LOVE OF MY LIFE (Justin Biebe...

By Bizzlesjerrysup

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Jen a young belieber gets the chance to meet her idol Justin Bieber who she is completely in love with. She w... More

chapter 1:The News
chapter 2:Meeting him
chapter 4: the concert
Chapter 6: SKYPE
chapter 8: the choice
Chapter 10: THE BREAK UP
chapter 12: OUR FIRST DATE
chapter 13: He left
Chapter:14 confused
Chapter 15: Stupid Mistakes(part 2)
Chapter 16: LEAVING OR NOT
Chapter 19:Meeting Beliebers
chapter 20:Jealousy
chapter 21:jealousy part 2
chapter 22:jealousy continues
chapter 23:I trust him
chapter 24:the world knows
Chapter 25:CHILL OUT DAY
Chapter 26:PARTY DAY
chapter 27:PARTY DAY!part 2
Chapter 29:
chapter 30:goodbye friends:( hello JJ day:)
chapter 32: PYD(part 2)
chapter 33:Atlanta & collaborations
chapter 35: Interview and Anita
Chapter 36: i don't want to and i won't
Chapter 37: was i forgetting about justin?
Chapter 38 rebeca and justin
chapter 39: meeting up and the truth
chapter 40: Premiere
Chapter 41: The flowers and The letters
Chapter 42: The flowers and the letter.. part 2


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By Bizzlesjerrysup

                                             THE NEXT DAY

Jen’s POV

The next morning I woke and Justin wasn’t up yet. I knocked on the door of the guest room and no one answered, so went inside and saw him sleeping. He looked so cute he was shirtless. He looked adorable. I looked him for a little and saw his pillow wet. I though that’s weird, Then I sat on his stomach and he said

“Good morning Jen” he smiled

His morning voice was so hot and he was so perfect.

I said “Good Morning J” and smiled

Then he pulled me next to him and stared into my eyes, his eyes looked red like he had been crying, and he said

“Did you know you look beautiful in the morning?”

I said “Thanks J” Smiled and blushed

He smiled and said “So what are we doing today?”

I said “we can go to the beach since it’s summer!”

He said “sounds good”

Justin’s POV

She left the room and we went to go get ready. I took a shower did my quiff brushed my teeth. I waited for her at the living room until she was ready. I waited for about 10 minutes and she was done. We drove to the beach and it was about an hour away. We were listening to the radio and my song as long as you love me played. I smiled and I saw Jen lip singing to it and then I started to sing and she sang along. Then the song ended and we were parking the car to go to the beach. We got out of the car and went we go to the beach, Jen set up the towels and we sat on them. I took my shirt off it was a perfect day for a tan and to chill. Then Jen took her shorts and her shirt off. She was wearing a red bikini and I looked her up and down, she looked so hot! She had perfect curves and she was toned and she was turning me on so much.

Jen’s POV

When we go to the beach, I was setting up the towels and when I looked up Justin was taking of his shirt and damn, his body was so defined and perfect and ahhhh he was so sexy. He didn’t see me but I was gawking over him. Then I took my shirt and shorts off.  I saw him staring at me I blushed and sat down. Then I wanted to ask him something that was bugging me a lot!

I asked him “Justin were you ok last night? You looked really sad and I tried to hug you and you didn’t let me and I was worried if you were okay or not?”

He said “I was just tired I’m sorry I didn’t hug you, I can hug you now though If u want” and he gave me a sexy grin

I laughed and said “okay”

He got up and helped me up and I smiled me up we hugged tight until Justin picked me up bridal style.

He said “were going in the water right now.”

I said “No Justin put me down” I kicked my feet up and down but Justin had a strong grip on my legs.

He said “no were going” and he ran with me

 I said “J put me down now or I will be really mad at you”

 He gave me another sexy grin and ran with me inside the water. It was so cold, I wanted to kill Justin so to get back at him I pretended to be mad and ignore him.  I looked at him angry and started to walk out of the water until Justin grabbed my wrist and

He said “where u going Jen” I looked at him and didn’t respond and continued walking away

He grabbed me by the waist and said “You can’t stay mad at me” he did a sad puppy dog face.

I looked at him and said “no I can’t and you know it” and kissed him on the cheek.

He blushed and I said “let’s go get a tan”

He smiled and said “ok”

We were tanning when some beliebers saw him and asked him for a picture and an autograph.

Justin said “of course”

I smiled and he looked so cute with his fans.

One of them asked

“Is she your girlfriend?”

He said “No but she is a really good friend, she was belieber like you guys and we became friends.

They smiled he took some pictures signed some autographs and said bye to his fans.

He sat down again and

I said “You’re so cute with your fans”

He said “They are the ones that got me where I am, so every chance I get; I try to thank them and love them and also follow them on twitter!

I said “Yeah they are hard workers and they really do love you, you changed their lives and made their days brighter. I said blushing

He said “I love them too and they make my everyday brighter and I thank God for them everyday”

We were looking at each other for a while when Justin started to close his eyes and lean in.

Justin’s POV

I leaned in to kiss her.

She said “No Justin I have a boyfriend, I’m sorry I can’t”

I said “No I’m sorry I didn’t mean to...”

She said “It’s ok I think we should go”

I nodded in agreement. I felt really bad I made her feel awkward and now she is probably confused. I thought she wanted to kiss me also but apparently she didn’t.

Jen’s POV

Justin tried to kiss me and I know that’s what I’ve always wanted but I have a boyfriend and he is so sweet, super nice, and cute and really likes me. I could never hurt him like that. In the car ride it was really awkward we were quite the whole ride and I looked over at Justin and he was teary eyed. I never meant to hurt him.

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