Badass Beauty (Supernatural)

By dixonsbow

860 17 1

"Who the hell do you think you are?" "I'm Katherine Warner and I'll beat your ass if you talk to me like that... More

Badass Beauty (Supernatural)
Chapter One~Meeting
Chapter 2-What are the odds?
Chapter 3~15 Years

Chapter 4~Bobby

167 3 1
By dixonsbow

Bobby Singer was nothing short of an incredible man. Katherine always looked up to him. He made her laugh as a kid, and laugh as an adult. Not many people could do that.

Bobby took her in at a young age when her parents were killed. The cliché story of a hunter, right? Well, what else would it be? She was a kid, a dumb, mindless little kid who walked in to see her parents dead in the living room. Running upstairs, she saw her siblings dead on the bathroom floor.

Bobby helped her get through the pain, helped her kill the demon who did it. Helped her get revenge. And revenge was so damn sweet. For about a second. Then it hits you. It's over.

Bobby helped with that too.

She didn't want to hunt anymore after she had her revenge, but was too afraid of the world to leave Bobbys side after being with him for so many years. She got messed up in the head, started drinking st 12 years old.

Then, she met Dean when she was 14.

It's already been established that Dean doesn't remember much. Why would he, he's had a lot of ass. But Katherine was his first.

Then she had his baby.

Then her baby was killed.

And Katherine was hurled back into the hunting life.

Bobby was the only person in the universe that knew about her baby. She'd never tell Dean, not even now, 18 years later. But nothing can stay a secret for long.


"Bobby!" Dean cheered as the old hunter opened the door, a smile on his scruffy face.

"Sam, Dean! It's been too long." He embraced his surrogate sons fondly, gesturing for them to come in.

Katherine was still sat in her car, heart pounding as she caught sight of Bobby's beloved baseball cap.

"Actually, we've brought someone with us. A girl who says she kinda knows you?" Sam said, looking behind him and motioning for Katherine to get out the car. Taking a deep breath, she did so, moving slowly to Bobby's vision line.

His face softened from its wrinkles the second he laid eyes on her.


Katherine smiled weakly at him, her hands trembling violently to stop her emotions coming through. "Hey Bob. How's it hangin?"

Bobby pushed his way though the Winchesters and yanked her into a bone crushing hug, making the tears Katherine had been fighting come pouring out as she hugged her father figure back just as harshly.

Sam and Dean looked at each other, saying 'what the hell is happening?"' Neither of the boys had seen Bobby so happy.


'Katherine you don't have to do this. You don't have to leave!" Bobby exclaimed, standing in front of the front door where Katherine was trying to run out of.

"Bobby, get out of the way. I'm warning you." The 18 year old girl Bobby had grown to adore growled, a look of anger coating her graceful features.

"No! Not until you tell me why your goin!" He snapped.

"You mages to stop me four years ago, stop me from finding the bastard who killed my baby. MY baby! But I'm 18 now, Bobby. I don't need you to protect me anymore. I don't NEED YOU!" Katherine shouted, pushing him out the way.

"Kat! Don't you dare-" but Katherine cut him off with the roar of her car coming to life and driving away. She told herself she'd never step foot back in that house again.

She was wrong.


"So... You two know each other then?" Dean asked, glancing between Katherine and Bobby.

"No , Dean. I just hug everyone like that." Bobby said sarcastically. Katherine cracked a smile, missing her Bobby's sassiness.

"Did you get it? The thing that killed-"

"Yes." Katherine said quickly. "Yes, I got it. Was another demon. Wanted me to suffer even more if you can believe." She chuckled sadly.

Sam and Dean knew enough to not ask any questions.

"That's good. That you killed it."

It was silent for a while until Dean stood up. "M'gettin a beer." He announced. "Anyone want one?"

"I will." Katherine stood up, Sam and Bobby nodding. She followed the eldest Winchester into the kitchen.

"So you were on the revenge path too huh?" He said, leaning into the fridge to get four beers.

"Yeah, guess that's how all of us start out." Katherine said, catching her beer as Dean threw it to her, popping it open and taking a swing.

Dean just watched her. Something felt familiar about the atmosphere here. This kitchen, her... It was all just so familiar.

"I think I know who you are now." He said after about a minute of quiet.

"Mm? And who am I?" Katherine asked, light brown eyes focuses on her bottle of beer.

"Your like me. And Sammy. You just want to save people. Because saving people means you save yourself along the way."

"Damn Dean. That's deep for a hunter. You a part time poet or somethin?" Katherine mumbled, making Dean chuckle.

"Or something. I watch a lot of TV."

"You seem like the Dr. Sexy MD type."

"Son of a bitch, how'd you know?" Dean said, his expression deadly serious.

She smiled again. Somehow, she always smile with him around.

It was quiet again. Not awkward. Katherine kept sipping her beer while Dean secretly looked at her pretty face. The more he looked, the more familiar she seemed.

"Wanna take a picture?" Katherine said without looking at him.

"Ah shut it." Dean rolled his eyes, taking a swing of his beer. "I get it." He suddenly said.

"You get what?"

"Why you are such a hardass."

"Well, don't you know how to make a girl feel special." Katherine said, rolling her eyes for the millionth time.

"Seriously. It's because if you can't be a hardass, you have to be weak. Open up to people. I get it because... We're the same, me and you." Every word Dean said seemed to make him take a step forward till e practically had Katherine pinned against Bobby's kitchen counter. She refused to do this.

"You don't know me." She whispered.

"Oh, but I do Katherine Warner. I know you all too well. You think I don't remember? 18 years ago? We had something. I can't remember all the details, so much has happened since. But I knew it the second I saw you killing all those vamps." Dean leaned in.


"Don't you ever. Ever presume you know me. You may have known me once, Dean Winchester, but I'm different from how I was then. I don't have to be a hardass. I am a hardass because that's the way it has to be now." Katherine said, staring angrily into deans stunned green eyes. His cheek started to appear pink, but Katherine didn't care. She was pissed. He didn't know her. Nobody knew her.

Suddenly, Katherine grabbed deans hair and pulled him down to kiss him. It was a messy, angry kiss but neither of them cared. Dean wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her onto the counter and stood between her legs.

She shoved Dean back slightly, undoing his belt and pants. She needed to feel something. And send was usually the way.

She hooked her legs back round his waist to pulled him to her, slamming her lips back onto his, biting his lip harshly. Judging by the sounds Dean was making, he seemed to like it a lot.

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat loudly. The two looked up, staring at Bobby with swollen lips and flushed cheeks.

"How long you been standing their for?" Katherine asked, slightly breathless.

"Not long, but long enough." Bobby raised his eyebrows, mainly at Katherine. "Yeah, Sam said there's a case nearby you should check out. But if you in the middle of-"

"Nope! Let's go." Katherine hopped from the counter, winking at Dean. "We weren't in the middle of shit."

Dean blushed a little, quickly doing up his belt and pants again.

"Seriously boy?" Bobby asked when Katherine was out of the room.

"Don't judge me." Dean said, crossing his arms and trying to hide the awkwardness in his pants.

"That's my job kid." Bobby said, shaking his head. "Now get out of where with the other two before I do somethin I probably wouldn't regret."

"Yes sir." Dean mumbled, hurrying out of the kitchen to Baby, leaving Bobby in the kitchen mumbling about 'stupid kids.'


"So what's the case?" Katherine asked from the back middle seat of the Impala. They'd decided to take Baby as it had slightly more room than Katherine's car.

"Most likely a demon and Angel attack." Sam said, reading about the attack on the computer. "Eyes burned out, smells of sulphur... It's gotta be both."

"How is it I don't know about Angels?" Katherine asked.

"Not a lot of hunters really know." Dean piped in, speaking to her for the first time after their... Heated incident.

Honesty, Katherine didn't know what she was thinking. He was just... There and he was so... Hot.

"Angels and demons in one place? Doesn't sound good Dean." Sam sighed.

"How'd we kill an angel?" Katherine suddenly asked.

"Castiel?" Dean called, only to have Cas appear in the seat beside Katherine, making her jump again.

"You called?" He said, tilting his head at Katherine while directing his words to Dean.

"Yeah, give Katherine here an angel blade." He said, nodding at Cas. Cas nodded back, handing over his own blade to the female hunter. "That, is how we kill an angel. Stab the bastard."

Cas frowned, staring at Dean with abet expression. "Castiel ain't a bastard though. Not all the time anyway." Dean said, winking at Cas through the rearview mirror to show he was kidding. Sort of.

"How long have you been on earth?" Katherine asked the Angel.

"A few years now. I'm still getting used to humans. You people are strange creatures from my fathers creation." Castiel said, simply speaking his mind to the girl.

"The feelings mutual buddy. Your the first angel I've ever met and your kinda weird. But really cute." Katherine flirted innocently, wondering if the angel would understand. He clearly did, because he stiffened. "I'm guessing this is your vessel?" She asked? Not wanting to make him feel anymore uncomfortable.

"Yes. This is Jimmy Novak. He has preserved very nicely." Castiel said proudly.

"Is he... Still in there?" She asked, knowing the answer deep down.

It was quiet for a while.

"No." He answered simply.

Katherine nodded, tucking the Angel blade into her belt loop. "This blade doesn't just kill Angels. It can kill demons too. And reapers and hellhounds. You may keep that one. I can find another."

"Thank you, Castiel." Katherine said, smiling at the pretty angel.

"You are very welcome." Castiel said, modifying politely.

"Enough flirting back there." Dean snapped, clearly jealous. Katherine rolled her eyes. "Thanks Cas, you can go fight your heavenly battles now."

"This is a battle, Dean. You need my help. I can help." Castiel insisted, staring at the hunter.

"Cas-" Dean started, onto to be cut off by Katherine.

"Cmon Dean let him help. From what I've heard, this will be dangerous. You know we need all the help we can get."

"Thought you only worked alone, don't like people getting in your way." Dean said, quoting her from a few days ago.

"I stand by what is said. But I'm making a few exceptions." Katherine said, smiling at Dean lightly.

Sam rolled his eyes at the two of them, clearing his throat. "On our left. It's were the bar it went down is at." Dean turned the impala left, and four gasps wavered in the air.

"Son of a bitch." Katherine whispered.

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