Seeker and Spirit

By RainTheVixen

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This is one of the first stories I'm getting serious with. I enjoy getting criticism so rant away at the stor... More

The Snow Fox in Distress
A Demon's Hidden Memory of Solitude
The Bond of the Stargazers
The Blood of the Raining Sky
2, 9, 10, 1, 64, 0. The Deciphering of Rain's Date
Aching, Suffering, and a New Side to Tears
The Manor of Disguise
A Small Note
The Calm After a Storm
Seeker and Spirit set back

The Rescue of a Coward

163 3 8
By RainTheVixen

The blanket of black that covered my body rustled in the wind as I ran. The night sky still lingering with the moon high, cloudless and starry. The bright cars that every so often passed me took no notice of my presence.
My red gaze peered at the glossy lights of a city. The city of my only memories. Paw after paw, I found my way through streets and walkways, in search of my home. The image of a two story building falls into my sight as I ran. The ugly red brick that piled to build a structure, low laying grass formed the yard along patches of white trying to hide the layers of green.
My motion yielded to the image. My breath short from the run. Miles, it had to be. Through the hour of pacing I began to form a plan. The plan immediately fell apart to common sense.
As I stopped at the front, I reverted to human, the shadowy cloth still latched onto my body. I place my hand in my pocket for the phone and I turn it on with a small pressure. A jolt of electricity was sent through my body, leaving me paralyzed. The electricity coursed throughout my body. As I stood there, a hand creeps along my face from behind. A soft sensation filled my cheek and a smooth voice of a woman whispered into my right ear, "The boy who plays human, the one from legends. I'd love to play a game. You're player one, she's player two. Expect a third to join soon. Be wary of the alluring whispers in their eyes. Don't let a lovely appearance fool the demon in them.."
The hand was then slowly retracted to the body behind me and the jolts stop. I quickly turn, scanning the vicinity. My heart thumped, it exercised the feeling of pain as I stood there in the doorstep of my home. Upon entering, taking note to the words said, I jump up the fourteen steps to get to my room and entered, Volcanic was already set to transfer.

"Rysen, what took you so long?"

I ignored the question and set the phone onto a cable to the tower. As I waited for the transfer to complete the sound of silence sounded. My eyes shifted across the tattered room, bloodied glass, torn bed, and scratched wall. What exactly happened...
A voice sounded from my phone, "All set, I just need to read your signature. Please move the front camera over your body."

My arm slowly motioned the camera over my body, Volcanic focused in and out. The breeze of a biting wind blew through the window. I lowered the camera to the feet, a small alarming sound echoed off the walls.

"What? That's odd.." The electronic voice.

I heard a beep to signify the ending of the scan, the black coat I wore was blown as I jumped through the already broken window.

"What is?" I asked, landing.

"Your biometric status.. It's different from before. It's not Oshigon, but something similar. It has the ability to shape shift and manipulate bodily movement."

"We'll go over that later, can you track down Rain's location."

"Hmm? What are you talking about?"

I shrug and begin to walk through the formal night, "Remember the room, she was taken from it."

"She may not be alive then, here let me upload a program to your phone."

I paced onward through the neighborhood, past small homes and roaming cars. It was aimless and impatient.

"Ok, please open your phone and search Igon Pro." Volcanic instructed.

I open the phone and type the letters in. A small fox head painted black with a white box behind it appeared as a app. I then tapped the icon, leaving my phone in a black screen.

"Ok, once in please proceed to the status segment." He paused. "Wait, she's not here.. She's dead.."

I froze, "What?!" The black screen disappeared and five options appeared. I immediately go to the status.

Two images, one of me, and one of Rain. Mine had a bar that ran across the screen with half of it filled. Rain's was completely empty, leaving two red marks forming a X over Rain's photo. "What does this bar mean?" My voice filled with determination.

"I-It's a measurement of a energy in spirits. You have one as well since you're partially one too, but it drops way slower then a spirit. Once gone, you're dead. There's nothing more to it. You die right there at the moment it hits zero."

"The energies from Kyroids right?" I continue, still letting the pain of the fox reside in my heart. She's in pain, suffering.

"Yes, It's from Kyroids. Are you wanting to take one on? I mean it's not confirmed that she's died, but you yourself could die fighting." He pushed me away  from the idea.

Under my breath I say to myself, "It wouldn't be the first time." I question the bot, "Where is one located?"

"There are two nearby. Are you really sure? I know its pointless to ask you, I mean you are only a boy in lust after a vixen but, why do you go to this extent?"

"You know, ive been asked that question so many times now. Do I need a reason? She's treated like garbage because she's what? A fox demon... She plays, she cries, she feels." I gripped my chest that ached in pain, "She feels every bit of sorrow, she's so lonely but, power is all anyone can think of.. She was scared to death, you know. She was so scared to die. She hid her physical body that shivered in fear behind me. I hid my mentally pained mind behind her coated warmth. I don't need a reason to go to extents for someone that I trust. She trusts me, I trust her. That's all that is needed." I sniffle, "Just tell me where the Kyroid are."

"Yes.. Rysen." He replies, weak. "By your school, a stage two and one. It seems the stage one is in battle with another Seeker though. By the looks of things, it's a rookie seeker, Matt and a beast spirit, Mirage. I can claim the stage two though."

"Alright, do that." I say before breaking into a run. The speed of my body was extraordinary, One fourths of my sprint as wolf.

And so, I ran...

The school arrives in my sight, the two stories of brick, and the glass, same as I had left it on the eighteenth of December. My legs come to a slow as a ruptured growl echoed from behind the building. As I approached the side of the school I summoned Lancet. The blade of a scythe forms, letting me prep for battle.

"Why are you fighting a Kyroid by yourself?" The weapon asked.

"A little hope. That's all."

"Whatever, be careful. It seems to be a little tough."

I nod in response, then, crouching low I moved forward to the edge of a wall. My head peeks around the building to see a hideous creature, flesh bubbled in blisters, nine eyes all blinking inconsistently, and arms made of claws. The beast was child height and consisted of baby cries, it was torturous to hear the illness provoking substance.

"These are Kyroid, Rysen. Take a nice long look at this irregular. They are rare, they tend to have manifested bodies of flesh. You're bound to see one again, might as well get the disgust over in one go." Lancet says.

My heart paces in pain again, reminding me that Rain is alive, suffering. The longer I wait, the worst off she is. I need to end this quickly or she might really die. Using the fangs I had formed, I sunk into my skin causing blood to seep through.

A horrifying screech of pain fills the air, leaving me petrified in fear. Not the time to be a coward, come on say it, say the word.. "G-Golden..."

The bleeding wound seals and the excess blood rotated to the air. It wavered in weakness as I tried to control it. With oozing cries, the creature fumbled towards me. Raking it's nail like arms, it crawled, seemingly begging for death.

"Rysen, I recommend you end this quickly. While they move slowly at first, they grow increasingly difficult to fight over time." Volcanic announces as the creature's legs grow in height and its body is lifted from the ground.

The mass of flesh and pus began to edge back and forth. It's eyes staring at me. I continue to try and control the blood, shaping it into small needles. The blob continued to throw itself towards me. "Rysen, kill it! The longer this goes on, the more likely it is to beat you!" Lancet barked.

I send the small spikes forward, into the beady eyes of the terrifying beast. As the red points pierce into the black pupils, I run forward loosely swiping the scythe into the head. Without blood, the beast falls to the ground. Three feet I stood from the creature, watching as its body, piece by piece, disappeared into the air. That was much easier then I expected...

"Thank god you didn't give it enough time to gain strength." Volcanic stated, "A few more seconds and we would have been goners."

I pull out my phone and started up Igon Pro. When I pull up the status, instead of a X over Rain, she was blaring red. Did it work?

"Oh thank goodness.. It was just a statistical error." Volcanic sighed. "If she had really been in the X status, she would have been dead. She should be fine for another month, even though it's so low."

I let out a heavy breath. She was safe and sound, from a sudden death at least...

I let go of the scythe and it fades away into the air, leaving me unarmed, "Hey I'm going to go into representative mode." Lancet remarked before appearing as the young girl in a red gown.

She stretches with a yawn and proceeded to act mighty, "Tell me what's going to happen next. Computer, Volcanic, or something where is the girl located? We're going there right? I'd like to have a plan before entering again. Also, Rysen, we'll be training on the way there, you'll need it."

"We won't have that much time to train. It's only two hundred miles from here to the north. From there I'll directly know where she is, Rysen if you would." The AI said.

"Lancet hold onto my phone for a second." I said handing the girl the piece of tech.

I hunch over, prepping for my bones to shift. All I have to do is think about being wolf.. The black fur. The red eyes. The delicate ears. Bushy tail. As I continue my thoughts, my body changes, twisting my bones. I shorten in height, and grow in length. The soft furs blacken my flesh, leaving me warm in the harsh winter.

Snow fall began, the slow descent of the white flakes glistened in the just rising sun. My body teetered back and forth, I'm tired... I'm scared. I don't want to die, yet I also don't want her to either. With a violent wind, I snapped myself back and look back at Lancet who seemed to be overjoyed.

"I get to ride the fluffy wuffy wolf." She smirked.

"A-A-A wolf!" Volcanic's voice yelled in a seeping surprise, "That means.. He's a guardian!"

"You mean the Ginki, right?" Lancet asked.

"Yes. How did you know that?"

"Oh, some guy named Criptech told me."

"What in hell happened while i was in sleep mode!?"

"Lancet will catch you up in a second, but first directions are needed." I said bursting the chatter.

Lancet walked to me and jumped onto my back as if i were a tamed horse. The AI answered, "Just straight for the next three or four hours. You should be able to maintain a simple speed of fifty to sixty miles an hour."

I took a few steps forward, increasing my speed gradually for the passengers sake. At my good notion, I was met with regret...

A tug at my fur threw me into a wild shiver of pain, "Go faster you crazed mutt!" Lancet howled, "Miss Fox is going to die off at this rate! Mush, mush!"

Though the time for jokes were long over, and the moments for soft thought were through, I let out a smile. The harsh words that seemed so loosely said in a time of seriousness. Lancet was so unaware of a need for silence.
While I ran, Lancet and Volcanic talked about what happened. The scythe doesn't mention that I died in combat, leaving me at the decision to butt in. I kept quiet and continued onward.
As the two hour mark approached, I slowed. My breath had become ragged and my muscles were aching, "We need-- to take-- a break..." I huffed out, coming to a stop.

"She really is going to die at this rate." Lancet said into my ears as I laid down on my stomach.

"Rain has a month worth of Kyroid. She won't die." I said back.

"She may be supplied for a month, but what about the people who caught her. We don't know the reason, do we?" She pauses, "It could be that she was captured to be killed, tortured, or even experimented on."

Volcanic jumps in, "I feel that you're underestimating Rain. While she may seem weak, at the age of five she could out match four others in a simple exercise. While I don't have data on her improvements since the age of six, based off the combat Rysen and her performed, she can handle herself."

I chimed in against him, "The only issue is that she's scared. She's actually terrified of this place for some reason."

Volcanic replied, "A animal backed into a corner is bound to flare fangs."

I sway upwards, getting off my belly, "Come on, I'm ready to go."

Lancet, still on my back, tugs at my fur, "Wooh,! The wolf's back in action."

     And so, I ran once more...

"Rysen, slow down. We're coming up on it." Volcanic stated as a visible field of buildings come into sight. "Ok, the moment we enter, we'll be surrounded by guards. With all do respect, Rysen, you're not cut out to face off against one of these guys. Now-"

Lancet jumps on with a plan, "Surprise will be our best bet. What will surprise them you might ask. Rysen will, you know why, right Pup?"

"I wasn't done talking." Volcanic commented.

"I don't really care. You were going to go on about not entering, cowardly actions and such." Lancet snickered.

I let the girl in gown jump off my back as I transform back to a human. The shady cloth still in tact. Lancet grabs my shoulder and whispers, "I'll contribute this time. Now take your phone and shut him up.

I take hold of the smartphone, turning it off as the AI tried to stop me. "What are you talking about?"

"Why do you think I'm in this dirty physical form, standing in front of you?" She sighed, "We have to get as far in without being noticed, the further in the more guards, the better the surprise. You know where Rain is located, don't you?"

I took a breath, inhaling the air, catching a faint scent. The gloomy aura of rain roamed in the distance. "Yes, and what do you mean by contribute?"

"I'll fight by your side, this one and only time. It's exhausting so I can't promise stamina, but I sure as hell can ensure damage. Also, you'll be the main weapon for this operation, alive, but dead in another's eye. If we can get near Rain that means she'll join the fight, making it easier for me. The only problems are the general, Kindling, and the five others. Get as close to Rain as you can." She pushed me forward, "Go get your girlfriend Wolfy. She's waiting."

My nose tasted the air again, pinpointing the scent that hung in my nose. Closing my eyes I shifted to a sprint, at some point sirens sounded and footsteps followed. Lancet pushed me forward as I heard a gunshot. Clings and clanks followed the vast sounds of gunfire. Foot after foot I pushed, still putting trust in the girl who wielded a devastating sketched weapon.
The scent grew stronger and stronger as I followed it. As it strengthened I began to lose my ability to control my body. It began to move by itself, pulling me along. "R-Rysen! Stop running ahead!"

I grew irritated at the command and rushed onward, "Sh-Shackle..."

"Rysen! What are you doing you idiot." Lancet shouted in confusion.

"... My burdens into place." I finished, leashing Lancet to my hands, opening my eyes.

A parade of men had weapons, lining up for fire. The scythe formed in my hands, with no control over my body, I jumped into the air. I soared high above the men. One stood in the middle handling a sword. He motioned off the weapons and leaped after me. Mid air we collided. I thrashed the curved blade towards what seemed to be a rapier, a thrusting weapon. The man seemed to agilely rotate his body and let my slashing weapon slid past him. He counter with one thrust towards my shoulder. As it pierced my skin, I grab hold of the metal and howl into the sky. A rush of a overpowering aura filled my nose and a follow up of clouds overshadowed the vicinity, marking the ground as target. Rain began to pellet the concrete, dirt, and grass.
I held the weapon with raging eyes as the aura built up in my nose, the scent of water that falls from the sky.
We fell towards the ground landing, I looked into the eyes of the man in front of me. He glared back at me.
With a roar, I pulled his blade from my skin. He seemed unmoved by my actions and simply backed away, putting his weapon at his side. I turn back to the scent, lured by its smell that only grew. My body hunched over, forcing me to begin a transformation. Wolf overpowered the human in me, and my body gives to the beast. A howl emanates from my throat. To meet that call was a tackle.
My head turns to the cause. Snowy white fur and a slim structure. A comforting sensation calmed me, leaving the beast that went berserk in awe. I slowly turned to human once more and wrapped my arms around the white fox.
To meet my hug, the animal turned to a humane form. The girl planted two hands on my chest and pushed away, revealing a sad sight. Blank, gold eyes and a motionless expression, fox ears still and tail limp.
It was Rain, but she was different. The blank eyes stared into me, tugging at my heart. Oh no... I move a hand towards her, planting it on her cheek. Gently, I pushed against her. "Rain? Do you hear me?"
Unmoved, she quickly put a knife to my throat. A voice in the background called, "Kill him in my steed. Recode, five, one, two, six."

Rain's voice mimicked the numbers and motioned the knife closer to my neck. I immediately pull my hands up and grasp her's. "R-Rain?" The call I made was met with more force. She pushed, aiming to kill.

"Rain..." I couldn't move my eyes away from her's. The blank expression on a face that has made happy, sad, scared ones upset me. Gripping onto the hands of the girl with ears, I whispered, "You can't give up now..."

I pushed back at her. The knife that was mere millimeters from me distanced itself. "You're hold back." I said to the girl. A glossy fill replaced the blank eyes. A muffled choke sounded as she croaked out a whimper. Her frown turned to a slim smile.

"Recode, self destruct." The same voice called from above.

Rain' s face returned to the sad state of stillness. The now cloaked girl jumped away from my grip and raised her hands to the rising sun that hung behind her. The knife redirected at herself.

As the knife began to tumble towards the body of the girl I reach out and call in a swarming alert of worry, "Wait!"

The world flashes before me in a grey texture, leaving me blinded.


"You ever wondered why they call the Ginki guardians?" A soft voice asked.

"Yes actually, I've always wondered."

The Ginki are named guardians because of there senses towards trouble to their friends and family. They always react to situation that involve others. The only issue is that if the Ginki watch over everyone else... Who watches over the Ginki?"

"Maybe it's the ones who love the Ginki then?"

"Oh, so that means I should get your schedule and watch you in close detail."

"You have to stop joking like that."

"Who says it's a joke?"


The bleak grey that blinded my sight slowly decayed as I was brought back to my world. A burning pain filled my back, stoping my lungs from taking in air. Where am I... My mind becomes aware with this thought.
I was leaning against a body. The harsh coldness of their skin pierced mine, lessening the burn. Chilling winds followed. Snow had started to fall once more, replacing the waterfall in the clouded sun. My limp arms rise to wrap around the body in front of me, "You idiotic fox..." I whispered.

With the raise of my head I met sparkly eyes, cloaked in tears. "You stupid, stupid, stupid boy..." She whimpered.

A sigh signaled defeat in the background, "Get everyone back to their stations. She's a failure... We're getting close though. Thanks to the Core, we'll be able to continue its research."

Rain turns to meet that voice, "You're allowing us to leave, correct?"

"Yes, scram, you useless monster." It relied.

Rain's body twitches at the word monster, "Yes, sir..."

The girl helped me up to a stand, "Stand still, the poison is still entering you."

Something exited my flesh and then tossed to the side. Rain's hand motioned across my back, "I'm sorry..." A few seconds pass, "I'm so sorry I brought you into this world..."
As snow falls in front of me at a heavy pace, I think. Rain. The cowardly fox who hid behind me in the mounting fright of snowfall and falling water, is standing under it now and is unmoved. Is that good? Or bad?

"Rain! Leave the premises!" The shout sent shivers down my spine.

"Thank you, sir..." She replied.

She pushed me along as we walked. The cold hands still on my back, pecking at my skin. Her eyes pierced my head, her probable gaze of pain. I wanted to turn, I wanted to return her gaze, but the sudden tremble in her body that emitted once we exited the facility warned me off. So instead I start conversation, "Are you ok?"

"You idiot!" She yelled, "Why?! Why did you come here!?" I could hear the anger and worry in her words, "How are you even alive!? I watc- I saw you die! I saw you're lifeless body!" She clung to the black fabric, "You reckless idiot. If you lived, why did you come back..." The whisper at my back, the soft, gentle tone of true worry, it tugged at my heart.

"I came to help you. I came to help your escape. My partner was in danger, so why wouldn't I come." I turn to meet a tear filled face, "I came because I promised to protect you."

She grabbed my shoulders and looked up, the slight angle that showed the girl she was a tad shorter. "We're not partners anymore." Removing one hand from my shoulder, she then put it gently around her throat. "The contract was broken... We are not partners by contract." Her words were lonesome. "We aren't bonded by emotion anymore."

"My friend was in danger, that's what it is then. If you aren't my partner, then you're my friend. If you aren't my friend, then you're the first spirit I talked with." I pat her head. "You're a good person in my eyes, someone I'd be glad to fight for. Just because we aren't bonded doesn't mean I'll stop caring for you."

She softly stared. Looking deep into me, "Why do you care for me? We have only known each other for a few days, so why?" Rain question further, "I attempted to kill you, I brought you into a hellish world of live or die, I hid behind you like you were a shield so why? Why do you care for a monster like me?" She lowered her eyes in shame, looking at her feet.

"You aren't a monster. You have a heart and mind, one that can feel scared, sad, angry, worried, happy, puzzled. You can feel emotion just like any other humane person. You are affected by them." The black fabric begins to manipulate itself. From behind it grows in length, reaching over Rain forming a umbrella of sorts, protecting her from the white flakes.

Minutes passed, we stood there, face to face, staring deeply into each other, trying to understand each other in that moment. Her trying to find the answer as to why I care and me, trying to understand why she thinks she's a monster."Let's go home." I state.

"Home..." She mumbled to herself, as a smile crossed her face, "Sure, and thank you." Her hand grabbed onto the black cloth above her.

"Your welcome, Rain."

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