Sharing an hospital room with...

By Moluccan_girl

165K 4.3K 1K

[BOOK ONE OF THE BAD BOY SERIES] What happens, when the family of Destiny gets in a car crash when she is at... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.

Chapter 6.

13.5K 358 139
By Moluccan_girl

POV Destiny.

I woke up the next morning around 12 PM and Jake was still sound asleep. I wiggled myself out of his grip and tiptoed to the shower.

After doing my buisness, I put on some clothes. I wore a red Arctic Monkeys crop top, a blue jeans short, a flannel along with some white converse.

I quickly wrote a note for Jacob:

Goodmorning JC, I'm out for a while. If something happens or you need me, just give me a call.


I walked out of the hospital after saying goodbye to my family. I got a cab and told him my destiny.

Once I reached it, I unlocked the door and walked in. Aaahhh home sweet home. This was the second time I came home after the crash.

I walked into my room and ploffed down on my queen sized bed. I let out a loud sigh and walked to my desk. I opened my laptop and checked my mail. Shit! There was a mail from school, asking when me and Jake will be back.

I quickly replied that we would be back tomorrow, today is monday but I forgot. Oh well, it's just school.

After I sent the mail, I walked to the music room. I walked up to the piano and just started playing songs I knew.

Jake's POV

I woke up alone around 1 PM, with a sticky note posted on my golden IPhone 6.

Goodmorning JC, I'm out for a while. If something happens or you need me, just give me a call.

- DJ

She's gone? I thought we were okay. I quickly took a shower and called her a few times but she didn't pick up. Uhhmm, thinnk Jake. Where would you go? Home. But where does she live?

I walked to Mrs. White's bed and grabbed the clipboard thingy, that hangs at the end of the bed. Rosemary street 34. Alright then, I said my goodbyes and went downstairs to my bike.

I walked up to the front door and rang the bell. When nobody opened, I started looking for a key. I mean everynody hides a key somewhere, right?

After a few minutes, I gave up and grabbed a bobby pin out of my leather jacket. If you're wondering why I have a bobby pin in my jacket. Des left it in here that time we went to Hunters.

I opened the door and was greeted by a line of family pictures. The sound of piano keys filled the house. I recognized it as the intro from Dare To Believe - Boyce Avenue. (Song on the side.)

I followed the sound and stopped by a closed door. I was about to knock when I heard soft singing.

  It's feeling like the time's run out
But the hour glass just flipped itself over again
The sun is slowly sinking down
But on the other side a new day waits to begin

If you dare to believe in life
You might realize that there's no time for talking
Or to just wait around while the innocent die

No more
We're gonna lose everything
If we believe all the lies
I may fall but I swear that I'll help you believe
No more
This world's running on empty
And there's no reason why
You may fall but I know that you'll help me believe

We've been in the dark for way too long
But when we turn around
We see a light shine through the haze
So forget about who was wrong
Because I've never been more ready to turn this page

If you swear you believe in life
Embrace forgiveness
'Cuz it's all that I'm asking
Or keep holding out while the innocent die

No more
We're gonna lose everything
If we believe all the lies
I may fall but I swear that I'll help you believe
No more
This world's running on empty
And there's no reason why
You may fall but I know that you'll help me believe

No more
We're gonna lose everything
If we believe all the lies
I may fall but I swear that I'll help you believe
No more
This world's running on empty
And there's no reason why
You may fall but I know that you'll help me believe

No more
We're gonna lose everything
If we believe all the lies
You may fall but I swear that I'll help you believe
You may fall but I swear that I'll help you believe
I may fall but I swear that I'll help you believe

If you swear you believe in life
No more
We're gonna lose everything
Oh, I said no more
We're so quick to lose everything

Halfway through the song I silently opened the door and stared at Destiny, who had her back to me and most likely her eyes closed.

Destiny's POV

When the song finished, I opened my eyes and stood up. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped and grabbed the hand. Pulling it off me, twisting it between the person's shoulderblades.

"DJ, it's just me." Jake groaned

I let a small oh and quickly let go of him. He turned around, his face still crunched up in pain. Okay, I may have pulled a little bit too hard.

"I'm sorry, Destiny." Jake said.

"Sorry for what? I'm the one who just pulled your arm." I asked confused.

"I thought you left because you were still mad at me." H told me even more confused.

I chuckled, "No, I just missed home a bit. So I came by to play some piano and stuff."

"Oh, right. Where did you ever learn that?" He questioned.

"When I was eight, I took boxing lessons for three years. After that, at age of thirteen, I went to a fight school for three years. They would teach me all kinds of fighting like, karate, kickboxing even some shit I can't even pronounce. I went there for three years, but then some shit happened and I wanted to spent more time with my family," I told him while walking over to a couch, sitting down.

"That's awesome!" Jacob exclaimed, "So you're like some badass fighting chick who also plays piano, guitar and sings."

"What about you? Any sports?" I questioned.

"I used to play soccer and I'm a boxer for a good five years now." He replied.

"Cool." I said, "Wanna head back to the hospital?"

He nodded and we got out to his bike after I locked the door. I climbed on the bike and put on my sunglasses. After I wrapped my arms around his waist, he started the engine and sped down to the hospital.

"Can we stop somewhere for food?" I asked, as we stopped at a red traffic light.

Jake nodded and started driving to God knows where. But it probably involves food.

He stopped at a small cute looking diner and I jumped off, excitedly.

"Is it good?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck?

I squealed jumping up and down.

Jacob looked at me amused, "I guess it is then."

I nodded and pulled him inside, to the counter. Who looked a bit like a, a, a slut! Yup that's the word. When she saw JC, she quickly pulled down her shirt a bit and her skirt up.

"Hello, how can I help you?" She asked, ignoring me and batting her fake eyelashes towards Jake.

"Table for two, please." I said, after clearing my throat.

She glared at me and lead the way, swaying her hips. Making it look like she had a butt spasm. When we arrived, Jacob pulled out my chair for me and send me a charming smile. I smirked at the waitress' face, who had an angry jealous face.

"What do you want to drink?" She asked, ignoring me, again. Deja vu much?

"I'll have a coke." I said, making her break from her stare at Jake. SHe sent daggers my way before writing it down.

"Me too." Jake said quickly, feeling uneasy under her gaze.

After she left, I bursted out in laughing. Causing Jake to kick me under the table, not hard, but enough to transfer my laughter into giggles.

"That was so not funny!" He said pouting, which by the was looked cute but also ridiculous.

"Oh, yes it was!"I replied, still giggling.

"Did you even see the way she looked at me?! It was like a lion staring at her pray." He screeched, "I mean, I'm used to attention. But that sh*t was just creepy."

I chuckled and glanced around. There was an old couple grinning at us, I smiled. Old couples are just so cute!

"Here are your drinks and menus." The waitress said, snapping me out of my daze.

I looked back to Jake, only to see her put his drink down. While she pushed her boobs in his face. He pulled a face before looking at me pleadingly.

I stood up, "Listen up girl, stop trying to seduce my boyfriend. Or I will do something you won't like." I threatened, getting in her face.

Even when she wore high heels, I still towered her. What only made me look more intimidating. She gulped visibly and scurried away. I sat down and Jacob looked kinda shocked.

"Remind me to never make you angry." He said with an amused face.

"On one side, I really wanted her to attack me so I could get rid off some anger. But wouldn't want you to waste money one bailing me out." I smirked, "Not when we could spend it on food."

He just chuckled, handed me a menu before opening his own. After a few minutes a new waiter came to us.

"Are you guys ready to order?" He asked, glancing at both of us.

"I would like a burger and fries." I said looking at him.

He nodded and turned to Jacob, who was glaring at him.

"I'll have the same." He stated.

The waiter, Adam, wrote it down and quickly sent a glance Jake's way before returning to the kitchen.

"I don't like him." JC said casually, trying to hide his annoyance.

"Why not? He seems nice." I pouted

"Don't you see the way he keeps looking at you?" He retorted while nodding his head towards the counter.

There stood Adam staring at us. When he noticed we were looking he quickly busied himself with wiping an empty table.

"See?!" Jake exclaimed, waving his hands all over the place.

"No way he's looking at me. Don't you see, he is obviously gay. Didn't you see how much his hand was itching to touch my hair." I argued chuckling.

"We'll see when he brings the food." He replied.

After ten minutes we see Adam head our way, I gave Jake a look when he arrived. Adam set down the plates and turned around. Only to be stopped by my hand on his arm. He twisted back with a questioning look on his face.

"It's okay, Adam. Touch it." I smiled sweetly.

His eyes went wide and darted to my hair. While he ran his fingers through it, I smirked at Jacob. Who was sitting with his mouth agape at Adam. As he kept his hands in my hair, mumbling about how soft and pretty it is.

"Adam?" Jake questioned.

He looked up making a mmh sound. When he saw Jacob staring at him, he blushed and looked at my hair again.

"Are you gay?" JC continued without shame.

"Uh, yeah, why?" He replied, making my smirk widen.

"Just wondering." Jake waved it off, "Were you checking me out?"

Adam blushed deep red before he scurried away, mumbling something about tables that needed swiping.

"Ha, you're attractive to gay guys." I snorted

"Snorting, so unlady like." he scoffed

"Since when am I a lady like then?" I asked, while taking a sip of my coke. I burped loudly and blew in his face.

"Never, but to can play that game." He chuckled, sipping, burping and blowing in my face.

I laughed, "How about own power?" I asked taking a deep breath and burping.

"Oh you're on. Burp contest" He laughed and started burping loudly too.

After he did that we heard a giggle beside us. We both looked up and saw the old couple, looking at us adoringly.

"You guys are so cute," the woman gushed "Remember when we did that, Greg?" she asked her husband.

He nodded and whispered in her ear, her response was a giggle and a smile.

"It was lovely seeing you enjoy each others company." She said before leaving, giving us no time to reply.

I looked at Jake who was staring into space, grinning like an idiot. It was going on for too long, so I threw one of my fries at him. It hit him on the nose, making him flinch and glare at me. I would have felt guilty, if I didn't see the playful glint in his eyes. Making me grin,

"What's up with you? It was pretty creepy seeing you zone out. Especially with that stupid grin on your face, just like the Joker's grin." I asked.

"Oh just thinking of the old couple, they were so cute." he pratically squealed.

"Awhh, the badboy went soft." I teased.

"What, pfftt, no. That's just the kind of love everybody wishes for. Y'know, the one that lasts forever." He cooed.

"You sound like a love drunk teenage girl, talking about her celebrity crush." I giggled.

Jake gasped, "Oh my Gucci, Edward Cullen is so hot! His hair is just so, ughh." he said, flipping his imaginary hair.

"Hell no, team Jacob all the way! He's way hotter." I played along.

"Oh, so you think I'm hotter than Edward Cullen." He smirked

"What, I didn-" I gasped "YOU TRICKED ME!" I exclaimed with an accusing face.

"Sorry sweetcheeks, that one was too easy." he said winking at me.

I groaned and continued eating. When we were done, we walked up to the counter and asked for the bill.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I pulled out my wallet. "I'm paying." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Uhm excuse me, somebody already paid." A waitress probably late 50s informed us.

"Who was it?" I questioned confused.

" An old couple, Greg and Marie." she told us, "They also told me to give you guys this." she handed us a paper.

We thanked her and headed towards Jake's bike.

Enjoy your youth. ;)

Love, Marie and Greg

I read outloud, Jake smiled and hopped on the bike. We rode to the hospital, when we arrived in the room it was around 3PM. We got greeted by the doctor, who had a happy face.

"Ah Ms. White and Mr. Black, I've been waiting for you." He chirped. "Both families are making progress and should wake up soon."

My eyes widen and I squealed. We thanked the doc and I went to talk to my father, then mother and as last Carlos. Telling them all about my day, the piano playing and of course the diner.

Around 4PM Jake and me went to his house to get a car. So we could do some grocery shopping. We got in his matte black ferarri. On our way to the store, we sang a lot. I found out that Jacob's voice wasn't even that bad, it was quite good.

In the story we kept funny looks from everybody. Probably because I was in the kart, telling Jacob what to get. And also not to push me that hard. We had an amazing time and headed to the hospital.

By the time we got back it was 5PM, so we started on diner. Together we made chicken enchilada. After diner we went to watch 21 Jump street and then called it a night. Only because we had school tomorrow.

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