The Devil's Daughter

Autorstwa AliceW12346

234K 9K 1.1K

Highest Rank: #7 in Mystery/Thriller cover by @TheMizer Faith is perfect in the sense that her appearance is... Więcej

►chapter two ♣ owt retpahc◄
►chapter three ♣ eerht retpahc◄
►chapter four ♣ ruof retpahc◄
►chapter five ♣ evif retpahc◄
►chapter six ♣ xis retpahc◄
►chapter seven ♣ neves retpahc◄
►chapter eight ♣ thgie retpahc◄
►chapter nine ♣ enin retpahc◄
►chapter ten ♣ net retpahc◄
►chapter eleven ♣ nevelen retpahc◄
►chapter twelve ♣ evlewt retpahc◄
►chapter thirteen ♣ neetriht retpahc◄
►chapter fourteen♣ neetruof retpahc◄
►chapter fiveteen♣ neetevif retpahc◄
►chapter sixteen♣ neetxis retpahc◄
►chapter seventeen ♣ neetneves retpahc◄
►chapter eighteen ♣ neethgie retpahc◄
►chapter nineteen ♣ neetenin retpahc◄
►chapter twenty ♣ ytnewt retpahc◄
So Sorry
►chapter twentyone ♣ enoytnewt retpahc◄
►chapter twentytwo ♣ owtytnewt retpahc◄
►chapter twentythree ♣ eerhtytnewt retpahc◄
Untitled Part 27

►chapter one ♣ eno retpahc◄

21.3K 564 66
Autorstwa AliceW12346

The light of the sun beamed down on her as it peered from behind the clouds. It's rays of heat stung her skin as she gazed out at the ocean. The reflection of the summer light blinded her but she didn't mind.

Seagulls flew over her head, gliding in the ocean breeze. Palm trees grew along the edges of the  road as it met the beach. Cars zoomed past her, faster than anything she's ever seen. The honking of traffic startled her as she watched the light turned red.

She looked back at the ocean, widening her eyes when she saw the fins of dolphins swimming in the distance. Farther than the dolphins she saw a boat floating on the surface of the water. Fisherman threw nets of the sides, casting them into the world below.

The sand felt hot between her toes as she wiggled them. The grains felt rough as they moved against her skin, sinking her feet under. In the water along the shore, she saw a crab. It walked side to side, snapping its claws over and over again. The clicking noise being drowned out by the waves crashing over one another.

She took a step to the right and started walking. In the distance she saw a  dock. It's large wood pillar's held it up, creating somewhat of a cave beneath it.  She walked towards it, seeing a small figure growing larger with each step she took. The dock easily towered over her with a good 3 meters. It's pillars were covered with barnacles and starfish and seaweed.

She walked around it and down the docks, finally seeing the figure was a large man.

He had broad shoulders wish slicked blonde hair. Blood trailed down his arms and legs, as if he were cut along his torso. His clothes were ripped and his skin was bruised, as if he had escaped an explosion.

The wood floorboard creaked beneath her feet and he quickly spun around, confirming her suspicions as he watched her with wide blue eyes. His stomach was slashed, as she suspected. His clothes hung to him in tattered cloth, exposing his burnt body. Scars ran across his face, covering almost every inch except his gazing eyes. She followed his bruised and shattered body down to his ankle, where a concrete slab was tied.

She stopped as he analyzed her. A young girl wearing a yellow sun dress. Long, brown, curly hair flowing behind her, moulding her face. A sun hat sat on her head, protecting her from the heat of the sun. She was barefoot. Her feet the only indicator of being on the beach below.

"What are you doing?" She asked sweetly with her hands behind her back.

"Nothing, go back to mommy." The man's gruff voice betrayed him as he revealed the pain he tried to hide from the girl's innocence.

"I don't have a mommy." She said casually.


"Daddy isn't here right now."

"Whatever just go away."

"Why?" She took a step closer, making him step back and putting his hand up.

"Because I'm going to do something and I don't want you to see." He closed his eyes with a pained expression on his face.

"Are you going to jump?" Curiosity shined in her red eyes as she took another step forward.

"Um... No." He eyed her cautiously, scared of causing the girl mental harm.

"Why not?" She asked sweetly.

"Um, because I don't want to." He said picking up the slab.

"You should jump." Her hands laid at her sides now.

"But I'd drown."

"So?" Her eyes were blazing now, so fiercely the man had to blink from its brightness. The sweet voice she held just a minute ago was now hard and strong, influential.

"But I don't want to drown." He looked back at the shimmering water and then at the heavy cement slab, rethinking his initial decision.

"You don't have anything to live for." The little girl said taking another step forward. She was now a few steps away from him. 3 more steps and she'd reach him.

"Do you want me to die?" The man asked with fear and shock on his face. It seemed like such a pitiful emotion coming from a man covered in bruises and scratches, looking so powerful.

"Yes. And you should. Your mother is dead. Your wife left you after your child died to cancer, the rest of your family hates you." The girl took another step towards the fearful man.

"How do you know all this?" His voice shook as he took in the little girl's angry, powerful eyes as she ignored his question.

"Do you want to be the cause of everyone's pain?" She asked him with her final step and he was at the edge of the dock.

The man turned around to look at the ocean, the sun was now setting leaving an explosion of red, orange, and yellow colors to light up the sky. He stared in awe at the beauty in front of him before determination crossed his face and he took a step back, into the little girl's outstretched hand.

"You should die here, before you get anyone else killed. It's your fault your mother is dead. It's your fault your wife left you." With each statement he shook his head with a no, denying her words with his eyes closed shut, desperately trying to block her out. But then, the girl whispered her last sentence: "It's your fault your child is dead." Seeming to snap the man out of his denial, his eyes shot open. He looked out at the ocean, gripping the slab in his arms before taking a step off the docks.

The man's shadow was lost as he sunk to the bottom. Bubbles of air reached the surface of the water. The little girl sat on the edge of the dock, swinging her feet back and forth and singing a song under her breath as she watched the bubbles finally stop.

Seconds later she felt a presence behind her. She turned to find her father standing behind her with a smile on his face. She hadn't seen her father in days and she took the time to analyze him.

His skin was pale white with red vibrant eyes. He wore a tailored suit, making him appear strong and intimidating. His pitch black hair was slicked back perfectly. He'd have looked like an ordinary businessman, if not for the horns sticking out of his head, curling back.

"Very good my little demon." He praised her. Her eyes shone bright as a smile beamed on her face.

"Thank you father." She stood up off the docks.

"You did well for your first kill. In time, you will influence those with the holiest of spirits. Let's go back down."

    With a snap of his fingers they were back home.

    Back in Hell.

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