You Hold My Heart [Re-done]

By LockedLips

24.1K 313 35

Kira makes the long travel from Russia to Pittsburgh for a new job, and moves in with long time friend Evgeni... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

You Hold My Heart [Re-done]

4.1K 33 3
By LockedLips

Author's note: The speaking in this takes place in both Russian and English. Anything said in Russian, I will put in bold. Anyway, feedback would be SWEET.

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"Have you heard from Kira? She should be there any minute." Natalia Malkin said through the phone.
"Mama, she's twenty-two. I'm sure she can take care of herself getting from the airport to my house. Besides, planes are late all the time. Just relax." Evgeni tried to calm his mother.
"I know. I'm just, very happy. Kira is a good girl," Natalia enthused.
"Jesus, Mama, I have to go. You're right, she'll be here any minute." Geno said his good bye and sighed after hanging up the phone. He sat down on his living room couch, closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. He jumped when the buzzer rang by the door. He got up, and held down the button.
"Hello?" His voice crackled.
"It's Kira!" My response was enthusiastic, if the sound was blurred. Evgeni held down the button that opened the gate, counted to ten andreleased. He opened the front door, standing on the porch to wait. I walked down his long driveway, and when I saw him broke into a light jog. I had a bag on wheels bouncing behind me but payed little attention. When I reached him, I let go of my bag and he put his arms around me, spun me once and released.
"Evgeni, you look great! You're so huge!" I gushed. It had been nine years since I last saw him.
"You don't look so bad." His English was embarrassing. I laughed and he led me inside. After showing me my room and giving me a tour of the house, we ended in the living room. I stood, smiling at him. He made me feel light, kind of weak in the knees.
"Mama tells me you found a job translating books." Geno said, sitting down. I nodded.
"Your mama tells me you're on the Pittsburgh Penguins." I grinned, poking him in the ribs. We both laughed, but mine turned into a yawn.
"Are you tired? Go to bed! Don't exhaust yourself for me," Evgeni said, concern displayed across his forehead. I gave him my goodnight, thanked him for welcoming me into his home and went upstairs to my room. I wondered how much of his American life Mama Malkin hadn't shared with me. Did he date? Did he party? What did he expect from me? Would he even like me anymore? I felt terrified to dissappoint him. I felt terrified even more for him not to like me. I felt an instant attraction to him. I lay on my back in the bed, listening to the sounds of him downstairs. The TV was on, I didn't recognize the program.
What would tomorrow bring? And Monday at my new job? I fell eventually into a restless sleep. I was full of anxiety and nerves.

In the morning, Geno wasn't around. There was a note on the counter explaining he had practise. I spent the day picking an outfit for the next day, ironing it and then cooking. When Evgeni came home with Marc-Andre Fluery, I was surprised. My hair was in a messy bun, my shirt a little too short and my pants wrinkled.
"Oh my God, I wasn't expecting you back yet!" My hands went to my face.
"Is that pirozkhi?" Geno picked up one of the pastry-like triangles. I nodded.
"Ew," Marc smelt one.
"Sorry... Dill is my favourite." I shrugged.
"You can speak English?" Marc's mouth fell open and I nodded. "Why is Geno such a bumble-mouth then? If you can do it, why can't he!?" I laughed.
"Evgeni has a bigger talent; hockey. Languages are my talent, I guess." I winked at Malkin and he lightly punched Fluery.
"You know more than just English and Russian?"
"Yes, Spanish as well."
"Shit, Geno, she makes you look like a fool." The guys wrestled each other for a minute and I left the kitchen. I went upstairs to write my best friend, Anya, at home. After I sent the e-mail, I couldn't hear any sounds from downstairs. Eventually, I dozed off. I woke up after only forty minutes, confused. I stumbled down the stairs and found the guys playing NHL 10.
"You just can't get enough hockey," I pointed out. Evgeni shrugged but Marc-Andre spoke up, saying, "It's the only time I get to score any goals." I laughed. I felt bad for him briefly, he misses out on the best part of hockey. Then I remembered how much money he made, how many people knew his name and the fact that he got to be in the NHL. I sat down on the couch, watching them play until I dozed back to sleep. I woke up halfway, being carried up the stairs. I pretended to still be asleep, feeling Evgeni's strong chest against me, his arms supporting me. He placed me gentley in the bed, pulling the blankets over me and shutting the door softly. I heard his steps down the hall to his room, and fell back into a deep sleep.

When I awoke the next morning, I felt excitement pulsing through my body. I flung the blankets back, made my bed quickly and showered. I went into the kitchen in my housecoat, made a large portion of oatmeal with dried cranberries and almonds in it. I ate, and my hair was halfway dry by the time I finished. Evgeni came into the kitchen as I was rinsing my bowl. His hair was tousled and he still looked half asleep.
"There is some oatmeal, if you like," I said, smiling. I felt like cuddling the sleepy giant.
"What?" He said. His English was nowhere near mine, especially not first thing in the morning. I repeated about the oatmeal in Russian before leaving the kitchen to get dressed. Once I was completely ready, I still had forty minutes before I was expected at work. I sat across from Evgeni at the table, a cup of coffee in hand. He was finally beginning to look awake.
"Mama called last night. She said you were suppose to call her when you got in."
"Oh, crap. I forgot. I will call her after work today."
"Are you nervous?"
I shook my head, and then realized it was a lie. "Yes. What if my English isn't good enough? What if my boss is a pervert? What if everything goes wrong?"
"What if everything goes right?"
Evgeni laughed at me and I grinned too. I knew I was being crazy.

At work, a jewish girl named Rochel was waiting for me. She gave me a tour, introducing different people and giving me the occassional gossip.
"Leah, over there, well rumour is, she has had three abortions. Quite the friendly drunk if you know what I mean." Rochel was not even remotely subtle, but I got the impression everyone was used to it. When she left me at my cubicle she crossed her arms.
"So, what's your dirt? I need something to report to the rest of the office, y'know. Something juicy," She clasped her hands together. It was like gossip was food to her. I shrugged.
"I'm staying with Evgeni Malkin... from the Penguins?" I rose my eyebrows and a sly grin spread across Rochel's face. She left my cubicle almost immediately. I could practically hear her spreading the word already. I sighed, leaning back in my chair. It was comfy. There was my first book, on a disc, waiting for me when I was ready. Rochel had said I wasn't expected to finish for the first week, but after that it would be assumed, one book in three days. I was glad to be a fast reader.

I watched the Penguins' home game that night, in a seat right behind the penalty box. Though Geno had a second ticket for me, I went by myself. I didn't mind, though I felt the distance between Anya and I in my soul. I hoped to make a good friend soon. Even more so, I hoped to become closer with Evgeni. In elementary school we had been very close. When high school came and we went different ways we tried to stay in touch. Around the same time he came to America, my parents died in a car accident. My mother and Natalia had been best friends. I became very close to Natalia. It had been four years now. I missed her almost as much as I missed my own Mama. I missed Anya like I would a sister. I missed home. I felt however, increasingly optimistic.


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