Confessions of a Teenage Spy

By oliviarosewood

24.8K 1K 372

Charlotte Bates is not an ordinary teenage girl. She's super clever and has a talent for seeing past the obvi... More

The Begining: Are you prepared to die?
Chapter 1: Old habits die hard.
Chapter 2: Now get out of my way you over grown marshmallow!
Chapter 3: You have girl balls Hermione.
Chapter 4: So Bloody British.
Chapter 5: Me? Sarcastic? Never.
Chapter 6: We really need to stop meeting like this Hermione.
Chapter 7: Not bad for a run away teen British spy.
Chapter 8: Shouldn't you be in bikinis for that?
Chapter 9: Looking for my imaginary boyfriend.
Chapter 10: One brownie can't hurt...right?
Chapter 11: You sure know how to wake a girl up!
Chapter 12: What in the onions!?!
Chapter 13: I guess I'm not the only one with boy trouble.
Chapter 14: I threw a sun cream bottle at his head.
Chapter 15: Limited Addition Underwear Makes A Suprise Apperance.
Chapter 16: Hannah Montana Granny Panties.
Chapter 17: Mission Prank the Evil Queens is a Go-Go
Chapter 18: The Bad Boy is secretly a nerd?
Chapter 19: The most intresting dinner ever. PART TWO
Chapter 19: The Most Interesting Dinner Ever. PART THREE
Chapter 20: He looked like a little baby dinosaur.
Chapter 21: I wouldn't call this dental floss clothes.
Chapter 22: Locket Missing.
Chapter 23: It smells like broken hearts in here!
Chapter 24: Dark, Bitter and Too Hot for You.
Chapter 25: Maybe they will mistake us for large human shaped squirrels.
Chapter 26: Does a side hug mean anything?
Chapter 27: Sex and Mouldy Pizza.
Chapter 28: Sitting in the bath with the bad boy at 2am.
Chapter 29: Skinny dipping with the most popular guy in school.
Chapter 30: And so I have my answer.
Chapter 31: She didn't tell you?
Chapter 32: Oh so I'm like half dead.
Chapter 33: You can't just ask someone if they've killed anyone!
Chapter 34: So you're a spy?
Authours note
Not another chapter: COVER

Chapter 19: The most intresting dinner ever. PART ONE

587 26 7
By oliviarosewood

This ones a long one guys! 😂

Chapter 19: The most interesting dinner ever.       PART ONE

On Saturday morning, I skipped down the steps to the kitchen, on the prowl for food. I was humming a random song as I poured myself a bowl of Lucky Charms cereal and I danced to the faint sound of the radio.

It was safe to say that I was in a really good mood.

I headed off to the living room, like I usually did in the morning, when I saw Peter sat down watching the news.

"Hey sweetheart." He greeted as I sat down next to him. It was unusual to see him up this early in the morning, but I smiled at him in return.

I was too focused on trying to only eat the blue pieces of marshmallow in my cereal that I almost missed the break of news flash up on the TV.

Breaking News:

The Silent Killer or Jacob Black has been sighted at a service station in San Francisco.

I put down my cereal and grabbed the remote, turing up the volume.

He attacked a 16 year old girl who had brown hair and green eyes. She survived with a broken arm and a few bruises.

According to eye witness that watched the attack occur, they say that he stopped attacking the girl and walked away saying "Your not her."

Officials say they think he's heading for California, so I advise everyone to lock their doors and keep yourself and you're loved ones safe.

A look of panic struck my face. San Francisco wasn't far from where I lived, how did he find me so fast? He attacked a innocent girl who looked like me!

This was bad.

"Sweetheart you okay?" Peter asked me shaking my arm, drawing me out of my state of shock. I covered up my look of panic with a neutral expression.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, I'm gunna go for a run." I stuttered out picking up my cereal, my appetite long gone.

I quick walked out of the living room and headed for the kitchen. Placing my bowl in the sink I ran upstairs, only to bump into Sally.

"Woah slow down!" She laughed stabling herself. I merely muttered an apology, told her I was going on a run before heading off to my room.

"Remember we have guests tonight! Be back in time!" She yelled before I shut my door to my room.

I blindly got changed and grabbed a pair of shoes. I threw my hair up into possibly the worst tied pony tail ever and took off down my balcony steps.

I jogged out the garden, but as soon as I was in the woods I took off into a flat out run. Sprinting through the trees I headed for the beach. When my trainers touched the white sand, I ran along the shore.

Sugar I had completely forgotten about the guests.

As part of Sally and Peters jobs, they had to host a dinner with all of the directs or something like that. So they were holding a huge dinner party tonight at our house. The Directs all bring their children apparently to 'show them off' to the other directors, which means dressing up.

That means I get to wear a dress.

Yay! Note my sarcasm.

And you'll never guess who's coming?

Will, Theo, Leo, Joe and Josh. They are all the directors children. At least I know them all, but according to Sally, I have to 'mingle' with them and impress their parents, which is going to be so much fun.

If theirs one thing I can't do to save my life, it's fine dining.

Like for starts I hate the whole dressing up part. I despise wearing a lot of makeup, styling my hair and putting on dresses. It all seems pointless to me. I don't like the whole 'mingling thing'. To be honest I'd rather stay in my bedroom and watch Netflix. And just to top it off I don't understand the eating. Obviously the food is so good, but what's with the six courses? Or the endless amounts cutlery that your supposed to use for each course?

Just my opinion.

I turned around and slowed down my run into a jog. As I was heading through the woods, I failed to notice that my shoelace was untied. I jogged over a tree root, rolled my ankle and tripped.

Landing straight on my face.

I sat up and rolled over. I'd managed to cut my leg on a sharp branch. Picking my self up and trying not to wince, I hobbled back to the house.

When I arrived in the garden, various staff had already started setting up the huge gazebo that we would eat in. Sally and Peter exited the tent and panicked when they saw me.

Peter came rushing to my side. "Lottie! What did you do?" He asked helping me walk to the kitchen.

"Ummm I kind of fell." I responded as he helped me sit down on the kitchen counter. Sally had already got the first aid kit out and started to clean it up.

"Oh no your dress!" Sally exclaimed sadly. The dress I was going to wear tonight fell an inch above my knee, with this cut it would look hideous.

"I have a solution for that." Peter said grabbing a skin coloured bandage that blended into my tanned skin colour perfectly. He carefully put it around me knee, the wound no longer visible unless you looked for it.

The rest of the day was spent with everyone making preparations for the dinner. Then when 5 O'Clock rolled around, Sally insisted that she did my hair and makeup before the guested arrived at 6:30pm.

So I reluctantly sat down at the dressing table and let Sally put makeup and style my hair. She opened bottle of things I hadn't even heard of and carefully applied it to my face.

"Ah I've always wanted to do this with a daughter of mine." She whispered tearing up a bit. I found myself get a bit emotional too.

She added the finishing touches to my hair and makeup. Then she helped me into my dress. Sally turned me around and I looked at my reflection.

I was wearing a pastel blue dress which looked really pretty up against my tanned skin. It was a skater dress that flared out at the waist. It was sleeveless and had a Peter Pan collar with sparkly silver germs that caught the light.

My makeup was simple but elegant. I had some eyeliner on that had been winged and some thick black mascara that made my green eyes look wide and innocent. My lips were painted a matte nude colour.  

For my hair, it has been styled in two messy Dutch braids then pulled into a low bun. Pieces of hair were pulled out to frame my face and they had been curled. It looked messy but elegant non the less.

Finally on my feet were little blue wedges that matched the colour of my dress. And of course my silver locket was securely around my neck.

I looked so stunning if I say so myself.

"You look amazing." Sally gushed behind me. I turned around to see that Sally was almost crying. She was wearing a long white maxi dress and her hair was curled and left down.

I pulled her into a tight hug which she immediately returned. She pulled away and sat down on her bed. She guested for me sit next to her.

"I know that Peter and I could never replace your parents," She began quietly, "But I want you to know that we are so glad to have you as part of our family. We are here for you and you can tell me anything, even girly troubles." She said with a laugh lightly shoulder bumping me. Then the tears started falling down her face.

"T-thank you, for finding me." I stuttered out, holding back tears and I hugged her tight. We held on for a little book longer before she pulled apart and wiped her tears.

Magically her eye makeup hadn't run. I on the other hand felt like a mess.

"I'm sorry we didn't find you sooner." Sally whispered rubbing my shoulder before she kissed the side of my head.

Then the door bell rang. Signalling that the first guests were here.

Sally squealed at me before going down the stairs to greet the guests. I stayed put as Sally had made it very clear to me that as I was the only female kid of the directors, I had to make a grand entrance down the stairs when everyone had arrived.

Oh kill me now.

Authors note:

Oh jeeze, that's a long one *wipes sweat off brow*. This chapter is a two parter, this is kind of the build up to the dinner I suppose.

Things are about to get real interesting.

I might update tomorrow as I'm hella excited to write the next chapter, however I don't know if I will, if not than it will be sometime next week.

Thanks for reading, enjoy!


1544 Words

Olly xxx

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