Rishabala FF : Bewitched

By lazyakabookworm

105K 5.7K 350

Madhu is a witch who is destined to marry the wrong man, and her nani intervenes resulting in Madhu meeting R... More

Part 01
Part 02
Part 03
Part 04
Part 05
Part 06
Part 07
Part 08
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12 (Correct Part Updated)
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17

Part 09

5.5K 298 6
By lazyakabookworm

"Hi." Madhu says smiling at the stranger.

"Hi." RK croaks realizing she truly didn't recognize him.

Madhu turns to look at Nani with a smile waiting to be introduced.

"He got the wrong house. He is on his way out." Nani tells her.

"Oh!" Madhu couldn't hide her disappointment.

"I'll see him out." Nani says.

RK slowly starts walking out trying to come to terms with the fact that Madhu didn't recognize him anymore. How can he heal her broken heart if she has no memories of him?

"Please don't come again." Nani tells him in a whisper as she closed the gate. What she had feared happened. She could see Madhu's smitten look. This was what she had tried to tell Madhu and Trishna. The memories meant nothing when the feelings were so strong. She didn't need to remember him to feel her love for him.

Realizing he had already come out and Madhu was still inside the house, he says "I want to talk to her."

"No. please don't create a scene. She is happy now, let her be happy."

Nani closes the door and goes to the kitchen. Madhu disappointed looks out the window to see the stranger still there looking confused. She quietly sneaks out. She didn't know why she felt this pull towards him, as if he was everything to her. She wanted to be with him. Stay with him. Belong to him. Madhu chuckles at her own stupidity, completely in love with a stranger.

Hearing the door open, RK turns back and stands there shocked seeing Madhu coming out.

"Nani, said you got the wrong house. You looked confused so I thought maybe I could help you." Madhu says smiling.

RK couldn't help remember the first time they had talked. That time he had acted as if he had come to the wrong house.

"Who were you looking for?"


Then he smiles, realizing that it didn't matter if she doesn't remember him. They can make new memories, beautiful pleasant memories.


"Sultan? Sorry... I don't know... we just moved in like 2 weeks back." Madhu tells him smiling.


"I am sorry."

"It's okay." RK says smiling.

"I like your car." Madhu says pointing at his black Maserati.

RK smiles, he so could see where this conversation was headed.

"Thanks. Rishabh Kundra."

"Madhubala Malik."

Then they remained silent.

"Sultan is my college mate... I was told this was his house." RK informs her.

"Oh!" then her face falls.

"Is there a problem?" RK asks upset seeing her upset.

"Are you getting married?"

RK chuckles, "Nope... no wife, no girlfriend and no fiance."

"What?" Madhu asks confused.

"I thought I should get that out of the way because I wanted to ask you something."

"Ask me? What?"

"Would you like to have coffee with me?" RK asks her with a smile.

Madhu blushes, "Would love to."

RK starts to open the car door for her when she says, "I'll have to inform my nani."

"What are you going to tell her?" RK asks suddenly worried whether Nani would stop her from going with him.

"That I'm going to the coffee shop, just won't mention with whom." Madhu tells him cheekily.

RK grins hearing her.

"You carry on I'll meet you at the coffee shop around the corner."

"I will wait here for you."

"No, you go... I'll meet you there." Madhu tells him.

"Okay." RK tells her and stands there watching her run back inside.

"Chief, I didn't understand anything." Bittuji says completely baffled.

"I'll tell you on the way." RK tells him as he got inside the car.

"You two are truly made for each other, Chief." Bittuji tells him after hearing everything. "In spite of forgetting everything she still wants to be with you."

"This time I am not going to mess it up. I'll not lose her." RK vows.

"Nani! I am going out." Madhu shouts out to her as she hurried out.

"Where are you going?"

"To the coffee shop." Madhu says and runs out.

"Come back soon."

"Okay. Bye."

Madhu reaches the coffee shop and sees Rishabh leaning on his car. She excitedly waves at him as she ran towards him.

The way she was waving happily at him and running towards him reminded him of the time she had come to meet him when he had took her to his house. She had trusted him so much and he had so mercilessly betrayed her. RK tries to push back those memories determined to make new memories with her.

"Hey!" Madhu says smiling as she tried to catch her breath.

"Hey... let's go in?"

"Yes." Madhu says smiling.

They start to walk when she turns to look at his limp and sees his toe.

"What happened to your toe?" Madhu asks him concerned.

RK starts smiling remembering the time she had tried to kill him. "Someone tried to kill me."

"What?" Madhu asks shocked.



"Someone I care about."

"Oh that might have hurt you." Madhu says sadly.

"I deserved it." RK says shrugging.

Madhu looks at him in wide eyed shock. "So... is that person in jail?"



"I can never send that person to jail."

"Why? Is that person still trying to kill you?"

"Right now, no." RK says smiling.

"You guys talked it out?"

"You could say that."


"I asked her to marry me." RK tells her smiling.

"WHAT?" Madhu asks shocked.

"She said no."

Madhu looks at him in shock and then turns to walk off. RK holds her hand, "Madhu, I was just joking."

"Leave my hand." Madhu says scandalized.

RK leaves her hand, "An iron rod fell on my toe."

"Oh! I knew you were joking." Madhu says trying to hide her embarrassment.

RK chuckles to let her know he didn't believe her.

"Do you need my help in walking?" Madhu asks worried.

"I wouldn't mind." RK says with a sexy smile.

Madhu holds his hand and starts walking.

"I am not blind, Madhu. I need you to balance me."


Madhu takes his hand and puts it over her shoulder. RK pulls her close to him and they start walking.

Madhu turns to look at him in shock. She has never been so close to anyone. Being so close to him, it felt right. It felt as if it was a natural thing to do.

"This feels so right." Madhu tells him then bites her tongue realizing what she had said. Turning pink she looks away. Why didn't she think before she spoke?

"Doesn't it?" RK asks her with a smile.

Madhu turns to look at him and blushes, "It does."

"Order sir?" the waiter asks.

"The lady will have a latte and I'll have a cappuccino." RK tells the waiter.

"How did you know I like latte?" Madhu asks shocked after the waiter leaves.

RK fumbles as he tried to cover up his mistake then says, "I kind of guessed. I was sure you were a latte person."



"Can you guess what I like other than latte?" Madhu asks him grinning.

"Hmmm... hot chocolate?"

"Oh my God! That is right!!" Madhu says amazed.

RK smiles at her. He had missed her terribly. Especially all these cute faces she makes.

Madhu keeps staring at him.


"No... I am trying to guess your favorite drink."


"I can't imagine you drinking anything other than cappuccino."

"That is right." RK says amazed.

"Really?" Madhu asks excited.

"No! I like fresh juices too."


RK chuckles seeing her disappointment.

They were talking happily when her cell starts ringing.

"It's nani." Madhu tells him as she picks the phone. "Hello Nani... I am coming... okay... bye."

"I need to go." Madhu tells him with a sad smile.

"Okay." RK says smiling.

"When will I see you again? Will you call me?" Madhu asks as she looks at him lovingly. RK starts smiling and she realizes what she had said and covers her face in embarrassment. "Oh God! Why do I do this?" she laments as she hit her forehead on the table upsetting the table.

RK laughing quickly holds the table. Then gently caresses her cheek and she lifts her head up from the table embarrassed.

"I'll call you tonight. And we'll meet tomorrow." RK tells her.

"Okay." Madhu says shyly.

They come out of the coffee shop.

"Come, I'll drop you home." RK tells her.

"It's okay... I'll walk." Madhu tells him smiling.

"No, I'll drop you."

"It's better I walk. If nani sees us then she might not like it." Madhu tells him smiling.

"Oh okay." RK replies.

"So... bye." Madhu says with a reluctant smile.

RK just couldn't help it and he leans down and kisses her on her cheek. "Bye Madhu."

Madhu looks at him in shock and then turns pink as she touched where he had kissed her. She shouldn't let him take such liberties with her but then it was him, and she felt as if more than her, he had a right over her because she was only his. Why did she feel like that for a stranger? She knew nothing about him. Just that she loves him and she wanted to be with him.

"Bye Madhu." RK tells her and walks to his car.

"RISHABH!" Madhu shouts as she hurried behind him.


"I'll help you." Madhu says as she put his hand over her shoulders.

"Thanks." RK says smiling as he pulled her closer to him. She being so close to him, makes his body tightens. He remembers their love making and closes his eyes. He couldn't repeat his mistakes again. Someone up above has turned his curse into his blessing, she forgetting him was the best thing that could have happened to them. Now they got another chance, and he was going to do everything right this time. He will not hurt her. He'll love her the way he always wanted to love her and for her he will control his physical urges. Deep down there was a guilty conscious that he was again making use of the situation to his advantage but he ignored it. He simply couldn't live without her. He ruined his chance once, now he was going to do everything in his might to do it right this time.

She stops near his car and Bittuji comes to them to open the door for RK.

Madhu smiles at Bittuji and he smiles back at her though a little apprehensively.

"Madhu, this is my manager Bittuji. And Bittuji, this is Madhubala." RK introduces them.

"Namaste." Madhu says with a smile.

"Namaste." Bittuji replies.

"I'll get going then." Madhu says and turns to walk off when she remembers and turns to RK. "You didn't take my number!"

"Oh! I forgot. Give me your number." RK says as he took out his mobile remembering that the number he had of hers was not in use any longer.

"Got it?" Madhu asks smiling.


"Give me a call from your number. I'll save it."

RK gulps as his heart started slamming against his chest. Did she delete his number from her phone? What if she hasn't? Then she will know they know each other.

"Fast! I have to leave."

Taking a deep breath, RK dials her number and he hears her mobile ringing.

"Okay. Got it." Madhu says as she saved his number.



She had deleted his number!!! Thank God!!!

Madhu was lying on her bed happily thinking of Rishabh. She was so happy. She was in love. She wanted to shout it out to the world that she loved him. She wanted to share her news with someone. She couldn't talk to Nani about it. Maybe she will call up Trishna Maasi and talk to her about it. She takes her mobile to call Trishna Maasi when her mobile starts ringing with Rishabh calling flashing on the screen.

"Hello." Madhu says with an excited blush.

"Hey!" RK says with a smile.

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- Lazy

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