Dream Girls: Nicole

By CarrieThomasAuthor

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Nicole Garrett, a self-proclaimed nerd, has had her future planned out for years. Taking chances has never ap... More

Dream Girls: Nicole Chapter 1

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By CarrieThomasAuthor

Hey guys! Just a little note to thank you for reading the Dream Girls series! I hope you've enjoyed the journey of these three best friends! Hopefully, the ending lives up. <3 

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this," Piper said, standing in front of a mirror in Moye's old bedroom.

"Believe it. In ten minutes, you will officially be Mrs. Moye McKenzie!" I said.

Stephanie squeezed between us, looking depressed. "Ugh, my boobs are too big, my feet are too wide, and my belly is ginormous. I look like a stuffed sausage!"

"Shut it. You're pregnant and adorable. At least you don't look like you should be dancing for singles somewhere," I added, tugging the top of my dress up.

"Nic, I would not put you in a stripper dress for my wedding. You're one sashay away from showing me up," Piper said, fixing her lipstick.

"She's right, Nic. You look freaking amazing. And Pipe, you look as beautiful as I knew you would." Steph smiled.

"Girls, I love you both." I hugged each of them. "This is exactly how I pictured us five years ago, helping each other on our wedding days."

We held hands as we made our way out to the barn. I was so nervous because I had to walk out first. I hated being the center of attention, and there was no way every person in the chairs on either side of me wouldn't look at me as I walked out. I couldn't imagine how Piper felt being the bride.

As the music started, my stomach was in knots, and I regretted not listening to Corey's advice to take the shot of tequila he'd had ready for me earlier. I wasn't a big drinker, but certain situations called for drastic measures. The only reason I hadn't done it was because my dad was in the audience.

I scanned the crowd as I took my first step. All I could think about was walking slow and not falling. Every face I came into contact with had a wonderful smile plastered on it, putting my nerves at ease for a little bit. My dad looked handsome in his suit. I wasn't used to seeing him dressed up. In fact, the last time I had seen him dressed like that was at my mom's funeral. My brothers sat next to him, and they both grinned at me as I made my way down the aisle. I couldn't tell if they were trying to help alleviate my anxiety, or silently making fun of me. Knowing my brothers, it was probably the latter.

As I approached the altar, I thought maybe it wasn't that bad. I was almost there. I had obviously psyched myself out, as per usual. I looked up to see Moye. He was so excited, like this was all he'd ever wanted. I was so happy that one of my best friends had found her soul mate. She deserved it.

Next, my eye caught Cole. He looked as calm as ever as he waited for his future bride, Stephanie, to walk down the aisle behind me. He smiled at me, but his gaze quickly found hers. Last, I glanced at Corey. I didn't even realize I was still smiling until I felt my smile give way as I took in his facial expression. He wasn't smiling, not even a smirk. He looked so serious; his eyes were intense. He didn't look angry, but he definitely wasn't happy either. I had no idea what to make of it as I stepped over to my spot, to the left of where Piper would end up.

Wow. That really took the wind out of my sail. I didn't know why he always ended everything on a sour note. Every time I thought I was making headway with him, he ruined it. Now I felt self-conscious again. I gripped the flowers in my hand so hard, I was surprised they didn't snap in half. Even though I could feel his eyes on me, I didn't look at him again as I waited for Steph and Piper to join me.

Stephanie glowed as she made her way down the aisle. She only had eyes for Cole. He never took his gaze from hers either, even during the ceremony. Anyone with half a brain knew he was thinking about their own wedding coming up. Corey even had to nudge him when the pastor asked for the rings.

Piper was absolutely beautiful. She had made her wedding dress herself. It was white and flowed with ease down her body. The top was a bodice and had three-quarter length lace sleeves. The torso was fitted, and there were miles of lace layered all the way down to her feet. Every other layer was made of bright red lace. It was a very cool dress, and I knew if she put something like it in her store, it would sell out quickly. She was so unique and creative.

I couldn't help but tear up when Moye and Piper said their vows. I knew how much it meant to them. I didn't think to bring a tissue, but luckily Steph had thought of everything. Apparently, she had a full box stuffed somewhere in her dress because she kept handing me a new one every time I sniffed.

I didn't have to worry if I was making a scene, as Steph had that covered; she openly cried through the entire ceremony. None of us held it against her though. We knew it was her hormones. She'd changed so much in the last few months of her pregnancy. It was cool to watch, but it made me realize how far I was from that place. I was just getting started in medical school, as my friends were starting careers and families. I wasn't sad about it, but it sort of made me feel like we didn't have as much in common anymore.

When the reception was in full swing, I took the opportunity to dance with my dad. I knew he didn't really want to, but he wouldn't turn me down if I asked him. I took advantage of our surroundings, knowing it would be a long time before we had the chance again.

"Daddy, you're not half bad at this." He held me tight, making me feel safe in his arms.

"I did manage to learn a few things from your mother."

"Maybe a few," I agreed, laying my head on his shoulder. "I miss her."

I didn't know why, but I only had good memories of her. It was difficult for me to remember her angry or in a bad mood. And that made me miss her even more.

"I do too, sweetheart."

"How are the boys? They aren't giving you any grief, are they?" I asked, raising my head. I didn't want him somber, thinking about my mom, so a change in subject was a must.

"No, and they better not. I'm too old to be dealing with bad kids."

"Dad, you are not too old."

"Yeah, tell that to my aching bones."

I glanced around the dance floor, looking for my brothers. I wanted to dance with them too. I found Jeremy talking to Corey in the corner. My dad followed my gaze until he landed on them.

"I don't care for that guy," he said.


"The man who stares at you like he owns you."


He grunted in reply.

"He's cool. In fact, he's really looked out for me since we've been in Dallas." I wasn't sure why, but I felt defensive of Corey. I understood him when many people didn't, and the way my dad had already judged him didn't sit well with me. I was able to see past his rough exterior. Some of the moments we'd shared here and there made me realize that things weren't always what they seemed. Just like my dad had, people rushed to only see the façade. The defense mechanism he'd perfected over the years. Keeping people at arm's length gave him the power. He chose the when, where, and who. Growing up without any choices had left him feeling like he had to take on the world. And he was better off going at it alone, or so he thought. I saw further than his one word responses or the anger that boiled to the surface more often than not, and it made me feel like my dad was being like everyone else, by having an opinion about Corey without knowing the sweet, protective side to his personality.

"Something's off with him. He's too serious."

I pulled back a little. "You do realize that's a tad bit hypocritical, right?"

"No. I was serious with you kids because I'm your dad. I wasn't like that with your mom."

"Trust me. Corey is a good guy. He lightens up around me."

"Just be careful. I don't trust him. Seems like he's an order of French fries short of a happy meal."

I shook my head and slapped his arm. "You're such a dork."

"I miss you, sweetheart. And I'm proud of you. I just needed to say that." He cleared his throat and looked down.

My dad was not comfortable with heart-to-hearts. When my mom passed, his idea of helping me work through my grief was handing me her recipe book and telling me I might feel closer to her if I did some of the things she had loved to do, which was cook. After I spent a couple of nights going over the recipes she'd handwritten, I realized he was right. It probably wasn't how every single father would've handled it, but it worked for me and my dad in the end. It took my mind off of knowing she was never coming back, and made me concentrate on keeping her spirit alive by trying to stay connected to something she loved.

"I miss you too, Dad." My voice seemed loud because my reply came out as soon as the song ended. He squeezed me one last time and I walked him back to his table before zeroing in on Jeremy. He was still talking to Corey. They both looked so striking. I wasn't used to seeing Jeremy looking so grown up. His dark hair was longer than it had been the last time I'd seen him, and it seemed as though he and Owen had both grown a couple more inches.

Corey looked so clean cut. He usually had on a T-shirt and baggy jeans. He looked sleek, in a black suit with a skinny red tie, which of course, was loosened as soon as the I do's were exchanged. I'd never thought about how attractive he'd look cleaned up, but seeing him tonight, I sort of didn't want to stop looking at him.

We'd spent the last two years in some weird relationship limbo. He was a loner who did his own thing and didn't talk unless he had something worthwhile to say. Sometimes, it was hard for people to know how to take him, but we'd connected from the start without even having to really get to know each other. I had feelings for him, but Corey clearly wasn't as interested in me as everyone first thought. He had an endless chain of women he'd pick up at bars and leave with that same night. As soon as I thought I was making any kind of progress with him, he'd close up and back down. I was done trying to figure him out—no matter how good looking he was in that damn suit.

"Hey, guys." I tried to keep a smile on my face and my focus on my brother. I didn't need Corey knowing how extremely hard this all was for me, and since he could usually read my expressions, I knew making eye contact wasn't the best way to go.

"Corey was just telling me about his new bike," Jeremy said.

"Don't get any ideas," I warned.

"He said he would take me for a ride, if Dad didn't care."

That surprised me. First, I didn't see Corey ever taking a dude for a ride on his bike. New or not. Secondly, I couldn't believe he thought to tell my brother he would have to ask my dad before taking that ride. Corey never asked permission to do anything. He did exactly what he wanted and thought you were a douchebag if you did things any other way.

"I guess you should see what Dad says, then." I shrugged.

"Hey, beautiful. What do ya say to a little midnight dance?" Collin, one of Cole's brothers, asked from behind me. He strolled up, clearly not embarrassed at all by complimenting me in front of a group.

I glanced at Corey before turning around. I didn't know what I was expecting him to do, but his reaction didn't surprise me. Standing there with a blank look on his face, he was completely unfazed by anything going on around him. Textbook Corey.

"I would love to," I accepted, facing Collin and giving him my hand.

He led me out to the dance floor and I took him in under the lights on the dance floor. He was so good-looking. He reminded me of Cole, but not quite as edgy. Cole had tattoos, and his ears were pierced; Collin was clean-cut and preppy. He was very thoughtful and funny too. Honestly, I could see myself dating him if he didn't live in California. He was carefree and that was attractive to someone uptight like me.

"You look really great tonight, Nicole," he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Thank you. So do you." I smiled, putting my arms around his neck. We swayed in perfect sequence.

"I guess my brother and Stephanie will be next." He nodded their way, and I turned to see Cole dip Stephanie.

"I know. I can't wait for the baby to get here. Can you believe you're going to be an uncle?"

"No, it's crazy. I don't even know what to do with a little girl," he said, laughing.

"I guess we will all learn together. I've only ever been around my brothers when they were babies."

"I can't wait to see Cole changing diapers, though." He smirked.

"Yeah, but you know, he's really surprised me. He's very hands-on with the pregnancy and everything."

"Our momma taught us well."

"She did. All three of you guys are really great."

"Why can't you re-locate to California? You know you'd make double as a doctor out there." He grinned, his eyes crinkling in the corners.

I knew he was flirting, but he also understood there was no chance I was moving there. I could never be that far away from my dad. It made me feel good, though, that he was always so complimentary to me.

"You're funny. You know you could always move back here . . ." I responded.

"Ah well, we tried, right?"

"No regrets." I winked.

Just as the song was about to end, Piper strolled onto the stage for the New Year's Eve countdown. She looked amazing—better than I'd ever seen her. She was radiant, and I was truly so happy for her. "All right people, you know the drill. Get your lips ready for the person you want to spend the next year with," she said, holding up her champagne.

Obviously, she'd had a couple of those glasses already. I laughed when Moye took it from her hand and downed the rest of it. I guess he'd thought she'd had enough too. Collin and I looked at each other, shaking our heads. Moye was always there to save her.

"Nic, can I holler at you for a minute?" Corey asked, walking up to us. His eyes were dark, and his voice was tight. I wasn't sure what he wanted. He normally wouldn't have pulled me away by asking.

"Sure." I told Collin I'd talk to him later and turned to face Corey.

He was nervous—a look I'd never seen on him. He took the glass he had in his hand and slammed the contents. Putting the glass on the table, he stood there staring at me, like he was waiting on me to say something.

"Three, two, one!" Piper counted down into the microphone.

I could hear her in the background, but I couldn't concentrate on anything but Corey's odd behavior. He slowly closed the distance between us and put one hand on each side of my face. I wasn't uncomfortable, but I was definitely wondering what he was doing.

His fingertips caressed my cheek. His hands were so big, he could have wrapped them dang near all the way around my neck. His eyes were focused on my lips. I kept waiting for him to meet my eyes, but he didn't. We'd obviously touched in the past, but he'd never done it with so much conviction.

"I'm going to kiss you," he whispered.

"Okay," I squeaked. I knew it sounded weak, but I was a little scared; afraid I wouldn't do it well enough. I had very limited experience with guys, and Corey, well—I wasn't even in his league as far as experience.

His lips touched mine so softly at first, I wasn't sure we were even kissing. Tilting my head to the right, he deepened the kiss. I felt like I was floating. It wasn't my first kiss, but it sure felt like it. I had never been so entranced, so overtaken by such a feeling in all my life. My chest was tight with excitement and anticipation. He felt so good—so right.

I loved how he was in total control but knew me well enough to be gentle. He broke the kiss, and I opened my eyes to see him looking down at me, still holding my face in his hands.

"So worth it," he said, voice gruff. His eyes looked as though they were melting right in front of me. I'd never seen anything like it. His response to our kiss gave me a moment of confidence. I felt like the most beautiful girl in the world.

"That was the best kiss I've ever had," I admitted shyly.

"Me too, Ace. I'm going to want more time with those lips, but not here," he said, looking around.

As I looked up, I saw people clapping and whistling. Cole, Steph, Moye, Piper, and a few others were conjuring up a crowd with the way they were acting. They'd been waiting for Corey to make a move for what seemed like forever now. I put my head on Corey's chest. Heat rose in my cheeks at their reaction. I couldn't believe we'd just done that in front of an audience.

Geez, why does nothing embarrass Corey? He rubbed my back gently. It almost felt protective. He was comforting me.

"I'm going to die of embarrassment." I groaned into his shirt.

"Let's take a walk," he said, grabbing my hand and leading me past our friends.

I followed Corey out of the barn and a little ways into the pasture. It was a cool night, but it wasn't freezing. My mind was so clouded; I couldn't feel the cold anyway. I had waited for what just happened for over two years. I just wasn't sure what it meant.

"Here," he said, taking his jacket off and putting it on me.


"I'm sorry to embarrass you back there." He pointed at the barn.

"It's all right. I just—I don't understand what it means." I bit my lip.

He lifted an eyebrow, clearly not planning on answering me.

"Uh-uh. You don't get off that easy. Why, after over two years, did you just decide to kiss me?"

"I'm not—I don't know." He rubbed his buzz cut head.


"Yeah?" He looked up to meet my eyes.

"Just tell me." I could tell I was going to have to force him into the admission.

If only I'd been the kind of girl who could just go with the flow, but I wasn't. That kiss felt as if it had just changed my life, and I needed to know why he finally felt like he wanted to do it.

"You're . . ."

"Yes?" I was determined to make him answer me.

"Look, you are the smartest, prettiest woman I've ever met, let alone been friends with. I've wanted you from day one, Ace, but I'm not good enough for you, and I know it. I've tried to forget you, but no matter how many girls I . . . you know . . . you're still the one I think about." He took a deep breath, as if he were trying to think of what else to say.

Part of me wanted to interrupt him and tell him I'd be whatever he wanted me to be, but the other part of me was intrigued by what he would say next.

"You are going to make something of yourself. Hell, you're perfect now . . ."

I looked down at his hands. He had them wrapped so tight into fists, they were turning white. I could tell from his body language how hard it was for him to express his feelings.

He growled and looked to the sky. "Fuck it. I'm just . . . I'm being a selfish son of a bitch right now, but I'm tired of feelin' the way I feel without you."

When my eyes found his, every emotion I saw in them melted my heart. I stretched out my hand until I made contact with his. Rubbing his wrist all the way to each of his fingers, I brought our hands up to my chest so they were over my heart.

"Corey, that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Those words—what you just said—made me feel so good." I took a step closer, so our bodies were touching. "I could tell you how I feel, but I'd rather show you." I put his hand flat against my heart. "Feel that? It's beating out of my chest for you. Your fear of me being too good for you is all in your head. I've never thought that way, and it hurts me that you feel that way. I've wanted nothing more than to be with you too." It took everything in me to hold his gaze. I'd never been so forthcoming with my feelings for—well, anything.

As strange as it was, with him usually being the reason for someone's uneasiness, he was the reason I was able to do it. It was because of what he'd said to me that gave me the comfort to put my own feelings into words.

He blew out a long breath and swore. "Gotta tell ya, Ace. I'm so damn glad you didn't tell me to go to hell just then. I swear, I was moving to Austin if you turned me down." He chuckled in relief and happiness as he pulled me into him.

"I still can't believe you kissed me in front of everyone." I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Look at it like this. Now they won't cheer the next time they see us together. The shock will have worn off."

"Next time?" I gulped.

"Hell yeah. I'm going to have trouble keeping my hands off you. I swear you wear shit like this just to make me miserable," he said, tugging at my waist.

I looked down at his hand that was still touching me and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Do you have any idea how many cold showers I've had over the past two years?"

"I guess since you never showed any interest, I didn't think you ever went home and thought about me." I shrugged.

"It was all I could do not to walk up and wrap my arms around you every time we were in the same room. Have you seen your ass?"

I giggled. "I just thought you were trying to make me feel good when you looked at me, you know, to give me a confidence boost."

"Nic, no. I could stare at you all day. In fact, I've fantasized about you in one of my T-shirts and nothing else so many times, I feel like I already know what's under this." He smirked, nodding at my dress.

"You are definitely on a roll with embarrassing me tonight." I covered my face with my hands.

He grabbed both of my hands, pulling them from my face and kissed my knuckles. "Let's go back in. What do you say we spend a little more time with our friends, and then, I drive you that few miles home?"

"I'd love that, but I already planned on my dad and brothers driving me. They are going back home tomorrow."

"Damn. Wouldn't you know, the night I finally get my girl, I can't even spend it with her."

"I don't have any plans for tomorrow." I grinned up at him.

"What time are you getting up? Are you running?"

"I don't know," I answered, beaming. His enthusiasm made me happy.

"Will you call me when you get up?"


"All right, we'll go back in, but first, I'm getting another kiss." He pulled me tight against his large frame and wrapped his arms around me.

I had never touched him like this, so unrestricted. I loved it. I felt weightless as I melted into him. He was holding me up as if I was light as a feather, and his body heat was scorching even though it was winter. Emotions swirled through my body, making me feel like I was a young teenage girl. It reminded me of the feeling I'd had once when my dad took me and my brothers to Six Flags and Jeremy talked me into riding the biggest rollercoaster there. Only more of a rush.

"Better make it good. We won't see each other for another twelve hours or so."

"Go ahead and add another cold shower to that number I gave you earlier." He kissed my neck.

Goosebumps covered my whole body. I shivered in his arms, and even though I couldn't see his face, I felt him smile against my skin. "You never gave me a number," I joked.

"Multiply ten times by however many days there are in two years," he whispered across my mouth. Tasting my bottom lip, he dove in, claiming my mouth with delicious force.

I couldn't believe we were doing this. I was finally with Corey the way I'd always wanted. His kisses were earth-shattering. I had no idea what I'd been missing. And with the way I felt in that moment, I was so looking forward to finding out.


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