The Templar Informant

By Seza94

7.7K 304 54

She should have realised it was inevitable one of the two orders would discover her snooping, she just wished... More

Prologue: Inevitability
Chapter 1: And the Day Inevitable Happened
Chapter 2: Of Voyages and First Encounters
Chapter 3: The Unexpected Can Happen
Chapter 4: Twice the Gain to Twice the Loss
Chapter 5: Success and Suspicious Ways
Chapter 6: Traitor of Two Kinds
Chapter 7: The Fall
Chapter 8: Over

Epilogue: Unseeing Visitor

488 31 12
By Seza94

Early February, 1783

I am not entirely sure how we ended up in this position; we very much intended to retire from the never ending conflict between Templars and Assassins, but somehow, we were still involved despite how we were no longer part of the fight. As it was, Connor's Assassin recruits in Boston and New York knew how to fight, but they did not know what it was to be an Assassin. With the fight between the Orders very much done in the Colonies; Connor felt it time that his recruits were given the full training to become full Assassins. In order for this to be done, they needed more than one teacher. This was how we still became involved.

Although Connor oversaw the majority of their physical training, both Haytham and Shay had input; Connor was younger and physically able, but there is nothing that can contest the experience of seasoned fighters. Connor did the demonstrations and the mock fights; the elder men gave the wisdom and the advice. Besides this; Shay was in charge of teaching the recruits about sea-faring. He had been the Captain of the Morrigan for many years and he knew the ups and downs. It was only right that he be the one to teach them, even if their Mentor was a Captain himself. Haytham, being the most educated member, was in charge of the most basic of educations; Mathematics, English for those who needed it, and other such subjects.

What did I do? I was the History teacher. I do not mean the history of the world; no, I mean the history of the Templars and Assassins. Having spent so many years researching about the two Orders, I knew almost as much as any member of either Order. Not to mention, I remain neutral to this day; I can see both Orders from a distance. History fell to me because I was not biased, and not to mention, I did not know how to fight. Shay fell right back into the routine of being a member of the Assassin Order, even if we were not actually Assassins by title. Haytham, however, struggled, he had had basic Assassin training as a child, seeing as his father was an Assassin, but his beliefs were rooted so strongly with the Templars; that he still felt odd training Assassins.

The easiest way to convince him was by simply saying this; we are not and will never be Assassins, we are trainers and tutors, nothing more. We just hold the respect any high ranking Assassin would receive; we may not be Assassins, however, we were like the village elders, not there for the conflict, but deserving of respect none-the-less. This appeased Haytham very much. As it was, our age and knowledge meant that we had become somewhat like Connor's advisors; he was still young and always took any advice we gave to heart. Now was one such occasion that we found ourselves counselling the boy. "Are you sure it wise Connor? The recent conflict here has only just ended."

My words were true, it had only been months since he had killed Charles; his current ideas were too early. "That may be so, but if we spread the Order across the Colonies; it makes us stronger and less vulnerable for another Templar take over."

We knew why he wanted to do this, but we knew the consequences if he spread himself too thin. Haytham was the next to share his thoughts, "What happens when the Brotherhood is too large for you to manage? The Colonies are large, too large for a Brotherhood with one Mentor to grow. If the Assassins were to spread to cross the entire country, it would need two equal Mentors; one to watch over the affairs to the West and one for the East. Otherwise, being so spread out will make the Brotherhood vulnerable in your endeavour to make it not."

Connor could not deny the truth in his father's words, and hence, we were sitting in a silence, one that was interrupted by someone knocking at the door. "I will get it," and so I make my way to the door.

When I open the door, I can honestly say I am gobsmacked, although it is most obviously an Assassin at the door, she is not anyone I recognise. "May I help you lass?"

She cocks her head to the side slightly, my guess, getting used to my accent, "Oh, my apologies, my name is Mirela, I am an Assassin from England."

England, with the way she talks and her accent, I can tell. "That is quite a long journey to come all this way. What in god's name brought you here?"

She seems to hesitate before saying anything further, "Is the Mentor here?"

Okay, she does not fully trust me, understandable, "Aye, he is dear, if you come through here you can talk to him; we were just finishing a bit of a meeting."

"Thank you kindly," what a polite young girl, I lead her towards the dining room.

"Connor, you have a visitor, a sister from England," I could see that this peaked their interest, Haytham's especially.

"I see, it is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Connor," he pauses, "What can we help you with?"

"Ah yes, my name is Mirela and I came all this way with some dire news," she honestly looked worried to continue her words. "I had overheard a conversation between the current Templar Grand Master of the British Rite and a few of his higher ranking Templars; I am afraid that with the fall of the Colonial Rite, he plans on sending over far more Templars to the Colonies in order to stamp out the still recovering Colonial Assassin Brotherhood."

Well that is very bad news, Haytham seemed to have other things on his mind, "How can you be sure he will follow through with this, and he was not just saying those things because he knew you were eavesdropping."

I could tell the accusation made her slightly angry, "Because," and she hesitates with her next words, "because my father is a terrible man and I feel him fully capable of doing such a thing."

We had to pause and process the information, let me get his right; her father is the Grand Master? Well that sounded awfully familiar and my eyes unconsciously make their way to the two Kenways who both seemed to have the same thoughts as myself from the looks on their faces.

"Look I realise that saying that makes me more suspicious, my father being a Templar and all, but you need to trust me," oh she had no idea.

"Trust me lass, we are not unfamiliar with Templar Grand Masters producing Assassin offspring," and the way Shay had said those words had him receive two death glares from the said Grand Master and Assassin offspring.

She looked more shocked than anything; she clearly did not know much about her Colonial brothers. "You know what would make us trust you more? If you removed your hood."

Haytham's words made me realise that she did in fact, still have her hood up despite being in friendly territory. She hesitates slightly, before finally pulling her hood back; she has her eyes closed as she does this. I admired her beautiful features, features I wished I still had at my age; but when she opens her eyes again, we all breathe in quickly.

The girl is blind.

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