Twenties [Bts]

By queenarmy

1.1K 89 249

A story about seven individuals, in their twenties, crossing paths and living life to the fullest. "Life go... More

2: Meet Min Yoongi
3: Meet Jeon Jeongguk
4: Meet Kim Taehyung
5: Meet Kim Namjoon
6: Meet Kim Seokjin
7: Meet Jung Hoseok
8: Come Over
9: It's complicated

1: Meet Park Jimin

275 17 30
By queenarmy


Park Jimin, a twenty year old college student who is nearing his "I'm going to drop out" break down session, is working part time at a coffee shop, a cosmetic shop, and a children's clothing store. Yup that's the life of a student.

"Hi what can I get for you today?" A blonde haired guy walked up towards the counter to place in his order and Jimin couldn't help but notice his beauty.

The blonde boy smiled at how cheery Jimin was so early in the morning. Despite his work load ,Jimin doesn't really show his frustration.

"What's the best on the menu?" He spoke with a raspy tone that sounded like a voice coming from the deepest depths of his diaphragm. His voice made Jimin shiver, god damn imagine what that would sound like in bed Jimin thought.

Yes you guessed it people, with a heavy work load on top of student life, there's no time for pleasure. Our friend Jimin here definitely has some sexual frustration, so the slightest thing can turn him on. Even when he hears his roommate (which is a girl) doing the deed with her boyfriend.

"Personaly, I like the chillate with extra ice and no whip cream." Jimin grins ear to ear but that grin slowly fades into an awkward smile when he hears the boy's response.

"Ahhh I think I'll have an Americano." The boy smiles while reading the menu above.

Of course, the cute boy is straight all the cute ones are thought Jimin heaving a sigh. What is it with guys trying to be "men" by drinking Americano's, it's disgusting and they're missing out on the good stuff.

Jimin finishes preparing the boy's americano and hands it to him while typing away at the touch screen.

"And hey, maybe I'll get one of those chillate thingies you were talking about."

Jimin chuckles. Maybe the boy is interested in him? Maybe he's getting two drinks because he took Jimin's suggestion into consideration? I mean, why else would somebody buy two drinks when alone thought Jimin.

"Here you go, Enjoy!" Jimin hands the boy his drinks making sure to add some skin ship. Jimin learns from the best flirt, his best and long time friend Kim Taehyung. Taehyung couldn't be bothered and already chose to drop out of college, which is why he is now a full time 'fuck boy' with a kind heart.

The boy took a sip of the Chillate and shivered as if a ghost just passed him,

"This is so good oh my god!" He cried getting the attention of more than a few customers.

"See told ya!" Jimin flashed the boy his oh so famous smile in which his eye lids turn into crescents that curtain his eyeballs.

"Thanks," the boy squints at the top right hand side of Jimin's Uniform reading his name tag "Park Jimin. I'll be coming here more often because of this drink."

"Just call me Jimin please, and no problem really, that's literally my job." Says Jimin as he covered his mouth to stifle his giggles.

The boy smiled and turned around to make his way out before Jimin realized he didn't get his name,

"Wait! I didn't catch your name."

"It's Min Yoongi, but Yoongi is okay." He winked and walked out of the coffee shop.

Did he just wink at me? Thought Jimin. He felt giddy, it's been a while since he paid any attention to guys and lately he's been craving a relationship.

Just like everything else in his life, his happiness crumbles like a cookie before even getting a taste. When Yoongi got into his black range rover, kissed a beautiful girl, then handed her the Chillate. Jimin realized that this Yoongi guy is straight and rich, or in other words, waaaay out of his league.

"What even is life?" Jimin sighed and got back to work.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"No seriously Tae, like I'm not ugly, how come you get laid on the regular but I stay single." Jimin grabbed a slice of pizza from the box and threw himself back on Taehyung's futon couch.

"And broke, and busy, and boring" Taehyung spoke with a moth full of pizza. He's a good friend but he really can't be serious when you need him to be.

"YAH KIM TAEHYUNG!" Jimin shouts as he tossed his half eaten pizza back into the box, losing his appetite from his friends words. It's not that he's self concious it's just that reality checks bug him.

"Okay maybe not boring I take that back." Taehyung rolls on the floor laughing, literally.

"Taaaeeeee" Jimin whines, This always happens when he needs advice or someone to talk to. He only has taehyung in his life right now it's not like he can just go talk to just anybody.

"Okay okay fine," Taehyung wipes his mouth and rubs his hands against his navy blue denim jeans "the difference between you and I is that you, want a relationship in order to remind you that life is happy. I want a fuck buddy to make me happy in life." Taehyung feels satisfied with his semi thoughtful slash deep theory and does the nae nae sitting down.

"So what you're saying is I just need to fuck people that I don't even care about?" Raising one eyebrow Jimin questions tae's philosophy.

"Hey now if you want to fuck someone you care about I'm always here for you Hyung." No matter how serious taehyung makes his facial expression out to be, he is still able to spew total foolishness in the form of words.

"You know what never mind." Giving up, Jimin threw his hands in the air and leaned back on the couch.

"Okay since you're so picky I say if he comes back serenade him. Make him want to come back all the time"

"Taehyung he's straight and he has a girlfriend"

"Yeah but you, Park Jimin, have the special ability to turn any man gay with your good looks. Remember Mr. Leon?"

Mr. Leon was Jimin and Taehyung's grade twelve math student teacher. He was straight until he laid eyes on Jimin and started having feeling for him. Everyday the period ended with Mr. Leon wacking off to thoughts of his member between Jimin's plump behind. No it wasn't perverted because it's not like he was fifty, he was twenty while the boy's were eighteen.

"Oh god," Jimin gagged "okay true though I shall try that. Anyway how are things going with you, like are you ever gonna settle down?"

"Dude I'm not thirty, let me live."

"Yeah but you haven't had a crush on anybody since we were fourteen."

"You mean since you?"

Jimin had no response to the question and just let it be, switching the conversation to his favorite show at the moment. Reason is that Taehyung used to have a crush on Jimin, although they were basically in each other's lives since birth. All that came to a hault when Jimin rejected him, sometimes Jimin actually blames himself for Taehyung's tendency to sleep around on the regular. He sometimes thinks that maybe if he didn't reject him he would have loved the feeling if love.


If you like this story...

I seriously need to stop with publishing one story after another. My goal when I made a wattpad was to stick with one story till the end, but then I get a flood of all these ideas in my head that I need to get set free. I have like fifty books in my drafts but if I get really excited about one I have to post. I'm really excited for this book. I usually hate my covers but I worked my ass off making this one so I hope you all love it just as much as I do. Same as my other book 'The Mistress' I won't be updating this book till I get feedback. I'll write but I won't publish because I don't play with ghost readers.

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