♨ rivals, nalu

By peachmochiii

132K 4.5K 4K

**currently editing "She was smart and beautiful. Everyone loves her and she was at the top. Well... until he... More

❀第1章 ❀
❀第2章 ❀
❀第3章 ❀
❀ 第4章 ❀
❀ 第05章 ❀
❀ 第06章 ❀
❀ 第07章 ❀
❀ 第08章 ❀
Chapter 9 What's Going On?!
Chapter 10 Natsu Is Hanging Out With Lisanna?!
Chapter 11 Nali?! What's Nali?!
Chapter 12 No Way!!!!
Chapter 13 The Things That I Never Expected
Chapter 14 This Class Is...Weird
Chapter 15 Like I Care
Chapter 16 My First Date With Mr.FireBreath
Chapter 17 What Was That About?
Chapter 18 You Two Are Dating?!
Chapter 19 The Truth Is Now Told, Well Most Of It
Chapter 20 Liars Are Just Liars
Chapter 21 The Past
Chapter 22 Visiting The Cemetery
Chapter 23 Never Trust Anyone Ever Again
Chapter 24 Locked In
Chapter 25 The Person Behind It All
Chapter 27 The Secret's Behind The Door (Pt.1)
Chapter 28 The Secret's Behind The Door (pt.2)
Chapter 29 Your A Good For Nothing Brother!
Chapter 30 Friends?
Chapter 31 Dinner With The Dragneels & The New Student?!
Chapter 32 Romantic Feelings Or NOT?!
Chapter 33 Catching Juliet
Chapter 34 Do You Like Me?
Chapter 35 A New Love Starts To Blossom
Author's Note~!
The Big Announcement~! Yay~!

Chapter 26 JUST-KIDDING-!!

2.8K 112 93
By peachmochiii

Lucy's P.O.V

. . . 

" Whats's your problem? " 

" Well, I'll tell ya one thing. " 

" Okay. What then? " 

" Its...YOUR FACE... " 

" JUST-KIDDING-! " I said, as I stuck my tongue out. I giggled.

He seemed really mad. " Hey! What's up with that?! Is there a really a problem with my face?! " He yelled. 

" *Sigh* Just forget it. " Then he walked over to me. Sir.Gildarts made me sit in the back next to Natsu. 

Why do I have to be in detention? What did I even do? I should have been at home, in my room practicing that piano for the up coming competition. But...I guess not, huh? Then Sir.Giladrts started talking about how beautiful " constellations " were and other boring stuff. And I wasn't paying attention. I already learned about all of this when I was gr.6. Why do I have to learn them again? I looked at Natsu. He was making paper air planes with some lined paper. He smiled as he finished folding that last thing on the paper. Then he through it in the air and then it went out the window. " Eh...? Oh well. I'll make another one. " He said, as he grabbed another sheet of lined paper. 

Is he even paying attention to what's going on? Probably not, since his stupid. Then all over a sudden there was a lined sheet of paper, folded into a square, on my desk. I took it and I looked at Natsu. He was looking at me, then, he saw me looking at him. So then, he looked away, he folded his arms and he started whistling. I sighed as I un-folded the piece of paper. On it, it says (It was written in Natsu's hand writing), " Are you mad at me? " This guy! Of course I'm mad at you. 

I wrote back, " What do you think? " Then I folded it, and I handed it back to him. 

I was waiting for him to give it back to me. So I just stared at the window. Then I felt someone tap my shoulder (right side). I turned to the right and Natsu was handing me the note. I opened it up and he wrote, " ...No... " 

" WRONG!!! " I wrote, then I gave him the note back. I stared back at the window.

Natsu taped me again and I took the note. " So you are mad at me...? " 

" What do you think? " I wrote back. I gave him back the note. 

Again, I took the note and he wrote back, " Stop asking me questions! So are you mad at me or not! " 

" I'm not all that mad! It's not like I'm gonna go SUPER-SAIYAN on you! BAKA (Stupid)! " I wrote back. 

He wrote back saying, " So you are mad...? "


" Whoa! Back off, GOKU! " 

" I'm not Goku! Excuse me! I'm Lucy Heartfilia! Not some guy who has some weird super powers and then flies on this stupid cloud thingy! And then also has this friend, who is a PIG and he can turns into things! Excuse me, that is not me! I'm not Goku! You hear me?! " I wrote back. 

" Yeah, yeah! You don't have to tell me twice, Goku. And by the way, the ' cloud thingy & the pig ' has a name, you know?! " 

" Oh, what?! Mr.Cloudy and Mr.Pig?! " I wrote back. 

" No! Are you stupid! Try watching Dragon Ball episode one, again! Or better yet, watch the first season again! Get your facts straight! " 

" Excuse me! At least I don't have a stupid brain like yours! " 

" What did you say to me?! At least I don't have an UGLY Face like you! " 

That's it! I stood up and I ripped the paper into pieces. " Miss.Lucy, is something that matter? " Sir.Gildarts asked me. 

" Nope. Nothing-at-all. " I replied, sitting back down. Then I looked at Natsu and gave him a death glare. 

~Sometime Later~

Finally, Sir.Gildarts dismissed us and we all went home. Except for me. I went back to the cemetery to take another look at Mom's grave. I looked at the grave stone. 

~Flashback - 6 Years Ago...~ 

(She went to the cemetery by herself and she didn't tell anyone) I was standing at mom's grave. Is she really dead? Is she really gone? Is she really safe in heaven? I started crying. I fell to my knee's as I stared at my mom's grave. Why did she have to leave me? Now, I'm gonna to be all alone. I just kept on crying. Then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked up and there was this boy. I couldn't see his face to well. Mostly because, there was tears in my eyes, but...because his bangs were covering his eyes and it created a shadow. He also had pink spiky hair. " It's okay. My mom died too...and she died on the same day as your mother... " He said. 

" *Sniff, Sniff* She did? " I asked, as he kneeled next to me. 

" Yep. It's okay. Things will get better. I promise. " Then he hugged me. I started crying even more than before. I hugged him back. 

" What's your name? " He asked. 

" *Sob* Lucy Heartfilia. *Sniff* " I replied. 

" I see. Hi Lucy! My name is- " 

~End of Flashback~

He seemed nice. Although, I don't remember how he looks like. But I remember he had a kind voice. I wonder what's his name. And I wonder...

Will I ever be able to meet him again? 

- To Be Continued!

Author's Note

Hey minna! Sophie here! Again, this is only my free time. I just finished my other projects and I'm finally finished all three. Two, I already presented and I just have to present one more thing. I might not update any of my books, tomorrow, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Why? Because I have to study for an up-coming test and also, I want to catch up with some of my anime(s) and I want to watch some more of K-Drama, J-Drama, and F-Drama (Filipino drama). If you would like to recommend me any, comment to tell me or pm (Private Message) me. Either way, I'm okay with it! =)

Here are the people that I wanna thank! XD












Thanks guys! Your the best! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Sorry if I did somethings wrong, because I have forgotten some of the character's from Dragon Ball, since, I haven't watched it in so long. I first watched Dragon Ball, when I was like...8 or 9. Well, that's all for today! See ya all in the next chapter! Ja Ne! >.<

- Sophie (A.K.A Sophie_Otaku123)

P.S. #Rowen!<3

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