
By BrendaRothert

1.7M 65.5K 6.7K

This full-length hockey romance is free exclusively on Wattpad! And by full-length, I mean...well, you'll see... More

The Ice Queen cometh
Who's Sidney Stahl?
"You don't strike me as the begging sort."
I believe
Shaking it Off
So he went to Penn State
Lance and Celia
"I'm Gucci and you like hoochie."
U jealous, boss?
What you do to me
Worst. Assistant. Ever.
Magic hands
"Yeah you just killed me."
Don't Walk Away
All of You
Looking and Touching
High Stakes
"Get on your knees."
"You take orders well Sid."
Feeling the pressure
Let's dance
The party
"Miss you every minute."
"That's my girl."

Losing Control

58.7K 2K 131
By BrendaRothert


I'd been awake for a while thinking and Sidney was just starting to stir in my arms. I still didn't have all the answers, but I knew this place felt more like home to me than my apartment, and it wasn't because of the furnishings. It was because of Sidney, she owned my heart.

"Hey," she said in a sleepy tone. "Good morning."

"Morning," I said, kissing her forehead. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did. For the first time in a while."

Her words tugged at my heart. "Same here. I've been a wreck." I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer. I'd missed waking up to the warm softness of her lying against me.

"What the hell was with you asking last night if I'd been with anyone else?" I murmured in her ear.

She turned to look at me, holding the sheet over her chest. "You didn't call or text for three days. I figured you were over it."

I hummed my amusement with that idea. "Over you? How could you even think that?"

Her chest rose and fell in a sigh. "I didn't know what to think. I thought maybe the fight pushed you over the edge. And you're a man and I know how road trips are. I wondered if you'd screw a compliant woman since I tend to drive you crazy."

I pushed myself up on an elbow so I could look down into her eyes. "My dick is oblivious to all women but you, Sid. I haven't been hard for another woman since the day I met you. Even when you drive me crazy, you're the only one I want."

The corners of her lips curved up in a smile. "You should write Hallmark cards, Bosch."

I slid a hand beneath the bed sheet and pinched her ass, making her jump and shriek at the same time. She tried to get out of bed but I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against me.

"Get on your back, woman," I said, climbing on top of her. Her protests were lost in her laughter, which warmed me all over.

I crouched over her, pinning her hips to the bed. She stopped wiggling and looked up at me, her long hair spread out on the pillow and her cheeks rosy from laughing.

"I'm not the sweetest guy, Sid. It's hard for me to say things sometimes. But I hope ..." I took a breath, searching for words. "I hope I show you how I feel. I try to."

Her eyes sparkled like two emeralds. "Me too," she said softly. "I'm so bad at apologizing and telling people they're important to me. But I hope you know."

I lowered my body closer to hers and our heat mingled. "I felt it last night. And I feel it right now. You're the only woman in my life, Sid. And even though I don't need a lot of words, I need to know I'm the only man in yours."

"You are." She reached up and stroked my scruffy cheek. "You're the only one, Killian."

"I'm a person who broods and thinks about things. I wasn't ignoring you. I thought you wanted space, too. Not space from each other, just space to cool down. If you ever need me, just tell me."

Her expression twisted into something I couldn't place, but it almost looked sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing's wrong. I just feel myself losing control and it's so hard."

"Losing control of what?"

There was a pause before she spoke softly. "My heart."

With any other woman I'd been with, I'd have leapt from the bed and been in my car within five seconds. But Sidney's words made me feel so damn good that my eyes burned.

"Me too," I said, brushing back a lock of hair from her forehead. "I don't want to fuck this up."

She wrapped her arms around my back and I rested my forehead on hers.

"I've always kicked men out of my bed before they even fell asleep, but you ..." She moved her hands down until they were gripping my ass. "I want you to stay here for days. I hate that we only get stolen moments and nights here and there. I cry for you and dream about you. You've turned me into such a woman, Killian."

I closed my eyes and breathed in her soft, exotic scent. "I've turned you into my woman. And that's a very good thing. I'll take whatever you'll give. If you want to keep things a secret, it's okay."

"It's not that I want to, I just know the fallout would be bad. I'm sure the other owners in the league would have some choice words for me. And you'd be labeled as the guy who slept with his owner to get to the top."

"Baby, I was already on top."

She sighed deeply. "What did you decide about Indy?"

"I don't know yet."

"I kind of don't want you to go, crazy as that probably sounds."

"I need time to think about it."

She sat up, still covering her chest with the bed sheet. "Last night ... Killian, I felt so swept off my feet. Where did you learn to dance like that?"

"My mom was a dance teacher. I started dancing about the time I started walking."

She smiled, her eyes glistening. "That makes me really happy. Thinking of you dancing with your mom."

"I always loved it. Except tap. That wasn't my favorite."

"You know how to tap dance?" she asked, her voice rising with amusement.

"That'll be our little secret."

"I've felt like an uncoordinated fool every other time I've ever tried to dance in my life. You made me feel like I was floating."

"It's been a long time since I've had a dance partner," I said, reaching under the sheet to take her hand in mine. "Hey, that song that was on when I got here last night... that was nice."

"Love is Here to Stay by Ella Fitzgerald. It's one of my favorites."

"I'll dance with you for as many hours as it takes to make up for being such an asshole," I said.

"Oh, really?" She turned to me with a mischievous smile.

"Are you thinking about the horizontal cha-cha? Because yes, that's one dance I'd love to do with you for hours."

"I think that could be arranged. I'm thinking of my parents' anniversary party next weekend. It's in San Francisco and it's a rare weekend with no games. Will you come with me? We can do dancing of the horizontal and vertical varieties."

"Is this because I said you don't think I'm good enough for you?"

She shook her head. "This is because I want you to come to my parents' anniversary party with me."

"That'll let the cat out of the bag about us in a big way."

"I'm ready if you are," she said. "I expect some fireworks, but nothing we can't handle. I'm proud to be with you and ferociously jealous when other women hit on you. It's time to stake my claim."

"I can handle that. And you don't mind if I punch any guy who looks at your ass, right?"

"I'd expect no less, Mr. Bosch."


Keri was talking about the campaign she'd put together to increase season ticket sales, and I was listening with half an ear. I couldn't stop thinking about last night. The leather jacket, the dancing, the sex.

"Earth to Sidney," Keri said, waving a hand at me from in front of my desk.

"Hmm? Oh, I love that idea," I said.

"I'm pretty sure my corporate sponsorship program is not responsible for the grin on your face."

"It could be."

"Is a certain team captain responsible for your chipper mood this morning?"

I nodded. "We had a bit of a fight before they left on the last trip, and we made up last night."

"Can't say this is news to me. You seemed really down just before you left for New York and I can't say you looked any better when you got back yesterday. I didn't want to pry, but I'm glad you're feeling better."

"I think everyone who doesn't know about us will know soon."

Keri gave me an apologetic look. "It won't surprise anyone around here. There's been some talk."

"Really?" My cheeks warmed at the thought of people talking about me and Killian sneaking around.

"The guy who went out every night never goes out anymore. They know he has a girlfriend. And he comes up here all the time to see you. I think people just made the connection. And then ... Nicole may have said some things to a couple guys on the team."

I wondered if that had happened right after her firing. Nicole's mother Jane had called me the day after I'd done it, apologizing profusely and assuring me she'd let Nicole know gossiping about me was a very bad idea.

"How bad is the talk?" I asked. "Do they think he's using me?"

She shook her head adamantly. "He's already the team captain, and everyone knows he could've moved up a long time ago, but he stays here by choice. Really, I don't think anyone cares."

A knock sounded on my office door and Barb opened it and stuck her head in.

"Your father on line one," she said. "He refuses to leave a message. Says he already left two voicemails on your cell."

"Both in the last two hours," I muttered. "He's so impatient."

"We're done here anyway," Keri said, standing. "Want to get lunch later?"

"Sure, sounds good. We can do some catching up. I'll come and find you at noon."

Keri and Barb left and as they closed the door I picked up the phone, "Hi, Dad."

"Sidney, how are you, sweetheart? Other than too busy for your own father, I mean."

"I've been in meetings all morning, Dad. I would've called back sooner, but I just didn't have a chance." I hoped this white lie would get me through the next few minutes of this call. "Anyway, what's up?"

"I'm just calling to make sure you'll be at the party this weekend. I hope you haven't forgotten."

"Don't worry. I'll be there. The flights are booked."

"Flights? Is Lance joining you?" The note of optimism in his voice was hard to miss.

I cringed at the sound of my ex-boyfriend's name. "No, Dad, you might have forgotten but Lance and I broke up for good about nine months ago."

"I was just hoping that you two might have gotten back together. If Lance is not coming then who are you bringing?"

"I've been seeing someone recently, and I'm bringing him."

"Details, darling," my father said in a gleeful tone. "Is it serious? Are you thinking of selling your companies so you can focus on your personal life?" Gee, it didn't long for him to change gears. Maybe he didn't care about Lance after all.

I looked out my office window and finally said, "I don't have to choose between the two. This is the twenty-first century, Dad."

"Er, well ... I suppose at this point you don't have to do anything. So, what's his name?"

"You'll meet him on Saturday."

I knew my dad. If I told him Killian's name he'd be googling him the second we hung up. And I remembered all too well the first headline that popped up when I'd googled him after buying the team: Bad-boy Bosch arrested again.

I didn't want my parents to have any pre-conceived notions about Killian. I wanted them to meet him first before judging him. Not that there wouldn't be judgment. That was something those two specialized in.

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