Locked away. ( #justwriteit #...

By Jardougall_Baby

60 0 0

I was pulled into darkness and I can't see anything. Taken away from home. Away from the people who took ca... More

Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four

Chapter one

14 0 0
By Jardougall_Baby

The lights die for us to see darkness,
Darkness that we all fear.
But do not worry,
Because i will be right here. 
                                      -Andrea Alcantara(me)

I walked around the "palace" with Adam leading. Alice was still sad and currently in her room. If she was really my sister, I would like to apologize. I would like to get to know her. She seems like a intelligent young girl. I hope she will understand how i feel.

"Umm Adam can i see Alice my.. Uh-Sister?" I hesitated. He gave me a warm reassuring smile and told me it was no problem. We walked down the halls and was lead up to a marvelously made double doors with a silver plate that has Alice engraved on it in cursive letters. Wow.

There were two women there guarding the door. The gave me and Adam a bow and salute before opening the doors. I was astonished by the perfection that this room.

Creme pink walls with fresh roses coming in from outside her window. A four post bed with the same colored sheets. Red and pastel pink pillows crowned her bed along with the Canopies.

A light pink couch with white pillows, a grand piano along side with a violin and clarinet.

A light pink rose chandelier hung beautifully in the middle of the room. Her vanity is white and filled with pink makeup brushed and makeup. "How old is Alice?" I asked Adam in a whispering manner. "Fifteen." He said back. I did an ohh. Alice came out of another door placed on the side of the room. "I shall leave you two to "patch things up."" Adam said with air quotes.

"Hey." She said offering me a smile. She was holding something back by the look in her eye. "Hey what's wrong?"I asked. Her facial expressions changed to a sad one. "Can i hug you?" She asked. She looked like she could break any moment.

"Of course you don't have to ask. I am your sister anyways." I smiled. She perked up and sped to me. She jumped up and tackled me in a big hug. Damn this girl is strong.

"Oh my gosh that felt complete." She smiled. "Im sorry, i lack of parental affection. They died a long time ago and left me. I thought you were dead but last week we found your heat signature at another planet." She said. Giving me one last squeeze.

"Can you please explain how life works here in Xine?" I asked. "Oh sire. Have a seat. Life works here the same way life work in earth But we live a hundred more years than humans.

We speak English. Trust me. But we can learn any language there is in the universe. We have school. Advance maths, english, Xine history, Physical Training and so on.
Dating is also available. We have the same emotions as humans, but we do not greed.

We love helping, we love nature, yeah. We still do have the stereotype, just like on earth." She said.

"But you are not just a xian, you are Empress, or as we call it. Princess. You are leader of the planet." She added. I did a double take here. "How, I barely know anything about this planet and im practically raised human." I waved.

"Yes we know. But you will learn to live the life we have. Plus you can have anything you want, when you want it. But you still have to go to College. I took your grades and papers back at earth and sent them to a university here. You are taking up law right? Perfect for a princess. " she mumbled

"Oh okay. Is there a mall here?" I asked getting a bit girly. Just looking at her room got me all girly. "YES!" She squealed. She took my hand and and went down. "Wait is my name still Miranda?" I asked.

"Yes. You are called Princess Miranda of Xine." I smiled. It was catchy. "What yours?" I followed up. "It's Alice Marie of Xine. I will get the princess title as soon as you get married. Then you will be called Queen." She said in a dreamy manner.

Wow m. Thats a lot to take in. What about earth. My other planet. It still fills a portion of my non human heart. I'll miss the music, the traffic, the noises, the political conflicts. It may not be as perfect as Xine but it was still pretty perfect to me.

"Plus we took you as soon as we found you. There is an upcoming plague in new York in the next six months i would never forgive myself if you die." She said sadly. "What plague?! My Human parents are there, so is my human sister!" I panicked. "Don't worry Miranda, they will not die. We have Xians there in human form. They are forever protected." She assured.

I gave out a sigh of relief. "We are here!" She squealed as she hopped off of the car. She had a cocktail gown on with pink flats and a small tiara. She looked like a true princess. I was still dressed in my maroon skinny jeans, a white American Eagle shirt and maroon Vans. I look like a damn commoner than a princess.

She pulled me in the mall and started shopping. A black an white themed store caught my eye. It's like a replica of sephora. We went inside and bought a LOT of makeup.

She dragged me in a shop filled with gowns, dresses, heels, clutches, accessories and all those. She literally threw me a dozen gowns and filled a shopping bag full of heels. "How did you know my size." I asked. "Sisterly instinct. Plus it used to be our mothers size, I checked out her closet before." She said while she kept throwing glitz and glamour in my hand. I dropped the heavy ball of gowns i had in my hand on the counter as she still threw more and more on.

Wow this girl is exited. We left the shop as soon as all the gowns were de tagged and in a box each. The servants who i did not know were here, got the clothes in the car.

"I'm hungry. Let's go to Dara's." She gushed. "Who is Dara?" I asked. " oh it's a Diner down the road. It's pretty simple but I like eating there. They have good Ribs." I perked up an rushed into the car.

We drove in silence. The car parked in front of a small traditional Diner. "Wow it looks like the ones in New York." I said.

We were seated immediately since everyone know who Alice is. We ordered Ribs, something similar to chicken wings, some country grown veggies and a blawberry sundae. A blawberry is a hybrid of strawberries blackberries and blueberries. Yum.

*Cant count the years in one hand,  that we've been together. I need the other one to hold you make you feel make you feel better.*

My body stiffed in shock. "Is that paramore. HUMAN music." I asked. "Yes, we are trying to adapt to Earths culture and music. Even food and fashion." She informed me.

"But we do have local bands and artists here in Xine. They are really good too." She added.

I smiled. " you have school tomorrow right?"

"Yes, i will leave you with Adam momentarily." -But when i come back home, you are to be dolled up an pretty. I called the press, media everything for you to introduce yourself as the long lost Princess. And do not be nervous, you are much awaited and already adored by the World. Our world i mean." She babbled.

" that is pretty much okay. But may i ask who is Adam?" I asked. "He is our cousin and Family friend. The only family i know." She said. " the war against the Scalexts wiped out most of the Royal family. But we're still alive." She answered, reminiscing  the tragic war that happened in our world.  

"Oh okay."


We are now back home and Alice showed me to my room. It was larger than hers and had not just double doors- it had FOUR doors. It was painted a Teal blue along with navy blue, pastel pink and pastel purple.

I cannot even describe how much furniture it had inside. It's like they hired a thousand interior designers to design this. All in all it was very impressive and very pleasing.

My eyes caught a white rectangle on my vanity. NO FRAKING WAY. AN APPLE MAC BOOK.  But how. Its still the same. It looked like the normal macbook.

Dont tell me it has a chip on it to make it work on a different planet. You know, like the one Doctor Who placed in Rose's Phone. Speaking of Doctor who.

I went ahead and searched it on chrome. YES I FOUND IT. I'm going to binge watch this all night.

I am starting to love this planet.





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