The Day We Left Earth

By MES12345

342 29 14

If we stayed there any longer, we would have died. Earth was no longer our home, but instead a barren waste l... More

Blue Skies, Green Grass, Not a Care in the World
You Never Know How Good Water Tastes Until You Need It
Government Raids That Couldn't Be Stopped
Today's News
Leaving Earth
Strange The Things You'll Find in Two Worlds
Barren Walls For The Bad People
Friends to Dating to Engaged to Strangers
The Plan: In Action
My Life
My Life According to the Government

Weddings Aren't Always Beautiful

20 3 0
By MES12345

A few months later, Lendich proposed. I was so happy; I had never felt like that since I was a little girl. That's saying a lot. When I was a little girl, I didn't know about all the dangers. Now I do. Ever since I found out about all the dangers, ever since Sandrayik, I hadn't been happy. Now I finally was.

I didn't completely forget about him, and I hadn't really moved on, but this was something to think about. Something so I could forget.

Weddings these days are very boring, you take a test, place the rings on, kiss, and that's it. Weddings in the twenty first century were beautiful; they had music, flowers, vows, stuff that actually means something. That's what I wanted, so Lendich said that's what he wanted, too.

At first, with the proposal, I was kind of worried. What if Lendich was just a soldier in disguise? Since we got engaged, I checked every morning when I saw him in the breakfast hall. He had no military chip! Nothing! After that, I was completely reassured that this was true, real, meaningful love. We started planning the wedding right away.

Every morning, after getting ready, Lendich and I would meet up in the breakfast hall. After eating, we would go explore. I still don't know how we weren't caught yet. Maybe we were, maybe they were just waiting for the right time. Though, that didn't really matter. I could be with Lendich, the man I love, and know that I wouldn't have to worry.

Quentiya helped me with the wedding when Lendich and Asphero were working, we still hadn't found jobs yet. I applied to a bunch of different jobs, but when the word 'UNAUTHORIZED' showed up on the screen with blinking red lights and sirens, I thought that maybe it wasn't good for me to get a job. While Quentiya was helping me, I'm sure that Asphero was being the over-protective brother that he really is. Even though the four of us had all known each other for what felt like forever, Asphero still felt the need to be looking over me whenever I was awake. I confronted him about it late one night.

"Asphero", I turned to look at my brother, lying in the bed across from me. "Why are you so protective? We've known Lendich and Quentiya for how long?"

Asphero sighed, still looking at the ceiling. "It's just what happened before..."

"Won't happen again." I promised.

"Well.. yeah, but..."

"But what?"

"Nothing. Good night."

I never asked him about it again. I did not really have to. It was a sensitive topic to him. That girl that dated him before, that worked for the government, was going to get a ring soon. It broke Asphero when he found out. He still has the ring. I just did not really see why that should affect me. Things were different then. I knew Lendich was not part of the government. He couldn't be. Nothing behind his ear.

I confronted Lendich later, about all my fears and doubts, but he assured me that he was not with the government. I believed him. Asphero believed him; somewhat. It was still hard for us to trust people fully. We had been lied to so much we did not know what to believe anymore.

In the weeks preparing for the wedding, Quentiya helped me look for a dress. We would spend a countless amount of hours in the park, sitting and looking on our devices. We found some modern ones, but I wanted an old one. Preferably from the 21st century.

We got some old magazines from my bag that I had taken from the archive back on Earth. Who knew they would be so helpful in the future?

We found a dress from the magazine called: 'Perfect Wedding' It was a white dress! That's mainly the only colour of dresses that they had! It was crazy! In our culture, you never wear white. Ever. Here in Earth Resides we get to wear whatever we want, mainly grey and black, but white? That was reserved for a ceremony we haven't had in over 700 years. Now, since we would never be having the ceremony again, you could wear it, but people were just so used to not wearing it that no one ever did.

I told Lendich this and he was very pleased. "A unique colour and dress for a unique person I am marrying. That is why I love you, so showcase it."

So Quentiya and I got white fabric, which was very hard to find, and made the dress ourselves. We're no tailors, because we have machines for that, but I think we did a pretty good job. The stitches aren't perfect, and it is very different than what anyone else wears, but I liked it. So that was that.

I also wanted to get cake for our ceremony, but no one really eats cake, so we have to settle for ceremonial creamy cracks. They're brown thin, circular crackers with cream in it. We got them from the store and got ready for the ceremony. Lendich and I would be the first people getting married in Earth Resides, after everyone has been here for 2 years. It was going to be exciting, and everything was set in stone.

At the day of our wedding, Lendich and I got dressed in separate rooms, with Quentiya and Asphero ready to seal our promises. Our ceremony would be held in the park, and everyone was invited. We didn't formally send out invitations, but everyone seemed to know about it. It was all that anyone was ever talking about.

Lendich got ready in the park, and I walked down the hall, with Quentiya and Asphero behind me. People were lining the halls, gasping when they saw me. I heard them talking about my dress, not all good things, but I didn't mind one bit. Today was going to be perfect. And after Lendich and I were married, we would get our own room in Earth resides, and we would be able to start a family and have new opportunities aboard this new home. We would get different levels of security and access, so we wouldn't have to hide from guards as much. We would be able to see everything and do everything that we want and it will all be so... peaceful.

I walked through the doors into the park where I saw Lendich gasp at me. I laughed and gasped at him, too; he looked so good in a suit, another thing you never see people in. We both must have looked so odd, but we didn't care. Today did not matter on what you were wearing, but who you were with. And we were together.

One of the leaders at Earth resides was standing beside Lendich, waiting to seal the promises, sign the documents, and give us our own room and new badges with new security clearance. Everything was going so perfectly.

I stood in front of Lendich and looked into his piercing eyes. He was so beautiful. We signed the documents and Quentiya and Asphero spoke on our behalf, and it was almost complete. I couldn't stop myself from smiling until our celebration ended early. A dozen soldiers split up and took both me and Lendich in opposite directions, while everyone else had confused looks on their faces. Quentiya had to hold Apshero back from running to me because she knew that that would only get him in trouble, too, and that there was nothing that we could do.

Right before I was dragged out of the park, I yelled Lendich's name, and he yelled out mine.

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