My Real Life Fairy Tail {Vari...

By DoItDawn

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This is a story of (Y/N) (L/N). She is an ice dragon slayer who's captured the hearts of all of the guys. The... More

Chapter 1 ~ Meet the Newbie
Chapter 2 ~ Truth or Dare and Drunken Love
Chapter 3 ~ Rendez-Vous
Chapter 4 ~ Crazy Confessions and Wacky Wagers
Chapter 5 ~ 24-hour endurance road race
Chapter 6 ~ The Big Job
Chapter 7 ~ The Work of a True Fairy Tail Writer
Chapter 9 ~ A World to Remember
Chapter 10 ~ The guild who knows how to party
Chapter 11 ~ The Everlasting Battles on the Island of Fairy Tail
Chapter 12 ~ The Gap Between Our Friends
Chapter 13 ~ Sorcerer Weekly Strikes Back
Tag, You're It
Chapter 14 ~ Random Encounters and A Magic Ball

Chapter 8 ~ All the Visits in the Worlds

299 8 0
By DoItDawn

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

    I sat down, had a drink... or two... and had a little chat with Mirajane. "So, Mira," I said. "What's new?"

    "Nothing really. Anything new going on, you already know." Mira replied, drying a beer mug.

    "I see." I said. I heard Elfman say something about being a man and I just had to ask. "Hey, Mira? What's up with Elfman and being a man? Has he always been like this?"

    "Not exactly..." she answered a little secretively. Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Erza and Wendy walked in and they all went their separate ways. Lucy took a seat next to me. "So, how did the quest go?"

    "Terrible. Natsu destroyed everything that Gray didn't freeze first, and Erza... Oh, Erza. Let's just say there was barely anything left of the town we were trying to save."

    "So... same old, same old?" I budded in.

    She sighed. "Yeah, pretty much."

    Lucy got all depressed and went off to Wendy and they talked for a while. I went back to Mirajane and Cana joined in on the drinking. We would've had a drinking contest, but it was still a little too early in the day for something like that. Cana joined in on the talking, and then something really ticked me off. They started talking about shippings and boyfriends. I was not in the mood for anything of the sort, but I stayed because I was too tired to move and I just knew that they wouldn't take it somewhere else. I listened in and some of the stuff they said made sense. I mean, Alzack and Bisca... just saying. But others...

    They were still talking, teasing me and insisting that I listen. All of a sudden, everyone in Magnolia heard a bunch of bells going off. Since Wendy and Lucy were still new, they were confused as well. Everyone in the guild started cheering which confused me even more. People kept on saying "Gildarts is back!" over and over again. Of course, I didn't know who Gildarts was so I wasn't as excited as everybody else. Lucy and Wendy asked Mira what all the fuss was about and she just said that it has been three years since Gildarts left on a century quest. We heard horns saying to prepare for a 'Gildarts shift', whatever that means.

    "I'm all for festive, but this is just ridiculous." Carla said.

    "They sure are excited." Wendy added.

    "What in the heck is a Magnolia Gildarts shift anyway?" Lucy wondered aloud. I thought the same thing, but only in my mind.

    "Step outside and see for yourself." Erza told us. We looked outside and the whole town was shifting and moving around.

    "Magnolia, just split in two!" Lucy exclaimed. There was now a clear path to the Fairy Tail guild hall.

    "A precautionary measure for Gildarts' crash  magic." Erza explained.

    "Since he destroys everything that he touches, it's better for everyone if he stays clear from homes and businesses." Mirajane added.

    "Like, he just walks right through them?" Lucy asked.

    "You modified the town just 'cause he's clumsy?" I queried.

    "He sounds amazing!" Wendy said in awe.

    "Yes, amazingly stupid." Carla sassed.

    "Here he comes!" I heard Natsu say.

    "Aye!" was Happy's reply. When Gildarts made it to the guild hall, he looked kind of disappointed.

    "Come on you old geezer, let's throw down!" Natsu demanded.

    "That's no way to treat a man." Elfman nagged.

    "Welcome home." Mira greeted.

    "He's the most powerful guy in the guild?" Lucy asked.

    "Sorry to bother you miss, but I'm looking for a guild that used to be around these parts called Fairy Tail." Gildarts said to Mirajane.

    "This is it! Remember me? Mirajane!" she chimed.

    "Huh? Mira? Wow... You sure have grown up a lot, little girl. And did you change some stuff around the guild too?" Gildarts said.

    "He didn't notice that from outside?" I asked, a little sarcastically.

    "Gildarts!" Natsu shouted.

    "Natsu! Hey pal. There's someone I recognize." Gildarts greeted. Natsu chuckled.

    "Good to see ya, now let's party!" Natsu said, attacking from above. Gildarts swung him and threw him to the ceiling.

    "Not now kid." Gildarts replied so casually. Lucy was shocked by everything.

    "Oh yeah! He's still so awesome." Natsu said as if he wasn't just smashed into the ceiling.

    "Same old tough guy we've always known." Gray piped up.

    "Genuine old fashioned man's man." Elfman stated.

    "Hmm... I see a couple of new faces around here too. A lot happened while I was gone." Gildarts said.

    "Gildarts!" the master called.

    "Eh? Oh, master! You're looking well." Gildarts said.

    "How'd the job go?" Makarov asked.

    "Hm?" Gildarts said, followed by a lot of laughing. Master sighed. "No good. Way too much for me." Everyone freezed with shock.

    "No way. But that's Gildarts!"

    "He failed?"

"He's joking, right?" three different guys inquired.

    "I can't believe he'd just give up like this." Gray said, a little disappointed.

    "I guess it takes a big man to admit defeat." Elfman stated. Ha, I guess it does.

Lucy's P.O.V.

    The century quest is too much for even the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail? I wonder what it takes to finish it. "I know what you're thinking over there and you should stop. There's no way!" Erza told me.

    "Oh! I wasn't thinking about anything at all, I swear! My mind is totally blank!" I defended.

    "I see, the job was too tough." Makarov said.

    "Forgive me for bringing shame to the guild." Gildart apologized.

    "No. You've only brought yourself back in one piece. That's no small feat in itself. As far as I know, you're the only one who's made the journey home alive." Master explained. Gildarts laughed.

    "Thanks boss." He started walking. "Now I gotta get back home and start to actually feel alive. Rest my weary bones. Oh, Natsu, stop by later. I brought something back for ya." He chuckled. "Well, I'm out of here you guys." Gildarts was about to walk into a wall, when it just broke down. Woah. I sweatdropped.

    "I was afraid of that." Mira said kindly.

    "You could use the front door you know!" Warren said, ticked off a little.

    "Ha, ha, ha. Wonder what the old man's got for me. I'm fired up just thinking about it!" Natsu added. He punched the wall with his flames, creating another hole in the wall.

    "One wall breaker around here is enough!" Max shouted.

    "Oh my goodness." Mirajane added.

    "Come on Happy, we're out of here too." Natsu said, walking forward.

    "Hm, are this gildarts guy and Natsu especially close or something?" I asked to no one in particular.

    "Aye! Gildarts is on a completely different level than Natsu, but they've still been pretty good friends for as long as they've known each other." Happy answered me.

    "Oh yeah? But isn't he gone on quests most of the time?" I asked the blue neko.

    "Aye! But he was around about the time when I was born, so I've known him my life." he replied. He then spaced out.


    "Oh, yeah. Flash back. You wouldn't understand." he teased. Then, he ran off with Natsu.

    "So, that's Gildarts?" I said.

    "He sure is different." Wendy added.

    "What would you expect? He is a member of Fairy Tail, after all." (Y/N) stated.

    "That is true." Mira budded in. I had a lot of time on my hands with Natsu gone, and I have no idea what to do with it. I talked to Levy, Erza, Mira, Gray, Wendy, and now, it's (Y/N)'s turn.

    "Hey." I greeted.

    "Hi!" (Y/N) said cheerfully. "What's up?"

    "Nothing, at all."

    "Really. Oh, well... Can you help me with something?"

    "Yeah, sure. What is it?"

    "Which one should I pick?"

    "You mean Gray or Natsu, right?" She nodded.

    "Natsu asked me to be his girlfriend. But Gray said we might be an item, we're going to talk about it later."

    "Oh, I see. I'm afraid I can't help you." I walked away before I influenced her and sabotaged the bet."

    "Lucy! Wait!" (Y/N) called out. But I never replied.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

    What the heck?!? Did Lucy just leave in the middle of our conversation?!? I guess she did. I kept on calling for her but she wouldn't reply. I stopped and sighed. I guess I have to make a decision on my own. I mean, I don't want to be in a relationship, but everyone else wants me to, so... you know how peer pressure is? Dragon slayers? Or ice mages? Which one. If I go with Gray, juvia will kill me, but I did tell Lucy I'd leave Natsu for her. I couldn't break my word, that's like stealing something valuable... sort of. Either way, I'm screwed. Plus, it's not like I can ask anyone else for help about this. No one here knows what they are talking about this. I just have to remember to  take my time. No pressure. Except all of the pressure.

    I was walking home, all alone, and as stupid as I am... I decided to take a shortcut down an alleyway. I was almost home, but before I could make it, someone grabbed my arm. I turned around and didn't see a familiar face. There were multiple men standing there. "Who are you and what do you want?" I said angrily.

    "Don't be like that sweetheart. We just want to hang out with you." one of them replied.

    "I don't know you guys!" I shouted and screamed.

    "Shut it! Now, do as we say, and nobody gets hurt." another one threatened.

    "I'm pretty sure this is a felony. I'm just saying." I sassed.

    "This girly has a big mouth." yet another one said. "What should we do with her boss?"

    "Let me at her." the leader I presume said while walking closer to me. I squirmed, but couldn't break free of the men's clutches. The leader slid his hand down my body and I was very uncomfortable. "You have a nice body, you know that?"

    "You're a sick pervert!" I growled, but he didn't care for what I had to say.

"Don't make this awkward." he said.

    "I'm making this awkward? Me?!? How many screws do you have loose up there?" He put his hands on my waist and licked my neck. What kind of sick weirdo does that? I guess it is partially my fault for coming down this path in the first place. He started to kiss my neck over and over again. I was getting really uncomfortable and annoyed. he lifted up my shirt a bit and made his way down to my stomach. He was a huge perverted creep! He was about to do more but was stopped by ice lances. The attack hit everyone but me and caused a small explosion with fog. When it cleared up, I saw Gray.

    "Don't lay another finger on her!" Gray ordered.

    "Why should we listen to you? You're just another magic punk!" one of the goons shouted.

    "Because this magic punk is going to kick your butt. Ice-make, hammer!" he shouted. After a bit of fighting, he trapped them all in an ice prison and left them for the cops.

    "Were you following me?" I asked sort of ungratefully.

    "Of course not! I was just on my way home. Why are you here?" he countered.

"Same... Thanks, but how much of that did you see?" I asked nervously.

    "To be honest, a lot of it..." he replied.

    "And you waited that long to stop them?"

    "Am I really the bad guy here? I did just saved you, didn't I?"

    "It's not like my life was on the line."

    "You never know."

    "That's true. Thanks anyway."

    "No problem. Now, are you sure you're okay?"

    "I'm fine... I should get going. Thanks again. I'll see you later!" I said, waving, already heading out. I got home... well, Lucy's home. It was getting pretty late, so I decided to hit the hay.

~~Time skip~~

Gajeel's P.O.V.

    I was out. I was searching for a new cat companion. It's not fair that Wendy, (Y/N) and Salamander have one, I'm the only dragon slayer that doesn't have one. I found hundreds of cats, but I could never seem to find the perfect one. Some were too fluffy, others were too hairless, some were just too girly! But none of them could talk or fly. Where is my kitty cat?!? I deserve a strong and smart cat that loves to battle. Is that so hard to ask for? Well, if it was that simple, I would have found one by now.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

    This morning, Wendy and Lucy were talking about our dragons. I wasn't paying much attention, but I heard some bits here and there. Something about their disappearances. I was upset to, but I didn't really put any thought into it. I mean, my guardian left me the year x777, on the 7th of the 7th month. And everyone else's dragon left the same day to. So what? It's probably just some coincidence, right? Maybe it's the universal dragon hibernation... forever. I didn't really care anyway. I didn't blame any of the dragons either. Other people might, but I don't.

    Happy then came up to Carla and offered her a fish. This time, it was wrapped in a cute red bow. As usual, Carla turned him down, but this time, it was harsher than usual. "Thanks, but no thanks. It smells. And I don't care for fish." I believe were her exact words. He took it really well and even tried to make her happy, but she snapped at him. "Get away from me!" Happy was flabbergasted. "I don't have time to waste on someone so annoying." She walked away. Wendy called back for her, but Carla just humphed. Lucy and I tried to confront the poor little exceed, but he was just so sad. Wendy confronted Carla as Happy was chasing after her, still holding the fish he had caught. Wendy and Lucy went on talking about how much meaner Carla is towards Happy than all the others. I wasn't in the mood to join in on that conversation, so I stayed quiet.

Happy's P.O.V.

    I chased after Carla. Maybe it was something I said to anger her, so I went to make sure she was alright. I'm used to her putting me down, but she's never that mean. "Wait up Carla!" I said.

    "What is it? I thought I told you to quit pestering me." was her reply.

    "I know, but I was wondering if I've done something to make you mad."

    "It's more complex than that. You know, you can't protect Natsu." Silence filled the air. The sky began to darken. "However, I will protect Wendy. I must... she's the only thing that matters to me." She walked away, but I followed.

    "Me and Natsu are best friends just like you guys. And I've protected him just as many times as he's saved me."

    "You may believe that, but you simply can't until you know who you are." she stated coldly. But who can stay mad at her? The clouds above our heads became darker and darker with each step we took. I began to think about what she said. Until I knew who I am? But I do! Don't I? I sighed as I looked at Gajeel's scratched up face. I asked him about it, but he was just so rude. Then, it began to rain.

Wendy's P.O.V.

    I called out to Wendy. I've been searching for her in the rain for a bit now and I finally found her.  "Oh Wendy, you're going to catch a cold being out in this mess without an umbrella." she stated.

    "The same goes for you." I stared into her eyes intensely. "Carla, why are you so mean to Happy and the rest of them after all they've done for us? Could you at least try to be a little bit nicer to everyone?"

    "I don't see the need for it. As long as I'm with you, they're just complications."

    "Jeez, I don't understand you sometimes." I then noticed someone walking in our direction. Their footsteps being projected by the rain.

    "Who's this?" Carla wondered out loud.

    "Hello Wendy." He greeted.

    "Wait, I know that voice." I said. Carla seemed to be quite shocked as well.

    "I never considered the chance you'd join this guild." the masked man said. He took a small pause, then revealed his face.

    "Ah, Jellal! It's you!" I said, shocked.

    "Impossible. I saw you get taken into custody myself." Carla stated.

    "The man arrested in the nirvanna incident, wasn't me." he replied.

    "What?!" I said.

    "Then how do you explain your uncanny resemblance?" Carla questioned.

    "My name is Mystogan of Fairy Tail." he bagan. "When we first met, seven years ago, I was unfamiliar with the ways of this world. I told you my name was Jellal." Carla and I both gasped.

    "You mean," I started. "you're my Jellal? I was afraid you'd forgotten all about me. I can't believe you're really here." I began to cry. "I missed you. I wished I disobeyed and kept following you back then."

    "And I wish I'd been able to let you follow me. I'm sorry, but we don't have time for a tearful reunion right now. Do as I say. You have to leave this city as quickly as you can." He fell.

    "Jellal!" I cried out.

    "I was unable to complete my mission. The anima has grown way too large. And now, it's impossible for me to contain it all on my own. Very soon, Magnolia will cease to exist." he said in a depressing tone.

    "No, it can't just vanish. There has to be something we can do!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry Wendy, but the city's destruction is unavoidable." he replied. "We need to evacuate right now.

"What about everyone in the guild? What's going to happen to them, tell me!" I said. "Please. I won't move 'til you tell me."

"Very soon, all of them will perish." he replied. I didn't believe it. I ran away.

"Wendy!" I heard Carla calling out to me. I turned around, but stayed where I was.

"Someone's got to warn them." I stated.

"There's no time for that. You need to get to safety immediately." Jellal, er... Mystogan said.

"I would never abandon my friends." I replied. "I have a home again, and if it's gonna vanish, then I'm going with it!" I ran away from the scene. I was running, but then I tripped and fell. As usual, I'm as clumsy as ever. As I tried to get up, I looked at myself in a puddle's reflection of me. Then I got up, and continued to run. I just have to warn everybody. Things were already starting to disappear. "Get out! Something bad's about to happen. Get out, right now!" I screamed.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

    Everything around me started to dissipate. I was freaking out because, well... you know... I looked around and in just a couple of minutes, all I could see was space and clouds. I looked around. Not a guildmate in sight. Come to think of it, not a person in sight. I hope all of the townspeople will be okay. I know my friends will be able to handle it, well, at least I hope so. Clouds were at my feet. Was I in heaven? That explains why none of my friends were here. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but we all know the things they had to do to complete a mission. But the townspeople and Wendy should be here. At least I still have Jesse. There wasn't much I could do, so I did the only thing I could think of... I started to walk.

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