Nocte(A One Direction fanfic)

By mandigarcia28

38 0 0

Marceline de Rosa is just your average college student, more on the nerdy side, she works multiple jobs to ke... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2


19 0 0
By mandigarcia28

(a/n: ok hi um i don't really know how to do this this but um yeah this is my first ever fanfic and i''ve been thinking about writing one for a very long time so i did. i asked my friends to read it give me some of their feedback and they seem to like it so i was like ok cool i am now motivated so yeah here goes nothing. um the prologue might get a little graphic but not in a kinky way more of a bloody gory way so sorry about that and yeah right now it's just language that might be a little "mature" so bear with me. thank you! :) btw prologue is in harrys point of view )




The alley was dark the only form of light was the lonely street lamp and the full moon above. I walked with the lads towards the main road, we had just come out of the night club and it was pushing 4 a.m. As we neared the end of the alley that opened up to the street a figure blocked our path. They were standing still facing us we couldn’t make out a face. As the seconds ticked by I grew uneasy. Something isn’t right, I thought to myself. I glanced over at Liam, his shoulders tense. He definitely sensed something and by the looks of his body he was preparing to fight, the glint of the metal from his katanas catching my eye. I looked at the other boys their gazes fixed on the mysterious figure before us. I turned my attention back on the stranger and upon closer inspection I could make out the features of a woman no older than me. I let out a breath, maybe I can read this girl, I thought to myself. I stared more intently at her but couldn’t get a single signal. Not even a glimmer into her mind. This made me nervous which was strange since nothing made me nervous. I hesitantly took a step forward, “excuse me miss,” I said, turning on the charm. Before I had time to react she was already racing towards me, but Liam was faster and was in front of me in seconds, weapons drawn. I threw up my arms as a reaction to his sudden gesture then I heard the clang of metal hitting something hard. I looked to Liam, his swords in a defensive position holding off the oncoming attacks made by the mystery girl. I checked to see if the other lads were all right. Louis looked a little surprised by the sudden attack but quickly went to the aid of Liam; Zayn was preparing to join the fight, the embers in his palms growing brighter by the second. I turned my head to see Niall beginning to make a transition as a ferocious growl escaped from his lips.

I returned my attention back to Liam, the time lapse had probably been two minutes, but time seemed to stop when a stake made from the very earth was sent through Liam’s abdomen. “Liam!” Louis cried out, rushing to his fallen comrade. Liam was on the floor blood trailing from his wounds and down the corners of his mouth, he tried to speak but his words came out a bloody gargled mess. “Liam,” Louis cried once again, tears streaming down his face. As Liam lay there on the floor a little delirious he saw the mystery girl coming towards them once again. His eyes grew wide as he pushed Louis away before another spike could get him. The girl drove the spike through Liam’s right shoulder, pinning him to the ground. Liam coughed once, blood spraying the floor then he grew still. Now the girl had her attention set on Louis. He was huddled against a wall, eyes wide, cheeks stained with a mixture of his tears and Liam’s blood. He was panting heavily and couldn’t move because of the shock. I watched as the girl put her right hand to her side, palms towards the ground and to my shock the floor started moving and cracking beneath her hand. As I watched another spike like the ones that were now embedded in Liam’s lifeless body rose from the alley floor and into her waiting hand. “Louis MOVE!” Zayn yelled as he sent a ball of flame at our attacker. Snapping out of his reverie Louis disappeared only to reappear behind a nearby dumpster. Niall who had finished his transition into a huge wolf ran to his side positioning himself in front of Louis, legs spread in a protective stance growling menacingly at our assailant. I turned my attention back to Zayn flames erupting from his palms as he aimed his assault at the mystery girl. She was hit again by a wall of flames sending her back a couple of steps. She didn’t seem fazed at all that her left arm was on fire. Instead she placed a hand against the wall. I heard a faint rumbling sound then a torrent of water came out of the wall from the pipe that she had just broken.What the hell is going on, I thought to myself. To my amazement as the water spew from the hole in the wall, I saw it move almost as if it was being manipulated by someone and when I turned to look at the girl she was moving her hand to match the movement of the water. She turned the water on Zayn; the pressure was so great it sent him flying, his head making a sick cracking sound against the wall. His body slumped to the floor and it didn’t look like he was breathing. I tried to call out for him with my mind but I didn’t receive an answer.

Now the girl, once again, had her attention set on Louis who was screaming his head off as Niall barked angrily at the oncoming attacker. I tried to move but I couldn’t. It felt like I was tied down to the ground and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t move. I looked down at my feet; nothing was holding me back, so why couldn’t I move. No, no, no this can’t be happening this is some kind of nightmare. I watched helplessly as Niall leaped towards the girl, teeth bared, going straight for her throat. She caught him with her hands, holding his snarling muzzle away from her face. As she held him her hands began to glow, from a dim orange growing brighter, around his neck. Niall started whimpering in pain; soon his whole body was on fire. His fur set ablaze, she let go of him, and walked towards Louis who was in complete hysterics. As the fire burned out Niall went back to his human form and lay on the floor staring at the night sky all the light from his eyes gone.

I couldn’t let that happen to Louis. He was all I had left now and I couldn’t bear to see him be mercilessly killed right before me. I called out to him, ‘Louis listen to me.’ He answered back with, ‘they’re all dead, oh my god they’re all dead, I’ll never get to see them again, why, oh god why.’

‘Louis calm down,’ I said trying to make my thoughts sound soothing.

‘Harry! Oh God, Harry your alive! Harry they’re all dead. I’m scared. She’s coming towards me. Am I going to die too?’

‘NO! Louis I would never let that happen. Now listen to me we’re going to get out of this together okay?’ My mind flashed with Louis’ memories of seeing his friends die, all of his emotions ran through my head. Louis was scared out of his mind and he couldn’t focus on me.

‘Har-, ‘his thoughts were cut off abruptly. My head shot up as I saw the girl summon up another spike and drive it threw Louis’ chest. I screamed and fell to my knees, my legs unable to keep me up. The girl turned around as I looked up I still couldn’t see her face. She calmly walked over to me. I tried to defend myself, my hands tingled as I tried to move the heavy dumpster behind her, but I had no strength. Witnessing the death of the four people I cared about most in this world had drained me and I couldn’t fight anymore. She extended her hand toward me. As I watched I saw all the scars that she no doubt had received from this fight. She grabbed me by my collar and lifted me up, pushing me against the wall. She summoned another one of her deadly spikes from the floor and was ready to spear me to the wall. I braced for the impact, tears streaming down my face. I closed my eyes waiting for my fate.

My eyes flew open as I stared at the familiar ceiling above my head. The ceiling fan was slowly turning making the faintest squeaking noise. I shot up to a sitting position and glanced down at my chest not seeing any punctures. I ran my hands down my torso just to make sure. Nope no holes from any jagged rocky spike. I glanced around at the familiar room, my room, and ran a hand through my hair. It came back damp. That was one hell of a nightmare, I thought to myself. I got up making my way to the bathroom.  As I passed through the hall I peeked into the living room to check on the boys. Zayn had fallen asleep on the couch with the TV on, showing one of those late night infomercials. There were also a couple of girls from the club last night, lying around. I smiled to myself remembering the club. I heard rustling coming from the kitchen and when I poked my head around the corner I saw Niall digging through the refrigerator. He didn’t even notice me there so I left him alone and continued to walk through the halls. I walked past Liam’s room and his door was slightly open. I quickly glanced inside and sure enough he was busy training, knives were flying around everywhere. Best not go inside, I thought to myself.  I reached Louis’ room and stood outside his door. I raised my hand to knock on the door but before I made contact with the wood I didn’t sense a presence. I reached for the doorknob and it was unlocked. I stared at the empty room and my heart started pounding. I turned around to get Liam when the bathroom door flew open and I almost ran head first into Louis himself. He let out a gasp, “Jesus, Harry you scared me,” he said, clutching his chest. He looked at me again, this time scrutinizing my expression.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Louis’s face grew worried.

“Nothing,” I said. I gave him a smile signaling that everything was okay. He gave me another look his eyebrow raised, and then he patted me on the shoulder and walked into his room. I sighed, content, everything was okay. I had my lads all here and everything was okay. I just had a silly nightmare that I’m sure I would forget in the morning. I smiled to myself and walked back to my own room where I crawled back into my own bed and went to bed to wake up at a more proper time.




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