that? Where is he?"

"I believe last I checked, he decided to take a quick slumber before the child arrives," he mused humorously. "He's asleep...along with everyone else in the castle. My sands can perform wonders on a single entire residence, no matter the population. I simply wasn't in the mood for a fight on this lovely day, so I improvised. Now no one has or will notice your absence from them."

I raised an eyebrow and did my best to remain calm. "You sound amused."

"And I have good reason to be, my queen. It's been a very pleasant day for me, you see. And it just keeps getting better." He chuckled darkly. I was about to say something else before another contraction struck me harshly, making me wince.

"What is it that you want?" I asked with a tight voice, squeezing my eyes shut. "And why did you take me here?"

He sighed. "I thought you were smart...but it seems you have the equivalently dull intelligence of your lover. I've already told you before, your child will become the strongest weapon for me to use."

"Use for what?" I asked with a tight shaky voice.

"The collection of fear...of terror," he replied. "You've seen what you and your Jack are capable of...the way blistering storms have you've been referred to as a monster and how there are still whispers of worry about your powers to this day. Now, being that your child with him has proven strong enough to stay alive enough for this day, the prince or princess of Arendelle is to instead become my prince or princess of nightmares."

"I will not let you take my baby from me, Pitch!" I shouted back, tugging against the restraints of my wrists.

"I've been hungry for centuries now, my queen," he went on by completely ignoring my protest. "Starving...And this bloody mule of your creation will bring me the horror from the world that I crave, simply from the use of their power. I would thank you and your lover for bringing me such a gift, but I suppose rather I'll count this as making up for yours and the Guardians' refusal and rejection of cooperation with me...and I'll take my revenge from there." 

"Don't you think there are better ways to make even with your enemies?" I suggested, still in discomfort. I heard him scoff in response.  

"From now on, I ask the questions. Enough from you. You are to sleep."

I shook my head. "I refuse to rest among your presence."

"Very well," Pitch whispered. Then from out of the shadows, the same black substance was tossed at my head, causing me to fall back into the dark side of the dream world.

* * *

I woke up with a gasp, my eyes focusing on the ceiling above me. I stared blankly until I began to look down and scale the area. My eyes trailed around the room without hesitation at the dimly lit walls until they found my knees, which I saw were this time spread apart and bent upwards. I tried moving them, but my thighs and ankles were chained in place.

"No," I mumbled. ", no, no, no, no!" I raised my voice to a scream. "You can't do this! Please, just let me go!"

"Hush," I heard a reply. It was him again. Tears welled in my eyes from the fear and sadness. I wanted to go home.

"Please don't do this," I begged in a whimper.

"I am the king of nightmares, I can do whatever I want. Even if it involves separating precious family members."

I let out a small sob. "Fine." I gave up my struggles, deciding it was useless under his watch and with weak powers anyway. "Do whatever you want to me. You can chain me, you can hurt me, you can let me suffer. But please, for the love of any decency that may be left in you, not harm my son or daughter."

"Calm yourself, Elsa. That is the plan," he confirmed.

"Good," I mumbled helplessly. I wiped the tears from my eyes with the small amount of lenience the chains at my wrists allowed me and looked back at the ceiling. "Leave me to," I ordered. Through the darkness, I caught a glimpse of Pitch's piercing gold eyes staring me down. Then I noticed his sharp teeth behind smirk that he wore once again, making me jump and gasp loud enough for Pitch to hear.

"Breathe, your majesty," he whispered. I shivered at his disturbingly evil tone. Then, I saw him disappear into the shadows, leaving me alone.

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